Thursday 1 April 2021


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'Pope Francis' celebrates 'Holy Thursday Chrism Mass', March 30. Qué?

"The 'truth-idol' imitates," said Jorge Bergoglio on Tuesday - at what a Vatican source called "a Holy Thursday Chrism Mass" - "it dresses itself up in the words of the Gospel, but does not let those words touch the heart. 

"Much worse, it distances ordinary people from the healing closeness of the word and of the sacraments of Jesus."

Just what is going on here? What's going on is Bergoglio's ramp-up of his argument, put so clearly as to defy denial in his puff piece Francesco, for a sea-change in Church doctrine on the inadmissability of sodomites to Holy Communion - in spite of a recent statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) saying NO to blessing same-sex unions. *

You'd have to suspect that this CDF statement was just window-dressing, done by Bergoglio's stooge, Cardinal Luis Ladaria Ferrer SJ, who replaced the good Cardinal Gerhard Müller - to ensure, to quote the Jesuits' own 'America Magazine' that the CDF is "rowing with rather than against" the 'pope'. (Isn't that what I just said?)

Cardinal Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer. What would you make of this man?

And this was the Pope's homily at St Peter's Basilica at the Chrism Mass, where prelates and priests reaffirm their promises to commit to being faithful stewards of the Gospel and servants of their people. What an egregious insult to Our Lord in the Blessed Eucharist, which He Himself instituted at the Last Supper. 

"The pontiff told the assembled ministers that practicing closeness to his people is one of a priest's main obligations ... having proximity to those entrusted to them is the key to both mercy and truth.

Fine. We assume that would apply also to bishops - whose appointment is a pope's first responsibility. Palmerston North Diocese has had no bishop to practise closeness to his people for over a year now. Could Bergoglio please get on with what's supposed to be his job rather than consorting with sodomites?

Best mates: Bergoglio and Francesco director Evgeny Afineevsky, a self confessed sodomite 

"Holy Thursday recalls Jesus' last supper (sic) before his crucifixion (sic) and is also considered by the church (sic) to mark his creation of the priesthood - at that supper, he offered himself to his disciples, likening his body to bread to be eaten and his blood to wine to be drunk."

Stop right there. " 'Likening' His Body 'to bread'' and His Blood 'to wine'? Even we the laity of  Palmerston North Diocese in far away Down Under know that it's not a matter of 'likening', but of His actual Body and Blood that we eat and drink.

It's truly galling to be handed this hogwash (to borrow a reader's description of Francesco), especially in Holy Week, by the man the world calls the pope, quoted by National Catholic Reporter.

Is it surprising then, that in Down Under in PN Diocese at our very own Chrism Mass on Monday, in his homily Cardinal Call Me John Dew made no mention as far as I can recall of the Passion and Death of our Saviour? That he described Holy Orders as making priests "different, not better"? A reader of this blog who attended remarked:

"In a sentence Cardinal Dew flattened the entire hierarchy of the Catholic Church and made obsolete the magnitude of Our Lord’s Last Supper.   Having done that, what point could the good Cardinal have left for a homily on the Passion?  He’d already deconstructed so much!"

Yet another reader (one in the best possible position to comment) was appalled by the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. To one who hears heresy preached almost weekly it didn't seem so very bad. I told him he leads a sheltered life - and he admitted it. 

The good old catechism (I wish it were the Baltimore Catechism but it isn't to hand) says: 

"Through (Holy Orders) priests by the anointing of the Holy Spirit are signed with a special character and so are configured to Christ the priest in such a way that they are able to act in the person of Christ the reason of their sacerdotal dignity ... after the image of Christ, the supreme and eternal priest, they are consecrated in order to preach the Gospel and shepherd the faithful as well as to celebrate divine worship as true priests of the New Testament."

If priests are consecrated to preach and shepherd the laity, does that not clearly imply that the former certainly should be better than the latter? But to settle the question once and for all we turn to the pre-eminent Fr. Regional Garrigou-LaGrange, O.P.:

Fr Garrigou-LaGrange: compare his phiz with Cardinal Ladaria's

 "Priestly Ordination imprints on the soul an indelible character and confers a special Sacramental grace. [Den. 964, 959] We must pause a moment to consider the sublime purpose of this character and Sacramental grace. The character is an intimate and permanent possession of the soul which enables a man to perform the actions of a priest validly; so it is commonly understood as the active power of Holy Orders to Consecrate the Eucharist validly and to absolve the faithful validly from sins committed since Baptism. [Cf. Council of Trent, Den. 960.]  

