Sunday 6 March 2022


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While we in New Zealand reel under the jackbooted heel of the Tyrant Ardern, the Catholic world continues to reel from one disclosure to another incriminating the Tyrant Antipope Bergoglio. 

On Friday Argentinian Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta was sentenced to four and a half years in prison for sexually abusing seminarians. 

In Argentina, before his hard-won promotion to the cardinalate, Antipope Bergoglio was confessor to Zanchetta, who subsequently became one of Bergoglio's first appointments to the bishopric. In 2019 while under investigation for sexual and financial improprieties, Zanchetta was granted the rare privilege of citizenship of the Vatican State.

Hidden from the blind but in plain view to those who see, is further evidence of the rot spread by the Novus Ordo throughout the Church of Jesus Christ.

OnePeterFive has an English-language version of the tale. It’s about how Francis and senior hierarchs protected a bishop credibly accused of molesting seminarians, and other disgusting things. Not only did Francis appoint this bishop in the first place, he also protected him, and took his corrupt self out of Argentina and put him in charge of a Vatican office concerned with financial accountability. ...
Remember, as a Vatican diplomat, Monsignor Battista Ricca was caught in an elevator with a rent boy, was beaten up in a gay bar, and had a string of gay affairs while serving in Latin America. Francis rehabilitated him, and put him in charge of dealing with the Vatican Bank. When Francis was asked about his having given Ricca a key Vatican position despite his disgraceful behavior, the Pope said, “Who am I to judge?”


Bergoglio and Zanchetta: stomach-turning


 Given Zanchetta as an example of Bergoglio's appointments to the bishopric, perhaps Palmerston North Diocese - having suffered already under Bishop Charles Drennan - should thank God for having so far been spared another pick by the Antipope, whose chief responsibility as Vicar of Christ (a title he's spurned) is to choose holy priests to shepherd his flocks.

That's not to say the diocese isn't suffering. In one parish a wheelchair-bound man has been wheeled out of Mass and left outside, refused Holy Communion, because he's not vaxxed. (Incidentally, he's now got COVID, caught presumably from his almost exclusively vaxxed contacts, and as one who is genuinely immuno-compromised needs our prayers to help his recovery.)

In another parish a lone leper, the only unvaxxed parishioner, attends Holy Mass in the side chapel, entering by a separate door and unseen. But Father does give her Communion on the tongue, as is her inalienable right.

And in Sacred Heart Hastings' newsletter we read (on Feb 20) a message from the CPOH Liturgy Committee:

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Covid is well and truly on our doorstep. Trust in the Lord, keep calm and do all you can to protect each other and yourself.

The Liturgy Committee thinks we need to be calmed down. Such assertions from people in authority - and in provincial cities, within their sadly shrunken Catholic communities. liturgy groups do exert authority - serve only to assure the elderly, the lonely, the frail people that there is something to get het up about, and they should rely on "the committee" to "keep us all safe" - just as a sizable but shrinking majority of New Zealanders look to Aunty Ardern to keep us safe. 

All have made choices based on what each person believes is right.

No "Sister or Brother in Christ", surely, has made the choice to be segregated from their fellow parishioners. Or have we missed something? Did NZ's Catholic Bishops consult us about collaborating with tyranny and accepting the farcical measures foisted on us by a socialist regime?

Please be responsible for your choice by attending the appropriate Sunday Mass, wearing a mask, signing in with the Q.R. code or manually and maintaining social distancing.

So we lay people are supposed to assume responsibility for the Bishops' choice dah de dah de dah. Masks anywhere are useless; at Mass they are an obscenity. Does Our Lord in His Passion want to look down from the Cross on the faces of His beloved hidden from Him by those psyop masks?

Please receive Communion in the hand as per the instructions of the Diocese so as not to put our Priests in the position of going against the directions of the diocese. Show Christian love by not testing each other and by protecting each other as we are the hands of Christ in the world.
Please keep the principles of infection prevention as when you do not, the compromised and unwell are afraid to come to Mass.

Can the CPOH Liturgy Committee please explain why they did not ask us to "keep the principles of infection prevention" in past epidemics of flu or similar? Before it was rebranded as COVID and weaponised by Mr Global to bring us all under his control, 'flu was regarded with common sense and the principles of infection prevention were staying home and in bed - if we could afford that luxury. 

We are happy for all to come to weekday Masses providing they meet the infection control guidelines as above.

In other words, the infection control guidelines imposed on us by PM Ardern, an atheist, probably a Freemason, and a pathological liar.

