Wednesday 27 March 2024


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Cancelled thanks to 'Bishop' Brian Tamaki

'Bishop' Brian Tamaki and his Destiny Church have forced the Hastings Public Library to cancel today's depraved drag queens' Rainbow Storytime. Thank God for Brian Tamaki. Because the real bishops of the Catholic Church do nothing to prevent this evil. 

Today, Spy Wednesday of Holy Week commemorates Judas Iscariot taking 30 pieces of silver and seeking his opportunity to betray Our Lord into the hands of the chief priests. Are NZ's Catholic Bishops not now betraying Christ by their silence, as He is crucified once more by the demonic perversion of men who groom small children for their sexual gratification? While God's rainbow, the sign of His covenant with mankind, is suborned by these deviants, the bishops stay silent .(In fact their 'Aroha and Diversity in Catholic Schools' positively encourages this evil ideology.) 

But Emeritus Bishop Peter Cullinane of Palmerston North has plenty to say in Cathnews, about "small family arguments". Presumably that's a coy reference to the outrage expressed in the Church over Fiducia Supplicans, which bestows blessings for "couples of the same sex". Right there is the reason for Satan's success in deploying the mad delusion of LGBTQ+ ideology: its implicit support by the usurper pope and his deviant hierarchy.  

+Cullinane is still gunning for the Latin Mass. Hidden under all his persiflage is his hatred of the Latin Mass, the Mass of Ages which puts glory to God before massaging the egos of His people. The bishop hearkens back wistfully to the French Revolution which "pushed back" against "bishops being princes and lords" with the catch-cry of liberty, equality and fraternity inspired by the Freemasons - with whom +Cullinane's views seem closely affiliated.

He reckons that "others have partially removed themselves from in-house discussion by opting for a “spirituality” more or less independent of the Church". Translated, that means faithful, traditional Catholics who uphold the millennia-long doctrine of the Catholic Church - especially in regard to sodomy - don't have the same right to be heard as Novus Ordo-ites. His "small family arguments", he says - such as blessing sodomites - "should not be given more time than we give to reaching out to people in need and working to transform society."

But that Gospel mission's success depends only on preaching the Gospel, and its failure is due simply to not doing that. The principal driver for its post-conciliar, chronic failure is its synthetic Mass, the Novus Ordo, which in and of itself teaches worship not of God, but of man. 

Bishop Cullinane's cognitive dissonance in regard to this unpalatable truth is not unlike the refusal of the jabbed to recognise its effects - the v^x injured and 'died suddenlys'. Modernist churchmen with their emptied pews, amalgamated parishes and vanished vocations have, like the v^ccinated,  painted themselves into a corner from which their pride and embarrassment will not release them. 

Ils ne voulient que notre bien - satire on the greed of the French clergy and their reluctance to give up their land for the Republic 

  • +Cullinane's diatribe in that demoralised rag, Cathnews, against Catholics who defend the Church doctrine believed and taught until Vatican II, states that "the priest had his back to the congregation". The reality is that the priest was facing God, as they always did - until the Second Vatican Council. In Novus Ordo churches where the tabernacle has not been unceremoniously swept aside by the modernists, the priest now has his back to God. The mistake betrays a diminution, if not the total loss, of faith. God is in that tabernacle to be worshipped, not banished to the peripheries for the convenience of 'the communidy' who, his Excellency says, want a quiet place for their private prayer. 

Fiddlesticks. THE CHURCH SHOULD BE A QUIET PLACE! Little St Jacinta Marto had occasion to tell a reverend mother that Our Lady had revealed to her that God is deeply offended by talking in church. "The people," Cullinane continues, "had no way of knowing where he was up to".  Nonsense. They followed the priest with missals giving the Latin and the vernacular. At traditional Latin Masses like St Anthony's SSPX Whanganui, with their parents' help even the many, many children follow their missal.

  • "Forgoing such options" (as bishops wearing mitres) says +Cullinane piously, "occurs naturally to those who think of the congregation’s needs more than their own prerogatives" 
  • "What counts is not what our signs means to ourselves, but what they mean to those we want to communicate with
  • "(M)inistry is not helped by regalia, customs or titles that symbolise power – the remnants of Christendom" 
  • "(H)ow we come across is meant to be for the benefit of others" 
  • "It’s the mission that doesn’t change". Oh but it has! It's changed from preaching the Gospel to preaching synodality (Francis), married priests (Fr Thomas Reece), 'gay' marriage (Father James Martin) global warming (Francis), the 'rights' of women (Francis).

What about the prerogatives of Almighty God? Is the Mass not primarily about communicating with God? It's not 'ministry' that the liturgy should assist, primarily it's God, Whose will it is that His creatures assist in the economy of salvation of souls. Primarily, the liturgy is for the glory of God and only secondarily (as the First Commandment comes before the Second) for 'others'. 

