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Fr Thomas Reese SJ with Obama and Biden - birds of a feather flocking together |
"Don't let children go to the Latin Mass."
So saith the Society of Jesus (or Judas, maybe). Jesuit big-shot Fr Thomas Reese S J has declared that the Mass celebrated by the Church for centuries should "disappear".
"Out of pastoral kindness, older people who do not understand the need for change" should be allowed to attend (anyone feel patronised here?) but "children and young people should not be allowed to attend such Masses".
Fr Reese, whose predilection for swanky settings and unsavory friends is evident in the pic (above), was not happy with Pope Benedict XVI's promotion of the TLM in his 2007 Summorum Pontificum. Fr Reese - surprise, surprise - just loves the "revolutionary liturgical reforms" of Vatican II.
He and his Jesuits including we dare say, Jorge Bergoglio, want more of the same: "a second phase" of the revolution, in fact. And the children and young people increasingly flocking to the traditional Latin Mass are thwarting their plans for their "new theology". At the TLM, as Taylor Marshall points out, these children and young people are being inoculated against heresy. So "such Masses" must be banned, say the Jesuits.
Fr Reese admits, then, that Vatican II was a revolution - that it constituted a "hermeneutic of discontinuity" in the history of the Church. Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve, champion of the Latin Mass, said it and now the Jesuits agree.The poor old Jesuits thought that after Vat II and its Novus Ordo concoction, the Latin Mass would die out. it just shows you that brains, for which the Jesuits are famous, are not enough. They were wrong.
So terribly wrong, that since 1965 the Jesuits, arguably the most 'revolutionary' order in the Church, have seen their numbers more than halved. And yet Fr Reese obstinately demands wants more of the very reforms which have brought about this sorry state of affairs in his own back yard. The question is, why?
He wants to abolish the Mass celebrated by orders like the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter (FSSP) and the Institute of Crhist the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) whose seminaries are full and congregations exploding, and instead accelerate the abuses of the Novus Ordo celebrated by the Jesuits, by calling for celebration of certain sacraments (anointing of the sick and - staggeringly - confession) by laity.
To whom, Fr Reese, did Jesus Christ give the power to forgive sins? Not to the feminist 'Eucharistic Ministers' who would be the first to put their hands up for hearing confessions. No, He gave that power to His disciples. To priests. Male priests. Celibate priests.
Fr Reese is, not to put too fine a point on it, shooting himself in the foot. Again, the question is why??? Surely the Jesuits could not be envious of the new traditional orders, or threatened by them? Surely not?
He wants bishops' conferences to summon scholars, poets, musicians, artists and pastors to 'develop' liturgies that are more in touch 'with local culture'. O me miserum. One senses more hui and karakia on the way for the Church in New Zealand. Oh, I beg your pardon, the Church in Aotearoa.
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Putting community before God - the Novus Ordo |
He wants "more and better Eucharistic prayers based on our renewed understanding of the Eucharist". Who, we ask, would share Fr Reese's 'renewed understanding' that "the transformation of the community into the body of Christ" is more important than the Consecration, by which bread and wine are transformed into God's own Body and Blood?
Quite likely New Zealand's bishops would go for it. They're slow learners.
They're all for replacing God Almighty with the god of 'community', exalted by Vat II and the Novus Ordo to the point that NZ's 'community' continues to dwindle, just as the Jesuits dwindle. In my own parish, the 150th jubilee of St Patrick's Waipawa, its memorabilia and memories of Catholic churches built in Central Hawke's Bay and now closed - the realisation of what we've lost of the faith which built those churches and produced its beautiful artefacts - is enough to make one weep.
As for more Eucharistic prayers focusing, as Fr Reese requires, on the “church’s concern for the poor, or for justice, peace, healing and the environment”, spare us, O Lord. Are we not already spiritually impoverished by the never-ending, so-woke Prayers of the Faithful all addressed to our material needs, entirely overlooking the spiritual works of mercy except for prayers for the dead (it's nice to think of Grandma), that we need more of the same in the Eucharistic Prayers?
"After the Pauline reforms of the liturgy', Fr Reese writes, "it was presumed that the “Tridentine” or Latin Mass would fade away." (Get what Dr Taylor Marshall calls the 'scare quotes' around the word Tridentine?)
Whose side is God on, then? In spite of the best efforts of modernist bishops like New Zealand's +Peter Cullinane - who banished the Latin Mass to St Columba's in Ashhurst, inaccessible to the only priest then capable of celebrating it but without reckoning on the determination of faithful Catholics to overcome that hindrance - the Mass of Ages survives and attracts more young people than ever.
+Peter Cullinane beside Anglican Bishop Tom Brown (who's wearing a 'roman' collar) |
Bishop Cullinane reveals himself as aligned with Jesuitical modernist heresy by a statement he once made while preparing to celebrate the Latin Mass: "I don't believe in what I am doing", he said. That would seem to demonstrate not only an antipathy for the TLM, but also calls into question his intention to confect the Eucharist, without which the Mass is rendered invalid.
