Thursday 14 March 2024


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The diocesan faithful of Palmerston North will gather, two weeks from today, for the Chrism Mass of Maundy Thursday, in expectation of the usual throng of elderly men in the sanctuary of the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, all facing the wrong way, like Protestants. 

Concelebration - taken for granted by the post-Vat II, neo-apostate generations - is a creature of the Novus Ordo, itself a creature of the Freemason Annibale Bugnini and his Protestant advisors. It is THE issue of the moment for the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP), who are being ever-so-nicely strong-armed by the Usurper Bergoglio into concelebrating the NO Mass in Holy Week, to demonstrate an 'ecclesiastical communion' which doesn't exist except in modernist terms, in brutal violation of the FSSP's adherence to Tradition and the Usus Antiquior (Latin Mass). 

Picture these truly pious priests lined up with their diocesan bishop behind a table, facing the people instead of Almighty God, in a rite they abhor because it is a rupture with Tradition. Because the Novus Ordo is a revolution. It's enough to make your Catholic blood run cold.  Or boil.

The evil here lies in the fact that the Vatican are saying, "You can have your pre-conciliar liturgy but you cannot have your pre-conciliar theology because once you bend the knee to the modernist sacramental theology and ecclesiology of concelebration, now you are bending the knee to the revolution you have resisted up to this point." So says Catholic apologist Kennedy Hall in a lively discussion here with Dr Taylor Marshall -

"Saying Mass facing the people makes you gay!" Marshall asserts with a grin. His tongue is firmly in cheek but let's face it, the homo horror in the Church emerged alongside the Mass concocted by Bugnini (whose name, Annibale, means 'Gift of Baal', which seems a bit of a hint if ever there was one).  Behold you put your trust in lying words, which shall not profit you: To steal, to murder, to commit adultery, to swear falsely, to offer to Baalim, and to go after strange gods, which you know not.  And you have come, and stood before me in this house, in which my name is called upon, and have said: We are delivered, because we have done all these abominations (Jer 7: 8-10).

Homosexuals love theatre, and the Mass is theatre - which is why the actions of the priest, servers and people must express their state of mind, their feelings: lex orendi, lex credendi. That's why, at the Latin Mass, every act is precisely and specifically choreographed. Massgoers ALL genuflect before entering their pew, because they are in the presence of God and His angels and as Marshall and Hall comment, in the sanctuary all movement is disciplined, militaristic even. In the Latin Mass even the vestments are classical and disciplined, not easy-wear like the feminine frocks affected by N O priests.  Because ours is a Church Militant, for soldiers of Christ, not for slouchers. 

A 'reverent Novus Ordo': turning their backs on Almighty God

But the Mass is classical theatre rather than a show on Broadway. Homosexuals love the stage. They love dressing up and strutting their stuff in public. And characteristically, they have a gift for theatre. But the Novus Ordo Mass satisfies a priest's putative narcissistic inclinations because it is man-centred, not God-centred. The N O Mass is all about YOU. By comparison, in the traditional Latin Mass YOU DISAPPEAR. You are annihilated by the overwhelming presence of Almighty God. The priest bends low over the chalice and whispers the words of consecration - because he is whispering to God. 

Like the priests in the Old Testament on the Day of Atonement in the Holy of Holies, the priest in the Latin Mass is talking to God, NOT YOU. Compare that with the NO Mass, especially concelebrated. As Kennedy Hall comments, "People will say, I couldn't hear what the priest was saying. Too bad. He was talking to God, not you. It's not about YOU." It's about giving glory to God the Father. 

At the cathedral of the Holy Spirit Palmerston North on Maundy Thursday - if things go as usual, but with a new bishop, who knows? - at the moment of Consecration all those priests will stretch out their right hand and say, more or less loudly, "THIS is My Body." (Or maybe it's only the bishop who will pronounce the words but it makes no difference.) Because the Host is metres away from most of the celebrants! To make grammatical sense they should be saying , "THAT is My Body " - that over there, on the table in front of Bishop Adams. 