"Within this (Catholic) culture, the desire to belong is mysteriously stronger than anything that offends." Don't we know it! The mob mentality has been inculcated in the Church in the same way Prime Minister Ardern lured this nation into her 'team of 5 million' by means of all the strategies listed above. With the blasphemies and sacrilege of this pontificate, the only mystery is the continued presence in N O pews of any true Catholics at all.

+Cullinane mendaciously asserts that "a General Council of the Church mandated a revision of the Missal, and every Pope since has emphasised that continued use of the unrevised Missal is a special concession for specific pastoral needs. ... What matters here is not just the difference between two Missals; it is our Catholic practice of accepting the mandate of a General Council, and its endorsement by all subsequent Popes."

The facts of the matter are that John Paul II's commission of nine cardinals determined that (1) the TLM had never been juridically suppressed or abrogated and (2) that bishops cannot forbid or restrict a priest concerning the celebration of the traditional rite of Mass, whether in public or in private.

(N)either Paul VI nor the Council had abrogated the TLM. Indeed, the historical record shows that in the late ’60s, Paul VI and even Father Annibale Bugnini went on record to say that the TLM was to be kept and encouraged.

As Michael Matt of the Remnant says today, " If you take traditional moral teaching out of the Catholic Church you will have chaos. 

"We must keep the faith until God intervenes. Every Catholic in the world today is called upon to resist. resist the globalists (the most important globalist by far being the usurper pope Francis) to their faces."

'Mourners' at St Patrick's Cathedral New York

Michael Matt points to American footballer Harison Butker as a Catholic who is standing up against evil, specifically the evil of the transgender prostitute's funeral at St Patrick's Cathedral, New York. He's just won the Super Bowl, he has good looks, money - everything to lose.

(In an interview for EWTN) Butker said he was very upset about the “transgender funeral” because “there’s all of these things being said when you watch the funeral that are making fun of the Catholic faith, that are making fun of our Lord.”

“This is not acceptable,” he stressed. “I was waiting on someone to come out and say that this is outrageous. This is an abomination. This should have never happened.”

“And nothing came. So, I actually went on His Eminence’s [Cardinal Dolan’s] show last year. And they had asked for me to go on the show this year.”

“And I sent a letter saying, ‘I would love to go on the show, but I can’t unless something is addressed with what happened at St. Patrick’s Cathedral.’”

NFL kicker, Super Bowl winner and Defender of the Faith Harison Butker is a Latin Mass Catholic. 

Spy Wednesday (unattributed)


  1. using a lying headline for a Lukewarm church like catholic is deprived

  2. I am staggered by the tone of what Bishop Emeritus Cullinane writes at and elsewhere. In recent times he expresses his ideological and theological opinions most forcefully (opinions that are often expressed as immutable facts). Some reject the ideas of Bishop Emeritus Cullinane and the way he ran Palmerston North Diocese for 40 years, others were happy with his style, many have walked away. It is a misrepresentation to describe the situation as a “small family argument”.
    Bishop John Adams is the newly appointed bishop for Palmerston North diocese. He seems so far to have very different views and a different leadership style from the previous administrations. It seems a breach of leadership etiquette for the supposedly retired bishop to come out swinging so directly, so soon, and so strongly. Hardly a “small family argument”.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thomas William Brown27 March 2024 at 23:14

    Of course so many people have died from so many drag queen story times verses GUNS

    1. Yes. How many people have died spiritually from so many drag queen story times - and will do so in future?

  5. Liliana Bracanov27 March 2024 at 23:16

    considering its only a handful of years old... It's stirred up more parents, traditionalists, conservatives of our society members... To remove the power from it by homeschooling, private schooling, and not letting their kids near tree, concrete ramp or philanthropist with out the common sense gun

  6. Jodie Shotton Monaghan27 March 2024 at 23:18

    Jodie Shotton Monaghan
    Go read at a Rest Home leave the children alone


  8. Zoe Living-Being27 March 2024 at 23:20

    Ah well at least he's doing something useful with his peoples money.

  9. Good on him.

  10. Im out - Religion is just stupid anyway - Beliving in something that doesnt even exist

  11. we have to remember we are standing for Gods Law

  12. When a church takes action, media labels it vandalism. If it was any other group it would be labelled a protest

  13. filthy disgusting perverts

  14. That’s nice of him, but Tamaki supports genocide and the killing of innocent women children

    1. no you mixed him up with Palistinians and hamas.

    2. I haven’t seen any Palestinians carpet bomb hospitals and churches? Have you? They don’t even have a army🤷 go figure

    3. na that's hamas

  15. I can’t believe people havnt seen him at the Israel parades🤦‍♂️ wakey wakey people, resist oppression

    1. get your facts right mate... He should sue you for your comment. He was staunchly against the bio-weapon, spent time in jail for this. Someone should let him know you are defaming him.

