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Monsignor Edward Puleo presents Holy Communion at St. Brigid's Peapack , New Jersey, US |
30 people were there, down from 50 pre-lockdown. Every other pew was tied off with a sign in case you didn't realise why, and tried to barge on through.
The homily was Modernist to a degree. Father explained how the Church had 'developed' since God's word as proclaimed in the readings stated that "male and female He created them", and how it would continue to 'develop'.
There were no hymns, of course, because it's impossible to sing through a mask. Just as it's impossible to breathe correctly through a mask.
A reader of this blog who was present, and who would attend a Traditional Latin Mass if she could but it's been banned by Cardinal John Dew, doesn't wear a mask. She says she has an exemption. That exemption is probably not recognised by Ardern,Robertson&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation, but she is not required by law to reveal what it is.
For her, to wear a mask would be to tell a lie. The lie would be that a mask protects her and the people around her, and that it's 'to keep us safe'. She sees the mask as a tool for psychological oppression, manipulation and control of the masses. So you can imagine her feelings on reading in the Epistle for the 19th Sunday after Pentecost (she uses her 1962 Missal at Novus Ordo Masses - it makes them bearable), this verse:
"Wherefore putting away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbour, for we are members one of another" (Eph 4:25).
Not only is it impossible to breathe correctly through a mask, but:
"California parents are using the word ‘despair’ when describing the mental state of their children. According to Psychiatrist Dr. Stefani Reinold, on the Highwire with Del Bigtree, parents have been complaining their younger children feel like they are full of germs and everyone else is full of germs.
Extended mask wearing has shown detrimental psychological harms tied to lack of facial and emotional signaling according to a 1986 study on face recognition in children. Another report found wearing a mask longer than four hours a day decreases cognitive precision, increases headaches and sweating, and encourages dehydration, increasing bacterial infection risk. The same study noted a loss of sound quality from face-shield use and distorted verbal speech from masks
This morning our blog reader says she did receive Communion on the tongue which is, of course, her right. Deo gratias.
And she was greatly reassured by the Epistle for the Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost (she uses the 1962 Missal, even at Novus Ordo Masses). St Paul says: "Wherefore putting away lying, speak ye the truth every man with his neighbour, for we are members one of another" (Eph 4:24).
The lovely parishioner in St Joseph's foyer who was charged with the unenviable task of ensuring all Massgoers signed in and donned masks explained to the unmasked one that mask wearing and signing in was something "we have to do".
The unmasked one replied that in fact it was not, as it is not even mandated even by Stalinda Ardern, but is something Massgoers in Wellington Archdiocese 'must' do, by order of Cardinal John Dew. She could have gone on to say that "an unjust law is no law at all" (St Augustine) and so is a law which can be justly ignored or infringed, but instead she referred her interlocutor to this blog, specifically last night's post, ARDERN ET AL'S LIES EXPOSED BIG-TIME: FAX ON THE VAX ETC
And while on the theme of lies and/in the Catholic Church, Church Militant has something to say on the subject in BILLIONS FOR WHAT? Read on, please do:
With the steady flood of revelations about homopredation by the bishops and clergy and the ensuing cover-up, there is another enormous story that is almost entirely being ignored. That story is this: Why is the supposed "Church of the poor" secretly amassing tens, even hundreds, of billions of dollars?
When Jorge Bergoglio was elected pope almost nine years ago, the almost immediate posturing of the Vatican was the need for the Church to be humble, obedient, transparent, open to dialogue and poor.
But as Church Militant is quietly unearthing, the exact opposite is actually occurring. There appears to be an unprecedented money grab going on all over the Church, and it seems to be centered inside the Vatican itself, the very heart of the pretended "Church of the poor."
Through ongoing practices of setting up secretly owned international companies, failing to disclose them and cutting deals with other companies to shift billions of dollars around the world, the Vatican may actually be drowning in cash. These multiple and multinational schemes may sometimes be illegal, frequently unethical, more usually immoral and always questionable. The Vatican's status as its own country affords it ample opportunity to skirt international financial safeguards against corruption and largely go undetected, flying under the radar of accountability.
In the coming weeks, Church Militant will be releasing more specifics on this topic, but for the moment, we would like to narrow down the focus to similar practices among the U.S. bishops. While the Church in the United States is obviously not in its own country, it does enjoy an astonishing level of immunity from financial scrutiny by government regulators and oversight.
If morally questionable shepherds were so inclined, great advantage could be taken of the near anonymity under which the Church operates in financial terms.
