Tuesday 15 February 2022


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Oh Jacinda! Yoo-hoo! Time to get up and face the music!

"Ardern and Trudeau, the woke darlings of the western world, are finally getting their comeuppance," blared the UK's Telegraph on Saturday. 

So, Ardern's been whining about "the constant noise, the constant music" at Parliament grounds. She's passing the buck: it was her Attack Dog Mallard who turned it all on. 

MPs are whining about the Parliament grounds protestors being mean to them. Diddums. Have they been sacked because they refused an experimental gene serum? No, not sacked - yet. And when they're sacked next year, it won't be because they refused the Jab - they're exempt. 

So they won't be suffering adverse reactions or dropping dead like so many of their constituents. Have they lost their livelihoods because of Parliamentary mandates? Not yet. Just wait.

Greens' MP Golriz Ghahraman has the nerve to whine about Parliament's 'immunocompromised' and 'upsetting ... dehumanising protests contesting our right to exist.' "It feels a bit rough," she whines. Stick it to 'em, protestors: "they don't like it up 'em".

(It's off-topic, but tonight Golriz has tweeted her glad tidings: "Finally, decades of trauma experienced by Rainbow communities is recognised, and the right of those communities to exist free from torture, coercion and suppression is cemented in law- after years of tireless activism and 160K signatures conversation (sic!) 'therapy' is banned."

So the rights of parents, teachers and counsellors to advise kids on their sexual identity - and the rights of the kids to ask for help - have been sacrificed by our moronic MPs on the altar of LGBTQRSTUVWXWZ ideology. )

Later convicted of inciting genocide, Hutu pop singer Simon Bikindi poses for a photo with an intern on his defence team, Green MP Golriz Ghahraman.

Jacinda is blaming her Attack Dog Mallard for the heartless soaking and sound-blasting of the protestors. The police who dragged a naked woman across concrete and planked a juvenile are blaming Mallard too. 

And then there's "Roll-on' Luxon, leader of what claims to be the Opposition for heaven's sake, me-tooing for all he's worth, this afternoon, with a Labour Prime Minister's refusal to meet with the leaders of the occupiers of Parliament grounds.

You can see why he's called 'Roll-on'

This morning Luxon told media it was difficult to engage with the group given their "anti-social, abusive" behaviour.

"We respect people's right to protest but we expect them do it within the rules - and that's not been happening. We are a party of law and order," Luxon said.

Mr Luxon, you subscribe to Ardern's v*x mandates and mask mandates. You are a party of unjust law and unjust order, which is no law and order at all. 

"When you come here to talk about freedoms and then you impinge (sic) the freedoms of others ... that's not on."

Desperate situations, Mr Luxon, call for desperate measures (Hippocrates). Although in relation to the desperate situation of thousands of Kiwi business owners throughout New Zealand, temporarily depriving a few shopkeepers in the most privileged street in Welly and causing traffic to go the long way round can hardly be called desperate. 

Luxon said the matter was further complicated by the diverse range of groups and interests involved and the lack of defined leadership.

"They range from white supremacists to Māori separatists and everything in-between ... anti-authority through to anti-vaccination to anti-mandate."

At least he got the last bit right.  

Luxon has temporarily moved out of his Wellington apartment - which is located near the encampment - and boosted his security. Luson said all his MPs were 'pro-vaccination, pro-boosters".

"And Custard cried for a nice safe cage" ...

Luxon said all his MPs were 'pro-vaccination, pro-boosters".

Oh, Mr Luxon, you may be very very sorry you said that. When Nuremberg 2 gets going. Boosting your security won't do you much good then.


To shed some light on this sorry mess, a statement was issued by these 'white supremacists, Maori separatists' and other assorted thugs, bandits and downright meanies, yesterday: 

They travelled from all over the country and have been supported in many ways by hundreds of thousands of Kiwis.

They are united in condemning the government’s flagrant breach of human rights, deliberate divisiveness, and discrimination. The constant law changes are inconsistent with the government’s duties to the New Zealanders it was elected to represent.

The protest is a result of immense frustration and concern. People are outraged by the conduct of the government and its lack of respect, dismissive attitude and unwillingness to engage.

The position of protestors and the government have become entrenched, but this protest can end.

This communication summarises the views of the majority of groups present at Parliament today:

  • Convoy 2022 NZ
  • Freedom Alliance
  • New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science
  • Outdoors & Freedom Movement
  • The Freedom and Rights Coalition
  • Voices for Freedom.

We have come together and we are in agreement that the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act and all the orders and mandates made under that legislation must be revoked immediately.

The government needs to lift the unnecessary mandates, and an urgent meeting has been requested with senior cabinet ministers to open dialogue.

The infection fatality rate of Omicron is lower than the seasonal flu. Before the global pandemic, it was considered ‘normal’ for 500-700 New Zealanders to die from the seasonal flu each year. On average, 100 Kiwis die each day from various causes. There needs to be perspective.

The Traffic Light system, the ‘no jab, no job’ laws and other mandates are discriminatory, unjustified and a breach of fundamental human rights.

Not one Government representative has engaged in dialogue with the peaceful protesters. Their response of soaking the ground with high-pressure irrigation, bright lights, blasting music and ads at the gathering is infantile and highly unhelpful to bringing about a resolution. We are concerned that unless these tactics cease, they could cause significant damage to any trust held by the protesters that their elected representatives are interested in listening to them.