But that is My Body is not what Christ said. Sacramental words signify the act. They must mean what they say. There has to be a clear intention. That's not pharasaical, it's the fact of the matter.

With their backs to God in the tabernacle and gesturing at a host metres away 

The FSSP are paying the price for deserting Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, who almost alone among the fathers of Vatican II perceived the abyss towards which the Church was hurtling and into which, in the Francis pontificate, she has now fallen. Hard. Blessed are they who will celebrate the Chrism Mass in SSPX churches worldwide, with all the majesty, due ceremony, beauty and precision demanded by the 1962 liturgy! Concelebration of the Chrism Mass is the thin end of a big fat wedge being craftily driven into the FSSP ranks. Continuing along the same trajectory, in being compromised by a sacramentally dubious liturgy, the FSSP may soon find itself confronting Bergoglio's 'wishes' for:

  • allowing Communion in the hand at their traditional Latin Mass
  • altar girls at their traditional Latin Masses
  • readings in the vernacular
  • lay lectors
  • lay 'Eucharistic ministers' 
  • no more traditional Confirmations 
  • ordination in the Novus Ordo, not the traditional Rite
  • infighting in the FSSP between priests who will inevitably succumb and priests who  resist
  • and - Bob's your uncle - the demise of the order.  Just what Bergoglio and Co want.

    Sticking with Father Boomer's Mass - or turning to the Latin Mass peacefully accepted by all?

And another thing: the Novus Ordo has caused controversy right from the get-go, in 1969, with the Ottaviani Intervention.  Whereas the Mass of Ages is of God. It is an organic liturgy developed by the Magisterium over hundreds of years, has always been peacefully accepted, by all. It was The Mass. There was no alternative, not until Martin Luther and the Deformers invented one. 

The Latin Mass of Ages is Tradition, and Tradition, as Archbishop Lefebvre said in 1984, does not need permission. Tradition is the Deposit of Faith. "It is an Apostolic gift of immeasurable and inestimable value," says Kennedy Hall, "and does not need canonical permission any more than saying the Rosary needs permission.I know the traditional Mass is the will of God. Like the Rosary is the will of God.

"When something is promulgated and universally accepted and comes from Apostolic times, when that thing is permitted to last within the Church and is canonised and crystallised over centuries and it's peacefully accepted within the Church - there is no way that God would allow something damaging to the Faith to be permitted for centuries. The Novus Ordo cannot fulfill that requirement. It is impossible. It has never been peacefully accepted; it has been resisted since Day One.

Take your pick

"All the ancient liturgies, because they come from the Apostles, have the Offertory, the Consecration and the Communion of the priest. Those are the three integral parts of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Bugnini rite DOES NOT HAVE AN OFFERTORY. It has a valid consecration but it's not the proper biblical integration that God instituted with Abraham, with Moses and then with Jesus Christ in the New Covenant, the New Testament.

"The Offertory is when the priest sets aside and makes holy the bread and the wine and the water. You say prayers over them to make them holy and then you consecrate them into the Body and Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the Eastern way, the Roman way, the Old Testament way; that is the Catholic way. The Novus Ordo does not do that. What the N O has is a Jewish table prayer.It is not an  Offertory. Everyone from the age of 7 and up can understand that is a real theological deficiency in the Novus Ordo.

"There's no question of validity. Validity is not enough. Validity is a low bar. People hate it when I say this," says Kennedy Hall. "They'll say that Christ is truly present. This is reductionist. ... You're bringing Christ down on the altar and you're subjecting Him to something which is not worthy of the Divine Majesty."

To offer the Mass in a way that is worthy of Christ we have to be properly prepared - primarily by prayer. In the Novus Ordo, that prayer is missing. Just compare the texts of the Old Mass and the New 'Bogus Ordo' as it's sometimes called and see the offertory prayers that the Freemason Bugnini snipped out, just like Luther snipped books out of the bible.


Bergoglio and the Jesuits, and most bishops, says Taylor Marshall, dislike the traditional Mass because it's a different set of beliefs. They don't believe in the blood atonement of Christ, in the Mass as a propitiatory sacrifice offered by Christ to the Father. If you really pushed these prelates as to what they do believe in they would probably start talking about Cardinal Fernandez and his book about kissing and orgasms as an analogue to experiencing God's love.   