First, as a nonprofit, the Church does not pay taxes. Second, its financial filings are not subject to public disclosure. Third, because of the long-established separation of Church and State in the United States, an atmosphere exists whereby courts and other government agencies are extremely reluctant to go sniffing around areas related to the Church's finances.
Going back to that beginning point about morally questionable men in miters, a so-called target-rich environment could exist for such men willing to engage in theft and the shifting around of hundreds of millions, even billions, of dollars. Offshore accounts, shell corporation holdings, money laundering schemes — you name it, the sky's the limit.
Mafia crime families, in fact, should consider starting their own religion — given the abilities afforded to engage in massive financial fraud — and still walk around with an air of respectability. And the same applies to multiple religious orders, which financially operate as small churches within the larger Church.
Men's and women's religious orders, but especially women's, have shrunk dramatically in recent decades — almost 80%, in fact, since 1965. Many of them had enormous wealth in buildings, property, investments and so forth. Much of the property had actual real-world use, like convents, schools, hospitals and so forth.
But as their numbers nosedived because of their lack of faithfulness, the properties became useless to them. They didn't have nuns or brothers to staff them. Therefore, the women began selling off vast amounts of real estate holdings, schools, convents and so forth. These holdings simply disappeared from the rolls of the religious orders.
Where did all that money go? Billions in assets in the wind. It certainly did not go back into the religious communities for anything related to the Faith. Likewise, what would massively shrinking orders of nuns actually need money for besides care for elderly health?
Since they have no future, they would have no call to invest in their future. Where is all the money? Even now, some religious houses have only a tiny number of nuns or brothers left alive inside their walls, much less any who are doing anything specifically active in the Faith that would rack up expenditures like back in the day.
When an order or community gets down to just a few remaining old folks, what happens to their financial holdings? They aren't living for free, so they must have assets. Who takes control? Who decides how to dispose of them? Where does the money go and who actually knows?
Obviously, someone knows, but again, once these sorts of things occur, the veil of Church secrecy drops, and the trail dries up. On occasion, there might be a few scant public records on the sale price of a former convent, for example, but after that money is absorbed into the Church, there's no real way to track it. Like the mob, bishops and dioceses can have a second set of books going, and no one is any the wiser.
But the difference between the mob and the bishops is that the mob can be investigated for financial crimes, while the bishops get to hide on the other side of that wall that separates Church and State.
The bottom line is that there is simply no way of knowing with any certainty if what your bishop is telling you about diocesan finances is actually a lie. And don't even bother trying to ask. Crooks don't generally fess up when questioned if there are zero consequences to lying; zero consequences in this life, that is. They can't get caught because there's nobody designated to actually catch them.
We know from the occasional secular media report that financial malfeasance occurs, but those reports usually spill out of an earlier report about homosexual sex abuse, like in the case of Michael Bransfield, former bishop of Wheeling-Charleston, West Virginia, who stole and spent money like a drunken sailor.
But such revelations are not frequent because they are nearly impossible to get at. Groups of bishops, for example, could easily establish their own religious nonprofit and funnel whatever they want into it. From that nonprofit, they could shift it anyplace they want — to other shell companies, to offshore accounts, to international markets and even to high interest-earning loans to enemy nations, to illegal arms deals, to sex trafficking of children. You just don't know.
That's the downside of refusing to be completely transparent — nothing may be true and everything could be true. It's one thing for the Church and the bishops to not want to be subject to the State, but toward the faithful? The basic reaction of the hierarchy is that the money is none of your business, you curious sheep. Now put on your masks while we close down your parishes.
But if you think about it, it all of a sudden becomes your business when they start asking you for it, simply taking it from parish checking accounts when they want to and consolidating parishes as a cover for what is little else than the next level of a giant money grab.
None of this activity — on a diocesan level or from the Vatican — speaks of a poor Church for the poor. In fact, it points to an international money laundering operation that is wholly unaccountable and that has local subsidiaries who have become experts at unethical monetary practices, all completely hidden by the cover of religion.
The questions to ask have to do with why, who and what. Why are tens, likely hundreds, of billions being amassed globally? Who in the Church is coordinating it? What is the money for?
What we do know is that it isn't being used to promote the Catholic faith.
And something else which gave our blog reader comfort today she says, was this verse from Psalm 110 in Evening Prayer for the Divine Office of the Church, which would seem to prove that God's precepts do not 'develop':
"His works are justice and truth;
his precepts are all of them sure,
standing firm for ever and ever;
they are made in uprightness and truth."
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Divine Office at Pluscarden Abbey |
Sarah Oconnor:
ReplyDeleteI stopped donating money at my local church, because not a cent of it is spent on upkeep of the building. It’s in terrible repair, gutters with holes overflowing, needs a new roof, needs painting. And most of the parishioners have been going there all their lives and are now very elderly.
