To comment please open your gmail account or use my email address, fb, Messenger or Twitter. Scroll down for other comments.
I hesitate to call this a cat fight. After all, two guys are involved and I applaud them for mixing it with the women.
It's the question of Novus Ordo (the 'New Mass') versus TLM (Traditional Latin Mass), taken up from where we left it a couple of nights ago because really, what other debate in the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church matters so much as this one?
It's not a matter of pitting one Mass against the other because the two can, and do, co-exist. It's really the question of faithfulness to Christ's Gospel and His Church which is the issue, and it's to be regretted perhaps that Round Two of this fight seems a bit of a pile-on - but maybe that's to be expected on a traditional Catholic blog.
Any reader sitting in the N O corner who wants to enter the fray is welcome. Clean punches only, please ...
Seconds out, Round Two!
Theresa Rogers says: Monica Devine, I’ve met people at TLM and Novus ordo and loved them all. It’s not the people at the Mass I have an issue’s the Mass itself, or more to the point, the abuses there. How can anyone tell another church goer's interior disposition?
Like watching invited Protestants receive communion, female servers dropping the Blood of Christ on the floor, chatting before, during and straight after the Mass. In fact, sometimes the sign of peace in the middle of the mass turns into a big wandering fest and an excuse to catch up. Even the priest coming down to join in.
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Should we be thankful that the men aren't hugging too? |
I don’t have to witness any of that at TLM. My soul
can relax and focus on our Lord, instead of anticipating and dreading what’s
going to happen next ...
I say: Oh, how I empathise ...
.. But the people. I have no issue with them.
Philippa O'Neill says: Amen sister. It is the peace and quiet of the Holy Mass. I'm going to.Holy Mass... not a theatre production!
Monica Devine says: Theresa, I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I was not judging anyone here but merely pointing out that one’s interior disposition is absolutely crucial. I also never said I do not love them…
Philippa O'Neill: Monica, I just want to be left alone to go to.Mass
without being hassled. To be able to receive Our Lord on the tongue without
being told no. I attend both Masses... TLM and NO on week days. Maybe you might
attend the TLM for a few weeks and see if you get any nasty kickback from your
NO priest for attending.
I'm lucky that my family and friends don't care what
Mass I go to but many people have a terrible time with rudeness and family
members trying to stop them attending the TLM. Maybe that's why many you know
have fallen away.
The reaction from my NO PP to my attending the TLM has been
nothing short of sinful and disgusting.. he is in an unholy war against the
TLM. And when I hear the accusations from N O churchgoers and priests that the
TLM people don't give back to the church then that really saddens me. Many I
know do amazing work in the community. We don't have to work in the church...
there's enough women doing all that anyway... the church is run by women.
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Anyone else feel the priest is somewhat outnumbered? |
Theresa Rogers: Monica, SSPX is not outside the church. I don’t know where you get your misinformation from, but seriously.
Monica Devine: Theresa yes, SSPX is outside of the church most definitely. I have studied this and the consensus is that once a community refuses to acknowledge the primacy of the Papacy, they are no longer part of the one, holy, catholic and apostolic church. Of course, that doesn't stop us all praying for a reunification with them as we pray for reunification with all of the other protestant denominations. I pray for that everyday.
Brad Larsen: Monica, the SSPX has never ‘rejected the primacy of the papacy’ as you say and never would - he along with the local Ordinary is prayed for in every Mass they offer. I think what you’re confused with is the fact that the SSPX currently has an irregular canonical status (due to no fault of their own I might add) which Pope Francis actually has a lot of sympathy for hence his move to personally provide the faculties for SSPX priests to hear confessions universally by this mandate.
Other clear signs that the SSPX isn’t ‘outside the Church’ as you claim is Pope Benedict’s lifting of the excommunications from the Society’s bishops which according to some was thought to have taken place when they were consecrated as it was perceived as a schismatic act. Some years later this was by implication rejected by Rome when the latae sententiae ‘excommunications’ were lifted as there’s clearly been no schism.
