Thursday 3 March 2022


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Ash Wednesday 2022. 

The first day of Lent in New Zealand yesterday was observed with ashes not of last year's Passiontide palms but of the heroism, ingenuity and sheer Kiwi grit of peaceful men and women at Parliament grounds, as police kicked over a generator and set fire to Camp Freedom. 

Tear gas. Rubber bullets. Riot shields. Water cannon. Pepper spray. To end a peaceful protest with a cause like no other: the very life of our nation. Everyone at the Occupation of Parliament was, or knew someone, damaged or killed by injection (mostly involuntary) of the Government's experimental "v*ccine", or damaged or dead by suicide following business failure. 

The tyrant Ardern is responsible. In the final analysis however, we're all to blame, either for voting her in or not keeping her out. So we all must suffer what is actually God's chastisement for her evil Abortion Law Act. 


She is responsible because, all else aside (and that's a pretty 'UGE all else), she refused to talk to the Occupation.  Why not? Wasn't that the right and reasonable thing to do? It looks like she wanted to let the Occupation drag on, its numbers, tents, loos and showers accumulate until taking them out would require the kind of totalitarian tactics we saw yesterday. So she could say she had to do it, to "keep us all safe". She lies in her teeth. Again.

So, is the self-professed Comrade Ardern just a neo-Communist? Or a Klaus Schwab graduate like Trudeau? Or a Freemason? Any or all of the above? Or does the evil she's wrought betray a satanic inspiration? Has she sold her soul to the Devil?(We're serious here. As in deadly.)

Whatever, she's the mistress of spin. Immediately,last night, she was telling us - through the mouths of her bought media muppets - that it was those joyful, courageous, prayerful protestors who are to blame for the devastation in Parliament grounds. NO. That wanton destruction was carried out by NZ police, at the instruction of NZ's Prime Minister.

"Figurehead" Leighton Baker - assaulted and arrested

Her puppet police assaulted and then arrested Leighton Baker, described as "a figurehead" for the Occupation by TvOne Views-Not-News, whose so-called reporters were positively slavering over what they called "the carnage" on Parliament's front lawn. You don't get to look as exhausted as the man we saw on video last night by being a "figurehead". You get that wiped-out look by giving your all for your country, unpaid - unlike the beeyootifully coiffeured and dressed Parliamentary Press Gallery denizens whose most demanding task in the day is choosing between a flat white and a latte.

And please please spare us any more footage of Welly wimps - including uni students who back in the day used to be rebels, remember? - who are so grateful to Mr Plod for making them feel free again. During the Occupation, what were they not free to do? Oh, of course, we get it: they were not free to go up Parliament steps because Mr Plod was barring their way.  

The protestors who were so amazingly constructive (loos, showers, etc) were, they said, "destructive to the end". Or was it Ardern who told that particular lie? Or one of the pollies who'd cowered behind the windows all during the protest and today in the debating chamber were as brave as a barrel full of bears? The only politician emerging from this fracas with even a hint of cred is - and it pains us to say it - ACT's David Seymour. And Winsome Winnie of course, who seems to be manoeuvering for a comeback. Just never forget he landed us with Labour and Labour landed us with Jacinda Ardern. 

The Mr Ploddish Assistant Commissioner Richard Chambers said it was all about "keeping us safe". Hah! He looked distinctly nervous as he said it, as well he might because suits against the police are pending which will put the not-so-confidential payout by the police to veteran  protestor Sue Bradford (yes that's right, mother of Katie, TVNZ, who always interviews like she's desperate for a pee) In The Shade.

"Breaking news": Leighton Baker is out of the slammer. Just now. Thanks be to God. His daughter Chantelle thanks everyone who prayed for him. 

One of his bail conditions is that he' s not allowed to speak against the Covid Response Bill. Wouldn't it make you walk up the wall??? (That was my mother speaking.)

So give Leighton a rest and make sure that we all speak against the Covid Response Bill and its totalitarian, terrifying implications, instead. Don't let Ardern beguile or threaten you ever so nicely and kindly as she did to mask her Trojan Horse ALA operation. 

