Sunday 27 February 2022



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Seen in plain view (above) in the infamous "yip, yip" video are the "haughty eyes" that divided New Zealand into two classes, and the "hands that shed innocent blood". 

Ardern's Abortion Law Act killed 5000 babies in 4 months following its enactment - a 9% increase. And Ardern has the gall to wail on the world stage, re Putin's action in Ukraine, that "innocent lives will be lost"!

Such breathtaking haughtiness, and hypocrisy which betrays "a lying tongue", are not becoming in a Prime Minister. Should we be surprised then, that her police act all hoity-toity and make false allegations in regard to the Occupation of Parliament? 

A media release by the protestors today gives evidence of false witness by the police. It reads (with editing):

·                     Police have threatened the protest leaders with blocking service vehicles from emptying portaloos.

·                     Police threatened protestors with denial of their toileting facilitiesto get them to meet their demands to move cars within the agreed protest area, which would create a public health issue: they know approximately 20 percent of those on site are young children or aged 60 plus. 55 percent are women.

·                     Police told media that protestors had sprayed an ‘unknown substance’ into the faces of three officers. Footage taken by people in the crowd reveals it was ‘friendly fire’: a video shows an officer indiscriminately using pepper spray that blew back on his colleagues. The Prime Minister has said she is not engaging with the protestors because of this "behaviour".

·                     Police and the Prime Minister should apologise to the protestors for this defamation. Surveillance would have shown police within an hour who sprayed whom. There is simply no excuse for perpetuating misinformation. The police stayed silent because the situation suited the government narrative.

·                     Police told media there was the potential for sexual assaults occurring on-site, without actual reports of any occurring or even alerting us. This showed they were more concerned with media headlines than public safety. The allegations were later retracted, but this was barely reported by the media.

·                     Requests by protesters for police to provide surveillance images of the offender who squirted faecal matter at the police continue to be refused, leading protestors to be concerned he might still be on site. The police say they are protecting the offender’s privacy.

·                     Assertions that protestors’ actions have made harbour water unsafe for swimming were dismissed, with Wellington Water confirming harbour water quality was within normal range.

·                     Police have claimed there are high-risk sex offenders on-site. Given that these individuals are known to the police and are permanently supervised by at least two officers, the police are obliged to remove these known offenders for a breach of their release conditions.

·                     This intentional, consistent dishonest pattern of behaviour by police has left us shocked and disappointed. We will not be manipulated. Police are more concerned with mounting a smear campaign against the protestors than honest policing.

·                     It suits both Police and Government for this misleading and deceptive conduct to remain on public record. 

·                     Government PR is entirely out of touch, but the public are not fooled. One in three New Zealanders supports the protestors and sees the Government for the hypocrites they are. By refusing to meet with protestors because a tiny number cause problems – well outside the perimeter of the main protest site – and by condoning Police smearing protestors’ actions daily with false accusations, Government is directly responsible for inciting anger and public resentment (i.e. spreading strife among brothers).

·                     Is it time to call upon the Governor-General to intervene? This so-called PR battle is worsening by the day – not because of the protestors but because of Police. And let’s not pretend they are doing this without instruction from the Prime Minister. Sorry, Jacinda, New Zealanders are not that naïve.

·                     Wake up New Zealand, and stop falling mindlessly into the PR traps this Government leads you to daily. The Prime Minister’s PR team – the largest in our political history – is understood to have 200 communications staff.

It suits Government to focus on peripheral matters to deflect from the core protest demand: Remove all mandates NOW.




Seen at the Occcupation of Parliament grounds

A reader of this blog contributes a postscript: at the Occupation of Parliament on Wednesday she was asked by a police officer what the vibe was "in there" (Camp Freedom), and told that "it's a pity there's been sexual assaults in there, and we can't do anything about it". Now, why should a police officer make such a comment to a random passerby - one he knew had been "in there", and so a sympathiser? To spread "strife among brothers".


But the pleece and the pols have been circumvented once again by that Kiwi No 8 wire ingenuity. In Camp Freedom, plumber and builder protestors deprived of portaloos by the police have simply built their own, real, timber toilets. Flushing ones that go straight ino the sewer. Go, you tradies! Good for you!