Another example of the SSPX clearly being inside the Church was the Pope’s appointment of the then Superior General Bishop Fellay to act as a judge on the Roman Rota - the Church’s ‘Supreme Court’. If you have eyes to see and humility to accept it.
Monica it’s quite clear that the SSPX is simply Catholic, nothing more, nothing less. I’m sorry that that seems to bother you so much but it is what it is. They propagate the Faith as it always was and celebrate the Sacraments as they always were, devoid of the Modernism that has infected almost every corner of the Church. You really do need to check your sources before spreading false information about fellow Catholics online because that’s simply slander.
Philippa O'Neill: Brad, yes, this is what I have been led to believe too.
Monica Devine: Brad, I would advise you to also check your sources. It’s not slander to say SSPX is outside the church. It’s a statement of fact. If you want to attend the TLM you should agitate to have it more widely available within the church not leave it. It’s separatist.
Most if not all TLM er’s do not consider the NO to be a valid Mass.
Philippa O'Neill: I'm not sure where you are getting your info from Monica. Many of the TLM people were at the N O Mass today even tho they are denied communion.
Monica Devine: Philippa, our family who are SSPX will not ever attend a NO Mass.
Philippa O'Neill: Monica, you can't judge everyone on your family. That's very sad. We have the opp. Problem... NO's not attending TLM baptisms... so it goes both ways.
Brad Larsen says: Monica, I’ve done plenty of research into this thanks. And from your wild claims you clearly haven’t. The examples given you above should suffice but I can see you’re either not willing or able to accept them which is a shame.
Monica Devine: "By definition, their request carried with it an acknowledgement of the Pope's authority over the Church here on earth." Pope Benedict XVI explained that the SSPX has no canonical status in the Catholic Church for doctrinal reasons and that SSPX ministers "do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church."
And for you, Philippa, in 1995, PCED explained that it "morally illicit for the faithful to participate in" SSPX Masses "unless they are physically or morally impeded from participating in a Mass celebrated by a Catholic priest in good standing" and added that not being able to assist at a Tridentine Mass "is not considered a sufficient motive for attending such Masses."[14]. That doesn’t mean I don’t understand your legitimate desire for the TLM. I do. I am just warning you that you should never abandon the barque of Peter even for very lofty and idealistic motives.
Philippa O'Neill: um Monica.. I don't attend at SSPX... I'm in Dunedin and we have a Latin Mass here every Sunday am. It's only at the NO Mass that we are denied Communion on the tongue. Our Bishop often attends our functions.
Theresa Rogers: Most TLM goers DO consider N O Mass valid. They just don’t enjoy the spiritual abuses they often witness there, but the consecration IS valid.
Theresa Rogers: Monica, if your local TLM Massgoers refuse to attend their local N O church that probably more to do with the local church itself than the N O Mass alone.
I can tell you, if I could find a N O mass that was
good I’d happily attend it. In fact, I’m searching for one semi locally to
supplement my available TLM which are only twice a month.
I’ve kept trying my parish N O church, but I always
leave upset.
Monica Devine: Theresa, I suggest you keep looking.
Philippa, I sincerely
care about those who have gone to SSPX and pray for their return. I understand
their motivation as I sought out the TLM in my youth.
Theresa, there is a difference btw those who attend permitted TLM’s and those who attend SSPX Masses. I think you will find anyone who has been in SSPX for any length of time would say nay to N O Mass. That is definitely the case with the Whanganui SSPX community and I know many of them.
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St Anthony's SSPX School Whanganui (church just visible to the left) |
Theresa Rogers: Monica, I attend SSPX and FFSP. I see no difference in the people at either. In fact, most people I know there attend both and have given up on their local NO for the most. Although some still attend local NO too.
As I said, if your local TLM goers refuse to attend
their local N O mass, it’s probably more to do with what they witness at their
local church.
And even if it isn’t, so what? Everyone at my local N O refuses to attend TLM.
