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There are nine conditions that are necessary to instil in people in order to make them susceptible to being controlled on all levels of society.
The first step in corrupting the individual is by creating conditions that threaten their immediate health and safety in such a way that they are unable to have direct control over the threat.
Announcing that there is an invisible but deadly virus rampant on the streets creates both fear and the inability to know how to deal with it.
Luckily, the government has emergency powers that they ‘necessarily’ call upon to ‘protect’ you. These necessary powers, however, enable them to override your personal freedoms in the name of national security.
They exercise these powers initially by keeping you under house arrest and then by controlling or regulating the movement of the populace by placing restrictions on the way they are permitted to move about. Because of the underlying fear of the virus which remains always unresolved, people allow or acquiesce to these restrictions, as they see them as being necessary. This creates the first quality necessary for a controllable mass of people which is called Resentment.
In Resentment, people are not happy about their conditions but welcome prohibitions because it creates a sense of order in their lives. Furthermore, they resent others who do not follow the rules that they themselves try to uphold. This is the first division that creates conflict in society and turns people against each other. Instead of addressing the root cause, we channel our unresolved frustrations towards criticising those who are not living up to our standards.
The second step in corrupting the individual is by creating guilt. The slogan used by the NZ government which is very significant and carefully chosen is “unite against covid-19”. What this catch-phrase is suggesting is that we all need to depend on one another in order to beat the virus. The implications of this are that, if you do not do what is expected of you, then you will be excluded from the group, thus motivating you to comply through guilt.
Another catch-phrase is “be kind”. Not only must you do your part, but you must do it willingly and out of ‘kindness’. When emotions are manipulated in this manner, it leads to the second quality of a corrupted individual: pride. In their desire to be included in the group, and also to have the sense of being an important part of the group, people eagerly comply with the mandates in the name of ‘service to others’. Those who are seen as non-compliant are therefore labelled as selfish, cruel and uncaring towards others.
The third step in corrupting the individual is through the use of brainwashing by means of constant propaganda. The government uses taxpayers’ money to buy out all of the media and ensure that they are all spreading the same message or narrative. The information itself is intended to create a unanimous value system that dictates what is acceptable and what is unacceptable with regards to cultural beliefs and even scientific ‘perspective’.
The third quality required to corrupt an individual is deceit. The mainstream media uses deceit to mislead people into believing falsehoods. By repeating untruths over and over again, the masses become inundated with lies and begin to adopt shallow and superficial ideas and values for the sake of maintaining their social standing. Anyone who deviates from the narrative of the media is immediately labelled as a conspiracy theorist, gullible or insane, or is belittled and ridiculed. The fear of denigration leads to shaping one’s beliefs to match popular opinion, even if it is irrational.
The fourth step in corrupting the individual is to create social isolation and the feeling of meaninglessness. Government mandates are issued that requires everyone to wear a mask and social distance. As social creatures, we begin to feel something is missing in our lives. We naturally seek connection and meaningful relationships but being forced to isolate instead creates a fourth detrimental quality we call Envy. We begin to long for a better way of life, but it never seems to come. In this state of being, an individual becomes melancholic, which then can also lead to depression. At this point, the society’s optimism shrinks and the individual feels a sense of hopelessness. Our attention is turned towards petty issues, such as those who get special exemptions from the rules, or those who seem to have it better somewhere else.
The fifth step in corrupting the individual is to require complete transparency from them. In ‘the name of national security,’ all citizens are asked to voluntarily – and eventually mandatorily – submit to government tracking. In this way, the concept of privacy slowly becomes a thing of the past as ‘big brother is always watching you’. Nation-wide surveillance is justified by the ‘need’ to compartmentalise threats when they are detected in the system. The fifth quality of a deteriorating being is called Avarice. Avarice suggests a hesitancy or aversion to ‘letting go’ of what you have in fear of not having enough. Spending in the economy begins to decrease, people develop social anxiety and phobias in relating to people, and there is a general fear of doing anything outside of the ordinary for fear of ‘big brother’ seeing you.
The sixth step in corrupting the individual is to make everything thus far become the established norm. Rules become traditions. What were once temporary and voluntary constraints on your freedoms now become fixed policy in society. Official documents are required to prove that you are conforming to socially approved conduct. If you cannot provide documentation, you lose your privilege to participate in normal society.
These policies are welcomed by the public due to having developed the sixth quality of a corrupted individual which is fear. In the name of fear and uncertainty, people look for an external authority to manage their affairs and provide a sense of certainty and stability. People who do not conform to the status quo are labelled as dissident, disobedient, disorderly, dangerous trouble-makers who ought to be locked up or punished for their reckless actions. The more entrenched a person becomes in the narrative, the harsher the punishment they are willing to inflict on others who deviate from it.
The seventh step in corrupting the individual is to utilise their hopes and desires to motivate them toward a particular direction, by offering a vision for the future which promises a controlled amount of freedom. In their restlessness, people begin to acquiesce to the new way of doing things. They gain a sense of satisfaction from receiving the incentives dished out by the government. Even if they are not particularly in favour of the direction, or of the implications of moving in that direction, the impulse to satisfy their selfish and short-term urges are too hard to resist.
The seventh quality of the corrupted individual is gluttony. For fear of not having their future needs met, a person will become reckless and irresponsible as they take any short-term pleasures offered to them. At this point, the agenda of the government is becoming crystallised. People may be aware of this and not care as long as they get theirs.
The eighth step in corrupting the individual is to subjugate them through intimidation and force. The government uses the full force of its power to quash any resistance if there is any left, which is primarily the gangs. Gang violence is used as justification to arm the police and to permit the use of violent force. The public welcome this as they have been made to believe that the gangs are a threat to society. The state then begins to govern through might if need be and doesn’t necessarily feel the need to justify it. The eighth quality of corruption is called lust, which can be described as the excessive use of force.
