Sunday 13 February 2022


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One of a 'tiny minority' (left, under arrest) led astray by what A G Parker (right) calls social media 'garbage' (you're reading it now)

As the occupation of the grounds of Parliament enters its second week, the question is: should we feel proud to be New Zealanders, or ashamed of ourselves?

Do we identify with the elderly gentleman in his bare feet, arms twisted up his back as he's taken into custody for protesting against mandates that might have cost his kids or grandkids their livelihood, or with the evidently self-satisfied Attorney General David Parker?

Are we exhilarated at seeing thousands of Kiwis finally rise up against a tyrant, or do we blame ourselves for her election? And how did we get ourselves into this mess?

We describe David Parker as "self-satisfied" because he looks it - and because he describes the occupation at Parliament as "a tiny minority' who are there only because they believe the "garbage" spread on social media (such as this blog).

But the most appalling manifestation of the mess is Mallard. Incredibly, this man was elected by MPs to the role of Speaker of the House, which makes him the third most important New Zealander after the Governor-General and the Prime Minister. He is supposed to rise above the strife of party political argy-bargy and to be impartial.  Apparently he told Barry Soper off for talking to protestors (Soper and Mallard have a history) and then ordered the compliant media to stay put on the balcony, to save them from going astray likewise. And they obeyed. Which just goes to show who's paying their wages. 

Mallard the Duck - not having fun

But while Mallard is simply refining the Attack Dog techniques he's known for, the behaviour at Parliament this week of New Zealand police whose role is to serve and protect the public is something new, and it's not a pretty sight.

An amateur video (there's something good to be said for smartphones after all) shows a naked woman (okay, she's wearing a thong, same diff) who offered passive resistance to arrest being dragged by the hair over what looks like concrete, her face and head then being covered and a PC then kneeling on her head. 

She was not resisting.

Then we see a PC planking on a boy's head. The boy is the one identified in our last post as 17 year-old Alexander. The video says he's 14 but clearly, it's a boy we're talking about, with the weight of a full-grown adult on his head. He was not resisting.

Next up is a guy in his 30s or so, sitting nonchalantly chatting with a PC. Perhaps he said something the PC didn't like. Because he was grabbed suddenly and thrown to the ground in a pile-on. He was not resisting.

It's worth noting perhaps, that none of these three was Maori. If they had been, would they have been treated with such contumely? You can bet your bottom dollar not. 

And we realise that in their desperation to control the chaos this Government has let out of Pandora's box, the Minister of Police, the 'Honourable" Poto Williams, has been forced to lower the standards, formerly so demanding, for the police force, which explains the I Q and E Q of PCs who behave like playground bullies, only worse, when surrounded by smart people with smart phones. If they're relying on the 'We were only following orders' excuse, they'll find out surely, that it went out of fashion at Nuremberg.

At rear, the Parliament paddy wagon as big as a bus

This story is from a woman injured by police during the peaceful protest in Wellington on Thursday.
The WPC initially had her elbow on my windpipe -I told her sh was hurting me – she moved her elbow then to my sternum – and i again told her very clearly you are hurting me – she said get your hands off me – I was linking arms with the people either side of me and told her this- she increased the pressure and the pain was unbearable. I felt something “break” in my sternum.

I started to collapse, I felt faint and my legs just went under me – the people either side of me were holding me up and then agony as more police dived in pulling up my arms and injuring me further ignoring my screams that they were hurting me- I was already at a 10 for pain (!)( – unbelievable -I was left on concrete on my hands and knees not able to breathe properly in agony for about an hour before they called for an ambulance.I was attacked around 1:30pm. I got to hospital around 3pm.
Photographs have been taken of my injuries and I will be pressing charges against the WPC concerned. I am still in HUGE pain not able to talk/breathe deeply without extreme pain and breaking down in tears at this violent assault by another woman, who, along with her colleague is supposed to UPHOLD THE PEACE.
NZ police I am so disappointed in you today- and saying you were following orders just won’t cut it – you all have a conscience and we can see from your faces that you we not happy with the position your commanding offers put you in.
A sad day for New Zealand indeed.
We started the day with peace and I know the Freedom Convoy Members that stood along side me will continue to bring peace into this situation.
Main-stream media – your coverage has been appalling – and the whole of New Zealand is now getting to see who your masters are.
Thank goodness for Social Media – let’s keep getting the word out
Please do whatever you can to share what is happening in New Zealand – REMAIN PEACEFUL WITH LOVE IN YOUR HEARTS – you will see that LOVE WINS xxx
Verified :
Pam Kales
Jeanette I have three videos I copied from the Stuff live feed. Shows a different angle of the big push at 1.38pm where they pulled you out and two clips of you obviously in distress. I will pm them to you in case you need them. I have put in a police complaint about several incidents including yours.

