Saturday 26 March 2022


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WWIII is prophesied to follow Bergoglio's anticonsecration

What a farrago of nonsense it was yesterday, Antipope Bergoglio's so-called consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

At Fatima in 1917 Our Lady asked for the Holy Father to make this consecration, and the pope - Benedict XVI - has attempted it. Antipope Bergoglio couldn't do it: an antipope is not the pope. But he stole the show.

She asked for Russia. What She got was was Russia, Ukraine and all humanity.  She asked that all the bishops do it too. But Her invitation was predictably turned down by many including, apparently, the NZ Bishops' Conference. So according to prophecy we can expect WWIII. 

What's so hard about doing what Our Lady asked? What Our Lord asked? What God Almighty asked? Why has this attempt, the latest in the series of four, failed like all the others?

The Vatican does not want Russia singled out for attention, and especially not the sins of Russia, the crimes of Russia. But Antipope Bergoglio could hardly ignore the appeal of Ukraine to consecrate their nation to the Immaculate Heart, not when they're having such a hard time and especially not when all the "goodies" are on Ukraine's side, especially the MSM. And adding in Russia gets him all the Fatima attention. 

But Almighty God wants Russia singled out. He wants to show His eventual triumph over Russia and her errors (chiefly Communism, and that's the barrel New Zealand's staring down now, under the Labour Government of Jacinda Ardern).  

If Bergoglio had really intended to do what Our Lady asked, instead of sending the bishops a nice invitation he would have ordered them all to make the consecration under pain of latae sententiae  excommunication. If they'd failed to comply they would instantly have lost their bishoprics and membership of the Body of Christ, the Catholic Church. He didn't do that. He didn't want them all complying. 

Antipope Bergoglio, improving on Our Lady's words   

Ukraine was offering Bergoglio the photo-opp to beat them all. So he rose magnificently to the occasion, adding in not just Russia (may as well trump Pope St John Paul II while you're at it) but every single person on the planet.  The trouble with that is, a consecration involves just a single individual, a single place, a single nation. It's like a baptism. Catholics don't baptise en masse. To consecrate means to make a person, place or nation sacred. To consecrate all humanity is a nonsense.

Bergoglio seems to think he can do the job so much better than Our Lady. Once again it's the Novus Ordo effect. He, like most cardinals bishops and priests, is used to improvising and "improving" on the texts of the Mass. Bergoglio obviously believes he can pray better than Our Lady. He prays as Christ her Son said that pagans do - And when you are praying, speak not much, as the heathens. For they think that in their much speaking they may be heard (Mt 6:7). All he needed to say surely, was "Our Lady of Fatima, we consecrate Russia to Your Immaculate Heart.".Period. If you have the time to spare, to bore yourself silly, here's the link to Bergoglio's burble..  

The attempt has failed because Bergoglio omitted to mention the dire necessity of reparation for the horrendous offences against the Immaculate Heart, especially of the devotion called for by Our Lady to the Five First Saturdays. 

Dear Bishops: asking NZ Catholics to pop along to their local parish church yesterday "to offer special prayers for everyone caught in the Ukraine war ... to pray the Rosary" simply does not cut it. What has that to do with the price of fish? Why did you stipulate that the Luminous Mysteries should be prayed instead of the Joyful Mysteries, the very first of which as you all know, is "The Mystery of the Annunciation"? Why did you doll the Rosary, the Luminous Mysteries, up with such tedious, politically correct frills? The Rosary is the Rosary. It does not need your episcopal improvements. Thank you.

The attempt has failed because once again the pope (in this case the antipope) thought he would improve on Our Lady's command (as it can be called, coming as it does from Heaven). Instead of simply sticking to the words she uttered, as Naaman the leper stuck to the words of the prophet Elisha, in washing seven times in the Jordan - not five or six times but seven as  Elisha had instructed (Kings 2:5), Bergoglio disobeyed. Naaman the leper emerged from the Jordan with skin like a baby's. Tragically for the humanity so wrongly included in this "consecration", its result will be truly horrendous. 

Bl Elena Aiello, mystic, victim soul, stigmatist 

Our Lady told Bl. Elena Aiello (1895-1961): "Russia will march upon all nations of Europe, particularly Italy, and will raise her flag over the dome of St. Peter's. Italy will be severely tried by a great revolution, and Rome will be purified in blood for its many sins, especially those of impurity. The flock is about to be dispersed and the Pope will suffer greatly." 

Fr Isaac Relyea, a traditional Franciscan from Queen's New York, says that for this pope to do this (the consecration) on the Feast of the Annunciation is "basically a mockery". It is "an awesome feast, when God takes flesh of the Blessed Virgin mary and fulfils the prophecy of Genesis 3:15. At the moment of the Annunciation the "head of the serpent" was crushed. 

"He hates that day when he was defeated. This pope has blasphemed Our Lady numerous times. He desecrated St Peter's and the Vatican Gardens. When we came with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to Rome we were denied entrance to St Peter's Square. Four cop cars were coming right in front of us. You'd have thought we were terrorists. They said you cannot enter St Peter's Square with the statue. 

"We are about to see whole nations annihilated. We must pray to Our Lady to protect us. Pray that we may remain faithful. That we would rather die than betray Our Lord. Pray for the conversion of Russia. Pray for a true consecration."

In St Peter's at the anticonsecration yesterday


  1. Perhaps Pius XII actually did fulfill the request, and all this latter fumbling and bumbling is just more NWO pantomime.

  2. What now is in the prophecy that Russia will raise her flag over the dome of St Peter's ? Why would they do this ? Why would they go into Italy ? On a real level, perhaps it would be because of the American military bases in Italy. But there would have to be something go terribly with their war plan for Russia to even want to do this. Also it's been observed by American Generals that Russia can barely manage what it's bitten off so far. So they would need a lot of help if they were to also invade Europe. Perhaps that's where the bearded men come in. They are in a prophecy, possibly of Sr. Elena Aiello's. Now recall what Xi Xinping said to Joe Boden, " He who ties the bell on the tiger's tail has to be the one who takes it off." Watch what Europe & America do next. This is not a straightforward war. Matt.
