Thursday 2 November 2023


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Jacinda, you did it. Your hellish Abortion Law Act of 2020 killed 1000 more babies last year than the year before. Including, of course, babies with disabilities. You know, like those Down Syndrome babies who are best done away with.

There might be massive job losses at Fletcher Building, the Warehouse and NZ Post, but hey, cheer up people - thanks to Ardern&Little, Babyslayers to the Nation Inc, the gruesome abortion biz is flourishing. In 2022 the 'abortion workforce' DOUBLED, and it's likely that the amount of taxpayers' dollars paid the merchants of death did likewise. But unlike so many departments of the Labour Government, the babykillers improved their performance. 

Last year they managed to kill 14,164 unborn babies, the highest tally since 2012. Every single day last year, 39 unborn New Zealand citizens perished in their mother's womb.

But who cares? Do Catholics care, for example? Catholics, who ought to know better than Protestants, Hindus, Muslims or anyone else God's commandment not to kill, and the consequences for those unfortunate women (and girls, teenagers) who kill their children and don't come to regret it, and repent? 

Pride is the root of the capital sin of spiritual sloth which propels 'good Catholics' straight on ahead past the pitiful handful of those who stand in prayer outside the abortuaries while these crimes are committed inside. Oh, the good Catholics will toot their horn or even wave in encouragement, but do they ever pull over, get out from behind the wheel and join the vigil for the unborn? Never.

A parish priest recently refused to place an advertisement asking for more volunteers for vigils outside a certain hospital. Such pleas for help for threatened babies and their mothers are "too divisive". Yep yep, that's what he said. 

If you live according to the flesh, you shall die: but if by the Spirit you mortify the deeds of the flesh, you shall live” (Rom. 8:13. Cf. Col. 3:5)). But mortification - prayer, fasting and sacrifice - is no longer preached in Catholic churches in New Zealand. The preaching of the Gospel in their dioceses is ultimately the responsibility of the bishops. NZ's bishops' long neglect of God's word in all its less pleasant aspects - the Four Last Things for example (Death, Judgment, Hell and Heaven) is a driver for these ghastly statistics, and it dates, curiously enough, from the cessation of the traditional Latin Mass. Latin Massgoers are familiar with texts and sermons which discourage them from the use of contraceptives, for example. They are largely kept safe from the pernicious consequence of contraceptive use which is resort to abortion.

These damning statistics were published today in the annual abortion report.

If 'good Catholics' and their bishops wish for the inestimable privilege of one day joining the suffering souls in Purgatory, for whom we pray today that they be "loosed from their sins", mortification of the flesh would seem to be in order. 

18th century image of the Souls in Purgatory 

It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins.(2 Mach 12:46)

The annual abortion report has just been published and tragically it shows that there were 14,164 unborn children aborted in NZ last year - this is a major increase of almost 1000 abortions (approx. 7%) from the previous year, meaning that approx. 39 children were aborted every single day last year in our country.
The report shows that there were 193 abortions for every 1000 known pregnancies - meaning almost 20% of pregnancies ended in abortion last year - up from 183 abortions per 1000 known pregnancies the year before. It has not been this high since 2012.
The report also reveals that the “abortion workforce” doubled in 2022 - going from 162 to 348 last year. This represents a massive increase in taxpayer healthcare funding being used for the purposes of aborting our country’s unborn children.
This is a truly alarming and horrific outcome for our nation, and it is a direct result of the extreme abortion law passed by Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Government in 2020. Not only does this represent abortion deaths on a scale not seen in our nation for over ten years, but it is also the result of a system that has abandoned humanitarian and caring solutions for women and families facing pregnancy-related challenges in favour of the violence of abortion.


  1. But if you had life threatening cancer and just under 3 months pregnant who would you save your unborn Fetus, or yourself

    1. Lois, you well know that this is not the scenario that the blog is condemning. You are just trying to muddy the water.

  2. Alex Szalontay Wales2 November 2023 at 20:48

    This thing is an evil c**t! If it thinks it is getting away with murder, it is very wrong, judgement is coming...


  3. Laura McAleer
    This boils my blood. My daughter was born with brittle bones disease and pushed to abort my disabled baby at 20-week scan. They told me she have no quality of life be in a wheelchair and are you sure she's wanted? Age 8 in gymnastics, running, most joyful child and a walking middle finger to people like this woman above.

  4. Nothing to do with you is it.

    1. "Nothing further is necessary to the triumph of evil but the silence of good men" (and women) - Edmund Burke.

  5. As usual a load of disgusting rubbish rhetoric

  6. It's disgusting rubbish but unfortunately for the unborn, it's not rhetoric but fact.

  7. Freedom of choice thanks.. My body my choice my voice 💯%

    1. It's not your body, Lyn. It's a child's body, your child's body.

  8. As an ignorant male, what happens to the aborted baby ?
    In this day and age of selling body parts, stem cells, pharmaceuticals, etc, does the family get the body unmolested, or is it kept for parting out ?

    1. Who knows if Te Whatu Ora is in on the foetal body parts industry? I don't. Does anyone? We need to know.

  9. Oh my God. Her daughter is going to grow up knowing her mother made it possible to murder innocent babies.

  10. The disability has to be catastrophic and only the parents get to decide what is best for them and their baby. heres something for you to think on regarding late term abortions...💜My daughters fetus had ZERO chance of surviving to take her first breath. She chose to allow bubs to pass comfortably in the warmth of her womb, rather than go thru a birth that would cause pain to bub, at 39wks. Do you think she just woke up one day and decided 'oh i dont want this baby anymore'. If you believe the absolute propoganda regarding late term abortion then you are brainwashed and extremly gullible. RIP Baby Lilian.

