Friday 8 September 2023


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"The Synod is a Pandora's box" - Raymond Cardinal Burke 

This is a thrilling, chilling moment to be Catholic, perhaps unequalled in all the two millennia-plus of the Church, for its historicity, for its potential for conversion, for sainthood - or for damnation.

And we have Jorge Bergoglio and his faux pontificate to thank for it. His Synod invention is described by Raymond Cardinal Burke as "a Pandora's box". America's "firebrand Bishop" Joseph Strickland prophesies that the Synod will prove it's the LGBTQ+ sympathisers (Bergoglio's personal posse), the prelates who intend to change Church doctrine which cannot be changed, who are "the true schismatics".

Every Catholic, every parish, every diocese, will be forced by this synod to choose whether they belong in Vatican II's Ape of the Church, run by a faux pope, or to the Mystical Body of Christ, the Apostolic Church founded on the rock of Peter.

In a foreword to a new book titled The Synodal Process Is a Pandora's Box: 100 Questions & Answers, Cardinal Raymond Burke notes that "synodality," which is set to redefine Catholicism, "has no history in the doctrine of the Church" and "no reasonable definition."

Lamenting "the evident and grave harm" that the synodal process "is inflicting upon the Mystical Body of Christ," Burke cautions Catholics that the synodal model, which is already spreading confusion, error and schism in Germany, will replicate itself in the universal Church.

Citing Catholic thinker Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, the book's authors José Antonio Ureta and Julio Loredo de Izcue explain how synodality is being used as a "talismanic" word that "is susceptible to being radicalized and abused for propaganda" given its "elastic" meaning.

Ureta and Loredo warn that Pope Francis' synodal project is a "revolutionary" process that "takes up old heresies repeatedly condemned by the Magisterium" and is in "imminent danger of building a new Church, different from the Catholic Church as it has always existed. "

To a diligent observer, this panorama takes on apocalyptic tones. A maneuver is underway to demolish Holy Mother Church by erasing the basic elements of her organic constitution and doctrine, rendering her unrecognizable," the authors emphasize. the proposed changes are "so radical that the synod documents speak of 'conversion,' as if the Church has been on the wrong path and needs to make a U-turn."

On the mortal sin of sodomy, Ureta and Loredo note that some synodal fathers are "looking for loopholes to canonically legitimize same-sex unions" and "open[ing] all sacraments to them — even marriage."

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, relator general of the synod "has declared that the Church's doctrine on homosexual relations is 'false' and must, therefore, be changed because 'the sociological–scientific foundation of such teaching is no longer correct.'

French bishops have asked Pope Francis to expunge the description of homosexual acts as "intrinsically disordered" and "contrary to the natural law" from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and have created a commission to study reformulating the doctrine on this subject.  

The book raises the specter of the synod approving deaconesses and even priestesses, observing how Pope Francis himself "determined that up to 25% of synod participants would be laypeople, men and women, all with equal voting rights with the bishops."


John William Waterhouse's painting of Pandora's box

Even if the synodal process approves only some proposals, "changes in the Catholic Church would be such that one could legitimately ask whether she would still look like the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ," the book warns.

Among other changes, the synod is also seeking to end mandatory celibacy for priests and include "marginalized minorities" such as "remarried divorcees, single parents, people living in a polygamous marriage, LGBTQ people, etc."

Explaining the synodal methodology, the book explains how the hierarchy is "allow[ing] tension between thesis and antithesis to grow until a consensual synthesis is reached."

The book demonstrates the failure of the synodal model in the Church of England, citing the testimonies of two former Anglican bishops, Dr. Gavin Ashenden and Dr. Michael Nazir-Ali, both recent converts to Catholicism. 

The synodal spirit "draws on ancient errors and heresies" such as the humanistic "conciliarist current" which arose as early as the 15th century that "sought to reduce the pope's hierarchical power in favor of a conciliar assembly," the book explains.

In such a scenario, the pope, reduced to a primus inter pares (first among equals), would be required to submit to the synod's decisions reached through a democratic and majority vote of its participants.

The myth of Pandora has its origin in the writings of the Greek poet Hesiod. Before he left Pandora on earth, the Greek god Zeus handed her a beautiful box and said, "This is my own special gift to you. Don't ever open it." 

However, Pandora's curiosity got the best of her, and she opened the chest, from which flew troubles and woes — sorrow, disease, vice, violence, greed, madness, old age, death — to plague mankind forever. 

Unless Catholics are prepared to push back, no parish will be spared.

How do I know this?

Look no further than the Synodal "trial balloon" in Germany.

It started with "listening" sessions...then giving special positions to non-clerics, to laymen, and to outsiders...

Next came votes where synodal participants voted to change Church discipline, Church teaching, and Church morality.

And now, the Catholic left in Germany is calling for implementing its program of approving "blessings" of same-sex couples, and for acceptance of "transgenderism"... and the bishops are doing nothing to stop it...

...this process began in Germany in 2015...less than 10 years ago!

That's the danger we are facing: like Germany, the Synod in Rome will first try to impose a Revolution in the Church, putting Church orientation in the hands of bad Catholics...even non-Catholics!

This mixed-bag gathering can then vote on matters ranging from Church discipline, to liturgical practice, even to morality itself!

But think about it: doctrinal divisions....localized morality...even pagan and tribal practices practices (like in New Zealand, Matariki)... all of this is on the plate in the upcoming Synod.

 You can get a free digital copy of The Synod Process Is a Pandora's Box: 100 Questions & Answers

Of course, you might ask: what good is it to know about a process I can't even control?

I answer: No one can force false doctrine into any man's heart so long as he rejects it.

And, I am happy to tell you: the Catholic left are shaking in their boots when they learned about the book, The Synodal Process.

(You can get a free digital copy of the book here.)

In fact, it's correct to say that they are on the defensive.

We sent out the book to every bishop, priest, and religious in the United States, and to every priest on our mailing list.

The New York Times, The Washington Post, American Magazine (just to name a few, liberal papers) are raising the alarm about the book's danger to the upcoming Synod.

What's more, Pope Francis himself knows about the book. When a reporter asked the Pontiff about the work, his only response was to try and convince people not to worry about the Synod.

I must say, our efforts will not end the crisis in the Church... only God can do that.

But, I promise that knowing about the Synod will help to arm you against the dangers that the Catholic left will try to impose on your parish and diocese.

Most importantly, it will give you a special place in the history of the Church. Like Mary and Saint John, you will faithfully stand alongside Holy Mother Church as She follows in the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ in His Passion.

And get a free digital copy of the book here

Immaculate Heart of Mary, on the feast of your Nativity, please pray for the Church


  1. Lorelei Armstrong9 September 2023 at 22:59

    The worst Pope I can ever remember in my lifetime, he’s out to finish the Catholic religion in short order and doing a great job of it.

  2. Nick van der Westhuizen9 September 2023 at 23:01

    There is an element of EVIL in every church, goverment and education system. Looking the other way, to protect your comfort zone, gives them permission to do what they do.