Monica Devine: Theresa, ditto. I told you already that I love the TLM and go whenever I am able but will never attend Mass celebrated by an SSPX priest because no good ever comes from disobedience. Never did Henry XIII any good.…
Theresa Rogers: Canon law regarding SSPX, Baptism, holy Eucharist, confirmation, anointing of the sick, and ordination (screen shot supplied).
The sticking point was the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Marriage.
But then the Holy Father in Rome addressed that
By Tim Staples:
“Right, well, because of their irregular
status–although I don’t know if our inquirer is aware that there’s been more
good news concerning movement toward full communion today; as many of our
listeners know, our Holy Father during the Year of Mercy extended faculties,
exercising his immediate juridical authority, he communicated faculties to hear
confessions to all SSPX priests. That was really remarkable, and since the Year
of Mercy ended, he did not take those away, so they they are yet extended. This
is our Holy Father, he is the priest of mercy.
Well, we just–in fact I was just reading it before
I came over here, I didn’t finish reading the whole letter from from the
Vatican on this–but it states that our Holy Father is encouraging bishops
around the world to grant faculties. It’s not a mandate, he’s not exercising
his immediate juridical authority as he did with confession, but he’s
encouraging the Ordinaries to extend faculties, where possible, to the SSPX to
witness marriages.”
So, for all intent and purpose, an SSPX priest can perform every act associated with Mass with Church approval.
Why there is any question about full communion now
is simply semantics.
On July 7, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI launched one of the boldest papal initiatives since Vatican II: He declared that the traditional liturgy of the Roman rite, which he said was NEVER ABROGATED, was officially available to all the Church’s faithful alongside the new liturgy of Pope Paul VI. Pope John Paul II had allowed for the traditional Latin Mass on a limited basis since the 1980s; with his motu proprio Summorum Pontificum Pope Benedict removed the remaining restrictions.
In the letter he wrote to bishops, the Holy Father’s words explaining his decision are but an elegant expression of common sense: If the older liturgy was sacred in the past, then it is sacred now as well. “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful. It behooves all of us to preserve the riches which have developed in the Church’s faith and prayer, and to give them their proper place.”
Pontificum declared that the older liturgy “must be given due honor for its
venerable and ancient usage.” This due honor, according to Pontifical
Commission “Ecclesia Dei” president Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, should be
shown by making the traditional Latin Mass available even where it has not been
specifically requested. The pope is especially hopeful that young people will
be exposed to the Extraordinary Form.
Although some Catholics have followed these matters
very closely over the years, others may not have understood quite so clearly
exactly what the pope has said and done, or what the practical results of all
this might be. Here I provide answers to a number of common questions....
Read on...
From same article above..
Scholars have begun to conclude, contrary to popular belief, that Mass facing the people was not in fact the regular practice of the early Church, and that Mass facing east has been the historic norm. “
As I have written in my books, I think that celebration turned towards the east, towards the Christ who is coming, is an apostolic tradition,” wrote Pope Benedict XVI in 2004, while still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (Looking Again at the Question of the Liturgy with Cardinal Ratzinger: Proceedings of the July 2001 Fontgombault Liturgical Conference, 151).
In fact, those parts of the
early Catholic world in which the sacrificial.aspect of the Mass was best
understood were most likely to celebrate Mass ad orientem. “The common
direction of priest and people is intrinsically fitting and proper to the
liturgical action,” Cardinal Ratzinger explained (Foreword, Turning Towards the
Lord: Orientation in Liturgical Prayer by U.M. Lang)."
More from article...
"Will I be able to get anything out of it if I don’t
speak Latin?
Of course. For centuries the popes insisted on the
value of a non-vernacular language for the Mass, and as Catholics we owe them
at least the benefit of the doubt that they cared about the spiritual lives of
the faithful. It’s easy to follow along in your missal, especially once you’ve
attended this Mass a few times. Next to no one spoke Latin in the old days, and
yet their souls were deeply nourished by the Mass, and (if polling data is to
be believed) they understood the meaning of the Mass far better than do most
Catholics today.
