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Brazilian President Evo Morales presents Jorge Bergoglio with a perverted Hammer and Sickle crucifix. And he looks tickled pink. |
Since Vatican Council II we have seen a radical changeover. The monarchical Church where Christ the King is adored has become a democratic church which is all about 'community'. This has been achieved by communism within the Church itself.
I've been to Fatima. I'm still reading Volume II of the monumental but strangely gripping work of Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite of the Little Brothers of the Sacred Heart, The Whole Truth about Fatima: the Secret and the Church.
And I'm convinced by these revelations, or rather confirmations, of the truth from the Knights of the Republic. It's a lengthy read, skip through if you like, just reading the highlights - and their relevance to the Church of Nice in New Zealand:
In 1917, the Blessed Virgin at Fatima warned that if Her requests to convert Russia were not heeded, the agents of Communism would infiltrate the Church with their errors. The Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) accelerated this influx of communist activity into the Church.
The plan in 1962 was to invite the Soviets to the Council, which is why certain dissident cardinals met secretly in France beforehand to sign the infamous 1962 Moscow-Vatican Treaty with Archbishop Nikodim Rotov. Russia’s objective was to subvert the Church through the Council. It was crucial to their plan that the Church first be bound by a treaty that promised there would be no censure of Communism at Vatican II. Since 1962, the Church’s hands have been bound by this treaty while the agents of Communism have been gleefully at work dismantling the Church incognito.
Infiltration of Catholic SeminariesIt is no secret, and a well-known and documented fact, that the agents of Communism began entering the Catholic seminaries as far back as the late 30s for the purpose of destroying the Church from within. Over a thousand such agents had entered the seminaries prior to 1940. The testimonies of ex-communists like Bella Dodd and Manning Johnson who had testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee about their subversive activity more than confirm that these agents of the sickle and hammer had been building their forces against the Church with the intent of breaking in and re-indoctrinating the faithful with anti-church principles.
Their plan was to first absorb Catholic philosophy and teaching in the seminaries so as to give themselves inside access to ... communicate and pull the Catholic hierarchy away from their traditional roots, so that they in turn would embrace revolutionary principles and become pawns of ecclesial subversion. The Leninist “clenched fist” would now be applied in a spiritual way where the “empowerment of the laity” would be a means of overthrowing the Church's hierarchical structure so that a sense of democracy and fake-religious liberty could take precedence over juridical rules and regulations issuing from the Seat of Peter.
With this they would advance the pacifist delusion that all are forgiven and that a day of sunshine has dawned upon Christianity (New Pentecost). By incessantly harping on the theme of pleasure they would erase from our minds any notion of danger or divine justice so that the Catholic world wouldn’t be ready when the red forces made their move to invade the West.
Done. Now, Sunday after Sunday in New Zealand, Father tells us we're all going to heaven.
Corrupt the Young
To this end a concerted effort was underway to apply Lenin’s strategy for starting revolution: “Corrupt the young: get them away from religion. Get them interested in sex. Make them superficial; destroy their ruggedness.” According to former Soviet KGB propagandist Yuri Bezmenov who worked for the Soviet Union’s Novosti Press Agency until he defected in 1970, the main methods of subversion used by Marxists in the West were just that, to “corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled […] destroy people’s faith in their national leaders by holding the latter up for contempt, ridicule and disgrace […] cause breakdown of the old moral virtues: honesty, sobriety, self-restraint, faith in the pledged word.”
After Vatican II we indeed saw a new revolutionary wave of thought sweeping society, epitomized especially by the plague of rock-music and drugs that had set society to a new beat. This corrupt influence of pop-culture would enter the Church and engender what has come to be known as the contemporary “guitar Mass,” an abomination replete with drums, tambourines, microphones and loud-speakers, all of which are used to project rebellious overtones and lyrics to the faithful. The guitar Mass would serve to profane the Mass and set the faithful to the beat of a new gospel, from which would ensue dancing; clapping; women in shorts, tights, with indecent exposure; and also men with earrings, long hair and ponytails
The 'guitar Mass' has faded from New Zealand's rural churches, it seems, probably because young people have faded - and vanished.
— the classic marks of homosexuality—and with this the pacifist preaching about automatic mercy and forgiveness in spite of sin.
Done such preaching is so hard for faithful NZ Catholics to endure, it amounts to trauma which makes it impossible to attend such Masses. So they seek out the traditional Latin Mass, which eliminates all the 'guitar Mass' idiosyncracies and guarantees orthodox preaching.
