Tuesday 5 September 2023


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Transgender people, says Pope Francis, “are daughters of God” and should be “loved as they are”

Let's say it like it is, your Holiness!  Let's get unambiguous: "Why do you damnable sodomites pursue the heights of ecclesiastical dignity with such fiery ambition?"

St Peter Damian wasn't one for mincing words. What that glorious Doctor of the Church would make of the Pope's latest airborne agonising and equivocating, this time over a Carmelite nun's realistic fear that his Synod will change doctrine, is beyond imagining. 

The pope ascribed her concern - shared, one would think, with faithful Catholics throughout the world - at root to "ideologies".  This faithful nun is talking about doctrine, your Holiness. But you reduce immutable Church truths to "ideologies". Ah - your Holiness, aren't you yourself the ideologue nonpareil?

What a joy it was yesterday at St Anthony's SSPX Whanganui to immerse oneself in traditional Catholicism, to celebrate Pope St Pius X, who at the dawn of the 20th century imagined that "the Son of Perdition" (II. Thess. ii., 3) might already be in the world. 

"He has contemned God's majesty and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored" (E Supremi). "He sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself as if he were God" (II. Thess. ii., 2).

"(B)ut the victory will ever be with God" (ibid).

Deo gratias. Because it does look like Pope Francis has the Synod sewn up for a licence to sin. He's hand-picked sodomite sympathisers Cardinals Blase Cupich, Robert McElroy, Wilton Gregory and Father James Martin SJ to run the show. Not to mention his choice as relator-general of the synod of Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, who has declared Church teaching on homosexuality to be 'false'. 

He chose notorious Dominican Fr Timothy Radcliffe - who believes that what St Peter Damian referenced as "the filth of this festering disease"  can be 'Eucharistic'-  and who facilitated the Church of England's validation of homosexual relationships, and called sodomy 'Christ's gift', to preach the retreat for the Synod's bishops. The Synod, in short, is a set-up for sin.

What an impasse Pope Francis has created for his bishops. How can any servant of Christ sit there and swallow the heterodoxy of such a man as +Timothy Radcliffe? As the long-suffering laity have been informed ad nauseam, the Synod is all about 'listening', so as an alternative to the melange of ill-informed, uncatechised notions on offer at the Pope's talk-fest, here again is St Peter Damian:  

"Listen, you do-nothing superiors of clerics and priests. Listen, and even though you feel sure of yourselves, tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others; those, I mean, who wink at the sins of their subjects that need correction, and who by ill-considered silnce allow them licence to sin. 

"Listen, I say, and be shrewd enough to understand that all of you alike "are deserving of death, that is, not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practise them"." 

St Peter Damian knew nothing of the wokeness of 'hate speech'. Thank God.

Flying back to Rome September 4, from Mongolia, Pope Francis spoke about the upcoming Synod on Synodality and the Vatican’s relationship with China, which has come under scrutiny in recent days. 

Journalists raised questions about a recently published book with a foreword by Cardinal Raymond Burke – “The Synodal Process Is A Pandora’s Box” – which warned the Synod is an attempt to “change radically the Church’s self-understanding, in accord with a contemporary ideology which denies much of what the Church has always taught and practiced.” 


“Could (this view) influence the Synod?” asked Vida Nueva about the warnings posed by the book.

READ: Cardinal Burke warns Synod is part of ‘revolution’ to ‘radically’ change the Catholic Church

Pope Francis  recounted a telephone conversation with a Carmelite nun who told him of her community’s fear that the Synod would change Church doctrine.

He made light of this “idea,” saying that “if you go forward to the root of these ideas you will find ideologies. 

“Always, when you want to detach the path of communion in the Church, what always detaches is ideology,” he stated. 

“And they accuse the Church of this or that, but they never accuse it of what is true: sinful. Never do they say sinful…”

The Pope continued, suggesting that the doctrine defended by critics of the Synod – the Synod which has called into question Catholic teaching on LGBT issues, married priests and female deacons – was not in fact authentic Catholic doctrine: 

"They defend a doctrine in quotation marks, which is a doctrine like distilled water, tastes like nothing and is not the true Catholic doctrine that is in the Creed. And that so many times scandalizes; how it scandalizes the idea that God became flesh, that God became Man, that Our Lady preserved her virginity. That scandalizes."

It is not entirely clear whether the Pope was under the impression that the Incarnation or the Virgin-birth were examples of positive scandalization, by which the truth is presented to the world in line with Scripture (1 Peter 2:8), or negative scandal whereby immoral teaching or example is presented (Matt 18:7).


Fr Timothy Radcliffe, chosen by Francis to lead the Synod's bishops' retreat, believes sodomy can be 'Eucharistic'

READ: Bishop Strickland: Catholics are not ‘schismatic’ for rejecting changes that contradict Church teaching  

But while Francis appeared to reject Cardinal Burke’s criticism of the Synod, the book’s authors warn of an agenda to “distort doctrine, subvert tradition, and dismantle the hierarchical nature of the Church.”

Indeed, contrary to Francis’ attempts to ease concerns about the month-long event, the Synod’s October meeting is already being prepared on the basis of heterodox concepts. The text which will form the foundation for participants’ discussion next month is notable for its inclusion and promotion of a number of topics which run in contradiction to Catholic teaching. 