It’s important to remember what Pope Bl. John XXIII said about the value of Latin. “The Catholic Church,” he explained, “has a dignity far surpassing that of every merely human society, for it was founded by Christ the Lord. It is altogether fitting, therefore, that the language it uses should be noble, majestic, and non-vernacular” (Veterum Sapientia, On the Promotion of the Study of Latin).
It makes sense that we should leave behind what differentiates us from each other as Americans, Frenchmen, Koreans, or whatever, and meet for worship in a language that privileges no single group but is the common possession of us all. Just two generations ago, wherever someone went in the world he would encounter the same Mass he knew at home—a beautiful testament to the universality of the Church."
Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre |
The fact this was EVER in question says more about
the arrogance of people who desired to change and modernise it and PREVENT
Catholics from participating in it. Not on the head of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
who simply wished to continue 2000 years of Catholicism as it was taught to him
and all of the Saints in the history of the church. He never told them they
couldn’t do their new Mass. He simply wished to continue with historical
Catholicism. And not be persecuted for it.
The threat to the new Mass was that given the
choice, people might not like it.
Well, as we can see, the results speak for
themselves. The new Mass has created an environment where 70% of Catholics no
longer believe in the Real Presence, and churches are dying. Literally.
The average age of my local Novus Ordo parishioner
would be around 70. And the vast majority of their children have either become
Protestant or atheist.
So I say, have that Mass if that’s what you prefer.
It’s valid. But people desire traditional Catholicism, where
almost all attendees DO believe in the Real Presence and want to show Jesus the
respect he deserves because of that belief. Why do Novus Ordo parishes feel so
threatened by this?
Monica Devine: Maybe not but I think that is true for almost 100% of Whanganui SSPX which happens to be the biggest community in NZ by a long way.
I say: It seems to me, Monica, that you're drawing a long bow.
The fact still stands that SSPX has no canonical status fullstop. Not feeling at all threatened by my Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ. But if I don’t speak up and warn them I too could forfeit my hope in everlasting life.
Theresa Rogers: Monica well maybe they don't wish to attend your church because of your attitude towards them. SSPX has canonical authority as I posted above. To have Mass, baptise, and confirm, and under Pope Francis to hear confessions and marry.
SSPX are not Protestants for adhering to timeless Catholicism. If they were, then every saint in the Catholic Church must be a Protestant because that’s the Mass they were formed by.
Monica Devine: Theresa my 'attitude’ towards them is one of sisterly affection and a sincere desire that they come back to full communion with the Catholic Church. When I talk about the disorder of homosexuality the same criticism is levelled at me. I love those in SSPX. I do not love or agree with their choice to leave the Church. From today’s psalm -‘Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him’.
Theresa Rogers: Monica have posted info direct from canonical Catholic sources about their standing and what they can and cannot do. And from Pope Francis. He permitted the sacrament of reconciliation and marriage.
Theresa Rogers: You may not wish to attend my church. But I’m not insisting you must or you’re not Catholic. I acknowledge N O is Catholic. I just do not like the abuses towards the Eucharist that I witness there. They nearly made me leave the church again.
I don’t even think all N O churches are the same. Same are more reverent than others. However, arguably, the more traditional the N O is, the less spiritual abuse you witness. I’ve given you the evidence.
Bob Gill says: Attending a Novus Ordo Mass in any church in New Zealand means you have to be prepared for the local church interpretation of how the Vatican II Mass should be celebrated. The uniformity associated with the Traditional Mass is not evident at NO from one town to the next, which has been my experience while attending Masses in the Hamilton and Palmerston North dioceses over the last 20 years.
Uniformity is
essential for controlling how things should tick over properly, something the
Catholic Church obviously learnt hundreds of years ago – before Vatican II, it
appears. By allowing local priests and parishioners the ability to change the
Vatican II Mass liturgy according to THEIR interpretation, and not getting them
to maintain a set liturgical formula, problems have been allowed to occur – and
will continue until they are addressed.
One inconvenient
change for me while attending NO Mass in the Palmerston North diocese is the
close setting of pews, deliberately set up to accommodate most parishioners who
stand and sit at Mass and an obvious ploy to make it difficult for those who
kneel at Mass. At venues like the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, then, the best
place to attend Mass is away from the pews at the back of the church.
