Sunday 31 March 2024


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Hastings Mayor Sandra 'Lipstick' Hazelhurst was on the verge of tears last week, apologising all over the place to constituents for cancelling Rainbow Story Time. She'd read the room all wrong.

Quiescent Kiwis are waking up. Their anger at the drag queens whose plans to groom little children were frustrated, and by police arrests of Tamaki's pedestrian crossing painters in Gisborne show our innate sense of right and wrong is still in working order. But Cuddles Coster's, and his politicised police, not so much. That rainbow-which-is-not-a-rainbow crossing was illegal. So painting it out wasn't vandalism, it was improvement. And there's no such thing as 'hate crime' on the statute books - yet. 

But there will be, unless we recognise and resist the demonic hiding in plain sight in the LGBTQ movement which has morphed into an industry financed by the super-liberal, super-rich global elite. It's unmasked in the story below from Jennifer Bilek, interviewed by Johnathan Van Maren.

But first - well, what do you know? Something good has come out of academia - Emeritus Professor Rex Ahdar, of Otago University, has weighed in, in the corner of truth and commonsense, on the K' Road and Gizzy 'rainbow' crossing debacle.

The rainbow, that once great sign of God’s covenant with humanity not to ever flood the Earth again (Genesis 9:9-17) has taken on a different hue. It has been co-opted by the homosexual community as a symbol of their proud emergence as a sub-culture deserving of equal approbation in Western liberal democracies.

What are we to make of the Destiny Church members painting over a rainbow pedestrian crossing in Gisborne? After an incensed Gisborne Mayor had the rainbow promptly repainted, several members of the Church (paint cans, brushes and rollers in hand) were arrested in anticipation of them re-painting (white) the same zebra crossing. A day or so later and the rainbow pedestrian crossing in trendy Karangahape Road, Auckland, was painted over by persons yet to be identified. Destiny Church did not claim credit for that protest.

Notice, I called it a protest, not ‘vandalism’ or, a fortiori, a ‘hate crime’. But then I’m a benighted orthodox (small ‘o’), conservative (small ‘c’) Christian. We all know Christianity is just the British coloniser’s religion, a foreign set of beliefs and practices introduced to soften up the indigenes for eventual takeover.

As usual, the fact that Destiny Church was involved is enough for most to take umbrage. In the Overton Window some stances are not acceptable. And in Polite Society, Brian Tamaki (he calls himself a bishop!) and the Destiny rabble are not ever to be ever spoken about, except derisively.

What next? The Karangahape Road sign will, with alacrity, be repainted with the rainbow colours. The Auckland police will leave no stone unturned, nor discarded paint can forensically unexamined, to find the perpetrators of this heinous vandalism.

Meanwhile, three of the Gisborne protestors have been charged with “graffiti vandalism”. Police Area Commander, Danny Kirk, of the Gisborne constabulary intoned (RNZ, 29 March 2024):

"We consider that, on the face of it, the alleged offending is consistent with a hate crime, and we will seek to establish that as fact during the ongoing investigations and court proceedings. This incident has caused concern for many people in our diverse community and acts like this have no place here. Freedom of speech and the right to protest are fundamental principles of a free and democratic society under the rule of law. Sadly, a line has been crossed on this occasion.”

A line has indeed been crossed, but it was crossed a while ago. Protests by the militant wing of the LGBTQ+ community are fine, but those opposing the Rainbow agenda will not be tolerated. It is a hate crime to oppose the Rainbow crowd, but good old freedom of speech and protest to vilify conservative speakers and punch their elderly supporters. The latter people are the ‘far’ right. They are recalcitrant antediluvian purveyors of hate who should be silenced “in our diverse community”. British conservatives now speak regularly of “two-tier policing”. I did not realise it had travelled here so swiftly.

This latest little contretemps in the kiwi kulturkampf is all about symbols and all about what they stand for. What is the meaning of the rainbow in the early 21st century? Mmmmm. Take it away Kermit:

So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it

I know they're wrong, wait and see

Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection

The lovers, the dreamers and me.