“The one who confers a sacrament must truly intend to confer it. He must employ the determinate matter or sign. He must mean the words [the form] which make the sign sacramentally significant. If the intention of the minister [that is, the person who administers the sacrament] is amiss, the sacrament is not validly conferred” (Monsignor Paul Glenn, commenting on the Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas)."Bishops were given the authority to suppress it in their dioceses, but some people clung to the old liturgy to the point of schism." Father is sounding petulant here. And wrong - again. Pope Benedict XVI denied this; the Latin Mass, he said, was never abrogated. So bishops never had the authority to suppress it.
"Benedict took away the bishops’ authority" - which they never had - "and mandated that any priest could celebrate the Tridentine Mass whenever he pleased." So is it surprising that Pope Benedict XVI eventually bowed under the weight of age and opposition, and resigned the papacy?
"It is time to return to bishops the authority" (which they never had) "over the Tridentine liturgy in their dioceses." In other words, get rid of it.
"The church needs to be clear that it wants the unreformed liturgy to disappear." But dear Fr Reese, you are not 'the church'. Not even the Jesuit order is 'the church'.
More power to the bishops, is Father Reese's cry, "in keeping with the principle of collegiality promoted by Vatican II and the principle of synodality promoted by Pope Francis."
Yes, every word of Fr Reese's column betrays his alliance with fellow liberal and Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio - who last month appointed Juan Cruz, a self-confessed sodomite who was sexually abused, to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors.
Cruz at the red-carpet opening of 'Francesco' (all about Bergoglio) |
Yes we know sodomites are not all paedophiles, but how can a pontiff appoint a public sinner to a pontifical commission? Isn't that ever-so-slightly scandalous? Especially a sinner against chastity, when sodomitical, clerical sins have, since Vatican II, so besmirched the image of the Spouse of Christ, the Church?
Fr Reese wants "to move our liturgical (Christian churches) closer together". Apparently even after all the time and money wasted on falsely 'ecumenical' outings, the Catholic Church is still not Protestant enough to suit Fr Reese's book. Fr Reese can't see why a couple (a Catholic and a Lutheran say, or maybe a Catholic and an atheist) who are united in the sacrament of matrimony shouldn't be united at the Eucharist.
"Pastorally, the practice of barring the non-Catholic parent from Communion gives the children the impression that the church thinks their parent is a bad person."
'Pastorally,' Father, the practice of good homilies on the necessity for faith in the Eucharist would avoid or correct such an impression - and not just in children, but in the poorly-catechised adults in the 'community', as well.
For Fr Reese the Eucharist is - you guessed it - "a sacrificial meal". Just as it is for Protestants. Father, why don't you just go away, and have a nice time with the Anglicans and be done with it?
But you ain't heard nothing yet.
Father Reese suggests that bishops could send the Particle of the sacred Host which is dropped into the chalice at the Chrism Mass in Holy Week to priests in their diocese to drop in their own chalices on Holy Thursday or Easter Sunday.
Not only that but - wait for it - "the pope might share the fermentum" (as the Particle is called) "with the Ecumenical Patriarch or other Christian bishops. Popes have already shared episcopal rings and croziers with non-Catholic bishops; sharing the fermentum would be a logical next step."
Behold the frightening loss of faith in this man. The Body and Blood of the Son of God is no more significant to him than a piece of metal or timber. And what travelling arrangements does he envisage for the Body and Blood of Christ? A plastic zip-lock sandwich bag?
"I doubt I will see many of these reforms in my lifetime," concludes Fr Reese, "but we need to begin ... the conversation (which) will reveal what we think about Christ, the church and our place in the world."
Dear Father Reese, you're 76 years old. Your days on earth are nearly over, just as the Novus Ordo's day is nearly over. Your days are now short, and your conversation already reveals what you think about Christ and his Spouse, the Church. It's time for you to stop thinking and start praying. Seriously.
"Immaculate Heart of Mary, please pray for Fr Reese, the Society of Jesus and the Church, now and at the hour of our death."
David Cheeseman says:
ReplyDeleteInteresting. Why would he say this?
I say: David, read the post.
Piripi Thomas:
David, (Fr Reese says that) because he is a member of the Wholly Protestant Church of Roam. Any similarity to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is illusory. A Judas priest, who fits so well in the photo between two of the vilest men to occupy the Oval Office. I suspect they will be buddies in the hereafter as well . . .
Philippa O'Neill:
Amen Piripi. If those men had their way then not only would young people not be allowed to attend the TLM but they would prefer they not be born in the first place. I bet this Jesuit Judas is liberal in allllllll areas... he will be a great friend of Fr Jimbo.
David Cheeseman:
Piripi, oh right. I have not heard of the "Wholly Protestant Church of Rome " before.
