Monday 14 February 2022


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While we've all been looking the other way - at an historical occupation of Parliament grounds - the Dark Red Queen Ardern is getting on with criminalising parents, counsellors, carers and teachers who dare advise kids on their sexuality.

Tomorrow night Parliament will likely ram through a ban on 'conversion therapy'. A mother who encourages her teen to accept her body as is, rather than take dangerous puberty blockers and wear chest binders, could be banged up.

Your church's teaching on sexuality could be banned. And that's whether your kid wants to hear it or not. It's all about protecting queer 'rights' while confiscating straights'.

"All New Zealanders should be protected from coercive, abusive or involuntary psychological or spiritual practices", says the valiant Bob McCoskrie of Family First. Yes. That's why we should be protected from the Dark Red Queen. In large part, that's why all those Kiwis are camping out at Parliament, in defiance of Attack Dog Mallard's dastardly tactics.

But wait on. Where's the evidence that there are any such practices in New Zealand? Even the Ministry of Justice (so-called) in its advice on this Bill to this Government, admitted there wasn't any. 

Bruce Logan, conservative Christian Kiwi writer 

So, the following article comes from Bruce Logan at the BFD:

The primary aim and responsibility of scientific endeavour is to make precise observations, analyses and predictions about the world. When science is used to promote ideology for party reasons or government policy, laws become ambiguous and the consequences repressive. The Labour Party’s “Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill” (CPPLB) is based on a muddle of selective anecdotes, misshapen compassion and doubtful science that would have us obey unreasonable law. 

And we'll repeat it till the cows come home: "An unjust law is no law at all" (Ss Augustine, Aquinas - and quoted by Martin Luther King). 

The CPLLB is a neo-Marxist bill insofar as it would divide people. Not according to economic or political status but according to sexual identity.

How many more degrees of separation does the Red Queen have up her wicked sleeve? 

It is not possible to “uphold the human rights of all New Zealanders, including of rainbow New Zealanders,

... and hands up any readers who object to queers hi-jacking the wondrous Old Testament sign of God's covenant with his people ...   

to live free from discrimination and harm,” and at the same time “affirm the dignity of all people” while claiming “that no sexual orientation or gender identity is broken and in need of fixing.”

The CPPLB is fraught with internal contradiction. It claims to be guarding the autonomy of homosexual and transgender people, but in doing so it actually denies the autonomy of other individuals and parents. The rights and freedoms affirmed by the Bill of Rights Act are ignored.

The CPPLB is cultivated by queer theory, transgender theory, engulfed by the cult of identity. It overlooks the strident battles between the biological essentialists of gay identity and the social constructionists of transgender theory. It is unaware of Stonewall’s 2015 (UK) contentious and influential resolution to reorder homosexual theory around gender identity only. Feeling is all. 

It also disregards the fashionable and unstable social contagion of teenage transgenderism among teenage girls.

What is this “dignity” it would affirm? 

For two millennia Western civilisation has been sustained by believing that everyone’s dignity comes from having been created, male and female, in God’s image. That unique foundation underpins the rule of law and democratic process. The moral imperative declaring the responsibility of the powerful to protect the weak owes its existence to that uniqueness.

Yes, "man has forgotten God". If he hadn't, he wouldn't have been confronted by the disgraceful videoed scenes at Parliament grounds of brutish arrests by police whose first duty is to protect. But be prepared for them to be defended by Kiwis who have no idea that the police are not automatically above reproach.     

A responsible and restrained freedom, English common law, on which our law depends, would not exist without the foundation of the Biblical story. There could be no “Tiriti o Waitangi”.

The CPPLB presumes that dignity derives from the self-identifying behaviour and not from God. Biological sex mutates into assigned gender. That is not just the rejection of the religious roots of Western civilisation, the transcendent authority of human dignity or the secular. It is legislating civil religion, a creed with a totalising agenda distorting science to serve its own ends.

There’s a fundamental problem. Self-affirming identity must seek support in tribal validation. 

Democratic freedom is threatened. One identifies with the “we” of tribe rather than the “we” of nationhood. 

Human rights compete with collective rights to protect each tribe’s legitimacy. Justice ceases to be about equality before the law.

Hasn't it already? Didn't the Dark Red Queen abolish equality when she created - on her own admission - two classes of New Zealanders, the v*xxed and the unv*xxed? Are we going to let her get away with that? 