The working document (Instrumentum laboris) proposes discussion of women’s diaconal “ordination,” married priests, and a need to “welcome” the “remarried divorcees, people in polygamous marriages, LGBTQ+ people.”

READ: Major Synod on Synodality document highlights need to ‘welcome’ polygamists, ‘LGBTQ+ people’

It also presents the widely accepted, and papally approved, interpretation of Amoris Laetitia allowing the divorced and “re-married” to receive Holy Communion as an already finalized issue – a matter which directly contradicts Catholic teaching on the reception of Holy Communion.

Synod’s meeting: Open or not?

Since its inception, the Synod on Synodality has been billed as an event focussed on “listening” and “dialogue,” particularly to those “who have left the practice of the faith, people of other faith traditions, people of no religious belief, etc.”

However, Pope Francis informed reporters on the plane that while openness to non-Catholics had been practiced up till this point, the Synod’s October meetings would not be so open to the observation of the wider Catholic world. 

Journalists are not currently set to be allowed inside the daily meetings of the Synod, meaning that any updates from the event will come from the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communications and the Holy See Press Office. 

When questioned as to why reporters could not see the events unfold, Francis responded: “But [it is] very open, dear; it is very open!”

READ: Greek Catholic bishop: Rome’s definition of ‘synodality’ does not exist in Eastern churches

He referenced the Dicastery for Communications, saying it would “give the news every day, but more open, I don’t know, more open, I don’t know…”

The Pontiff stated that the Dicastery would seek to be “very respectful of everyone’s speeches and will try not to chitter-chatter, but to say the things precisely on the synodal progress, which are constructive for the Church.”

Constructive for the Francis church, it would seem. 

He decried the possibility of news outlets reporting “political gossip” about the Synod, arguing that the Dicastery would instead seek “to convey the ecclesial spirit, not the political one.” 

“A parliament is different from a synod,” he stated. “Do not forget that the protagonist of the Synod is the Holy Spirit. And how can this be transmitted? This is why the ecclesial progress must be conveyed.”

Pope Francis has regularly referenced the “Spirit” when talking about the direction of the Synod, yet neither he, nor any of the leading prelates behind the Synod, have explained how the Holy Spirit would be guiding a process which has so far presented discussion points which undermine or contradict Church teaching. 

In light of such an element, Bishop Athanasius Schneider told LifeSiteNews earlier this year that the Synod is permitting “poison, spiritual poisons” to spread.(Redacted.)

Pope Francis: Cardinal Burke, faithful worried about the Synod are not defending ‘true Catholic doctrine’ - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

"For all but the most invincibly ignorant, it seems there is no longer any reasonable excuse to follow Francis' lead through the wide gate. Through his deliberate persecution of traditional Catholics and simultaneous support for various anti-Catholic groups, he has unambiguously shown his true colours and thereby eliminated the excuse of those who were "just following the pope".
"It is more clear than ever that we must enter the narrow gate by following the immutable Catholic Faith."(The Lessons of God's Catechism Class to the World in the Coronavirus Era by Robert Morrison, The Remnant).  


The Narrow Gate to Heaven and the Wide Gate to Hell (Cornelis de Bie)

"Enter ye in at the narrow gate" (Mt 7:13) 


  1. How come the Devil is allowed to freely roam ?

  2. Alex Szalontay Wales5 September 2023 at 15:04

    There is nothing saintly about catholics, the romans set up the religion to distract people away from the real thing, Jesus!!

    1. Then how do you explain the amazing accomplishments and miracles of the saints? Only by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who established His Church on the rock of Peter; and although we have a bad pope now - as we've had them before - "the gates of hell shall never prevail against it."

    2. Alex Szalontay Wales7 September 2023 at 01:20

      You know what you know, you don't know what you don't! The catholic church was born out of the sun god worshippers, it's all there to see. There are thr saints around Jesus but anything else created by the catholics isn't!

    3. Alex Szalontay Wales7 September 2023 at 01:22

      Please don't, I've spent some time looking at the catholic church. I'm not saying that all catholics are bad, just saying that the bible makes it very clear what to do, oif we choose to do so.

    4. The bible does make it very clear but only to those who are enlightened by the Spirit of God through His chosen instrument, the Catholic Church. Uninspired interpretations were the reason for the rapid fracture of Luther's adherents into so many different groups - much to his chagrin.

    5. Alex Szalontay Wales7 September 2023 at 01:23

      You do know that the one world church is around the corner, they're building it now in the middle east, It will combine the catholic church and muslims into the one world religion!!

    6. I've blogged on that subject with pix of the three churches, in Abu Dhabi. Pope Francis fancies himself as head of the One World Religion.

    7. Alex Szalontay Wales7 September 2023 at 01:34

      As I said the pope and the catholic church are not what they appear to be!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. So the synod sessions in Rome are to be held behind closed doors, like the synod sessions in NZ. You would think Pope Francis would have said the following.

    "Because so many faithful Catholics are concerned that the synod is being used to make radical changes to Church doctrine I will ensure that maximum transparency is observed at all times. Synod sessions will therefore be open to the media, and will be broadcast live for all to watch on the World Wide Web. This way everyone will be able to ensure factional interests have not captured the synod process."

    But no, instead the Holy Father will only allow limited reporting filtered by his Dycastery officials, to stop "chitter-chatter".

    Under the circumstances, this is hardly credible.
