Thursday 3 February 2022


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Bergoglio as a latterday Caiaphas

"What is happening is evil beyond description. The highest power on earth is attacking the greatest good on earth, precisely when it’s his job to defend and preserve tradition and to pass it on to the next generation” - Fr. James Mawdsley.

At the age of 27 Fr Mawdsley  spent 14 months in solitary confinement in Burma’s infamous Kengtung prison and was brutally beaten for challenging the country’s regime for its human rights violations.

Now in a bombshell new video he denounces Jorge Mario Bergoglio's attempted suppression of the Old Mass: “Caiaphas was High Priest of the Old Covenant when he arranged for Jesus’ execution. Now shall the Vicar of Christ try to have Christ’s memorial destroyed?” 

James Mawdsley on release from Burmese prison, 2000


Please consider sharing this vital video message with your priest, bishop, friends, family, and social media contacts. It is from a faithful Catholic priest who is risking everything to stand with Tradition, to stand with us, to stand with Christ.

This is no longer a question of Traditionalism vs. Neo-Catholicism. This is a matter of life vs. death, freedom vs. tyranny, patriotism vs. globalism, and Christianity vs. atheism. And every priest in the world, diocesan, FSSP, SSPX, ICK, etc., must find a way to undermine the anti-Catholic agenda of this pontificate. 

There are new penal laws in the works, new Mass Rocks, too, as “the troubles” descend upon the faithful by order, not of the Queen of England this time, but of the Bishop of Rome.

But good priests are returning to those Mass Rocks in the woods. And good bishops are going to close an eye to it. Some are not sure what to do, and to those we plead: For God’s sake and the sake our nation and our children, find a way to circumvent the evil orders coming down from the Vatican. We beg you, Your Excellencies, at the very least ignore his unjust commands, which will only harm the faith of millions.

And to the "clans" the world over: As you share this good priest’s urgent video message, pray for him. He is not talking about how "pretty" the TLM is nor how we all have a "right" to the Mass "we prefer". He is rebuking Francis for doing the work of Hell itself. For this, he is willing to lose everything.

The question is: Will we stand with him?

Holy Mother Church needs all of her sons and daughters to stand loyally with her, even as she undergoes this horrific persecution at the hands of hirelings who have abandoned the Cross in pursuit of human respect. 

Now is the time for all faithful Catholics to come to the aid of their Mother. #StandWithFatherMawdsley and share this video everywhere.

In Christo Rege,
Michael J. Matt 


In a 9-minute video titled “Why withstand Pope Francis publicly?” [watch it below] Father Mawdsley, formerly a priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP), asserts that in his letter accompanying Traditionis Custodes, Francis “declared his intention to eradicate the traditional liturgy” and “impossibly claimed that the Novus Ordo constitutes the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.”

He also challenges Congregation for Divine Worship Prefect Archbishop Arthur Roche’s claim in a recent interview with Catholic News Service that “the negative reaction to Traditionis Custodes has been very little,” saying to the archbishop, “What do you expect when a reign of terror is unleashed?

It's the same, isn't it, in regard to Stabcinda Ardern's reign of terror in New Zealand? It's cloaked in 'kindness' and carried out so cunningly by proxy, by Kiwis afraid for their careers or businesses if they fail to comply with her diktats, but they - and those whose conscience won't allow them to take the Jab - are nonetheless being terrorised, in the nicest possible way.

“Of course, people are keeping their heads down,” Father Mawdsley continues. “Many clerics do not say openly what they think, because they are afraid of vicious reprisals” such as confirmations or baptisms being “banned” in the Old Rite, or being told they can no longer celebrate the traditional Mass.

          “The carnage,” he says, “has begun.”

There must surely be priests in New Zealand who have been placed in this invidious position by Bergoglio and his Kiwi lieutenant Cardinal John Atcherley Dew, priests who have not only been forced by their wicked imposition of a ban on the Traditional Latin Mass to abandon their Latin Mass chaplaincies, but by their conscienceless insistence on an evil, abortion-tainted so-called v*ccine to accept it, if they are to remain in their parishes.

