Tuesday 15 March 2022


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Wellington secondary schoolkids protest against 'rape culture' 

 Dr Katie Fitzpatrick -  spearheaded this policy 

 The Ministry of Education’s Relationships and Sexuality Education Policy was spearheaded by an associate professor in the Faculty of Education and Social Work at Auckland University. She believes this revised policy is a stake in the ground and provides direction to schools. But she wants it to go further. The associate professor is featured in the TVNZ Re: article, and suggests a lot is included in our RSE classes, but one thing that’s not in yet is the pleasure of sex. Her observation is that “schools sometimes shy away from making pleasure part of the curriculum out of a fear that parents will react or a fear that they might encourage young people to have more sex.


Scots College prefect Manraj Rahi says he was taught consent between year 7 and 10 as part of the health curriculum - and that was in 2017 

To get lowdown and dirty on Family Planning, this multi-million dollar internationsl business is based and focused on keeping the abortion mills grinding away on women and girls and the infants in their wombs to provide raw material - i.e. unborn fetal parts, dissected live without anaesthetic - for Big Pharma, for use in vaccines (which makes the infortunate v*xxed individual a cannibal), cosmetics and much more.. 


They are stealing our children's childhood. They don't want children to be children. They seem to see children as raw material for abortion mills and Big Pharma.  


 Who were you with? e.g. By yourself, your partner, a stranger? Where were you? e.g. On a day off, a beach, the kitchen table. What other things made it so memorable? e.g. We talked all night! Was the experience part of something else? e.g. Honeymoon, holiday fling. What happened? e.g. They looked so hot at the bus stop I couldn’t stop looking over... 

The only reason this sordid stuff is reproduced here is that it's essential parents are aware of what truly misogynist ideas are purveyed in the halls of New Zealand's socialist academia and what these misguided misfits intend to visit on their children and grandchildren. 

O God, Who seest that we are wholly destitute of strength: do Thou both inwardly and outwardly keep us, that in body we may be preserved from all adversities, and in soul cleansed from evil thoughts - Collect, Second Sunday of Lent. 


  1. Will not one Catholic Bishop speak up? If not, why not? What about the Catholic Women's League or Knights of The Southern Cross?

  2. We have Bob Mccroskrie speaking as a Catholic Bishop should speak.

  3. Julia, there is nothing dirty about sex. It is unitive and procreative. Maybe we all need to get real and take sex out of the closet and give young people a good understanding. I've never met a priest who didn't masturbate.

    1. I say:
      Oh dear. Talk about missing the point, missing Catholic teaching and exhibiting the Novus Ordo effect. Sex in marriage is beautiful as well as unitive and creative. But the MoE is talking about sex outside marriage and recognise its intrinsic sin instinctively by calling the discussion "talking dirty".
      And have you really always asked every priest you ever met, "Father, do you masturbate?"