 Emeritus Professor Rex Ahdar, University of Otago for Bassett, Brash and Hide

 And now, the most germane of the comments posted on EMERITUS PROFESSOR REX AHDAR: The Rainbow Connection ( (edited)

'Hooded and masked vandals' - NZ Herald on the side of sick

  • If you want the good oil on who is behind the hyper-liberal globalist elite's queer stormtroopers, then the article below will blow your mind




  • Police must thank Brian Tamaki and his Christian followers for restoring the crossing to its legally determined condition (LAND TRANSPORT RULE, SEC.8.2/3 -

  • It's cringing upper-echelon political Police who are the problem


  • The lamingtons that are the police organization


  • Coster should be asked why he is not upholding the law. Why didn't he have the rainbow crossings painted out himself. UPHOLD THE LAW, COMMISSIONER! THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE APPOINTED TO DO


  • They have a trans-woman officer as advisor (Rhona Stace) which explains what happened in Albert Park
Sergeant and Police Prosecutor Rhona Stace, previously Constable Rohan Stace. Now 'Senior Prevention Partnerships Advisor - Inclusion' at NZ Police: Makes your blood run cold

  • The LGBTQ flag is NOT a rainbow as it only uses six colours, omitting indigo from the flag. Indigo is a symbol of integrity, something that is missing from a community built around pride. The LGBT community uses a multi-coloured flag that falls short in every way….especially in what it represents

  • God created the rainbow. It belongs to Him. God’s rainbow has 7 colours. Strong’s Dictionary: the word “rainbow” has 7 letters (qesheth).  God’s rainbow represents His goodness, His mercy and grace, His love and long-suffering, and, most of all, is a reminder He is faithful to His promises. The true rainbow will never represent, nor can it ever celebrate, any sinful behaviour

  • We know we have a problem when they change the name of paedophile to ‘minor attracted person’

  • Police have no business attributing 'hate' to what is likely an objection to overt encouragement of homosexuality, far from 'hate' of homosexuals

  • Painting over a colour decoration on the road is a hate crime but painting over the Treaty of Waitangi at Te Papa is not?

  • Through his Christian beliefs Tamaki has built a following that today probably represents the most real opposition to the "progressive" (read neo-communist) takeover of our institutions

  • Voices For Freedom and Brian Tamaki are perhaps the two most effective organisations we have for fighting back.

Whatever happened to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in New Zealand, Bishops? Hmmm? 

The Billionaires Behind the LGBT Movement” was published in First Things (redacted). Jonathan Van Maren


