Monday 21 February 2022


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'Pope' and cardinals worshipping the goddess Pachamama in the Vatican gardens 

"Love your enemies," said Father at a Novus Ordo Mass yesterday (v*xxed-only). "Pray for those who persecute you and treat you badly."

A parishioner barred from that Mass because she lacks The Passport asked if Father had identified these 'enemies'. No he hadn't. He'd left it to their imagination. 

But in the current political climate, when Father is preaching to the converted in the Church of Covid, Catholics who've fallen for Ardern's propaganda and taken an abortion-tainted v*ccine, who believe the unv*xxed should be excluded from their Mass because they pose a serious risk, it's pretty safe to assume the unv*xxed are the enemy. Like in Nazi Germany, when the 'enemies' were the Jews.

Are the unvaxxed the new Jews?

An SSPX priest's comment on Father's homily went straight to the point: "How can you pray for people if you don't know who they are?" 

Of course it would have been unChristian and unkind for Father to spell it out, to define the unv*xxed as the enemy - even though when it comes to NO Massgoers they're only a tiny proportion of his flock. For one thing it would be talking about people behind their back (note: singular).

A priest's job is to spell out to his people just who their enemy is. To ram home the brevity of the here and now and the eternity of eternity - for ever and ever and ever; to understand that this life is only a preparation for the next, which will be spent in one of only two places: heaven (almost certainly after time in purgatory) or hell. 

"And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Mt 10:28).

In a country like ours which has never been invaded we are far more likely to fear viruses like COVID which can kill the body, than persons of evil intent. But Jesus is telling us quite explicitly not to fear COVID. Jesus tells us to fear Satan. 

Even Jorge Mario Bergoglio believes in the devil - although he purportedly told his favorite interviewer that hell doesn't exist, that  'those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear."' . 

People who think hell doesn't exist will change their minds one day. When they get there.

More recently, this month in fact, Pope Francis on Wednesday claimed that the “communion of saints” includes those who have “denied the faith” and “denied their baptism,” in comments which have been described as possibly being “outright heresy.” 

"No one can exclude himself from the Church, we are all saved sinners,” said Bergoglio. That's pure Protestantism  - although Protestantism is anything but pure; in fact it is heresy.. 

Continuing his theme, Pope Francis posed himself a question about membership of the communion of saints. “‘Father, let us think of those who have denied the faith, who are apostates, who are the persecutors of the Church, who have denied their baptism: are these also at home?’,” he asked.

“Yes, even these, even the blasphemers, all of them. We are brothers: this is the communion of saints. The communion of saints holds together the community of believers on earth and in heaven.”

With the man whose framed photograph features in every Catholic church foyer making such remarks, and foisting a killer v*x on his people, a parish priest's not likely to teach his people that their real enemy is the devil, and that what they must fear is eternity in hell. 

It's yet another manifestation of the Novus Ordo effect: mass apostasy throughout the Church. We saw it rear its ugly head again in New Zealand only last week when that socialist publication, Cathnews, rejoiced that "New Zealand’s Catholic bishops and the new law on conversion therapy are in sync." "

An LGBT choir protests outside the world meeting of families in Dublin on Aug. 23, 2018.

“Any harmful, coercive or abusive practice under any name is abhorrent to the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” they cooed, in a submission on the Bill last November. Talk about stating the obvious!. What may not be so obvious is that in supporting a Bill - now law - which criminalises parents and teachers for assisting children and teens to recognise and assert their innate, God-given sexuality, the Catholic Bishops are encouraging homosexuality, one of the four sins that "cry out to heaven for vengeance" (the others are murder, sodomy, oppression of the poor, and defrauding a worker of his wages.)

The bishops, one is tempted to think, must be spending more time than is wise on watching the 'News' or listening to RNZ National, and less than they should on their Divine Office, the Rosary and the Mass. It's certainly a fact that saying a Novus Ordo Mass takes far less time than the Traditional Latin Mass, and that reading NO texts takes far less concentration and IQ- not to say commitment - than reading the TLM's texts..

The bishops display touching faith in Justice Minister Kris Faafoi, who said protections in the law will ensure “open and respectful” conversations can still take place in households while covering parents who did take active steps to suppress or change their child’s identity. He said also that general expressions of religious beliefs or principles about sexuality and gender will not be captured.

Minister Faafoi has been described by the Auckland Law Society as a liar.

Today is, incidentally, the feast of St Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church. In The Motivation for a Treatise on Sodomy,

"(T)he holy writer makes clear that the Divine calling of the Apostolic See makes its primary consideration "the welfare of souls."

NB, dear 'pope', bishops and priest: the welfare of souls, not bodies. 

"Therefore, he pleads with the Holy Father to take action against "a certain abominable and most shameful vice," which he identifies forthrightly as "the befouling cancer of sodomy," that is ravaging both the souls of the clergy and the flock of Christ in his region, before God unleashes His just wrath on the people." 

"The Saint distinguished between the various forms of sodomy and the stages of sodomical corruption beginning with solitary and mutual masturbation and ending with interfemoral (between the thighs) stimulation and anal coitus, noting that there is a tendency among prelates to treat the first three degrees of the vice with an "improper leniency," preferring to reserve dismissal from the clerical state for only those men proven to be involved in anal penetration. 