Around 5000 free meals are being served each day in Camp Freedom by Freedom Group, Hare Krishnas and Kiangaroa Maori, with all food donated from every part of NZ.


You can see protestors praying, flat-out, Proddy-style, in Camp Freedom - and their prayers have been answered, at least in part, by the High Court which quashed the "unlawful" mandates for police and defence force staff

And for more pictures that speak louder than words, here's a 15-min video well worth watching, even if it's MSM (Newsroom):

One feels so sorry for those police and soldiers who took the jab unwillingly, and so happy for those conscientious objectors who resisted because to take it would be participating in the fetal body parts industry fuelled by Ardern and her ilk, who legislate mass murder of our most innocent citizens - and moving right along legislate for mass murder of much less innocent citizens, but citizens nonetheless, through mandating, bullying, psyopping and coercing the entire nation into taking the v*ccine which is not a v*ccine, but a deadly experimental serum.


We pray then for teachers and nurses likewise to stand up to tyranny too. But one feels that's much less likely: both professions win their laurels in the socialist, not to say Marxist, halls of academia.





"A heart that devises wicked plans" is very much feared by the protestors occupying Parliament grounds. The heart they fear is the Prime Minister's, and the threat of further losses, as well as jobs, careers and livelihoods and the mandates. They fear future penalties like home imprisonment and forfeiture of communication devices as in the Tokelaus, under none other than the father of New Zealand's Prime Minister, Administrator Ross Ardern.

And what happened to Jacinda Ardern's much-vaunted "Team of 5 Million"? She divided it in two. She created two classes of citizen, v*xxed and unv*xxed - with the enthusiastic support of New Zealand's Catholic Bishops. With what amounts to coercion of their flocks by the bishops she has "spread strife among brothers" - between husbands and wives, between partners, among siblings and in congregations.


But we would assume that even one of these bishops, even such as they are, would not tolerate a disabled parishioner being parked in his wheelchair outside his parish church and refused Communion because he's refused the abortion-tainted v*x. Surely such an outrage could occur only in a bishopless diocese like Palmerston North. which is supposed to be in the care of Cardinal John Dew (himself born and bred in the PN Diocese).


But at that church - much as in the Occupation of Parliament grounds - the law is being taken into better hands and matters sorted with common sense. Today another disabled parishioner was told by Jesus (she said), to "go to Mass and give X Communion". So she did. She went straight up to Father, was given a Host and took it to X in his wheelchair outside.


An Australian police force vet who has resigned because he refused the Jab, writing in the Remnant in an article titled "Follow God, Stand Up to Covid Totalitariansm", states "What I want to tell Americans is this:Get up in front of tyranny early. Get on top of what is going on. Do not yield. If you give the tyrants an inch, they will take a mile".


We hope and pray that ex-Officer Jacob Gissane's warning to Americans against tyranny hasn't come too late for New Zealanders.


"Trust in God," says his wife Sarah. "Follow God, regardless of what it costs you. Trust Him and what He calls you to do."


Jacob agrees. (Is it necessary to state that the Gissanes, with their four home-schooled children, are Traditional Latin Massgoers?)


"We are putting our Faith in action. God will provide for us and look after us, but since when does our Catholic Faith not involve suffering?"



St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

St Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows on your feast day please pray for us 



  1. False flag operation? Go Google.

  2. You might like to read the warning in the Herald today from a top cardiologist about the dangers of long covid to the heart.

  3. I say:
    As the Herald is archetypal MSM I'm not likely to read it. By "top cardiologist" do you mean Dr Richard Fleming PhD MD JD, physicist, nuclear and preventive cardiologist? Oh, I see you mean Dr Harvey White director of cardiovascular research for Auckland DHB, who "fears the long-term complications of COVID".
    Fear is what drives the whole COVID pantechnicon, with ill-advised treatment at the wheel. As a committed Catholic I'm into prayer, grace and faith rather than fear. And would rather look to Dr Fleming at Children's Health Defense than Dr White at Auckland DHB.

  4. It's a disgrace that sheep will follow that pathetic Jacinda beast - she will be toppled, the police will follow, and the employers that were bribed. This world must wake up.