The grace is given that the priest may perform the duties of his state not merely validly but also holily, and that this spirit of holiness develop in unison with his growth in grace and charity demanded by the supreme commandment [Cf. Den. 960]

The reason is obvious. God never confers a power on any man without, at the same time, giving him the necessary means for the worthy exercise of that power. And the prayers in the Pontifical make it evident that this is the purpose of the Sacramental grace of Holy Orders. Hence it follows that this grace is an even more precious effect than the character of the Sacrament. 

Taking all these definitions and assertions together, it is clear that the Catholic Church regards our priesthood as invested with a noble dignity.

So much for Cardinal Dew's assertion that priests are "different, not better". At last Friday's hearing of the Commission of Enquiry into abuse in care, the cardinal's dismal appearance in shirt and tie, for all the world like a clerk, would seem tailored to fit the general tenor of his remarks, which was to reduce the priesthood to a similar clerk-like status. It's all so 'umble, don't y' know. 

Which reminds me of my parish priest's remarks at our Chrism Mass this evening, that the priesthood is all about 'service'. Much was made of foot-washing and nothing at all of the sublime vocation of the priest in literally calling down God Himself onto our altars.

If this post sounds all doom and gloom, we may as well go the whole hog and hand the floor over to one Fr D Dariusz Oko.Fr Oko is a Polish priest who's just published Lavender Mafia: With the Popes and Bishops against the Homoclique in the Church.” The book, as yet unavailable in English, is a bestseller in Poland. 

“Things have gone so far that this truth cannot be kept a secret.”

“Experts in the field know well that an essential ‘prerequisite’ to becoming a bishop is … belonging to the ‘clan,’ having homosexual tendencies or, at least, guaranteeing that one will not impair the rights of the Church homosexuals,” Oko writes. “These are unwritten yet necessary conditions that a candidate must fulfill …”
The priest believes that the prestigious Vatican diplomatic service has the worst reputation for men living a double-life: “It is due to the fact that staying in apostolic nunciatures in various countries makes hiding one’s unrestrained homosexual life quite easy,” he writes.

The priest-professor believes that even the appointment of new bishops has begun to “lie in the hands of people who act against the basic teaching of the Church, her anthropological and moral norms.” This leads to corruption from the top down."


Fr Dariusz Oko
*A group of Austrian priests have made it clear that they will not obey (the CDF ruling against same-sex blessings), and many German priests have said the same thing, while an important Belgian bishop, Johan Bonny, has said that he is ashamed of the Church because of this sort of document, and he has apologized to all homosexual couples as well as to their parents and grandparents.

Does this look to you like the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church?

And here in New Zealand and the Pacific, the Marists are furiously "rowing with the pope" and the CDF. Their sordid little Cathnews publication simply reeks of sodomy. Three stories on that subject in their latest and - in the interests of balance, perhaps - two on heterosexual encounters. Cold showers are indicated.

From the Epistle for the Mass of the Last Supper, 1962 Missal (bear in mind that "No one sins more grievously than the priest that offers Sacrifice unworthily. Those that unworthily offer Jesus Christ in Heaven sin more grievously than the Jews who crucified Him when He was upon earth” - St Peter Damian.

St. John Chrysostom teaches that a priest that approaches the Altar with a soul stained with mortal sin is far worse than a devil. 

"Therefore, whosoever shall eat this bread, or drink the chalice of the Lord unworthily, shall be guilty of the Body and of the Blood of the Lord" 

- Epistle, Mass of the Last Supper (1962 Missal).



  1. I think we need to bring Cathnews down. It’s an abomination. Now that they don’t allow dissenting comments it’s time to close shop permanently.

  2. For those who wish to watch the full document with English subtitles, it's available here.
    Francesco 2020 Documentary Full HD

    Anon says:
    After watching it for a few minutes my wife commented "has he thrown away his theology degree"?