When Luther devised his German Mass, what happened? The Deformation. Millions left the Church. When Vatican II devised the Novus Ordo, what happened? Millions left the ChurchEvery practising Catholic today is saddened by the defection of a husband, a wife, brother, sister, children and grandchildren and needs to pray daily for their repentance, healing and conversion - to the Latin Mass of their ancestors. Which prompts the question, how many Novus Ordo Massgoers, or even N O priests or bishops, are prepared to die for the faith? Where are our would-be St Edmund Campions? Our English (Kiwi) martyrs-in-waiting? Before long we may discover them.  

So this Easter, Marshall and Hall say, they (the Vatican heavies) are going to make sure we all do the New Mass thing. Bergoglio and Co are using their authority, but authority and power, says Kennedy Hall - who as a Canadian and unv^xxed, experienced a national trauma not unlike New Zealand's under the Ardern regime - are not the same thing; there is no power unless there is consent - as New Zealanders, especially NZ's Catholic bishops and people, consented to the evil of the v^ccine, Bergoglio's "act of love". 

"The power can't do anything if there is massive resistance to it. "And this has happened in Church history," says Hall. "This is what the English martyrs did. St Ambrose was elected by the people to be their bishop when he wasn't even a cleric yet, he was a recent convert from paganism. There was the reaction to Nestorius. 

The big cringe at the N O - 'the sign of peace'

"Archbishop Lefebvre said this: there will come a day when a priest in one of these communities (like FSSP, or ICKSP (Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, will find himself at an impasse. When they're told they have to sign something - which you do, with Ecclesia Dei -  now you have to do what you signed.

"I can't fix anything ... but we had demonstrated to us by a great saintly priest of the 20th century that when you stand firm in the Catholic faith and you do not bend the knee - Archbishop Lefebvre was told to concelebrate in 1976 by the Nuncio in Switzerland. The Nuncio said, just say the New Mass and +Lefebvre said, I've already said Mass today.

"When you stand up, and you're on the side of God, against all odds you will be protected and you will thrive, and that is what happened with the traditional movement and we have to rest our hopes in that." 


  1. Any traditionalist or conservative priest who, in order to celebrate the Tridentine Mass, accepts the new doctrines of Council Vatican II and the reforms that proceeded from it, including the New Mass, has compromised with Progressivism, which is the heir of Modernism, condemned by St. Pius X as “the synthesis of all heresies.”
    This compromise has normally been made by signing the protocol of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, which is the organ of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in charged of dealing with traditionalist and conservative priests who want to say the Tridentine Mass.
    This protocol has four points:
    1. Acceptance of the doctrinal validity and legitimacy of Vatican II;
    2. Acceptance of the validity and legitimacy of the New Mass;
    The commitment to never raise a public debate about items 1 and 2;
    3. Submission to the local Ordinary, that is, the Bishop or Archbishop.
    4. By signing this protocol a priest receives permission from the Vatican to say the Tridentine Mass. It is called the celebret [it may be celebrated]. Then the priest has to find a Bishop who permits him to say the Tridentine Mass in his Diocese. Without the celebret no Bishop allows a priest to say the Tridentine Mass.

    1. the FSSP and ICKSP are not real trads. They are novus ordites who use the old rite.

    2. In order to prove that those priests really have no doubts about the legitimacy of the Novus Ordo Mass, many Bishops demand that they say at least one New Mass a year. Such demand was confirmed, now in writing, by Pope Benedict XVI in his Motu proprio Summorum Pontificum

    3. Members of the SSPX have actually attended Mass at the Cathedral in Palmerston North. I'm not sure what Mass but they were invited and attended. I was told this by a priest who was in attendance. The SSPX state that the believe the Novus Ordo Mass to be valid. The FSSP also state that they believe the Novus Ordo Mass is valid but I have never heard of any FSSP priest offering a novus ordo Mass. Please point to one occasion where they have.