    2. I don’t know what to tell you, I guess you don’t believe the journalists covering and reporting the news on channel one🤷, maybe he should sue the news channel so don’t shoot the messenger

    3. no I don’t actually, it was a story from channel one news that was on one of my feeds, I don’t watch mainstream t.v, is there anything else I can help you with? I’m happy to help

  16. Boudewign Van Dem Bemd27 March 2024 at 23:38

    Yes good job

  17. (Obscenity) I didn't realise this group was so full of bigots! I would have thought everyone here would have been into personal "freedom" with regards to sexual orientation.

    1. I think it's most people are totally over sexualized s... forced down kids throats. Normalizing all things sexual including pedophilia. Kids should be kids. And work out who they are on their own.

    2. 💯 percent correct learning these things as you grow up when needed was the best thing ever!!

    3. I so agree. I have teens and its awful the crap they ram down their throats.

    4. kid's need story time, not drag story time... want me to break down "Bigot" for you?

    5. Graeme Delaveau27 March 2024 at 23:49

      well you read the room ( being most of the population) wrong . Its more about keeping this odd s..t away from our children!!!!


    6. Rebecca Wilson 😭😭😭😭😭 cry some more and while your at it leave this group

    7. Irina Wundheiler Odessky27 March 2024 at 23:52

      Irina Wundheiler Odessky
      Joe Paroli bloody right

    8. exactly! Last thing I need is my kid saying i wana dress up like that when I’m older 🤦🏼‍♀️ normal story time like Suzy or something would be welcomed.

    9. Rebecca Wilson you should NEVER use any of God's names in vain! DISGUSTING!!!
      2nd Commandment:
      Thou shalt not use the Name of the Lord in vain.

  18. Where is pedophilia being normalised in NZ? Certainly not schools.

  19. its accepting minor attracted persons. That's the aim for that to be accepted. But stuff that. At my kids school the deputy principal said the other day about one of the 16yo that got caught doing s... to his young neice should come back to school and she will support him even tho thay have 10 yo there.

    1. I don't normally participate in these posts. I am still working on reprogramming my mind from what I've been taught.
      I was wondering if anyone had sat and listened to the storytime stories? I also separate sexual education throughout the school system to this storytime with drags because that is wrong on so many levels.
      But what I feel is happening is BT and the crew are singling out ALL trans as being groomers and thats what I struggle with. If it was only so easy yet often the people we should be watching out for are your next door neighbour uncle or Pastor.
      Freedom should be afforded to all we shouldn't be allowed to pick and choose.

    2. not all trans are groomers but if you want to dress provocatively in front of children and dance and sing. It’s a big clue don’t u think

    3. from someone who attended a kids drag storytime last year at a public library in Whangarei, YES the stories are sexualised. So for kids under 10 this is definitely grooming. I am NOT OKAY with that.

    4. Aroha Wharepapa27 March 2024 at 23:58

      what does a clown do exactly? Or a musical or a theater production ????

    5. never seen a clown in a bra and suspenders dancing in front of children and if I did and it was my children it would b clown no more


    6. Linda Matson Thats not ok i hope you filmed it and placed a complaint with the police.

  20. society in general has become very provocative im quite conservative myself so this subject has me out of my comfort zone but its one i think deserves discussion. MAPS from what i have found is not accepted in the LGTBQ community.

  21. doesn’t matter about the story. Why are we allowing grown men dressed in drag to nursery’s to tell children stories to any sane person parents this must raise alarm bells regardless of the what the stories are about for C..... sake go on to YouTube and you can c them dancing provocatively nearly naked in front of parents and children in schools nurseries and libraries if you agree this is ok and normal I question your morality

  22. don't understand how people such as yourself can condone the sexualisation of children.
    These are R18 performers who are indoctrinating innocent children.
    This is only one part of the overall agenda in case you haven't noticed.
    Unisex toilets and politicised sexuality education at school, gender affirming care, leading to confused children who are then being fed puberty blockers and encouraged to have radical body surgery that completely ruins their lives.
    How about you wake up and see the big picture? This is social conditioning, a cult, part of the globalist agenda and a money making machine for the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession.

  23. DerekMarina Tait28 March 2024 at 00:12

    freedom of sex is only in the confines of marriage between 1 man & 1 women NOT with kids 🤮

  24. Briar Mascheretti28 March 2024 at 00:14

    a sex change op is 40,000.
    Have u googled phallangoplasty?
    Do you know the sex hormones drugs are super poisonous.
    Do u know a child can be removed from loving parents in Canada to undergo sex change as part of his rights at age 5?!

  25. Why do men dressed as woman want your children

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  26. The number of comments on this post far exceeds my capability to publish them here. So reluctantly I have to say they're now closed.

  27. September Fields2 April 2024 at 00:25

    I actually like Brian Tamaki he’s got more courage to speak up and act than what some of our catholic leaders do. Pray for him that he converts he’d be good to have on our team for sure.
