Monday 11 October 2021


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So far in New Zealand, the so-called 'pandemic' on which the Government's  COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill (No 2) is posited, has resulted in 27 deaths.

So far, the Ministry of Health statistics show that Pfizer's so-called vaccine has resulted in 68 deaths.

So 27 have died of the virus, and 68 have died of the 'cure' for the virus. Need one say more? But there is more: as of September 18, the number of adverse reactions recorded is 20,584.

And the Pfizer jab doesn't do the job. Scotland is the latest nation to indicate the jabbed are more likely to die than the unjabbed. There is stark evidence of COVID jab campaigns like New Zealand's having led to dramatic spikes in COVID-19 deaths in 40 nations.  

The Pfizer jab is tainted by the use of live aborted babies in its development. "The ends never justify the means": no matter what Pope Francis or NZ's Catholic Bishops say, morally this 'vaccine' is detestable.

So the premise on which this legislation is based - "preventing, containing, reducing, controlling, managing, eliminating, or limit the risk of the outbreak or spread of COVID-19 - is proven to be completely false, a lie and outrageous usurping of human rights. 

No true pandemic of the past - such as polio - evoked any such totalitarian measures as this Covid-19 Response Amendment Bill. No treatment of COVID-19 - such as Ivermectin, with its dramatic results in India - has been permitted or even considered by NZ's Ministry of Health. Its only recourse has been an experimental gene therapy and lockdowns which have crippled New Zealand's economy, caused untold distress and now with mandatory vaccinations are dividing families and friends with totally unfounded fears.

Breaking her own rules but at least we're spared her smile 

This bill is not about New Zealanders' health. It's about control, totalitarianism and depopulation. By the evidence of this bill, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, a proven liar and megalomaniac disguised by a smile and winning ways, has ambitions of despotism. This Government is acting in concert with a global elite who are directing human affairs to their own advantage by reducing the population of the planet to a number which will serve their own interests, improving their quality of life and eliminating all and everything which runs counter to that end.

Thousands of health professionals worldwide have risked their reputations and careers to oppose this dreadnought campaign of the elites for mass vaccination. Their testimonies have been ridiculed, suppressed, removed and censored.


In Israel the efficacy of the Pfizer 'vaccine' is shown by the new definition of Pfizer-'vaccinated': 3 shots. All double-vaccinated Israelis are now 'unvaccinated' and their COVID passes are revoked. 

The PCR test is a joke, testing nothing but Kiwis' gullibility; its practitioners - the much put-upon nursing profession - expose themselves by their get-up more to ridicule than a viral infection no more serious than seasonal influenza. 

This bill contravenes the Nuremberg Code, the first clause of which states: "The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential." This bill proposes a breach of human rights with criminal consequences likely to match or outdo the Jewish holocaust of World War II, the repetition of which the Nuremberg Code was designed to prevent. 

With this bill (and we have no illusions about the effectiveness of submissions, be they ever so many and persuasive) New Zealand will reap the whirlwind sown by Ardern,Little&Co, Death Dealers to the Nation, when they passed the Abortion Legislation Act in March 2020.  

Not only history, but also an international court, will surely one day arraign Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, her Government and the complicit New Zealand mainstream media on charges of criminal malfeasance and treason for the unprecedented and unparalleled totalitarian nature of this bill.  

Not only history, not only an international court, but also God Almighty will one day bring Jacinda Ardern and her cohorts to judgment. Proverbs 6:16-19 alone will be enough to condemn them: 

"There are six things that the Lord hates,  seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,  a heart that devises wicked plans,  feet that make haste to run to evil,  a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers."

A human fetal lung at 14 weeks' gestation


  1. . . and yet the pro vaxxers and sheople will flatly deny this fact, calling it fake news.

    I did get one of myfriends to make a submssion opposing the bill as though a convinced vaxxer he agreed coercion should not be necessary, he made the distinctions i list below

    I asked another friend of mine to make a submission on the same basis one the same bill, which i am grateful to have learned about from you.

    She totally failed to distinguish between the issue of the covid, thevax, and coercive mandates (3 separate issues) and sent me a piece of junk which proved nothing, intended to discredit the VAERS figures to prove very few people have died of the thing

    I can send it here if you like. It is a web page cut and pasted and does not identify anyone but a public figure who said thevaxx is safe

    when i replied calling her out on various fallacies she went ballistic

    so i have seen the mind deadened submissiveness first hand now, this from an intelligent woman with a first class honours degree and I think straight A's in her double major bachelor's degree

  2. Perhaps don't be Liberal with the truth. The vast majority of those 68 deaths have been proved to be not linked to the vaccine or still under investigation. There's only one with a possible link.

    Don't tell lies.

    1. Voices for Freedom - or it may have been NZ Doctors Speaking Out with Science - would say I've been very stingy with the truth (as per MOH statistics), as their count of the dead post-vax in NZ is now 185.

  3. I believe that the way this regime is forcing this murderous injection on the whole population of NZ has its foundation in aGenDa 2130 which clearly has the eugenicist idea of willy gAteS right behind it, but how about the thought that the Islands be cleared of people to make way for the 'elites' ( who have already bought up a lot of property here ) to take over 'God's Own for themselves

  4. Children aged 5 FIVE years old are still unclear about which hand is left and which is right. The children with no idea that we are allowing others to manipulate them in as much as we are letting them be injected with a "medicine" that is still not proven to be safe or effective. Many children will be hurt and many will be severely impaired and some will die. I hope it is fewer than I expect. I AM NOT A DOCTOR but I can use my brain and I can read and deduce and I have three children and 5 grandchildren.