According to Bezmenov, a group of rock or pop-musicians with a message of ‘social-justice’ candy-coated with popular ‘spiritual’ tunes were more helpful to the KGB’s plan of subversion than a Marxist standing at the pulpit preaching Marxist-Leninist doctrine.
Ex-Communists Speak
The major objective of Communists was the disarmament of the West with special emphasis on lulling the Church to sleep.
Done. How successful were they in New Zealand, where the bishops and most priests are sleepwalking.
Anatoliy Golitsyn, a high-ranking KGB official who defected to the United States in 1961, later reported that Russian Orthodox priests are controlled and directed by the KGB in order to promote cooperation between Soviet churches and Western Catholics to help establish a united front for disarmament and convergence (peace and justice movements). In 1990 Golitsyn warned against the Vatican’s 1962 policy of appeasement with the Communist Party.
“The Vatican should reverse its mistaken support for the renewal of the KGB rĂ©gimes…. It fails to understand that greater apparent official tolerance of religion is accompanied by a secret drive to increase Party and KGB penetration of the Catholic and other churches and to use agents therein for political and strategic purposes. As part of the program to destroy religion from within, the KGB, in the late 1950s started sending dedicated young Communists to ecclesiastical academies and seminaries to train them as future church leaders. These young Communists joined the Church at the call of the Communist Party …to implement its general line [unchanged policy] in the struggle against religion.”
Manning Johnson, a former official of the Communist Party in America gave the following testimony in 1953 to the House Un-American Activities Committee:
“Once the tactic of infiltration of religious organizations was set by the Kremlin … the communists discovered that the destruction of religion could proceed much faster through the infiltration of the Church by communists operating within the Church itself. The communist leadership in the United States realized that the infiltration tactic in this country would have to adapt itself to American conditions and the religious makeup peculiar to this country. In the earliest stages it was determined that with only small forces available to them, it would be necessary to concentrate communist agents in the seminaries. The practical conclusion drawn by the Red leaders was that these institutions would make it possible for a small communist minority to influence the ideology of future clergymen in the paths conducive to communist purposes …. The policy of infiltrating seminaries was successful beyond even our communist expectations.”
In the early fifties, Bella Dodd,
Read her book, School of Darkness |
a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee concerning the Communist infiltration of Church and State and provided detailed explanations of the Communist subversion of the Church. Speaking as a former insider, she said:
“In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” In her public affidavit she also said: “In the late 1920s and 1930s, directives were sent from Moscow to all Communist Party organizations. In order to destroy the [Roman] Catholic Church from within, party members were to be planted in seminaries and within diocesan organizations… I, myself, put some 1,200 men in Catholic seminaries.”
According to Catholic professor Alice von Hildebrand, who was a friend of Dodd, she said that “when she was an active party member, she had dealt with no fewer than four cardinals within the Vatican ‘who were working for us,’ i.e. the Communist Party.”
Twelve years before Vatican II, Dodd also said: “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church.” She also predicted changes in the Church that would be so drastic that “you will not recognize the Catholic Church.”
Done. We now have Bergoglio's "counterfeit Church" predicted by St Padre Pio and operating in New Zealand per kind favour of faithless bishops.
Bella’s prophecy certainly has come to pass. The Church today is but a carcass of its former glory, stripped of holiness and piety, because the fathers of the Council lent their ears to these Red agents who called for “change.” Dodd describes their inside work of:
· Encouraging “the promotion of a pseudo-religion: something that resembled Catholicism but was not the real thing.”
· Labeling “the Church of the past as being oppressive, authoritarian, full of prejudices, arrogant in claiming to be the sole possessor of truth, and responsible for the divisions of religious bodies throughout the centuries.”
Done. In its place we have the Church of Nice.
· Shaming Church leaders into “an ‘openness to the world,’ and to a more flexible attitude toward all religions.”
Joining Protestants in falsely 'ecumenical' 'combined services', persuading ourselves and them that there's no difference. That's the sin of indifferentism, and it's heresy. True ecumenism consists in evangelising and converting Protestants, Jews, Muslims et al to the One, True, Holy, Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Clearly, this antichurch movement was already in motion before Vatican II. Though the agents of the sickle and hammer had infiltrated seminaries and become “priests,” their activity was greatly restricted because of legitimate rules and discipline that were in force and because they as yet had not been provided with a forum to present their ideas to the Church. We might say that the enemy was in incubation lying in wait, but Vatican II is what hatched them forth.