The result, Damian states, is that a man, guilty of the "lesser" degrees of the vice, accepts his milder penances, but remains free to pollute others without the least fear of losing his rank. The predictable result of his superior's leniency, says Damian, is that the vice spreads, the culprit grows more daring in his illicit acts knowing he will not suffer any critical loss of his clerical status, he loses all fear of God and his last state is worse than his first.

St. Peter Damian condemns the audacity of men who are "habituated to the filth of this festering disease," and yet dare to present themselves for holy orders, or if already ordained, remain in office. Was it not for such crimes that Almighty God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, and slew Onan for deliberately spilling his seed on the ground? he asks. Quoting St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians (Eph 5:5) he continues, "... if an unclean man has no inheritance at all in Heaven, how can he be so arrogant as to presume a position of honor in the Church, which is surely the kingdom of God?"

 … According to Damian, the vice of sodomy “surpasses the enormity of all others,” because:

“Without fail, it brings death to the body and destruction to the soul. It pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the mind, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, and gives entrance to the devil, the stimulator of lust. It leads to error, totally removes truth from the deluded mind … It opens up hell and closes the gates of paradise … It is this vice that violates temperance, slays modesty, strangles chastity, and slaughters virginity … It defiles all things, sullies all things, pollutes all things …

“This vice excludes a man from the assembled choir of the Church … it separates the soul from God to associate it with demons…. Unmindful of God, he also forgets his own identity. This disease erodes the foundation of faith, saps the vitality of hope, dissolves the bond of love. It makes way with justice, demolishes fortitude, removes temperance, and blunts the edge of prudence.

It's quite clear that with his toleration (think Fr James Martin SJ), not to say promotion (Cardinal McCarrick, now Mr McCarrick), of homosexual priests and prelates, the man the Church calls 'Pope Francis' and with him our Catholic bishops and priests who exclude the faithful faithful - i.e. those who refuse a deadly in more ways than one, abortion-tainted experimental gene serum - that is to say, the vast majority of sacerdotal souls, have fallen victim to mass apostasy. 

As a reader of this blog observes, Father thinks the unvaxxed are the enemy. The Truth has been traded for a lie. 

"Sadly," she says, "he probably thinks he is suffering a martyrdom for his faith through the likes of us."

St Peter Damian, Doctor of the Church, please pray for us.


  1. 'It could be a Galalao moment' cooed one Bishop on the gay agenda. The real agenda is to turn the church into a theosophical cult while retaining Catholic trappings of gowns and garments. It has little to do with gowns and garments but rather a new Christology rooted in de Chardin and Kung.

  2. And I see China is rewriting the Bible.. True. Go Google or check Spiritdaily site. It all dovetails in nicrlt with the Francis agenda. Pray the rosary.....

  3. I wonder if China read the last chapter of the Bible before they began their rewrite?? Bad idea!!!!

  4. you said above "That's pure Protestantism - although Protestantism is anything but pure; in fact it is heresy.. "

    actually what you called "pure protestantism" is simply not so. There are too many straw men posited when it comes to discussing other denominations all of which name themselves Christian

    but that is not my point here

    I have refrained from commenting on specifically catholic matters as they appear in your blog, and believe me I can argue against them. But I thought common civliity and the hard lesson learned over decades that religious debate is utterly useless were good reasons to refrain.

    So how about a little civility on your part? Maybe you should refrain from calling us heretics, even if it is your honest opinion.

    why? it is utterly useless. It is ill mannered. And it raises hackles. I do not complain about your traditional catholic beliefs, i just ignore them.

    If you want this blog to be an annex to a university newman society just say so and i will not bother you again.

    or do your part in maintaining peace here by not insulting protestants.

    i have not insulted your views so i do not think it too much to ask of you.

    but if it is I will go and never trouble you again

    1. I say:
      Thank you, Unknown, for acknowledging that this is my blog.
      It's my understanding that God sent His Son to reveal the Father, and not just to the Jews but to "all nations". In doing so Jesus Christ often abandoned "common civility" and certainly initiated religious debate - which His death on the Cross served only to encourage and increase.
      At any rate, I simply stated the truth and it is you, dear Unknown, who have initiated debate on that truth, not I.
      I know that Christ raised hackles, so much so that the hackle-bearers crucified Him.
      And it seems to me that far from ignoring my traditional Catholic beliefs, you are doing exactly what you claim that I do: you are complaining about them.
      My traditional Catholic belief is "extra ecclesiam nulla salus" (outside the Church there is no salvation). That is what your Catholic ancestors believed before Luther et al led them astray, and thank God, millions of Protestants have returned to that belief.
      It's not an insult, but the truth. After 50+ years of Vatican II's false ecumenism the truth may sound strange, but the truth, like God Who is Truth, has "no shadow of alteration". That's why, when it's apposite, I will continue to proclaim it.

  5. A heretic is simply one who denies certain Roman Catholic beliefs. It is not a nasty word. Just an adjective. We do not all believe the same.