Jacinda Ardern is under instruction from Mr Global to grind New Zealand into the dust so he can rescue us, and she has to do it quickly. Before the next election - or change the law regarding the next election to make it a shoo-in once more, for her and her assorted minions. 

(Speaking of minions, we owe Attack Dog Mallard an apology. We said he called the Occupation a "river of filth". He didn't. That was Transport Minister Michael Wood who must have at least a shred of decency because he voted against the Conversion Therapy Bill. All Mallard said was that the protestors were "the biggest collection of ferals that I've seen". Mallard, like the other cowards, saw them only from "his nice safe cage" in Parliament.)

Michael Wood - out of his depth in that "river of filth"


To get back to the big picture, the one we should all be looking at: people are distressed and asking, what can we do? 

When secular leaders fail us so spectacularly as Ardern has, Catholics look to their shepherds, the bishops, to lead, to inspire and to guide. But yesterday, on the Ash Wednesday that has acquired a new and sinister shade of meaning, there were we poor sheep being "sprinkled" with ashes on the head.

By instruction of the bishops, in collaboration with the Tyrant Ardern and COVID tyranny, New Zealan's priests omitted the ancient custom of anointing foreheads with the Sign of the Cross in a mixture of sacred oil and last Passion Sunday's burned palms, reminding us that "dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return" (Gen 3:19). 

In the Novus Ordo Mass there are few enough mentions now of our mortality, and the certainty of death and heaven or hell for ever and ever and ever. The NZ bishops have taken it upon themselves to do away with the visible sign on our foreheads, after attending Ash Wednesday Mass, that we are Catholics and followers of Christ to the Cross. Which begs the question, are we really still followers of Christ, in the Novus Ordo?. 

Even Joe Biden sported a cross on his forehead today as Dr Jill whisked him away from a reporter who asked the awkward question (unlike the NZ PM's posse) about receiving Communion as a public sinner, for promoting abortion and the jab that is derived from that serious transgression of the moral law. Incidentally, he's giving up "sweets" for Lent. Doesn't that prove he's a pious Cathollic?

Joe Biden, apparently a follower of Christ - unlike NZ Catholics

Of course you don't have to be a Catholic to find out that when push comes to shove, as it did in Parliament grounds yesterday - and when your nearest and dearest are suffering from the jab, or you are waiting for them to suffer from the jab - and you resort to prayer, in some mysterious way it works. In that regard, good Protestants, for Novus Ordo Catholics, are an exemplar.

But for committed Catholics,especially the persecuted who are separated from their brethren by the bishops, who are consigned by their Prime Minister to an underclass in our society, there's a whole lot more to prayer than that. There's God's mystical blessing to be had, in praying for those who persecute us: praying for Cardinal John Dew who has forbidden us the treasure of the Old Mass; praying for Jacinda Ardern, architect of 'the debacle of Ash Wednesday 2022. 

There's intimacy with Christ. The science of the cross. If you haven't yet travelled that far, there's the discovery of joy in suffering. 

Imagine that. 

"We were born for this!" - St Joan of Arc 

Who's being kind now, Jacinda?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Yes Ash Wednesday 2022 was a sad day for NZ politics, democracy and Kiwis in general. From here onward, because of the blackened name of protest, anyone who differs with the govt’s gaslit reality will be seen as dangerous, potentially violent and an enemy of the state. The public have been hoodwinked by an Antifa style infiltration and, let’s face it, if they send in the riot squad to what was never a riot, then they’ll create one!

  3. Excellent summation of what happened on Ash Wednesday. I have never been so upset by the actions of our "government" the police and lack of any real opposition. That is why the tyrant got away with it: Luxon and Seymour provided no opposition whatsoever

  4. Got away with it? These beggers would have camped there until Christmas Day causing obstruction. It was an occupation.

    1. Ardern could have ended the "occupation" by withdrawing illegal mandates. She is totally responsible for what happened end of. She showed complete lack of leadership just sent in her bully boys. So do you think the police should take out the Shelly Bay occupation now using the same methods?

  5. I say:
    Too many comments- some abusive and others also with content not meriting publication - to post.