Channel 1 were quick enough the show the video of the police brutality that wasn't. When they were evicting gate crashers at a party a while back. But as they are acting under a directive from Trevor Mallard and Jacinda, Channel 1 won't want their sickness benefit at risk of being revoked. 



BP and Z are refusing to serve the truckies. BOYCOTT!

 I suddenly realised the hypocrisy of our media and politicians this morning. When someone called Suzanne 'Sousixie' Wiles 'a big fat liar' a few months back, politicians and the media went into the stratosphere - as did a large proportion of the country. Everyone went crazy over it - name-calling is offensive. Yet now, those same parties (along with Police) call protestors and those who oppose the loss of freedoms as 'the great unwashed, hillbillies, losers, fringe etc' and that's perfectly ok. It's laughable. It actually highlights just how fake and pathetic the 'woke' movement really is.

PCs who don't know "the first thing" ...

The questions remain: with whom do we identify? How did we decent, fair-minded Kiwis get into this mess? 

It's getting late (as usual) and in the interests of keeping it simple, this famous comment of Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn's will suffice: "Men have forgotten God". And men (and women) have forgotten God nowhere as much as here in what used to known as Godzone but which officially according to stats has less allegiance to any religion than any other country on earth. In other words, to use that deplorable adjective which surely must qualify as 'hate speech', New Zealand is the most pagan nation on earth.  

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn in 1975 

So we deserve our fate of being consigned to perdition with Ardern the Unjust, Mallard the Mean, Parker the Plonker et al - but we can of course avert it, and the simple means of achieving that is by prayer.



  1. Sherryle Lee:
    I congratulate you on this truthful summary of the horrors taking place to the peaceful demonstrators outside NZ Parliament. Police brutality; a Government who won’t engage in talks; a Prime Minister who insists the she is ‘Kind’ and then hides from genuine citizens; A Speaker of the House, who is an absolute tyrant and orders the Sprinkler System be turned on

  2. To ask me to be a patriot is too big and ask.

    Actually nationalism is a relatively new invention. a traveller in the 16th century landing in the country we call russia may have asked "where am I?" he would have said "In the lands of Ivan Vassilyevitch (Ivan the Terrible - r 1547-84) to us.

    In asking "what people are you?" they would have said "Pravoslavniy" which is the Russian word for "Orthodox"

    theyidentified with a ruler and a religion, not a people or a land.

    I also identify with a ruler and a relgion the Ruler being God ALmighty. King of Kings etc, ana religion, his law and his truth insofar as my own unbelief does not hinder this

    I seriously hold that partriotism is a species of idolatry, for no man can serve two masters. (Matthew 6:24). This passage does not say that no man OUGHT serve two masters, but that as no man can, so serving two is an intrinsic impossibility.

    the nations were created to keep Man divided thus having is energies, corrupted by evil, diffused (Genesis chapgter 11) and so wasted

    the nations rage and devise a vain thing psalm 2; and they comprise one of the ungodly trinity: the world the flesh and the devil

    I am a good citizen only because God commands it lest his gospel be discreditted by ou bad behavoyur (the Petrine letters).

    the world is passing away and the nations will all fall, and ther ios more i can say here.

    so do i takle a side in this matter?

    yes i do. though i have no fondness for patriotism i regard globalism as unmitigated evil, an open and blaspheous defiance of the sundering of the humans race in genesis 11, after the flood at the Tower of Babel. to unify Man under his own ungodly banner hasalways been Satan's goal.

    I oppose what is being done in the name of covid in the name of truth. That is to say their beliefs are not true and their practices are evil.

    and rightly or wrongly i hate evil. i suspect this is wrongly as my hatred of evil is not godly for itis not in love for evil doers - this ia sin to be dealt with eventually

    I am rather attached to my own lifestyle which i know full well came from the identity and makeup of this country and its history.

    I am a NeW Zealander only as a mere accident of birth. when we look at the spread of patriotism (russian patriots, chinese, german etcetc , ) the only thing every patriot has is the utterly irrational belief that his own country is the best on earth because he or she was born in it.

    and i am not about to give religous honours to a mere nation.

    If that is good enough for you I am with you. If not i will stand alone with my Dread Lord and Sovereign

  3. Hoho sounds like Muldoon.

  4. Yes, a few rough arrests, but overall the police approach is aimed at bringing parties together. A former lead negotiator was speaking on possibly RNZ 5pm news today. It is not like 20 years ago, he said . We'll see how this goes, it is likely the politicians will run out of patience. See the paddy wagon round the back. Problem at moment is the Govt leaders show no sincere intention (witness the word 'misinformation' ) from the PM ?She is not a negotiator, she is playing for time. Robin Hood.

  5. I say:
    Too many FB comments to publish ...

  6. Also the Govt is probably going to use National Emergency powers no matter what Convoy 22 does. Govt's object is to prevent our knowledge from coming into mainstream. Friar Tuck.

  7. As much credability as the St John of God Brothers.... Sad to say.
