Tuesday 5 October 2021


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"By denying proselytism, Francis basically is denying the commandment Christ gave to the Apostles. This is a very bold denial..."

Many faithful Catholics in New Zealand will be familiar with the phenomenon of modernist - or simply misled - priests, who swallow the indigestible words of the Antipope Bergoglio and regurgitate them in homilies decrying 'proselytism'. 

Many who are stuck in the pews on Sunday for the sake of Holy Mass, or just wanting their weekly dose of spiritual painkiller, will have wondered what 'prosyletism' means.

Pretty much what 'evangelism' means, actually. 'Proselytise"means to encourage or persuade other people to change, to convert, to your beliefs - in this context, to Catholicism. 

But in his determination to convert the Catholic Church, whole and entire, to the global elites' New World Church, Bergoglio (in other words, in his own, peculiar and particular anti-Catholic proselytising),  has swapped 'evangelism' with its good, Gospel connotations, for the word 'proselytise' which is associated with Billy Graham, Baptists and the Latter-Day Saints.

It's his typical, Jesuitical verbal sleight-of-hand. The Antipope wants to put Catholics, especially priests, off evangelising, and he's been at it for years with great success. His 2019 visit to Morocco, for example,  elicited the following headlines: 

“Conversion is not your mission, pope tells Catholics in Morocco,” said Reuters. “Pope Francis urges Moroccan Christians against converting others,” reported the Daily Telegraph. Catholics online wondered how the Pope’s words could be reconciled with the Great Commission, Christ’s command to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).https://catholicherald.co.uk/why-is-proselytism-a-problem/

So Bergoglio's most recent video eight days ago is hardly surprising, but he's ramping it up.

Francis attacks Catholic proselytism

In the most recent papal video Francis emphatically attacks Catholic proselytism and affirms that every apostolate should be based on "an encounter."

He understands "an encounter" as the apostolate a Catholic makes by his exemplary life.

Although this neologist "encounter" emits the bad odor of Progressivism, there is essentially nothing new about it: The Catholic Church has always taught that we must give good example. 
What is strange is that by condemning proselytism, the Pope seems to deny the two other traditional methods of apostolate, which bring people to the Faith by persuasion and by discussions. 
When Our Lord ordered the Apostles to teach all nations by preaching the Gospel (Mt 28:19), the supposition of this commandment is that they should persuade pagans to accept the truth of the Catholic Faith, engaging in lively discussions if necessary to achieve this end. So, by denying proselytism, Francis basically is denying the commandment Christ gave to the Apostles. This is a very bold denial... 
The gravest part is that this denial is not something new to the scene. Since 1991, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and now Francis have been systematically opposing proselytism. What is the reason?


The explanation for this position is that, after the 1989 change of direction in Communism, Catholics in the Ukraine, Slovakia and Romania were taking back their churches, which Stalin had given to the Schismatics. The movement was so strong that, in the first six months alone, Eastern Catholics had taken back 1,300 churches. Since the Schismatics had a false and weak faith, along with this movement many of their followers, including their priests, were converting en masse to Catholicism.

This quick landslide of the so-called Orthodox people into the Catholic Church caused the Schismatic hierarchs in Ukraine and Russia to panic. Unable to contain the movement, they blackmailed the Vatican, threatening that unless the Pope put an end to the initiatives of those Eastern Catholics, they would put a stop to Ecumenism with the Vatican. Unfortunately the Pope gave in and condemned the actions of those good Catholics. Check here and here.

That's not blackmail, it's coercion; but whatever you want to call it, it worked. 

This is the reason why JPII started to attack proselytism.

Or to give it the kinder, truer term, evangelism. That's the reason why 'evangelism' suddenly became 'proselytism'.  

The landmark document was issued in March 1991 by the due Vatican organ: Uniatism as a Method of Union. Thenceforth, the progressivist Popes multiplied their condemnations of proselytism and the Schismatics hierarchs increased their wailing over it. (Check here)

This practical reason – which by the way is unjust since Ecumenism is wrong – does not attenuate, but aggravates the denial of the commandment of Our Lord. We see that it is not only Francis who is acting like a Pope opposed to Christ, but that his predecessors did the very same thing.

Bergoglio's namesake, poor St Francis whose feastday we celebrated Monday last, is often misquoted by the false ecumenists and modernists in the post-Vat II Church. How often have you heard priests tell their hapless congregations:"Preach always and sometimes use words." 

St Francis never said any such thing. And in fact, of course, preaching (proselytising, evangelising) leads to Faith which comes from hearing - think of the famous preachers who down through the ages have converted souls to Christ in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church: St John Chrysostom ('John of the Golden Mouth'), St John Henry Newman (who was himself a convert), Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen - and in New Zealand, Father Patrick Peyton with his Rosary Crusade in the 1950s. Fr Peyton is now under consideration for canonisation. 

 Romans 10: 14:

How then shall they call on him, in whom they have not believed? Or how shall they believe him, of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear, without a preacher?

Venerable Archbishop Fulton J Sheen - a preacher par excellence


  1. Martin Ng says:
    There can be no encounter if we keep quiet about Jesus.

  2. Paul Young:
    Come on Julia ... it's all make-believe... get some self-respect and learn about the real world while you can ...

  3. Mike Houlding:
    He's a fraud.

    Charles Pierard:
    The Vatican is only half the story. The other half uses it as a mask.

  4. Sherryle Lee:
    I am not Catholic but totally agree with you. As a Christian who worked in an interdenominational Clearing House that was working to help people in need in Auckland back in the 90s, I got to know some some amazing prayerful Catholics. paul Young is so wrong. Sadly this current Pope is not a Christian in any way shape or form. He seems to be the Anti-Christ.

  5. Beverley Bennett:
    I am a very serious Catholic indeed and love the faith with all my Heart, but I agree with you totally about this pope. He just promotes confusion, not the true faith.

    Theresa Rogers:
    The pope really seems to hate Catholics.

    1. Sherryle Lee:
      think this Pope hates mankind and is an instrument of the devil. 😡

  6. I am not a catholic and I am pleased to see that you accept the comments of non catholics.

    I am deeply interested in theology, and have been so for over 40 years.

    It is a matter of plain logic that Bergoglio is not a catholic, so calling him an antipope is entirely apt.

    He wil stand before the Holy and Terrible (I do have some catholic tendencies and this view of God is something i have only ever seen in Ignatius Loyola) and bitterly regret his heresies and his daring to preach them from such a prominent platform as the Papacy