    1. I've had my own experience at 23 weeks, borderline back in the late 80's of being illegal to abort (hard term to say) after 24 weeks. My baby had not developed from the brainstem which remained open i.e. no brain grew, and was told would not survive after birth (called anencyphaly). Opposite to spina bifida. I had the choice to "terminate" then or carry and give birth... An incredibly painful time. To this day it brings up pain so is not a light thoughtless process.

    2. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your granddaughter. No mother wants to abort their child.. I'm very aware of the emotional distress caused to mothers who decide to end their child's life, at the time and even many years later.
      I believed NZ's late Professor Sir William Liley, internationally acclaimed as "Father of Foetology" who stated that there is no medical condition which necessitates abortion. and I know of many babies who were given zero chance of survival but are alive and well today. That will sound insensitive and I empathise with you and your daughter, but the facts must be stated so that babies will be allowed to live..

    3. I'm so so sorry you didn't get to meet your grandchild even just for an hour or two. May God give you and your family His peace and may He hold that little one in His merciful heart. God made your grandchild for His heart. I know what it is like to be told by doctors that your baby has a zero chance at survival. We could not have gone ahead with an abortion. But one thing I do know and that is God alone can heal wounds and ease the pain of every awful situation. I pray you and your daughter will find healing and peace.
      May God bless you with every grace you need.

    4. Did you mean no mother wants to abort HER child, Julia ?

    5. No I should have said "God's child".

  11. Di Scurr, I agree: the overwhelming majority of abortions are not "light and thoughtless". It can be terribly distressing and an emotionally and mentall burden some women carry for life. That's one of the rmajor easons for my opposition to abortion.

  12. Delz Bromley
    I was called a liar for saying this when the bill was beought in, lost a lousy quality friend I guess.

    1. Thank you for stating the truth. Such friends are better lost.

  13. What would you suggest could help these women in positions of possible vulnerability? I will always remember a phone call I made to an abortion help line and all I got was attempts to convert me to Christianity. Didn't help me at all. False advertising.

    1. I'm sorry you had that experience added to your trauma. My best advice would be to call Family LIfe International who are based in Auckland. They offer practical, mental and emotional help to the extent of giving pregnant women a temporary home to live in. Phone: 0800 367 5433 or 027 448 80 70 (throughout New Zealand)

  14. Nazis would love her. Klaus Schwab will give her a bonus

  15. God have mercy on you JABCINDA.

  16. What about the saga in Christchurch? The shooting was that setup to steal our guns?

  17. ….The most dangerous place in the world for the unborn, innocent child is in the mother’s womb, not just in nations where war is raging.
    Humanity has sunk to the lowest of lows.



  19. Ivan Tchernegovski3 November 2023 at 14:36

    Well others have different opinions and beliefs and values than you and have a choice to have one or abort it .This is not Stalins Soviet Union where you don't have a choice about anything .Freedom to choose no matter how much you say or your values it's up to the individual to choose for them selves as who am I or you to judge or force our values on others .

    1. The value of life as sacred is innate in every human heart. Everyone knows in their heart that to kill is the crime of murder. Abortion is evil. And as Edmund Burke stated, "Nothing further is necessary to the triumph of evil than the silence of good men" (and women).

    2. agree so deleted her, we have enough to talk about with out being nasty about some women who do have hearts but cancer they can’t control and only option is to abort to save their own lives.

    3. to live under that rule must have been so horrible. But there’s always going to be a trouble maker on what ever you say, I like to see what she would do if she was pregnant and had life threatening cancer or a disease and having chemo

  20. well so you would be killing an unborn fetus getting radium or chemo, she had no choice it was her life or both. It took both. Also A child 9 1/2 raped by a man she fell pregnant, yes pregnant, a child getting pregnant held down and raped, you need to be put in both positions and see how you would cope. No it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, having an abortion, but really it’s not to different to a curette, lots of women have those, babies conceived in fallopian tubes, can’t survive, the woman has pain like you would never know. So stop condemning women, some times it’s the only way.

  21. killing unborn citizens they are foetuses, not citizens what drugs are you taking

  22. This is sad.

    1. too many hours spent on the internet instead of smelling the flowers she needs to go visit sick women with cancer who had no choice but to abort their lives or a Fetus in the womb being burnt by radium

    2. As ALRANZ women love to chant, "My choice!" There is always a choice. Sometimes forced on the mother, by her 'partner' or her mother even, but nonetheless a choice is made. I pray daily for one particular woman whom I've never met, who is very sick with cancer. My prayers are of far more use to her than a visit.

  23. she has to meet her maker yet so will see how that goes for her... she will not be able to lie her way out of that, cause he knows what sits in our hearts more than we....the most disgraceful government to the history of this beautiful country we call NEW ZEALAND.....

  24. It's disgraceful she's disgraceful my brother was disabled he lived till his mid 50s. He had a wonderful life full of happiness and love from his family I guess he was lucky he was born when that monster wasn't around

  25. Action t4 program eugenics the nazis had one too at auchwitz


  26. It's a bloody shame that she wasn't aborted.

    1. Of course I can't agree, because that would have been murder. But I post your comment in the hope that readers who support infanticide for their own children and others' will realise that act means the loss to humanity of God's gift of good, wise, maybe brilliant human beings, as well as evil persons like Ardern.

  27. Satan's masterpiece!

  28. No use directing any criticism to Cindy she is an evil and heartless BIT*H and would not any cause her a ripple of concern. She got what she wanted, screwed the Country and got a cushy job with the Royal Family firm, she also reaped in some bennies from Pfizer, Gates, and all the rest of the cabal.


  29. She did nothing she has no power shes just a puppet doing what shes told shes there for us to blame and divert attention from the real tyrants

  30. Correspondence on this post is now closed. Too many comments to publish.