Memoirs of an Anti-Apostle
Consider now the memoirs of an unrepentant Communist agent that were discovered by a Catholic nurse while caring for him following an auto accident he had been in. Unfortunately, he died a short time afterwards without being able to reveal his identity, so that he is known only by a code-name that was assigned to him by the Soviet Secret Police, that being SS 1025.
Read the book There were 1024 such agents that had gone before him, some of whom became bishops and who could have penetrated to high positions within the Vatican. The agent reveals how he became a “priest” who later collaborated with progressives at Vatican II to indoctrinate the Council with evil. The following is from his memoirs and is edited slightly to keep it concise. Parenthesized notes have been added by the editor to clarify the points made.
“We must put it into their heads, and especially priests, that the time has come to seek and work for the merging of all religions. We must, in particular, promote among Catholics a feeling of guilt concerning the ‘ONE TRUTH’ which they claim they alone possess. We must convince them that this attitude is a monstrous sin of pride, and that they must now seek reconciliation with other religions. This thought must be made to grow and be uppermost in their minds….
“I was fully confident now that I would eventually enter the seminary, and I was already making plans for the future especially as regards my work for the [Communist] Party. I was to inject into Catholic thinking a whole set of new values and a new train of thought. I was to foster remorse in their hearts, a gnawing sense of guilt, quoting the Gospel: ‘Be One as the Father and I are One.’ That sense of guilt must grow into an obsession to the point of rehabilitating Martin Luther. (Did Pope Francis not erect a statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican on Oct. 13, 2016?)
They will be made to believe that schisms and heresies were caused by their own intransigence, that the time had come for them to atone and make reparation by throwing their arms open to their Protestant brethren and confessing their own sin of pride and stubbornness....
“We shall speak of man, stress his dignity and nobility. We must transform the language and thinking pattern of every Catholic. We must foster the mystique of the human race….We shall deify Man."
Just as man is now being deified by the Global Elite, including 'Pope Francis' and their plans for a One World Church which is essentially Masonic, putting man at the centre. We're being trained for that by the Novus Ordo, which puts man, as in 'community' before God.
“Once Catholics have accepted this new mystique, we shall tell them to strip their churches bare of statues and ornaments because these things are unessential and abhorrent to their dear Protestant and Jewish brethren. Thus, all symbols of Catholic worship and devotion will go by the board, and when they are gone devotions will go too.
As they have. Not one devotional group remains in our parish, and three people attending Divine Mercy Sunday.
Yes, we shall promote an iconoclastic zeal especially among the younger generation. They themselves will destroy that jumble of statues, pictures, vestments, reliquaries, organs, etc. It would be a good idea, too, to spread a ‘prophecy’ that says: ‘You shall see married priests, and you shall hear the Mass in the language of the people.’
Done. O me miserum.
This should make our task easier. We shall incite women to assert their right to the priesthood....
“In the Mass, the words "Real Presence" and "Transubstantiation" must be deleted. We shall speak of ‘Meal’ and ‘Eucharist’ instead. We shall destroy the Offertory and play down the Consecration
referring to the Blood of Christ as 'a spiritual drink'. Aaaagh!
and, at the same time, we shall stress the part played by the people. In the Mass, as it is today, the priest turns his back to the people and fills a sacrificial function which is intolerable. He appears to offer his Mass to the great Crucifix hanging over the ornate altar.
“We shall pull down the Crucifix,
Done in some churches, for instance St Mary's Palmerston North, where the crucifix was pulled down and replaced with an image of the Risen Christ. No Sacrifice! No Immolation!
substitute a table for the altar,
Done. Everywhere. The relics of saints gone - where? At the Basilica in Christchurch they were stuffed in coffee jars. No wonder that church was destroyed by an earthquake.
and turn it around so that the priest may assume a presidential function. The priest will speak to the people much more than before.
Done. Little quips, offhand remarks, conversations during Holy Mass, between priest and people.
In this manner the Mass will gradually cease to be regarded as an act of adoration to God, and will become a gathering and an act of human brotherhood. All these points will have to be elaborated in great detail and they may take anywhere up to 30 years before they are implemented, but I think that all my objectives will be fulfilled by 1974.”
Ring any bells? Can we understand why the Church is where it’s at today? Does this not confirm that the radical changes that came upon the Church after Vatican II were largely the work of Marxist agents that had captured key positions in our churches and seminaries?