Transgenderism is a glamorous ad campaign generated by elites, invested in tech and pharma, to normalize the changing of human biology.
Jennifer Bilek is doing what journalists always used to do: she's following the money. What she has uncovered is a bombshell that reveals the extent to which the transgender phenomenon has been created by super-wealthy LGBT donors who have a dark and sinister agenda.
The cultural shifts we see today regarding gender identity are largely influenced by huge capital inflows from governments, philanthropists, corporations, and investment management and accounting firms like Blackrock and Ernst & Young.
While some believe that the ideology originated in universities, funding is directed to these institutions to promote the idea of synthetic sex identities as progressive, which students then carry into the world.
The money and the ideology come out of the medical-tech sector. The Arcus Foundation, one of the largest LGBT NGOs, plays a central role in this regard, not only by providing extensive funding to a plethora of institutions but also by introducing a tracking apparatus called MAP and encouraging wealthy philanthropists to invest in the LGBT constituency. Stryker Medical, with its ventures into the facial feminization surgery market, exemplifies the interconnection between the LGBT political apparatus and the medical-tech industry. The corporate fortune that is Stryker Medical, with its ventures into the facial feminization surgery market, exemplifies the interconnection between the LGBT political apparatus and the medical-tech industry.
The tech giants—Google, Intel, Microsoft, Facebook, Salesforce, Hewlett Packard, and Amazon—leverage their financial power both to fund this industry in body dissociation and also to browbeat entire states to accept the ideology by threatening the withdrawal of their capital.
They did this in 2016, when they signed an amicus brief against North Carolina. After that the state insisted on bathroom privacy for boys and girls in schools.
The rapid proliferation of this ideology is attributed to tremendous financial pressure and mainstream media censorship of critics, which aligns with the media’s ownership by the medical-tech industry. The intertwining of conglomerates like Hearst, Conde’ Nast, and Disney with prominent pharma platforms contributes to the pervasive influence of the techno-medical complex in America.
The LGBT civil rights movement was originally a grassroots movement that became corporatized during the AIDS crisis in the ’80s. American transsexualism, rooted in the medical establishment, dates to the 1950s, with the medical assault on reproductive organs. The LGBT community transformed into a profitable investment and marketing constituency after the AIDS crisis. With the addition of transsexualism it rebranded as ‘transgender’ for marketing purposes.
This phenomenon is an industry rather than a movement. The focus lies on the creation of synthetic simulacrums of human reproductive characteristics, marketed for profit and human engineering. Contrary to a genuine human rights movement for the marginalized, synthetic sex characteristics are a corporate illusion. 
The term ‘transgender’ doesn’t mean anything in regards to people. It attempts to cover a broad spectrum, from medical assaults impacting healthy reproductive organs to non-medical expressions of feelings about sex-role stereotypes, sometimes involving surgery and drugs and sometimes not. 
‘Transgenderism’ emerges as a conglomerate driven by corporate pressures, grooming both adults and, more significantly, children into industrial body disassociation—a thriving business, an industry dedicated to dissociation from the sexed body (which) has experienced explosive growth.
Notable figures like Whoopi Goldberg are associated with modeling agencies catering to those attempting to disown their sex. Artists capture images of individuals with synthetic sex identities; TV programs feature characters attempting to disassociate socially and medically from their sexed reality; and law firms profit from lawsuits involving those wanting to disown their sex or protect the legal category of sex.
Medical-sex identities, along with technological reproduction, are at the forefront of attempts to advance our species beyond our current human borders. The strategic linking of an agenda aimed at deconstructing reproductive sex with a civil rights movement centered on same-sex attraction was pure genius—a metaphorical fox in the henhouse, but dressed as a hen.
We are on the brink of breakthroughs in genetic engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), and artificial reproduction, each comprising significant industries. The convergence of these fields indicates a trajectory towards a future that transcends our current human state, a narrative predicting a more integral fusion of humans with AI, envisioning the creation of a hybrid species.
The burgeoning tech-reproductive market, already valued at $27 billion, aligns with the broader trend of viewing the interior of the human body as a lucrative marketing landscape. With the development of injections capable of altering our DNA, there is apparent potential for profitability in treating the human body, fetuses, and women’s reproductive organs as canvases for technological interventions.
The tech reproduction industry seems like a harbinger of a future in which reproduction without copulation or gestation may be the norm. The gender identity narrative serves these marketing ventures as it reduces our wholly sexed humanity to commodities.


Martine Rothblatt - who does he think he's kidding?

Martine Rothblatt stands as another influential figure in this societal transformation. Formerly known as Martin, Rothblatt adopted synthetic simulacrums of women’s wholly sexed humanity and now identifies as a woman. Describing himself as ‘transhuman,’ Rothblatt advocates for human augmentation that challenges traditional concepts of sex. This includes advocating for the melding of humans with AI, virtual reality, tech reproduction, and other transformative technologies. Rothblatt, along with other transsexual lawyers, drafted the first ‘gender bill,’ aiming to secure rights for individuals undergoing augmentation to change their physical reality. 
It is crucial to inform people about the substantial financial investments directed towards an illusory constituency. There are no ‘transgender’ individuals, so what exactly are these funds supporting? They are fueling an effort to confer human rights upon a segment of the population who are seeking to disown their humanity.
By reframing the narrative away from human rights for the marginalized towards rights for those attempting to disown their humanity, we can offer a fresh perspective. 
We need to reclaim language. Every time we use their fabricated terms like ‘transgender,’ ‘gender identity,’ or ‘correct pronoun usage,’ we inadvertently reinforce the notion of people existing outside the boundaries of our species’ biological sex.
We need to inquire about the meaning of transgender, challenging the assumed understanding. Similarly, interrupt and reframe statements like ‘trans people’ by suggesting, “Do you mean individuals attempting to disown their sexed reality?”
Taking action is imperative. Leverage your strengths, speak unwaveringly of the truth, and resist the temptation to appease. This predatory industry has set its sights on the next generation, demanding that even those unfamiliar with activism step forward.
The truth, grounded in biological reality, is our strongest ally, supported by the entirety of the living world.


The Resurrection Fresco
Piero della Francesco

And for fear of him, the guards were struck with terror, and became as dead men

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