Tuesday 6 April 2021


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Fr Gerard Quirke celebrates Mass on Easter Sunday at Keem Bay, Ireland

Is this what New Zealand's Catholics can expect? Under its secularist overlords, in Ireland Easter Masses were banned - again. While in Protestant Northern Ireland church services resumed, in "Catholic" Ireland this priest resorted to a Rock Mass, like those celebrated in secret on beaches and moors in the era of penal laws.

Catholic churches in Ireland are still open, but only for private prayer - and if enough people can't be found to oversee such 'private prayer', well tough: the Irish bishops say they'll have to lock up. 

We have to ask ourselves if this is a chastisement visited on the Church in Ireland by Almighty God for the landslide vote of  YES to repealing the ban on abortions in May 2018. 

As the New York Times crowed at the time, "Ireland voted decisively to repeal one of the world’s more restrictive abortion bans, sweeping aside generations of conservative patriarchy and dealing the latest in a series of stinging rebukes to the Roman Catholic Church. ... In the past three years alone, Ireland has installed a gay man as prime minister and has voted in another referendum to allow same-sex marriage."https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/26/world/europe/ireland-abortion-yes.html

Well New Zealand's prime minister might not be a sodomite, but she is an unmarried mother and of course we now have same-sex 'marriage'. 

In 2017 the Irish bishops placed abortion after environmental issues in their list of issues to be considered by voters.

Archbishop Eamon Martin, Primate of All Ireland, whose diocese is located in Northern Ireland, issued a statement listing concerns to be weighed by voters before the vote as follows:

  • Employment opportunities and good housing
  • An environmentally sustainable society — renewable energy and reduction of waste
  • Protection of every human life from conception until natural death

​In their statement, the bishops singled out the environment and not abortion as the "key consideration" for voters.https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/irish-bishops-list-abortion-after-environmental-issues-for-voters

Archbishop Eamon Martin wants everyone to play their part in keeping themselves safe ...

Now who does that remind you of? It's remarkable to say the least that churchmen in Ireland are singing the same song as our NZ bishops, and kowtowing to the evil diktats of politicians who, not to put too fine a point on it, don't know which way is up. A sodomite prime minister and an unmarried prime minister who both supervise mass murder operations within their fifedoms have no idea of the reality that is God Who keeps us safe and Who will punish those who offend Him so gravely.

Even more will He punish the prelates whose business it is to instruct their people and their nation on the true facts of life.

Catholics of New Zealand, wake up and pray, especially by praying the Mass and especially the Traditional Latin Mass - if you can find one, these so-called bishops - assisted by the so-called pope - having made the TLM it as scarce as hen's teeth by banishing it to funeral parlours and out-of-the-way country churches.

Otherwise Ardern, Little&Co may find it necessary to 'keep us safe' by locking our Lord up and throwing away the key. Or more likely, they'll decide we need a vaccine passport before attending Mass. This horrible idea is foreshadowed in Ireland in the following story: 

For those that have already received the vaccine, there's some good news because if you have received the second dose of the vaccine more than two weeks ago, you can meet with other fully vaccinated people from one other household indoors without wearing masks or staying 2 metres apart. ...

"Residents  may be facilitated to receive 2 visits per week on general compassionate grounds. This will be possible following two weeks after full vaccination of approximately 8 out of 10 of all residents and healthcare workers in the nursing home. https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/rules-irish-easter-gatherings-visitor-23838493

Ardern, Little&Co, Mass Murderers Inc, may say they will not mandate the vaccine. There is more than one way to skin a cat, people! They can make life as Kiwis know it impossible for those who refuse vaccination. 

Bishop of Waterford and Lismore Alphonsus Cullinan, Good Friday. Where are the faithful accompanying him and the Cross?

Father Gerard Quirke's Mass rock at Keem Bay is exposed to the elements so it was touch and go whether he would be able to go ahead with the ceremony as planned.

“When I got there this morning," said Fr Quirke, "the sky was completely clear, it was extraordinary. All I could hear was the little waves rushing up on to the beach. It was so calm and peaceful; it was really magical and transformative.”

He added that on Easter Sunday Catholics celebrate Jesus emerging from his tomb alive. “Roman soldiers covered Jesus’s tomb with a stone; we are experiencing that at the moment, our churches are closed.


"But Christ was not bound by the stone or the tomb. Whenever we pray, whenever we enter into our devotions, Christ is there. He’s not bound by stone and pillars. The stone will be moved away for us too.”


  1. Bob Gill says:
    Regarding what He has planned for the Church in New Zealand, let's hope it's an abundance of things! With our bishops now planning to re-dedicate our country to the Blessed Mother on the Assumption, I do hope that will mean we gain some brownie points at last!

  2. Why a re-dedication ?
    Was the initial dedication somehow deficient ?

  3. Leo says:
    Why a re-dedication ? Was the initial dedication somehow deficient ?

  4. I say:
    Bob, are you referring to a story in NZ Catholic?

    Bob Gill says:
    Yes, and also on https://www.catholic.org.nz/news/media-releases/
    Media Releases

    Bob Gill:
    It looks like in response to a request some of us asked for a year ago when the more than 20 countries, including England, USA and Australia, were re-dedicating theirs in a plea for help when Covid first worried the world.

  5. Typical how how lot have to be prodded.

  6. Philippa O'Neill says:
    Bob, do the Bishops know that it is the year of St Joseph??

  7. Bring back the litany to St Joseph. The bishops seem so silent. The Holy family doesn't represent modern blended families so they are minimalised.