Philippa O'Neill:
Try telling that (don't let children attend the Latin Mass) to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Latin Mass parish in Chch. they are bursting at the seams with young children and young adults. Altar boys almost fighting to serve. they are an absolute blessing to their diocese and should not ever be seen as a threat as this priest's awful comments indicate. Pope Francis needs to pull him in and have a serious chat! And funny how the picture you used does not surprise me at all.... with that company this Jesuit priest can feel safe that children and young people won't make it to birth anyway.
Simon Archer:
Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.... or if they do know, then Father please bring them to repentance.
Gorgonius says:
ReplyDeleteJust when you start to doubt the TLM will be universally restored, you receive confirmation from the Society of Judas!
They would not advocate cancel culture measures if they were not starting to realise the NO is a liturgical dead-end.
David Cheeseman:
ReplyDeleteDo the young people understand Latin?
I say:
They - and/or their parents - have Latin/English missals. Latin on one page, English facing page.
Philippa O'Neill:
David as a newbee... it's as easy as.
Justine Vollert:
I did a year's Latin study at school. Was talking to much in class so was kicked out.
Ellen Marie Lucas:
ReplyDeleteDavid Cheeseman my 11 year old son knows more latin than I do. We have been attending the traditional Mass for about 3 years
David Cheeseman:
Ellen MarieI'm trying to understand the virtue of using Latin
I say:
David, Latin is a dead language. It doesn't change so it can't be tinkered with by certain forces who want to 'modernise' the Church. It's very beautiful and poetic and is quite familiar to anyone with a decent vocabulary, as so much of the English language derives from Latin. It's also the language of the Fathers of the Church.
Philippa O'Neill:
ReplyDeleteDavid, I think for me, as I follow my missal, I'm amazed at the beauty of the language of the old Mass... just so poetic, beautiful, lifts your heart to God. I don't know heaps of Latin, I really don't need to know heaps to follow my Missal... but how did we lose so much beauty in such a short space of time - and it doesn't stop.. it just keeps changing all the time, more and more "dumbed down".
Theresa Rogers:
ReplyDeleteI have nothing to add. Thank you Julia du Fresne.
Myla Alexandra Mercado-Bides:
So all Latin masses before Vatican II was invalid? If so, then what makes the current mass valid?
I say:
Myla, the Latin Mass was never invalid and was never abrogated. The "current Mass" - the Novus Ordo - is also valid. The Mass is the Mass. It is the Mass, and only the Mass, which stands between humanity and the wrath of God.
Philippa O'Neill:
ReplyDeleteHere is an example: Washing of the fingers... "I wash my hands in innocence, and I go around Your altar, O Lord, giving voice to my thanks, and recounting all Your wondrous deeds. O Lord, I love the house in which you dwell, the tenting-place of Your glory. Gather not my soul with those of sinners, nor with men of blood my lfe. On their hands are crimes, and their right hands are full of bribes. But I walk in integrity, redeem me, and have pity on me. My foot stands on level ground; in the assemblies I will bless You, O Lord. Glory be the the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen Now the NO Mass: Washing of fingers: Wash me, O Lord, from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin". That is just one small example.. how we came from the Old Latin Rite to this new Mass is beyond me... except that it was heavily influenced by the protestants that were involved in its inception I suppose and also the new Mass is so much quicker - whose got time to spend 1hour and 20 mins at Holy Mass on a Sunday morning???
David Cheeseman:
ReplyDeleteWhatever helps to lift your heart to the Lord can only be well worth while my friend
I have no problem with that at all.
My question was about using the Latin language as few people would understand it . However. Julia has answered that question satisfactorily for me
Myla Alexandra Mercado-Bides:
ReplyDeleteSo all Latin masses before Vatican II was invalid? If so, then what makes the current mass valid?
I say:
Myla, the Latin Mass was never invalid and was never abrogated. The "current Mass" - the Novus Ordo - is also valid. The Mass is the Mass. It is the Mass, and only the Mass, which stands between humanity and the wrath of God.
Myla Alexandra Mercado-Bides:
Yes. So where is he coming from by his statement? By saying that, not only did he write off the mass before Vatican ii, he also invalidates Novus ordo mass.
Philippa O'Neill:
Myla, listen to Taylor Marshall... he explains it well and then listen to his interview with Fr Rippenburger.
David Gianotti:
ReplyDeleteWhen all the captured priests were taken to Nazi concentration camps during WWII, they could speak openly by communicating in latin with each other, and the guards were non the wiser. With hate speech laws looming on the horizon we may just need to go back into the catacombs and speak the universal language of the church once again metaphorically speaking. I'm already speaking my mind on social media in latin to avoid 30 day bans. If the recipient wants to know what i said they can easily enough run it through Google translate.
DeleteKaren Raglan:
ReplyDeleteNO Catholic has had it!