Friday 8 October 2021


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"I'm a third generation NZ citizen watching this titanic advance of dictatorial powers ruin our entire civilisation over a human-engineered virus unleashed upon us, and the whole world, by our largest trading partner, China."

NZ columnist blogger and author Olivia Pierson has released her submission to the Health Committee Covid-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill. 

Please read it below, then write your own submission. Like, immediately.

Because in addition to her rational objections to this consummate evil - and far more importantly - there is the supernatural perspective of eternal life to be considered.  

"From a moral point of view," writes Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, "for every Catholic who intends to remain faithful to his or her Baptism, it is absolutely inadmissible to accept a vaccination that ulitilizes material coming from human fetuses in its process of production.  This has also been restated authoritatively... by the American Bishop Joseph E Strickland.

"We must therefore pray to the Lord, asking him to give Pastors a voicein such a way as to create a united front that opposes the globalist elite which would like to subjugate us all. It should be recalled that while the pharmaceutical companies are proceeding on the plane of economic interests only, there are people operating on the ideological plane who, using the opportunity of the vaccine, would also like to implant devices for identifying people, and that these nanotechnologies - I am referring to project ID2020, "quantum dots" and other similar initiatives (like transhumanism - ed) are being patented by the same individuals who patented the virus as well as its vaccine. 


Olivia Pierson

Fellow New Zealanders,

You have only three days left to make a submission to the Health Committee Covid-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill, which curtails our freedoms even more in this new Age of Health Dictatorship.

Here is the process if you wish to make your own.

I’m publishing mine in order to encourage others to get off their chuffs and act.

Here’s the actual Bill.


Submission of Olivia Pierson

COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill (No 2)

My/our comments

I'm a third generation NZ citizen watching this titanic advance of dictatorial powers ruin our entire civilisation over a human-engineered virus unleashed upon us, and the whole world, by our largest trading partner, China.

Rather than smashing the NZ economy and stripping Kiwis of their most basic freedoms enshrined in our Bill of Rights, our government leaders need to condemn with one strong voice the Chinese Communist Party, their outright deceit in lockstep with the W.H.O over what transpired at the BSL-4 lab in Wuhan, and make serious attempts to decouple our economy from China's tainted, manipulative and now malign economic engine.

I understand this to be a very hard road which the CCP will punish us for, as they have done to Australia and Australian businesses, but it needs to be done in the name of civilised principles, i.e: value for value trade with a trustworthy partner, sound human rights mutually respected, goodwill toward each other's wellbeing, good faith through transparency.

China, under the CCP, is now clearly aberrant regarding these principles and no longer worthy of our trust. What they have done, in effect, is an act of bioterrorism.

Even if initially an 'accidental leak,' the CCP's denial of human-to-human transmission and subsequent, continued flights from China, including from the province of Wuhan, into Europe, India, America, Australia, Africa, the U.S and New Zealand AFTER they knew that human-to-human transmission was a fact back in November of 2019, shows their intentions were far from innocent. While implementing a total domestic lockdown by February 2020, China assured the world that the situation was not serious and fully under control.

It was not.

My/our recommendations

The Pfizer/BioNtech/Comirnaty vaccines are undeniably experimental - novel and gene-based mRNA therapies which provide very short-lived antibodies to only the Spike protein, which they are coded to mount an immune response against. They do not stop infection or transmission.

They are also not a "safe and effective" vaccine - and the many many horrible and serious adverse reactions which have become a daily feature all over media and social media are testament to that (including our PM's Facebook page).

Our Bill of Rights states clearly in Section 11: Everyone has the right to refuse medical treatment.

This important human right is backed by the monumental weight of the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki, both of which NZ is a signatory of.

Your proposing of Section 11 in this Bill states:
report for and undergo a medical examination or testing of any kind, and at any place or time, specified and in any specified way or specified circumstances:

This is an absolute affront and abuse of our natural rights as free citizens, in fact it is a crime against humanity and will be remembered by many as such.