    4. A point of clarification to my comment above. When I said "members of the SSPX have actually attended Mass at the Cathedral in Palmerston North" I should have been clear that it was two SSPX priests who attended a Novus Ordo Mass at the Cathedral in Palmerston North. Whether this could be called concelebration I would not know.

      Also, Leo Horvat states that Pope Benedict XVI's moto proprio Summorum Pontificum states that priests have to offer one NO Mass a year. This is incorrect. Nowhere is that stated in the moto proprio Summorum Pontificum. Therefore, Leo Horvat is guilty of misleading people and perhaps nothing he writes is reliable.

    5. Just a reminder Mr Horvat of the Protocol between the Holy See and the Priestly Society of St. Pius X. "I, Marcel Lefebvre, Archbishop-Bishop emeritus of Tulle, as well as the members of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X founded by me:

      1. Promise to be always faithful to the Catholic Church and the Roman Pontiff, her Supreme Pastor, Vicar of Christ, Successor of Blessed Peter in his primacy as Head of the Body of Bishops.

      2. We declare our acceptance of the doctrine contained in number 25 of the Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium of the Second Vatican Council on the ecclesial Magisterium and the adherence which is due to that magisterium.
      4. We declare in addition to recognize the validity of the Sacrifice of the Mass and of the Sacraments celebrated with the intention of doing that which the Church does and according to the rites indicated in the typical editions of the Roman Missal and the Rituals of the Sacraments promulgated by Popes Paul VI and John Paul II."

      This protocol also included "5. The Problem of the Bishop
      5.1 On the doctrinal (ecclesiological) level, the guarantee of stability and maintenance of the life and activity of the Society is assured by its erection as a Society of apostolic life of pontifical right, and the approval of its Statutes by the Holy Father.

      5.2 But, for practical and psychological reasons, the consecration of a member of the Society as a bishop seems useful. This is why, in the context of the doctrinal and canonical solution of reconciliation, we suggest to the Holy Father that he name a bishop chosen from among the members of the Society, presented by Archbishop Lefebvre. In consequence of the principle indicated above (5.1), this bishop as a rule is not the Superior General of the Society. But it seems opportune that he be a member of the Roman commission."

      Archbishop Lefebvre signed the protocol in 1988 but subsequently reneged and went ahead and consecrated bishops without the permission of Pope John Paul II. Archbishop Lefebvre also signed every one of the Vatican II documents and also accepted the validity of the NO Mass. It is often denied by members of the SSPX that they were offered a bishop from their own ranks to be consecrated but they quite clearly were. One can only wonder had the SSPX stayed united to the Church whether there would have been more of us to fight against the modernism that has overtaken the Church.

  2. They aren't being strong-armed, it is what they signed up for. They agreed to it for the beloved “celebret". Doesn't anyone really think they can make a deal of compromise with Satan, which is analogous to the VCII Church, and not have to pay with interest? Don't worry, they will be true to their charism of compromise. what is it worth a man to trade his soul for the world…. but for a celebret?

    1. That’s the price the FSSP and ICKSP pay for being compromised. They really can’t object. In theory they accept Vatican two and the novus ordo. If they hate the novus ordo that much that they can’t stomach one mass once a year they should be in the sspx or sedevacantist.

    2. The FSSP are being strong-armed psychologically: they're terrified that if they don't acquiesce with Bergoglio's 'wishes' they will forfeit the Tridentine Mass. They're not men of the mettle of +Lefebvre and Bergoglio knows it.

    3. When you make such statements, you need to give us a concrete example. There is nowhere that I have read that the FSSP have agreed to offer the NO Mass. You have already made an incorrect statement about Summorum Pontificum so I suggest that what you state is unreliable.

  3. Mathilda Miller14 March 2024 at 23:58

    We had to find a way where we can all in ONE accord calls Pope Francis "POPE EMERITUS of ROME". It was what he wanted to be called as reported by "SPIRIT DAILY NEWS" just now.

  4. tradition and religious political doctrine is not what Jesus Christ practised in his teachings on Worshiping and honouring God that I am aware of!!

    1. Really? He didn't practise His Jewish doctrine and tradition?