In the individual’s last attempt to resist the forces which seem to be overcoming them, a brotherhood of resistance is mounted. There is a strong polarisation between the government and the resistance with an ‘us against them’ mentality. With a diminishing belief in the co-existence of both sides, the danger here is the complete annihilation of any opposition. The opposition is labelled as rebels, thugs, hooligans, and traitors of the state who need to be taken down.
The ninth step in the corruption of the individual is the result of all of the previous steps. That is a government that is completely sovereign from any external forces, and a populace that is completely un-self-aware, docile, and subservient to the state. The ninth quality of a corrupted individual is called sloth. Sloth is a state of being where the person is asleep to themselves and the world around them. In this state, they have neither the will to resist others nor the awareness that they are enslave to begin with. At best, there are those who refuse to conform. Since the system offers little freedom and many restrictions, these people are simply shepherded like cattle. The non-conformist is said to be someone who is hesitant and complacent and simply needs some encouragement and education to move in the ‘right direction’. Of course, having a populace full of the walking dead serves neither the individuals nor the government. However, in some strange way, the government feels they have accomplished something great. They have reduced men into zombies and entrapped their minds. Society is now unified in a form of totalitarianism.
How does a small group of people manage to shepherd a whole nation towards its self-destruction? Through agreement… Remember, these people have no power except the power we give them. We agree to the direction they lead us in only because of the brainwashing we endure on a mass scale. This brainwashing is designed to corrupt us on every level so that we no longer possess any natural intelligence or the capacity for self-directed governance.
If every person were to suddenly withdraw all attention from the government, they would immediately have no power. Their power comes from the attention we give them. In order to withdraw our need for them, we must first become whole unto ourselves.
Resentment is not necessary. We cannot control what others do, but we have complete control over how we manage our own inner lives and our own way of being. Not needing to judge others leads us to a state of serenity.
Pride is loud. True kindness does not need recognition or the need to be liked and included by others, nor does it cause guilt in others. This is humility.
Deceit is superficial. We deceive others and ourselves only when we believe in appearances. To look deeper into the truth of a matter and express your true feelings is veracity.
Envy is unproductive. Focusing on what others have, and on what we lack, only creates more isolation. Finding contentment within yourself and seeking to share it with others leads to equanimity.
Avarice closes the heart. The need to compartmentalise our lives keeps us in a manageable box that keeps getting smaller and smaller. Knowing that life will always give us what we need leads to non-attachment.
Fear is irrational. The willingness to place our trust in an external authority leads to dependency and dogmatic rule-following. Seeking intelligence from within oneself leads to a reliable source you can trust.
Gluttony is distracting. The need to focus on guaranteeing future pleasures prevents one from seeing what is unfolding in this moment. Slowing down and practising stillness leads to temperance.
Lust is cruel. Objectifying and blaming others in the name of injustice is vengeful and can only lead to violence and destruction. True power comes from forgiveness, which leads to innocence.
Sloth is incapacitating. Turning a blind eye and repressing one’s awareness in order to stay blissfully ignorant leads to apathy and indolence. Being fully present means seeing reality for what it is, even if it leads to anger; this then has the potential to lead to right-action.
In a world where people are virtuous, there is no room for corruption. The two cannot co-exist. Our personal efforts to live and express our highest-self is our greatest protection against negative influence. By living in this state, we embody truth.
Truth is our greatest means of waking people up. The government’s agenda is wholly dependent on lies. Truth dispels all lies. Truth is whole and inclusive; it does not divide. Truth uplifts; it does not condemn. Truth enlightens; it does not seek to falsify. Whenever and wherever possible, look for truth. Speak truth. Live in truth. https://thebfd.co.nz/2021/10/24/9-easy-steps-to-control-others/
Truth is a Person. That Person is Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We find Him in his Mystical Body - the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Beverley Bennett:
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that another new party has popped up ...'Outdoors Party' with Sue Grey, and LizGunn 3 or free.. I couldn't hear that properly .. and I have been following New Conservative for a while... BUT there is never any mention of GOD.. do they not believe in Him, or are they afraid to mention Him, in case it puts people off ?? I wish there was a party that put HIM first.
Many religions means many images of God. Hindu have many Gods.
ReplyDeleteBob Gill:
ReplyDeleteI have friends in the Waikato, a husband and wife, who are currently in a state of fear – the fear of catching Covid. The husband has banned all family and friends from visiting his house, at this stage both vaccinated and un-vaccinated. His wife has stated that she would never forgive herself if she went out to the supermarket, for example, and brought back Covid and infected her husband. Both he and his wife are fully vaccinated.
I have suggested to the wife that they cannot live like this. I have pointed out, for example, that less than 30 people have died in NZ from the virus in well over a year and that with more pedestrians killed in 2018 alone it doesn’t stop us from crossing the road on a regular basis. In short, catching the virus is very unlikely and, like crossing the road, extreme measures are surely unnecessary.
Surely there is some concern throughout NZ at the threat of a person losing their job and being open to other restrictions because of their assumed genuine reasons for not wanting the jab. This concern is not reflected in mainstream media reports from my observation, though, and most people appear to be agreeably going along with the proposed Government threats should you refuse to be vaccinated. I’m beginning to understand just what the Jews felt like in Nazi Germany during Hitler’s dictates in World War II. I don’t think I am exaggerating the situation.
Looking forward to this coming Sunday, my birthday, as my non-Catholic wife has arranged for me to be present at a Wanganui Sunday Mass. Can anyone else boast such a wonderful gift from a very Catholic, non-Catholic wife, surely under Our Lady’s protection in these trying times?
Nice to hear such a beautiful love tale. She sounds a wonderful woman.