A vaccine is a medical treatment and in the case of these mRNA vaccines, they're being forced upon us and our children & grandchildren through propaganda, pressure and coercive manipulation without 3,5 & 7 year clinical data analyses, which usual scientific rigour requires of any new drug or vaccine before they are given to humans through the pharmaceutical markets.

Also an affront to our precious natural rights are the Bill's new laws limiting, curtailing and harshly restricting our freedom of movement to halt the spread of a virus which is undoubtedly infectious, but does not kill 99.7% of people who contract it. Good prophylactics and early treatments are the best options for Covid-19, unless one is highly vulnerable through age, being immunocompromised or morbidly obese.

Why did you restrict Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine? Where are our monoclonal antibody treatments, which are freely provided for all over the United States? Your only push 24/7 are lockdowns and the vaxx, the vaxx, the vaxx ad nauseam!

You, our government, are manipulating an overblown, propagandized "health emergency" in order to take upon yourselves dictatorial powers previously unseen in this country.

If you really believe that Covid-19 is such a terrible, omnipotent and killer threat to all of us, including our children, that the Declaration of Helsinki, the Nuremberg Code and our Bill of Rights must now be so egregiously over-ridden, where the hell is your loud, unequivocal condemnation of the CCP and the biological agent that they deployed? Why do you keep genuflecting to a trading partner this malevolent?

Stop coercing people into an experimental medical treatment.

Stop throttling our economy.

Stop dividing citizens and pitting them against each other over lockdowns vs vaccines: a false dichotomy.

Stop forcing our country into an economic crash from which we will not see a recovery any time soon.

Stop lying that the vaccines carry no serious harm.

Stop brutally sweeping aside our natural liberties as if they are yours to grant to us if we do what you want.

Stop pretending that China, under the CCP, is not a malign power.

Stop turning New Zealand into a chronically low-trust society which needs such meddlesome micromangement.

Stop the disgusting propaganda so you can pull off a techno-communist-green Great Reset.

Stop persecuting our farmers and food growers when we need them most for our own supply chains

Stop the outright tyranny.


Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There'   



More than 10,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform

By: Global COVID Summit, Sep 23, 2021

Read the Declaration HERE.

Over 10,500 physicians and medical scientists worldwide have signed the “Rome Declaration” to alert citizens about the deadly consequences of Covid-19 policy makers’ and medical authorities’ unprecedented behavior; behavior such as denying patient access to lifesaving early treatments, disrupting the sacred, physician-patient relationship and suppressing open scientific discussion for profits and power.

The Declaration was created by physicians and scientists during the Rome Covid Summit, and immediately catalyzed support from doctors around the world. These professionals, many of whom are on the front lines of pandemic treatment, have experienced career threats, character assassination, censorship of scientific papers and research, social media accounts blocked, online search results manipulated, clinical trials and patient observations banned, and their professional history and accomplishments minimized in both academic and mainstream media.

Though the declaration’s signatories are diverse in their specialties, treatment philosophies and medical opinions, they have risen up to take a collective stand against authoritarian measures by corporations, medical associations, and governments and their respective agencies. The objective of the declaration is to reclaim their leadership role in conquering this pandemic.

In concert with the declaration, the signatories have created a “Doctors – and Scientists-only” COVID information platform so that citizens can make informed decisions for their families without interruption, manipulation, politicization, or profiteering from external forces outside of the doctor-patient relationship.

"It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave,tobe given a mark onthe righthand andthe forehead; so that no one could buy or sell without having the mark" (Rev 13:16-17). 


The Revelation of St John: 12. The Sea Monster and the Beast with the Lamb's Horn. A woodcut by Albrecht Dürer


  1. THank you for showing me that submissions could be made. I did not even know they were contemplating this virulently evil act.

    I have made my own submission pointing out the sheer illegality of their act.

    If they are not brought down these sons of Satan will destroy the whole world. May God the Most Holy and Terrible have mercy on us and yet visit his wrath upon those who flatly refuse to repent of perpetrating these crimes

  2. Thank you for the truth in your submission Thorough all these adversities and stumbling blocks we must hold fast and put our trust in God who will prevail. Jesus said on the cross Father forgive them for they know not what they, We must remember who He was up against

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