It becomes equality of outcome for each tribe. Individual freedom, dignity, private and public morality become what the state decides.


The Dark Red Queen's Convoy

Having denied the Genesis narrative of meaning, the CPPLB must attempt something new. “Dignity” floats in the air. Believers in the old narrative are cast as criminals. 

For example, Christians who believe that human beings have been created male and female or that homosexuality is one expression of human sinfulness become the enemy.

It's important to make the point that it's not homosexuality per se (attraction to your own sex) but the practice of it, which is "sinfulness".  

With astonishing irony, Christians who still believe in a redeeming Creator God and foundation of dignity must have their legitimacy and right to speak in the public square determined by the State.

Parents who believe that male and female are a biological reality and would guide their children accordingly are, under the CPPLB, threatened by imprisonment.

Sexual orientation and gender identity trump what was once religious freedom. The pseudo-theology of the deified sexual and gendered self presents no cohesive narrative to sustain democracy. 

The proposed legislation is a continuing attack on the foundation of Western civilisation’s philosophy of personhood; the rebellion of a generation that denies its material and spiritual history. 

The Biblical story, that insists everyone has fallen into a state of disobedience requiring repentance and forgiveness, must be silenced. The CPPLB is a weapon in that arsenal.

The cancelling of Christians is necessary because the new religion has its own competing original sin; blaspheming the autonomous self. There is no forgiveness, only ridicule and banishment.

So we have a new kind of human being. A sacrosanct, state-validated, self-creating creature beyond criticism or satire. A counterfeit freedom overwhelms freedom. 

Whose dignity is affirmed? Certainly not that of all New Zealanders.



Ss Cyril and Methodius, February 14

"Indeed the mystery of Christ runs the risk of being disbelieved precisely because it is so incredibly wonderful" - St Cyril.


  1. My challenge to you. Click on YouTube. Enter'For the Bible Tels me So'. Up will flash a documentary. You might have a totally different opinion on gays and the church after viewing. I did.... And so has the Cardinal of Luxumbourg and a few of the hierarchy. Seriously, you will encounter some smart, black lesbian theologians who will blow your theology to bits.

    1. I say:
      Seriously, Cardinal Hollerich of 'Luxumbourg' sic) is "open to women becoming priestesses". Seriously, that's heresy. Seriously, he's headed for Hell.

  2. Sandy Siegel:
    And what are they teaching kids in schools about sexuality....from age 5!! If its anything like America, parents should be very deeply concerned.
    Brent Foster
    It comes to one single point. If your are legal guardian of your child you are responsible for their wellbeing not just physical but also emotionally. Teachers are not legal guardians. Once the damage is done they walk away. It is parents who are going to be there long after the adult no longer remembers the teachers name. Parental love is eternal a teacher's interest is only temporary. No teacher or politician will be there when a child they have confused is hanging in the garage.

  3. Snne Mosen:
    Ridiculous where do kids get there sex education from then

    Blair Stewart:
    That's what she does in parliament just clowns around.

    I say:

    Blair, I don't agree. She is very deliberately destroying our nation, preparing NZ for take-over.

    Joanne O'Brien:
    That’s insane !!!

  4. Has any one watched the doco yet?

  5. Take over? By who? Surely not by the Commies. They disappeared years ago. I guess you mean the UN.

    1. I say:
      Anonymous, are you for real? The Commies disappeared years ago? Our Lady at Fatima said if we didn't pray Russia would "spread her errors" all over the world. We didn't pray and Communism did spread. Anyone in China trying to tell the CCP, for example, that they've disappeared, would likely disappear themselves.

  6. Gosh aren't you all in for a surprise.

    Don't be disheartened Julia, some people have no situational awareness.
    'There's none so blind as will not see'...

    Maybe instead of lesbian theology people could look up Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset. It's almost old news now..

    Come on people! Light your lamps!!

  7. Dear Unknown. View video. The lesbians of color blow your theology to bits.

    1. Seems Bergoglio is on their side.

  8. Julia. Correct. Recall Gramsci the Italian Marxist who said victory would come not by gun but cultural shift. See how Bergoglio betrays the church in China and Cardinal Zen. The plan is to turn the church into the humanitarian wingbof the UN. At the last novus ordo I attended, 'human failings' replaced the word sin. At that point I knew all I had read on this blog and Trad publications was accurate.