  3. Rudolf Suhr says"
    Actually, according to the christian narrative , Jesus , was crucifed by the Romans.

    Piripi Thomas says:
    True, but at the behest of the Scribes and Pharisees who incited the mob. Pilate, the Roman, handed Christ over to them to do as they wished. His soldiers were mere functionaries.

    Paul Young:
    The Catholic Church is in pretty bad shape these days eh ...

    I say:
    Paul, yes. But She will survive. Until the end of time.

    1. Paul Young says:
      It's only existed for a blip in the big picture ... you clearly have no understanding of the concept of geological time ...

      I say:
      Paul, the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic and Apostolic Church was instituted by the Son of God "in the fullness of time". You clearly have no understanding of the concept of time as designed and created by God.

      Paul Young:
      That concept is only in your dreams Julia ... I reside in reality ...

      Daniel Tither says:
      Paul I love it the way secular people keep assuming that science is 1. supposed to be pitted against Christianity, 2. Didn't come into being in a Christian environment (when of course it did), 3. is in the same realm as the moral/philosophical and the non-material where faith/religion resides, and 4. is supposed to be handled in the same way.
      There are many scientists today who still believe the universe was created by some kind of higher power, and there are still scientists today with Christian faiths.
      If you reside in reality like you claim, here's some reality for you.
      Nicholas Steno was a 17th century Catholic Bishop. He is known as "the father of modern geology" by some, and at least one of its founders by others. He was one of the people who introduced methods to measure time durations by studying layered sedimentary rock formations.
      Nicholas Steno had no problem with the idea of finding the true age of fossils, while simultaneously having no problem with being a clergyman.
      Roger Bacon (Franciscan Friar) and Albert the Great (Dominican friar and canonised Saint) are considered pioneers of the scientific method, and lived several centuries earlier, in the thirteenth century.
      Despite what Protestants say, advances in science in Christendom started several centuries before the sixteenth century (i.e. what is often said to be the beginning of a "scientific revolution").
      No organisation in the world has contributed more to astronomy than the Catholic church.
      What is said about Galileo in relation to the Catholic church is also misleading. Copernicus and Galileo only had a heliocentric theory, not hard proof yet. The church had no problem with testing scientific theories (including the idea that heliocentrism may supersede geocentrism), but the church did have a problem with Galileo being uncooperative and treating heliocentrism as settled science and presenting it as such to audiences. The Catholic church was also being accused at the time by Protestants of not being "biblical" enough (even though the Protestants wouldn't have even had a Bible without the Roman church, and Protestants themselves also ended up having church traditions that weren't strictly biblical), so they didn't want to run on yet-to-be-proven theories.
      Heliocentrism still remained a theory even during the advances made by Kepler, but it was accepted as settled with Isaac Newton and his work 'The Principia'.
      Nicolas Steno - Wikipedia
      Nicolas Steno - Wikipedia

      Piripi Thomas says:
      In the fullness of time, all will be revealed, to the believer and non-believer alike. I know in whose shoes I will prefer to be.

      Paul Young says:
      Talk about swamping the issue at hand with irrelevant trivia ...

      Michael Hallager
      Sounds like you need a GBF.

      I say:

    2. Daniel Tither says:
      Paul you just said that you're on the side of science ("I reside in reality"). And I just told you that the Catholic church fostered science (in fact, it made scientific enquiry possible by conceiving of an ordered universe - no other religious civilization before it did that) and I gave you the names of men who were Catholic clerics/clergymen and leading scientists of their time.
      So you are not at all on the side of science or residing in reality.
      You're acting like a jackass and making flippant comments.

      Philippa O'Neill:
      Daniel I feel you are banging your head against a brick wall.
      Who Really Killed Jesus?