In the early 60s, agent 1025 also said:
“We must begin to work for Vatican III even now. Vatican III, as I see it, will mean the destruction of the Church and the death of God. Then, I shall come forward, not to nail Christ upon His Cross, but God Himself into His coffin.”
This echoes the thinking of the late Cardinal Suenens, a Freemason (initiated 6-15-67, code-name “LESU”) and key moderator of the Second Vatican Council who notoriously advocated that ‘God should die.’
Since Vatican II we indeed have seen the crucifixion of Christ with none less than Pope Francis wielding the blows by his insatiable quest to change the Church to the liking of Communists. Francis is an avid Communist sympathizer who many times has praised Communists. In a 2016 interview he famously said:
“It is the communists who think like Christians…. It is they who must help to achieve equality and freedom.”
Pope Francis made a special trip to Bolivia in 2015 to praise President Evo Morales for successfully converting Bolivia from a Catholic to a Communist country that embraces indigenous Pachamama idol worship. During his visit Francis received from Morales a “sickle and hammer” crucifix that he took with him back to Rome.
Is it any wonder that Communism now controls the Catholic Church? The lockdown of churches, the imposition of Communion in the hand, the dignifying of feminism, the endorsing of LGBT, the use of lay Eucharistic ministers, and the preaching on “social justice” are all part of the Communist plan to destroy the Holy Catholic Church. The ugly hand of Communism has truly reached in to desecrate the Mass and the Body of Christ.
"We pray that the Blessed Virgin’s requests at Fatima for the consecration and conversion of Russia might quickly be fulfilled to avert a major persecution of the Church that now appears imminent."
Theresa Rogers says:
ReplyDeleteThis... “such preaching is so hard for faithful NZ Catholics to endure, it amounts to trauma which makes it impossible to attend such Masses. So they seek out the traditional Latin Mass”
This is exactly how I felt at the NO mass before lockdown. It was traumatic.
Every mass my heart broke. Every mass I prayed and begged God to make the abuse stop.
And mercifully, it did. The government locked the church doors.
After which I never returned and only attend Latin mass. Which nourishes my soul.
And don't forget that 'we are the church' a most misleading axiom circulated by priests and nuns since 1975.
ReplyDeleteAt the Mass celebrating St Patrick's Waipawa's 150th Jubilee, we were supposed to have 'We are the Church of God' by Michael Mangan as the recessional 'hymn'. It was printed on the order of service. But thank God a sense of decorum prevailed and the 'Parish Team' declined it.
DeleteIts substitute was 'Walk in the Light'. I stayed on my knees and prayed.
Bob Gill:
ReplyDeleteI see the priests in the Novus Ordo Masses bowing and kissing the altar at the start and end of Mass and have wondered on occasions if relics of the saints are still placed there. I have been given conflicting news that relics are indeed there, but at other times that they are not. A bit concerning if they are being “stuffed in coffee jars”…. I would like to get my hands on these as I can think of better locations to place them.
In the meantime, I must satisfy myself if relics are there within both the main church altar and the altar inside the chapel at St Joseph's Dannevirke.
Bob Gill says:
ReplyDeleteUpdate: I had forgotten that I had asked the question of Father Bryan Buenger some years ago. Most altars these days are not considered fixed, like the stone altars pre-Vatican II. Father confirms that our two altars in St Joseph's Dannevirke and those in Palmerston North do not have relics of the saints within.
I say: I know the saints' relics of St Joseph's Waipukurau are set inside a coffee table in the sacristy. Yesterday at St Patrick's Waipawa's 150th Jubilee Cardinal John Dew wanted to know if there were any relics remaining of the original St Patrick'. I thouht immediately of the relics of saints in the altar stone which you'd think would be preserved from fire (that first church burned to the ground) or if not those, the relics from the second St Patrick's. no one I spoke to seemed to have any idea where they might be. The Novus Ordo effect ...
Bob Gill:
ReplyDeleteInteresting, Julia. I see the present St Joseph's church in Dannevirke was opened on 21 November 1954, which was before the 1965 Vatican II creation and would have had a fixed altar on the Sanctuary instead of the existing altar in the middle of the church. I have asked our church
coordinator what happened to the original altar and relics. I do know that one local family has a relic of St Mark the Evangelist, if I recall correctly, and I'm now wondering if there is a connection.