Monday 14 March 2022



Marsh and Warne

 "Sad to hear the news that Rod Marsh has passed,"  Aussie spin legend Shane Warne tweeted on March 4 - just thirteen hours before Warne passed, too. 

Both fit, strong men.  Died the same day. Both triple-v*xxed. Both boostered just two days before they died. Anyone smell a rat? A rat showing its evil snout all over the world as v*xxed men and women drop dead?

Nup. The MSM are pretending not to notice and neither, apparently, has the Dunedin judge who's ordered an 11 year-old boy to have the v*x against his wishes.

Propaganda for children

We remember that in September 2020 Prime Sinister Minister Ardern infamously stated that no New Zealander would be forced to have a vaccination.

But Judge Dominic Flatley ordered the boy to be vaccinated against Covid-19 after his parents disagreed over whether he should get the jab.

The ruling goes against the boy's wishes. He'd told Judge Dominic Flatley that he'd rather wait till he was 12 or 13.  The ruling also goes against the wishes of his father. One can only suppose that his mother is a very strong-minded woman and hope and pray her strong-mindedness stands her in good stead in the event of an adverse event. 

The boy had told Flatley he'd like to wait until he was 13. But, Flatley says, "he was not able to tell me why."

"He talked about being able to get some more information maybe by way of looking online and talking to other people who had had the vaccination. He referred to this as research."

"I am not wishing to be critical of [him] in any way, but that does not amount to proper research and would not provide him with information that he could rely on in order to make the most informed decision in his best interests." Flatley said the boy clearly didn't oppose vaccination, and "that's the bottom line."

This boy sounds intelligent enough to want to do what any reasonable adult would: the research - not on a genuine vaccine, but on an insufficiently tested experimental gene serum, authorised for emergency use only.

Judge Dominic Flatley - who once jailed a guy for showing up drunk in court

And it sounds very much as if this 11 year-old boy's research was vastly superior to Judge Flatley's. It sounds as if he might have come across people who'd suffered from any one of the adverse reactions to the v*x which have been admitted by the makers of same v*x -  Pfizer, the most criminal corporate in history. 

It's a great shame that Flatley didn't undertake any research himself - for example the US FDA's Pfizer data dumps and their 9 pages of serious adverse events  - but gullibly fell for the Government and the captured WHO's narratives (which are one and the same). There are no assurances, and nor can there be any assurances, that the vaccine is "safe and effective' against Omicron, as claimed.

In the court case for the Police and NZDF, Justice Cooke stated he'd been told by public health experts that there was no evidence to support vaccine mandates. Why was Flatley - by comparison merely a judge - not guided by Justice Cooke's ruling against mandates? Does he not know about it, perhaps?

Flatley said he was "heavily advised" by the Government and the World Health Organization. That says it all. Pfizer's Bill and Melinda Gates gave $500m to the WHO - is that not ever so slightly conflict of interest? He quotes no "science" but relies on the WHO and the NZ Government whose deal with Pfizer is kept secret. 

Judge Flatley is a Catholic - at least, he was christened Dominic, and attended St Peter's College, Gore. Is he yet another example of the Novus Ordo effect of anaesthetising Catholics, of depriving them of Scriptural texts which teach that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom - a virtue which in this instance at least, Flatley is conspicuously lacking?

Has Flatley any children himself? Is he not aware of the changes that take place at puberty, and how a kid's opinions change from one day or one bestie to the next? 

It's been suggested that Flatley can circumvent NZ's Bill of Rights in this manner because  children, by registration at birth, are all wards of the state. If that's correct, we have even more reason to be alarmed about their future under a totalitarian regime.

Anything to get us vaxxed

Back in December in Whakatane, Judge Stephen Coyle ruled against a mother's wishes for custody and the vax for her child when the father was opposed.

The boy's mother also sought an order from the court that the parents were not to discuss anti-vaccination views around him, and any information about vaccination be provided to him from a medically-approved source.

According to Judge Coyle's recently released judgment, Toni Brown, the lawyer acting for the child's mother, submitted the boy would be "psychologically unsafe because he is being exposed to an anti-vaccination worldview" in his father's care.Speaking to Judge Coyle in chambers, the boy said he was unwilling to get vaccinated based on the information in front of him.

His reasons included not knowing what was in the vaccine and that he was told by another adult at his father's home that the vaccine had been tested on aborted foetuses - a claim debunked by the Ministry of Health.

If taken to a vaccination clinic, the boy said he would advise any vaccinator he was not willing to receive the jab, meaning the vaccinator wouldn't legally be able to administer the vaccine, in line with Ministry of Health policy.

Let's hear it for this kid! Attaboy! 

Judge Frances Eivers - a wāhine Māori 

The question has been asked, in regard to the 11 year-old and Judge Dominic Flatley is, how can any judge who examines the evidence, and the facts of the case, force an FDA non-approved product on an innocent child who doesn't want it? And where are Human Rights Commssioner, Meng Foon (sigh) and Children's Commissioner Judge Frances Eivers, who "wants Aotearoa New Zealand to be a place where all children are treasured", and who is sure to be better at the job than her predecessor Andrew Becroft (huge sigh)?

There's a large number of Freemasons in the criminal justice system. Do we see the dead hand of Freemasonry in this instance?

Will Judge Dominic Flatley - together with so many others being named and arraigned at Nuremberg II - eventually be judged himself as an accessory after the fact of murder?


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  1. Appeal the decision, a child that has said no, cannot be forced by a judge to get the vaccination otherwise the judge is breaking NZ Bill of rights act is not working in the best interest of the child but in the interests of govt mandate, that is forcing child vaccinations

  2. This judge has committed a crime against humanity and must be held accountable. Not one person in NZ has given informed consent even though they have signed a form indicating they have. Propaganda is not true information and Emergency Use Authorisation is not legal when there are proved alternative treatments. There will be consequences as at Nuremberg. A judge should know better.