    3. Theresa Rogers:
      First, we need to approach this issue from history, namely, what happened and who did it. The Gospels indicate that the religious leaders of the Jewish people plotted the death of Our Lord. For instance, after Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, the Gospel reads, "At that time, the chief priests and elders of the people were assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas. They plotted to arrest Jesus by some trick and kill him" (Mt 26:3-4). At the meeting of the Sanhedrin, some of the Pharisees expressed fear: "What are we to do with this man performing all sorts of signs? If we let Him go on like this, the whole world will believe in Him. Then the Romans will come in and sweep away our sanctuary and our nation" (Jn 11:47-48). At the same meeting, Caiaphas stated, "Can you not see that it is better for you to have one man die for the people than to have the whole nation destroyed?" (Jn 11:50). Yes, certain Jewish authorities were responsible for the death of Our Lord; however, no one can justly blame the whole Jewish nation or their descendants.
      Pilate, the Roman Procurator, held the power over life and death. While the Jewish authorities condemned Our Lord to death for blasphemy, they had no power to execute and admit to Pilate, "We may not put anyone to death" (Jn 18:31). So, they changed the charge when He is brought before Pilate: "We found this man subverting our nation, opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar, and calling Himself the Messiah, a king" (Lk 23:2). To claim to be a king and incite rebellion was to set oneself in opposition to Caesar, a crime punishable by crucifixion. In the end, Pilate feared rebellion, succumbed to the yells of the crowd "Crucify Him, crucify Him" and ignored his wifes as well as his own belief in Christs innocence. He ordered the crucifixion. Therefore, Pilate too was responsible for the death of Our Lord; however, no one can justly blame the whole Roman nation or its descendants, i.e. the Gentiles.
      Judas, too, played a role in the death of our Lord, betraying Him and handing Him over for thirty pieces of silver (cf. Mt 26:14-16). Would we extend the blame to all of the apostles, since Judas was one of them? Of course not.
      Indeed, the historical evidence indicts certain individuals. However, from the theological perspective, the vision of faith, Jesus suffered, died and rose in accord with the plan of salvation of God. After Pentecost, St. Peter and St. John proclaimed, "Indeed, they gathered in this very city against your holy Servant, Jesus, whom you anointed Herod and Pontius Pilate in league with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel. They have brought about the very things, which in your powerful providence you planned long ago" (Acts 4:27-28). Our Lords passion and death fulfilled the prophecy of the suffering servant Messiah proclaimed by Isaiah: "Yet it was our infirmities that he bore, our suffering that he endured. While we thought of him as stricken, as one smitten by God and afflicted. But he was pierced for our offenses, crushed for our sins, upon him was the chastisement that makes us whole, by his stripes we were healed. We had all gone astray like sheep, each following his own way; but the Lord laid upon him the guilt of us all" (53:4-6). Christ freely took upon Himself the burden of our sins, and as priest offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Through his passion, death and resurrection, Christ conquered sin and death, opening the gates of Heaven to give us the hope of everlasting life.

  4. Michael Hallager says:I'm in one of those long term relationship thingees called marriage... What others choose to do is up to them. Doesn't affect me.

    I say:
    Michael, marriage is a life-long commitment to each other, made by a man and a woman and witnessed by others, and for Christians, it's made in the presence of God. A "long term relationship thingy" isn't called marriage - and while it's up to o… See More

    Michael Hallager:
    I'm married but far from me to dictate to others what to do.

    Philippa O'Neill:
    Michael Hallager what others do does affects everyone... shapes society for the good or bad.. no man is an.island.... bring it on! 😁

    Fuminori Timothy Watanabe:
    Sure, it affects the next generation more than yours, but who cares about them, right? It's only the children that would suffer the most from the promiscuity of their parents and their broken families. ...
    Outside of marriage, financial, medical, mental, academic, and occupational well being all go downwards, while rates of abuse, drug use, promiscuity, and suicide rates all go up. But, "it doesn't affect me", so who cares?

    Piripi Thomas:
    Someone who knew a bit about human nature provided 10 simple rules by which our lives should be guided. 3 related to our relationship with Him/Them, the rest to our relationship with our neighbour. Modern man (and woman) has all but abandoned these, aided and abetted by Governments of every hue. It is no wonder that it is all turning to custard. The great pity is that it was the periti, post-Vatican II, who were most actively stirring the pot. I wonder where they are now . . .

  5. Hans Kung has died .This man was a genius and a prophet perhaps?

  6. Philippa O'Neill says:
    Daniel, I feel you are banging your head against a brick wall.

    Piripi Thomassays:
    Philippa, or a thick head . . . ?

    Paul Young says:
    Daniel Tither ... so where did I even mention the word science?