In addition, the behaviour of the Police last Thursday was unconscionable. New Zealanders, our friends, and the media worldwide

...see para 2 above ... 

watched in horror the deplorable and unlawful police conduct towards peaceful protestors, including women and children.

We reiterate that our request is that the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act and all the orders and mandates made under that legislation be revoked immediately in accordance with the principles of justice, democracy, respect for human rights, equality, non-discrimination, good governance and good faith.

Until the end of the mandates, participants are determined to maintain their presence.

The media is grossly misrepresenting the situation. The protestors are friendly, peaceful, hardworking New Zealanders who are pro-medical freedom. Government and media must stop their deliberate and sustained misinformation campaign.


From Guy Hatchard:

Jacinda today summoned her waning powers of public relations to fire a stuttering broadside towards those afloat on Mallard Lake.

The vacuous labels ‘Anti-vaccination’ and ‘Imported forms of protest’ were duly rolled out for RNZ but her shots fell short.

What actually are some of the serious protest questions that remain unanswered?

The Covid-19 mRNA vaccine has emergency approval only, not the usual ten years testing and evaluation, so why isn’t reporting of adverse effects mandatory—a question asked repeatedly but never answered?

How are you going to manage an economy in which ten percent of the population, including many skilled professionals, are excluded from work?

Now that studies show Omicron affects the vaccinated and unvaccinated equally why are there still mandates?

Adverse effects from Covid-19 mRNA vaccination are running at 30 times any previous vaccine, so what is your justification for continuing mandates?

Why are young children and teens being coerced into a health risk from mRNA vaccination that is greater than the risk from Covid itself?

As our economy falters, when are you going to allow it to restart?

When is government advertising going to treat the people of New Zealand to accurate information rather than misleading propaganda such as the assertion that mRNA vaccines and boosters are completely safe and effective?

When are individuals injured by vaccination going to be allowed an exemption to further doses?

When are the guarantees of the NZ Bill of Rights going to be honoured as our constitutional right?

Please reply by quoting published science papers.

Loud music, sprinklers, police cordons, labels such as ‘import’, refusal to dialogue, refusal to receive documentation, and refusal to answer questions do not cut the mustard in a democracy and at the moment that is still what we call ourselves.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID).

And as a last shot, something which turned up in Messenger and is as yet unverified but makes for interesting reading (in case you're bored by now):

A trespass order has been served on Parliament today, by Ngati Tama as the undisputed owners/occupiers of Raurimu Paa (Parliament grounds). This has been initiated under Te Ture Whenua Maori 1993 No.4 Sections 144 and 20.

Parliament is now formally trespassing on Raurimu Paa (Parliament grounds). This trespass notice has been acknowledged by office of the Speaker of the House. Everyone on the ground at Parliament is asked to hold position and maintain a peaceful vibe while Government legal teams have an opportunity to look at this.

The expectation is that police stand down as all protestors are their (sic) with express consent and endorsement of Ngati Tawa. Wellington's Mayor has been instructed to stand down with respect to vehicles on the streets.

Ngati Tama intend to raise a marquee and establish a marae kooti on the parliament forecourt.

We positively look forward to it. See you there! 


Glorification of Ss Faustinus and Jovita
by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

Ss Faustinus and Jovita, on your feast day please pray for us


  1. What a circus! Lol. The govt knows theyre in the headlights now. Abusing and ignoring good kiwis isn't helping their cause. My favourite was police commissioner Andrew Coster, threatening to have all vehicles towed. Then trying to get tow companies to come to the party as the army hadn't got back to him.
    So is he Jacindas cousin or not?? Curious and curiouser..

  2. Yes... And why isn't Luxon speaking out against making NZ a Republic? Why didn't he contradict the Maori Party who were rude about the Queen? Reason... The Maori Party is the most honest in Parliament. They are on record as saying they will go into coalition with whoever wins government so as to achieve for Maori. They were part of the John Key government, recall. Don't upset your mates. They could be useful next election. Listening to Parliament yesterday Willie Jackson was critical of The Maori Party comments on the vax.

  3. Yes. Heard that too. Jackson made a veiled reference to a non binding referendum to do with our constitutional arrangements but was not more specific. Check his speech in Tuesday's Hansard and see. It is already online.

  4. What they mean by "respecting the right of people to protest" is merely that a protest should only ask for the removal of the measures protested against with sufficient niceness that they can be ignored.

    That our political classes make this klind of snivelling invocation only shows the total lack of insight into their own souls and a total lack of integrity

    But then they only confirmed what we always knew about them. no surprises here

  5. But the protesters didn't seek permission to protest in this area. Its turned into an encampment like Motua Gardens 20 years ago where a child died.

  6. The protesters have been pushed into a corner and the governments dismissal of their rights- forcing them to lose valuable careers, social discrimination and isolation is the catalyst for this action. The government has only itself to blame.

    The protesters are trying to stop the mandates so people can CHOOSE whether or not to take this experimental gene serum dressed up as a 'vaccine'. People (and children!) are dying from this 'vaccine'. THAT IS THE POINT!

    Stop the mandates!!!