Where did all that money go? Certainly not on the house of God.
I say:
Sarah, you have my heartfelt agreement! Our parish seems unable to afford anyone even to mow the church lawn properly. It's a disgrace. I say, "the Anglicans wouldn't allow it", but it makes no impression.
Ozzy Roberts:
DeleteSarah, have you seen all the gold that the Vatican is decked out in? At least St Peters has a s... ton of gold plastered all over the place. I find it hard to say that the Vatican and the Catholic Church made up average folk from all different nationalities is unified as one and the same thing. I just see them as overlapping to a degree. No outsider knows how much the Vatican with it's bank and investments is worth for sure. So your guess is as good as mine. In 2018 the Catholic Church in Australia was estimated to be worth $30 Billion but that was seen as a conservative estimate. I doubt that the Catholic Church in New Zealand is worth nearly as much and of course the circumstances for each Church is very different.
There is so much gold in St. Peter’s Basilica
Catholic Church worth $30 billion nationally, investigation finds
Mata Kapi:
ReplyDeleteOf course one of the Pacific Island pastors preach in front of the pulpit telling the church that the Blood of Jesus can't save people from the COVID, so sickening it breaks my heart because it comes from my very own country. He will answer to God one day for preaching false doctrine and putting Jesus out of the truth...
I say:
DeleteMata, yes: the wolves in sheep's clothing may not have to answer to us but they will certainly answer to God, and many of them before long; they are old men. We pray for their repentance and conversion.
Andrew Mountain:
He can save you from the covid yes. But there's also not being an idiot and gathering in large groups not wearing mask etc . The Blood of Jesus is not a magic potion or spell that overrides stupidity .
I say:
You need to check the facts on mask-wearing. Bad for you. And Jesus desires that we gather in large groups to worship Him. He commands it. Only very aged and health-compromised individuals need protection from a virus with a 99.55% overall recovery rate.
They are not maintaining the above churches as they are waiting to sell them. The money is in the land not the building.
ReplyDeleteSarah Oconnor again:
ReplyDeleteThe Catholic Church is probably the wealthiest church in the world. And their buildings are the worst maintained. Go to any town, the most unkempt church buildings are the Catholic ones. That is if you can even find them.
And it’s all well and good saying the parishioners should maintain them, volunteer their time etc. but most of the parishioners are over 70 years old.
Honestly, I’d really like to know where the money is going, because they are still donating.
Going as payouts to the victims of clerical abuse. So sad.
ReplyDeleteChurch Militant claims S.S.P.X. is a cult, and has produced a significant documentary on sexual abuse by S.S.P.X. priests.
ReplyDeleteI say: I haven't taken any notice of Michael Voris' doco but his past life as an active homosexual and his subsequent conversion has made him a relentless crusader against sodomy in the Church. It's likely his vehemence might carry him away at times.
DeleteYes. One or two cases but not a cult. Opus Dei has been called a cult. If they were cults like Bayside Rome would not entertain them.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous V says:
DeleteDear Michael Voris, sadly, is quite the muckraker. Just as sadly he apparently has a history of his own which may explain his present zeal in exposing the underbellies of others.
I have seen his documentary which is quite sensationalized. Again, sadly, there is truth in what he has exposed - some SSPX priests have indeed done some naughty things. These, however, have either left the SSPX on their own, or are now residing in a "house of contemplation" in Switzerland, withdrawn entirely from active ministry.
It is inevitable that unworthy men, for a variety of reasons, will inject themselves into positions of trust, such as the priesthood, not with the intention to do harm, but as a kind of self-imposed rehabilitation program, and with a genuine desire to do good.
In those days when the Church was in its right mind (i.e. before VII) there were sufficient checks and balances not to only keep such as these on the straight and narrow, but even to enable them to achieve their worthy goals.
Those checks and balances are gone today making it very imprudent for such as these to be accepted into the positions of trust that will necessarily be their responsibility should they be ordained.
All that being so, a much greater degree of prudence becomes essential in the acceptance and training of priestly neophytes.
Theresa Rogers:
ReplyDeleteWe’ve had no mass for weeks. Our priest is on the other side of the border 🙄🙄🙄
Legionaries of Christ hiding much money in NZ trusts according to todays Herald. Mustn't let the victims get too much compo.
ReplyDeleteBernadette Milliken:
ReplyDeleteSay no to masks!!! Din wear them Don't put them on your children!!!!
I say:
Bernadette, absolutely. I have not worn a mask. Ever. Anywhere.