No wonder she destroyed Camp Freedom 

But to get to the nub of things, the CPOH Liturgy Committee exhorts us to "show Christian love". The tragic reality is that the Novus Ordo Church, aka the New World Church, has lost sight of Christian love, which is to love one another as I have loved you (Jn 15:12). 

Jesus Christ loves us in God. He commands us first of all to love God. Not the shibboleths of the Bishops of New Church - the commandments of the Tyrant Ardern which have been cast aside by more civilised societies (Denmark, Switzerland, Ireland, Sweden, the UK even - but to love God, and to love one another because we love God.

But Novus Ordo, New Church, knows nothing of the love of God because it has cast aside the fear of God which is  the beginning of wisdom. Fools despise wisdom and instruction. My son, hear the instruction of thy father, and forsake not the law of thy mother:That grace may be added to thy head, and a chain of gold to thy neck (Proverbs 1). 

Not only do the CPOH Liturgy Committee abjure Sacred Heart Massgoers to commit possible sacrilege by receiving Communion in the hand "as per the instructions of the Diocese" but they imply that lay faithful who expect to receive in the centuries-old manner of the Church, with humility on their knees, are coercing their priests into disobedience.

By "the diocese" they mean, of course, Cardinal John Dew, a raging modernist and whether he knows it or not, Satan's right-hand man in New Zealand in aiming for the Church's jugular - the Most Holy Eucharist. 

That is why - whether he knows it or not - Cardinal Dew tries to stamp out the Mass of Ages, celebrated for centuries by the One Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, in which the Eucharist is venerated and humbly adored both on the altar and off it, by women covering their heads, by men in formal dress, not jeans or shorts and t-shirt, by genuflection and kneeling to receive.

For Cardinal Dew the modernist, "there is to be nothing stable, nothing immutable in the Church" (St Pius X, Pascendi Dominici Gregis, 1907).

In his homily today Fr Jeremy Palman (who celebrates the Traditional Latin Mass) stated that the world will not see peace until we go back to worshipping God, well. Worshipping God, placing the First Commandment first, and not supplanting it with the Second and putting our own preferences for reception of Communion ahead of Christ's. 

Do the Sacred Heart Liturgy Committee really believe that Christ wishes to be placed, by lay hands on possibly grubby palms and picked up by possibly grubby fingers and thumbs by people who cannot or will not bow in reverence, sometimes dropped on the floor whole and entire or in little bits to be trodden on or vacuumed up, and sometimes carried away to the pews or to destinations unknown, for nefarious purposes such as black Masses - or does Our Lord wish to be placed by the consecrated hands of a priest on the tongue of a communicant who kneels to receive Him with humility?

The CPOH belong to Antipope Bergoglio's Novus Ordo New Church which he is remaking to the specifications of the global elite's New World Order. The CPOH cannot possibly be "the hands of Christ in the world" which they claim to be while persecuting not only faithful Catholics who refuse an abortion-tainted injection and wish to receive Communion as the real Church says they should, but also the priests whom Bergoglio and his eager assistant Cardinal Dew place in a horrible position. 

For one thing parish priests have been forced into accepting a possibly deadly jab. For another, would-be faithful priests very much want to give Communion on the tongue to those who ask for it as is their right but the CPOH are denying them their right as shepherds who are ordained to feed their sheep, not to bow to well-intentioned busybodies who want to keep them "safe".

Faithful priests know it's souls they must keep safe for eternity, not our mortal bodies for a few more years of temporality.

Faithful priests like Fr Jeremy Palman give homilies honouring the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and her request that Russia be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, a request that the bishops of Ukraine are now repeating to the latest in a long line of popes who have failed to comply with her wishes.. 

A war-weary soldier, Ukraine

Ukraine’s Latin Rite Catholic bishops have asked Pope Francis to consecrate Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

In a letter to the pope, the Ukrainian bishops said that they were writing “in these hours of immeasurable pain and terrible ordeal for our people” in response to many requests for the consecration.

“Responding to this prayer, we humbly ask Your Holiness to publicly perform the act of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary of Ukraine and Russia, as requested by the Blessed Virgin in Fatima,” said the letter, published on the bishops’ website on Ash Wednesday, March 2.

Father Palman even went so far as to mention the A-word, and the F-word too, attributing the scourge of abortion, particularly in Europe, to the fact that Russia has not yet converted to the true Faith, and will not until the Blessed Virgin Mary's request at Fatima in 1917 for her consecration to the Immaculate Heart is fulfilled as she wishes.  

“May the Mother of God, Queen of Peace, accept our prayer: Regina pacis, ora pro nobis.”


1 comment:

  1. Ben edict said get rid of the filth from the priesthood. Bergoglio seems to promote them in certain instances. See the book 'The Dictator Pope'.
