Thursday 22 April 2021


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Dear Fr Joe Grayland:

"Your latest comments on sodomy (Cathnews April 12) or what you call 'homosexual lovemaking' (I won't use new, invented terminology) are particularly worrying.

You don't state your views directly but their effect is to challenge Church doctrine on sodomy in general and blessings for gay couples in particular. I fear what you're saying is a threat to my Catholic children."


Holy Mass as celebrated with children by Fr Joe Grayland

A reader of this blog is quite rightly taking exception to the views expressed by woke Parish Priest at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Palmerston North, Fr Joe Grayland in Cathnews and blogged on in +CULLINANE AND GRAYLAND THINK WE'RE NOT NICE - 

To quote Fr Grayland in Cathnews, he asked"On what basis can one say that their lovemaking is a 'grave depravity' and still bring them into union with Christ?"

Our reader is concerned particularly for the damage these heretical opinions may do to the faith of his children, and for that reason he remains anonymous. His fears are especially valid when one considers that as well as being ordained to the priesthood, Fr Grayland is a Doctor of Theology, M Phil (Religious History), B Theol (Scripture), B A(Education). 

It's easy to see how the NZ Conference of Bishops - not an over-educated bunch - might be overwhelmed by such a list of qualifications, and his parishioners at the cathedral similarly, and how especially parishioners attending Massey University or St Peter's College might believe Fr Grayland's utterances come with a cachet of superior knowledge and intelligence.

But all the theological qualifications in the world do not guarantee faith in Jesus Christ and His Church - or even common sense. Fr Grayland is supposed to serve as a priest of the Church, which teaches formally that sodomy is "a grave depravity", based one should think on Scripture which calls it "an abomination".

Our reader continues:

Recent surveys overseas show that among the young, expressed homosexual tendencies are now in the order of 15% - 30% of the population.  In older age groups the expression of homosexual tendencies is much lower, closer to the usual 2%-3% that has been the accepted figure for many years.  We must expect the same outcomes in NZ.

How has this dramatic and sudden change come about, and what are the implications for the Church?

Children attending school now in NZ tell me the cultural and social pressure to accept sodomy is intense within these institutions.  Impressionable children are told it is wholesome and natural.  School children are forming same sex couples; they are to be seen caressing each other in plain view at school.  There is a dress code for gay children at some schools, and they can follow it despite school uniform rules. Teachers are ‘coming out’, and openly discussing it with the children they teach.  Outside school, children experience a society where they get the same messages, driven largely by a sophisticated and well-funded pro-sodomy social and political lobby.

I think I've lost count of the number of times I have heard our Church leaders telling us that people with homosexual tendencies are ‘born that way’; it is a ‘gift from God’.  They insist it is not the result of culture or social constructs. 

But now the evidence to the contrary is before our eyes. The very success of the pro-sodomy lobby at capturing recruits is proving the previously unchallengeable ‘born that way’ theory incorrect. 

'Gays' have gone in three decades, from being obliged to keep their activities out of sight, to now being able to dictate the political and social narrative, with profound effect.  A few individuals with gay tendencies are not the problem, it is the powerful lobbies that arise from the issue.

So that “The last 100-plus years of research into human sexuality” has proven not that Sacred Scripture and Church teaching on sodomy is incorrect, as your ‘experts’ assert, Fr Grayland, but in fact has proved the opposite.

Many parents now realise what's going on; they see the pressure being put on their children and they are afraid it may lead them into sodomy, against their nature. 

Fr Joe Grayland who eschews the roman collar


Fr Grayland, you celebrate Masses attended by children

and  their parents. These parents have reason to look to

you as their shepherd to protect their children from the pr0-

sodomy political and cultural barrage which constitutes such

a threat to their lives here on earth and in eternity.

You must realise what is going on and react


Hiding behind waffly pseudo-theology will

not give the protection that children and

parents in your flock expect.


Yours sincerely,

Anonymous (to protect my children).


And a post-script from St Peter Damian, Bishop and Doctor of the Church:

"Listen, you do-nothing superiors of clerics and priests. Listen, and even though you feel sure of yourselves, tremble at the thought that you are partners in the guilt of others; those, I mean, who wink at the sins of their subjects that need correction and who by ill-considered silence allow them licence to sin. 

Listen, I say, and be shrewd enough to understand that all of you alike are deserving of death, that is, not only those who do such things, but also they who approve those who practise them.


  1. Sodomy.. What about Lesbian sex? Is this also a sin? Certain orders are known to be homosexual orders. St John of God is one.

  2. Let's be clear, Catholic Tradition, in accord with the whole of scripture does not make any exceptions: God only sanctions the valid natural marital union of spouses, being male and female, such that their union is ordered to the procreative good of children, the good of these spouses. It is only that union which is blessed and sanctified in Holy Matrimony. For only that true, good and complementary nuptial union can be raised into the Redemptive order.

    Homosexual unions may seem natural to a Fallen world, even a good of it, but they cannot be sanctified and raised within the Redemptive order, and if they are it is blasphemy. Even Roger Scruton, a non-Catholic was clear about that.

    Moreover, all this promotion reflects a failure of faith in the true Christ. They prefer a Christ of their own making who is more loving and not so demanding. For details read the chapter on the Grand Inquisitor in the Brothers Karamazov.

  3. Philippa O'Neill:
    If he actually said your quote then he needs defrocked before he sexually abuses someone... keep him away from young adult males. Sounds like McCarrick.

    I say:
    Philippa, Fr Grayland was quoted in Cathnews April 12 2021. It's tragic that Palmerston North Diocese still has no bishop to call him to account.

    Paul Young
    The Catholic Church ... what a whirlpool of perversion ...

    Teresa Coles:
    Paul,so sad .Pray for the conversion of the Palmerston North Diocese.

    Write a comment…


  4. Jeanette Hancock:
    Paul all churches are full of sinners, some worse than others. The fact we haven't crumbled into the dust is evidence of Christ's promise that the Gates of Hell would not prevail.
    And at least we're aware of this muck and are trying to scrub it out, but people are generally lazy, and cleaning is hard work.

    Paul Young;
    Well I suppose we can view the Catholic Church in particular as being the main haven for people who would be problems for wider society ... of course they've always created and maintained their own problem by upholding celibacy amongst the clergy ... not clever ...

    Karen Raglan:
    Pray for a return to Tradition!

  5. Anon:I hope Fr Grayland will respond to these issues. Just like Pope Francis responded to the concerns about Amoris Laetitia granting communion to the divorced and remarried in apparent defiance of scripture and doctrine - NOT!