Monica Devine:
Bob, I would rather pray with a broken and imperfect church than leave it
for yet another Protestant reimagining of what church is. In trying to hold
fast to tradition, the TLMers have left behind the Church which Christ
instituted and promised never to abandon. I prefer His promise to the pride of
a rejected and disobedient prelate.
Bob Gill: To
my mind, Monica, it’s the N O church that has left behind the Church which
Christ instituted. For example, I witness: altars deliberately situated a few
inches OFF the Sanctuary; the Blessed Sacrament moved to a separate room where
virtually none of those attending Mass visit after Mass; genuflecting to the
Blessed Sacrament (if It’s in the church) gives way to either a curt bow by
SOME parishioners or is completely ignored by many – especially most of the
school teachers and all of the children at each school Mass; the touching of
people by lay ministers while distributing Communion while using the same hand
that holds the Blessed Sacrament – contaminating the Lord (convince me these ministers
believe they hold the Body of Christ); An estimated 70% of parishioners don't
believe in the Real Presence.
Not a solid base,
I'm thinking, for passing onto the children who are the future of the Church.
You do well to worry about Protestant reimagining of the Church!
I say: Bob, it's the Novus Ordo effect ...
Theresa Rogers: Monica how can the traditional Church, which has been practised for over a thousand years, be Protestant. But the ‘new’ Church literally designed by Protestant ministers about 50 years ago, be more Catholic?
The mind boggles at this logic.
Why do you insist on condemning traditional
Catholics? It’s relentless. We only know anything about the Church because of
her traditions. Many graces have been lost because of modernising everything.
Prayers no longer said,sacraments reduced to optional.
“Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the
traditions which you have learned, whether by word, or by our epistle.”
2 Thessalonians 2:14 DRC1752
When you hear Gods truth, you have to respond. Just
how it is.
Fr. Michael Rodríguez: How I Left the New Mass and Found Tradition
Like this beautiful priest, Fr. Rodriguez, I had no idea about TLM or the beauty held within Catholicism.
Fr Michael Rodriguez |
I left the church many years ago because nuns were
teaching modern concepts and as a teenager I came to the conclusion they didnt
even believe what they claimed. So why should I?
I didnt know anything of Vatican 2, I didn’t know
there used to be a different Mass. I remember some elderly parishioners
receiving the Eucharist on their tongue at the NO mass which I grew up with,
but didn’t know why. I thought it was just optional. I had no concept of why.
When God led me back to his holy Church, it was
even worse than when I left 40 years ago. I nearly left again. But thought
where will I go, it’s the truth
That’s when I began researching traditional
Catholicism, the Saints, and the catechism. It seemed at odds with the homilies
I was hearing.
Then I discovered the TLM.. and my soul cried out
with joy and relief.
Then I discovered NO Mass goers have a special
hatred for traditionalism. Particularly the women at NO Mass. I just couldn’t
understand why. I heard complaints about the priest not facing them, and not
feeling inclusive enough. I heard how ‘community’ was more important than the
actual Sacrifice of the Mass.
I tried and tried to keep going to NO Mass, but the realisation that it was damaging my 12 year old son's faith and development in Catholicism was overwhelming.
My priest was telling him it didn’t matter about
becoming Catholic, he watched the local Anglicans receiving Communion at mass
so this proved he didn’t have to be Catholic, the RCIA book he gave me to go
over with him literally said don’t try to convert anyone, Muslims are good
Muslims and Gandhi was a special holy man. Leave them where they are.
I thought, if I continue this he won’t bother, and
why should he! The church is telling him God is happy with all religions.
My TLM priest recommended the Baltimore Catechism
for him. And he’s never looked back. He was baptised and confirmed this year.
And loves the Church and the Traditional Latin Mass.
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Once an N O priest, now only the TLM - Fr Michael Rodriguez |
I am really surprised that you reproduced the discussion in this forum without asking the participants. I thought you had a journalistic background? I request that you delete it now. I personally will never read your 'blog' again ever.