Bergoglio was 'not offended' by this blasphemous hammer and sickle gift

He also challenges Congregation for Divine Worship Prefect Archbishop Arthur Roche’s claim in a recent interview with Catholic News Service that “the negative reaction to Traditionis Custodes has been very little,” saying to the archbishop, “What do you expect when a reign of terror is unleashed?

Just as in New Zealand, opposition to the reign of terror in the Ardern regime is muted.

It was in the solitude of his prison cell in Kengtung, Burma, that he experienced a deep conversion to Christ that would eventually culminate in a vocation to the priesthood.

Years later, reflecting on his imprisonment, Fr. Mawdsley would say: “Primarily, it was to show solidarity with the Burmese people, and particularly with the prisoners. It’s very clear when you’re willing to be alongside people in prison for their political rights, they realize they’re not forgotten by the world.”

In the new video, published on Jan. 28, Father Mawdsley says: “Truth is needed for spiritual health …

In the same way, of course, truth is needed for political health It’s not enough to know it in our hearts. We need to hear it said by men in authority, from bishops and cardinals, that nobody has the right to attack tradition.”

Just as we in New Zealand need to hear the truth spoken by people in authority in Parliament, in the courts, in our universities. 

Prelates such as Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago are “willing for the war and the slaughter to continue,” Fr. Mawdsley observes.

Addressing himself to those shepherds 

... such as Cardinal John Atcherley Dew, President of the NZ Council of Bishops, and the bishops themselves ...

who wish to suppress the traditional liturgy, he says: “You may personally hate the Old Mass, but you can see that Christians love it. They love to encounter Christ there. They pray there more deeply than anywhere. Why would you take this away?”

Because the Old Mass is the chief  stumbling block to the substitution of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church by Bergoglio's would-be creation, a Freemasonic New World Church. 

Prelates such as Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago are “willing for the war and the slaughter to continue,” Fr. Mawdsley observes, in a reference to the cardinal's brutal new policy for implementing Traditionis Custodes in the archdiocese. 

“Of all the days of the year, he chose Christmas Day to drop the axe. Who does that? 

Not even Cardinal John Dew.

Is that not sick? … He’s like another Herod.”

The former FSSP priest, who left the fraternity with the intention of speaking out, also called Archbishop Roche’s claim that most of the episcopate support efforts to suppress the traditional liturgy “unbelievable” given the reactions of bishops to Traditionis Custodes and the Responsa. “But this is precisely, bishops, why we need to hear in public what the truth is. Otherwise, the propaganda from Archbishop Roche will stand. And it’s so depressing to think that the Shepherds can’t find it in them to defend Christ, to defend the flock, to defend the faithful and to defend tradition.”


The Remnant  spoke with Fr. Mawdsley about his new video:

(Diane Montagna) Fr. Mawdsley, why did you make this video?

(Fr. Mawdsley) Because if we do not speak the obvious truth then truth will die in us. Pope Francis, Archbishop Roche, Cardinal Cupich, and many other bishops are acting illegally in attempting to suffocate tradition. They are betraying the mission which Jesus gave to the Church. 

It would be wonderful if they were so surprised by the strength of resistance that they reconsidered and repented. But their reaction is not the priority. More important is that priests speak the truth without fear, otherwise we have nothing left. 

The flock is starving. And as all generations before us have passed on the Deposit of Faith, so for the sake of future generations we must not drop the ball. Or we must recover it. Without Tradition there is no future. And most importantly, for God’s glory. 

Those who had Tradition robbed from them in the 1950s - 70s did not know where it was leading.

We have seen the horror, the indignity, the weakness, and inappropriateness of the Novus Ordo. In essence it is still Christ’s awesome Holy Sacrifice of Calvary; but what man has done to His Memorial is a faithless insult to God.

