Friday 11 February 2022


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Australia is about to re-open. Alberta, Canada is dropping v*x mandates. Sweden's dropped all mandates. UK, France, Ireland, and many other Nordic countries have dropped restrictions.

But not New Zealand. Oh no. Because PM Ardern is hanging out for the Most V*ccinated, Most Masked, Most Compliant, Most Downtrodden Nation prize, to be awarded by United Nations, the WHO, the One World Government overlords and the CCP.

In the meantime, in Southland, a 5 year-old has died, shortly after receiving the Pfizer v*x. Another sacrifice, one might say, to Ardern's vaulting ambition.

Right now New Zealand must be running third after Austria and Germany in the Dictator Stakes. Ardern won't like that. Get ready for her to up the ante. 

In the grounds of Parliament yesterday ten police officers resigned. On the spot. .

Thank God. What one feels about that is pretty much what one felt in watching the Convoy for Freedom truck on through town on their way to Welly. Exhilaration and relief that at last New Zealand has woken up,  got off the couch and is standing up to RESIST this bully-boy Government. 

Because bullies are cowards. If you stand up to them they back down. 

It's called nepotism

Police made 120 arrests yesterday and some looked pretty brutal.  But that pales into insignificance compared with this:

As Cam Slater tweeted: "It is very hard to gauge by eye, but I don't think the cops are keeping 1m spacing as per the rules under the red light rules #LedByDonkeys #Convoy2022NZ

And this guy:

"Using the George Floyd tech-knee-que on this face-down, controlled and cuffed woman.........what was the need for that?"

Okay, for a woman to strip down to a thong and sit in front of a thin (actually quite thick, in more ways than one) blue line and go limp when arrested (classic technique which makes it harder for police to handle you), was carrying non-violent non-cooperation too far. Mahatma Ghandi would hardly have approved.

One police officer (distinctly nervous, judging by the body language in the video) referred to the occupiers of Parliament grounds as 'the great unwashed' - meaning the lower classes, the unemployed. That police officer should realise that many of the 'great unwashed' at Parliament are unemployed only because of Stabcinda's v*x mandates; even men and women with dependent children have resigned their careers rather than take an experimental gene serum, shown now to contain unknown nanoparticles, which is resulting in an unprecedented spike in deaths and injuries among the v*ccinated worldwide, and which was concocted from the remains of murdered infants who certainly did not sign a consent form for their abortion.

Your average fair-minded Kiwi, no matter what their stance vis-a-vis mandates, will surely have nothing but contempt for the MPs who to a man/woman hid in their hive yesterday and refused to speak to any of the demonstrators. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM!!!

"Oh but the Whip wouldn't let us out" is an excuse so weak it could hardly stagger out of the mouth of any one of our elected representatives who dared to utter it. And no matter what our opinion of Winsome Winnie Peters is - he who landed New Zealand in this mess - (it's unprintable) at least he tweeted this telling point:

An image posted tonight on FB shows police at Parliament yesterday kneeling on the head of what looks very much like a child. This image has 'failed to upload' which probably means FB doesn't want it uploaded. The text with it reads:

"PLEASE EVERYONE make an IPCA complaint with this photo. It is illegal and dangerous- full weight on child’s head!!! They need knees on ground
Would even be a red card and citing in rugby

Before we leave the subject, it's worth taking a look at this:

Explosive Video of Fauci, HHS in 2019 Plotting “Disruptive” New Outbreak in “China Somewhere” to “Blow the System Up” and Enforce Universal mRNA Vaccination

  • The panelists in the clip discussed making a transition from the “egg growing” old method of making vaccines initiated in “1947”
  • In clip, Fauci complained of having to “prove this thing works” due to the clinical study phases in traditional proof of new therapies which he said takes a decade
  • They proposed an “entity of excitement” in a “disruptive way” to push the new mRNA technology to the world to cut through bureaucratic issues
  • Bright says “But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that.. to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.

And this:

Freedom Convoy TRIUMPHS As Canadian Mandates FALL!!!

And this:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Presents Opening Statements At Grand Jury: “Our Governments Have Been Taken Over By The World Economic Forum”

A group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting a criminal investigation modeled after Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against “leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices” who aided, abetted, or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.

Attorney Reiner Fuellmich presented his opening statements to what is being referred to as a Grand Jury Proceeding by the Peoples’ Court of Public Opinion. The allegation by the international lawyers and experts is that the world’s governments have come under the controlling influence of corrupt and criminal power structures.

Organizations like the WEFWHOIMF and BlackRock colluded with governments worldwide to stage a pandemic that they had been planning for years, according to the attorneys. They then deliberately created mass panic through false statements of fact and a socially engineered psychological operation whose messages they conveyed through the corporate media.

The purpose of this mass panic was to persuade the population to agree to the so-called “vaccinations” which have in the meantime been proven to be neither effective, nor safe, but extremely dangerous, even lethal.

The economic, social, and health damage that these Crimes Against Humanity have caused to the world’s population can be measured in hundreds of trillions of dollars.

Through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop – the proceedings are meant to create awareness about the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence, the necessity for people themselves to take back their sovereignty.

You can watch Fuellmich’s full opening statement below:


And finally (was that a sigh of relief we heard?): Today is the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, commemorating the apparitions of the Blessed VIrgin Mary to Bernadette Soubirous near Lourdes, France, in 1858. Mary called sinners to do penance, and thereby there arose in the Church a marvellous spirit of prayer and charity, especially in helping the poor and the sick.

The nightly procession at Lourdes, France

Our Lady of Lourdes, please pray for us, especially for those adversely affected by the Pfizer v*ccine


  1. Good to hear of Winston Peters, Rodney Hide & Matt King all speaking up for Freedom & what the freedom groups are setting out to achieve. I also call to mind Sandra Goudie, Mayor of Thames in this regard. Hopefully we get these mandates pressure for vaccination & passes lifted soon .Keep it up Freedom fighters ! Also much mana to Destiny for their support. Thumbs down to Mallard, won't he go down as a duck for turning the sprinklers on to try & make the place wetter ! JW

  2. Anon says:
    Even TV One News admits tonight (Sat 12th) that the numbers are growing at the protest at Parliament. The heavy handed tactics of the government of arresting 120 protestors and leaving the sprinklers on overnight have clearly backfired. The government was trying to stamp out the protests quickly, but their arrogance and lack of real empathy have simply fired up more people to protest.

    The Covid political ground is shifting and it is past time for our Catholic Church hierarchy to let go of Jacinda's apron strings and get back to Catholic principles. Our bishops must open our churches, restore cups of tea, get holy water in the fonts, admit to parishioners that hell is worse than Covid (or even climate change), and restore real Catholic teaching.

  3. Janice Nihoniho:
    Praying for the loved ones of the 5 year old.