ReplyDeleteYou do realise that the discussion was held on Facebook, a public forum? And that on every post I invite readers to make their comments via Facebook? Had the participants emailed their remarks to me, I certainly would have asked their permission to publish.
DeleteBogus ordo.
ReplyDeleteTheresa Rogers:
ReplyDeleteMonica, I have already shown you screen shot of canon law with regards to SSPX and also Pope Francis allowing them to do confession and marriage.
What you are having an issue with is SSPX because your local one doesn’t get YOUR approval.
Monica Devine:
Pax in aeternum.
I say:
ReplyDeleteI apologise if these comments have already. For a bear of very little brain, copying and pasting a lengthy thread from facebook can be fearfully complicated. Doh.
Theresa Rogers:
Monica, I don’t personally know anyone who rejects the papacy.
And no one has ever had to accept every utterance of the pope as though its infallible. Thank goodness. Because a lot of his utterances are worth rejection.
It’s not Our Lord withholding graces, it’s the Mass and sometimes the NO priests. And the lack of encouragement for the sacrament of Reconciliation.
In the two years at my NO mass I think I saw one parishioner, besides me, bother with Confession. And to even get that we had to really hassle the priest to do it for us. What we got were sighs and eye rolls when we asked.
I prayed and prayed every mass for a holy church. Fortunately I discovered it in the TLM.
It’s sedevacantists that reject the current papacy. They say the seat of Peter is empty.
But even they still don’t reject the papacy. They just don’t accept the current pope as viable.
I’m not sede... but I do sympathise with their position.
Given the churches history, at times having more than one pope and questions about who was the true pope in the past, this is not unheard of.
We will have to disagree and leave it at that. I’ve read Marcel Lefebvre's history. He came from a very humble family, he converted many to the Catholic faith. He was much loved by the people and villages he served. He was a humble man.
His only disobedience was wanting to continue the Mass that has been the foundation of nearly all the Saints throughout history of the church. For this he was vilified. But without him, we would no longer have it at all. It would be in the dustbin of history. And that would be a disgrace and a horrific outcome of modernism with all its ugliness.
Lefebvre is not only responsible for SSPX. In 1970, he founded the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) as a small community of seminarians in the village of Écône, Switzerland, with the permission of Bishop François Charrière of Fribourg.
FSSP is an off shoot. Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP) – It was established in 1988. That would not exist if it were not for Lefebvre.
Aside from eastern religions it would be dead without him. He fought for it. We owe him our gratitude. Because he was persecuted for it.
Philippa O'Neill:
Bob, and the Tabernacle placed behind where the people sit - nowhere near the altar... like.. who ever sits with their back to the Tabernacle... awful.. so disrespectful.
Theresa... You are correct. Even the sedevacantist do not reject the papacy as such. Just the past 4 popes.
ReplyDeleteMonica Devine: We don't exchange handshakes anymore in our Diocese.
ReplyDeleteI say: the pic shows an American N O Mass but is pretty typical of pre-lockdown behaviour at the N O in New Zealand.
Theresa Rogers says:
I think Monika has now blocked me 🤷🏼♀️
Teresa Coles says:
Greeting one another has just recently returned to our parish,but not everyone is shaking hands,it has all come back since Easter.No explanation was given... Pleased that we have Holy Water.
Philippa O'Neill:
Teresa Coles no holy water where we are.
I say: or in PN Diocese.
Monica Devine
Hi Julia Would you mind taking down this post. I would really appreciate it if you did. As you can imagine in a family split btw SSPX and the Catholic Church this is a sensitive issue and I sincerely regret joining the conversation. Many thanks in advance.
Monica Devine:
?? anyone out there?? this is the same stonewalling response I get when I call out people behaving badly.
I say: Having responded to Monica, following reflection and after a Holy Hour at St Joseph's I've edited the post to delete all personal remarks. Please readers, bear in mind that facebook where I invite you to make comments is a far more public venue than this blog. If you find gmail difficult (I know some readers do) you can use my email address. Pm me for it.