Let us defend the flock, let us break the jaws of the wicked and rescue the prey from their teeth.


Father Mawdsley in his FSSP parish, Warrington, 2016 

(DM) You were ordained a priest of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. What is your relationship to the FSSP now?

(Fr. M) The FSSP is, I think, one of the best bodies of priests in the world. They are a great treasure in the Church. But I informed the superiors that I would leave and did not seek permission. It followed that I have been suspended a divinis for illegitimate absence. 

Obviously, I do not hold this against the Fraternity. They are definitively not the problem. But I will keep a distance, for there are vicious men in the hierarchy who will want to meet out reprisals on the innocent, in order to paralyze resistance.

Traditionis Custodes is built on lies, its content is incoherent, and it is aimed at the destruction of the greatest good on earth.

(Fr. M) The videos were made after I left the Fraternity, after I was suspended. I left the Fraternity with the intention of speaking out. The reason I did not seek permission was precisely to get a distance from the Fraternity, to be suspended, so that they can in truth say they are not responsible or accountable for the things I am saying.


For the same reason, after some thought, I have not approached any other order or sought to be incardinated in a diocese. It would only bring trouble to them under the current oppression. There really are vicious men in the hierarchy who will unleash reprisals if they can find a target.

(DM) What message would you like to send to your brother priests in light of Pope Francis’ Traditionis Custodes and the Responsa ad dubia issued by CDW Prefect Archbishop Roche just days before Christmas?

(Fr. M) God is mighty. We only need to follow Him, no matter what cost. He does not want us to support the destruction of Judas and Caiaphas, I mean with those like Archbishop Roche and Pope Francis who are savaging the Church and casting the faithful out. We can recognize their authority without complying with abuses of it. It really does not matter what price we pay on earth, only let us live in truth, let us defend the flock, let us break the jaws of the wicked and rescue the prey from their teeth. Traditionis Custodes is built on lies, its content is incoherent, and it is aimed at the destruction of the greatest good on earth. The Responsa are its vomit. It is better to be suspended than to pretend this wickedness has legal value.

Note from Michael J. Matt

Please consider sharing this vital video message with your priest, bishop, friends, family, and social media contacts. This is no longer a question of Traditionalism vs. Modernism or Neo-Catholicism. This has become a matter of life vs. death, freedom vs. tyranny, patriotism vs. globalism, and Christianity vs. atheism. 

Every priest in the world, diocesan, FSSP, SSPX, ICK, etc: Please find a way to undermine the anti-Tradition agenda of this pontificate as Father Mawdsley has done so courageously. 

You bishops who have kept the Faith: For God’s sake and the sake of our nation

... and ours, New Zealand's ...  

and our children, please find a way to circumvent the evil orders coming down from the Vatican. We beg you, Your Excellencies, resist this globalist pope of the New World Order. 

To the "clans" the world over: Share this urgent video message, which is also available at The Remnant's YouTube and Rumble channels, as well as Fr. Mawdsley's YouTube channel.

Holy Mother Church needs all of her sons and daughters to stand with her as she undergoes this horrific persecution at the hands of human hirelings who have abandoned the Cross in pursuit of human respect. 

St Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, February 3



  1. My Protestant friends think it really is weird that we have a Pope who wants to limit a church service.

  2. Spiritdaily reports that a Cardinal in Luxumberg wants the teaching on homosexuality changed.. And police in Perth raid Catholic Church looking for unmasked parishioners.

  3. More Catholic cover up. A Rosminian departed a Parish in Auckland and was sent back to England. He claimed the order could not spare a confrere to be with him in Auckland. The whole excuse was untruthful. His past had caught up with him from when he was a teacher and pay outs were made. He also misconducted himself in Glenfield parish. This wealthy order scuttled him back to the UK. Bishop Drennen of PN was a great friend of the Rosminian order or Institute of Charity. Rosmini was half a heretic anyway.
