Wednesday 3 June 2020


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NZ's liberal Catholic Bishops might perhaps have indulged in some righteous, anti-Trumpist finger-wagging at this evening's footage of tear gas deployment in Washington DC, and at their American counterpart's rebuke to the John Paul II National Shrine for 'allowing' President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's visit there today.



Yesterday President Donald Trump came to lay a wreath commemorating the 100th birthday of one of the greatest fighters for human freedom ever known -- Pope Saint John Paul the Great.

How did Washington DC's Archbishop Wilton Gregory -- acolyte and devotee of 'Uncle Ted' McCarrick and hand-picked by Cardinal Donald Wuerl to replace him in Washington -- respond?  With political hate and religious hypocrisy.  Here's what +Gregory said:
"I find it baffling and reprehensible that any Catholic facility would allow itself to be so egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles..."
-- Press Statement, Archdiocese of Washington (02 June 2020)
Oh really?

How about this instance of allowing the Catholic faith to be "egregiously misused and manipulated in a fashion that violates our religious principles?"
Pro-abortion Senator John Kerry receives Communion in the hand from Papal Nuncio to the United States, Archbishop Pietro Sambi (centre is Cardinal Donald Wuerl
who resigned as Archbishop of Washington DC over the ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick scandal but remains qualified to vote in the next papal election)
Or this instance:
Pro-abortion Dem presidential nomineee Joe Biden and wife with Pope Francis
Or this instance - Barack Obama recognized and rewarded by the University of Notre Dame? 
Facts are, weak and spineless US Catholic bishops have consistently allowed the Holy Eucharist to be abused as a prop by pro-abortion and so-called "Catholic" public figures FOR DECADES!

President Trump laid a wreath in a long-planned ceremony in commemoration of Pope Saint John Paul the Great's 100th birthday -- hono
uring a man who gave his life defending the Catholic Faith against the very same Communism  these Antifa (militant left-wing) rioters support.

+Gregory can't condemn Antifa... and he can't condemn Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi... but he can go out of his way to condemn Trump
President Trump's pro-life gains include 
  • allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood of Title X and Medicaid funds
  • defunding the UN Population Fund
  • defunding the pro-abortion, masturbation-teaching (to pre-schoolers) World Health Organisation
  • reinstating and expanding the Mexico City Policy preventing taxpayer money from funding abortions outside the US
  • creating a new office for conscience protection at the US Department of Health and Human Services
  • strengthening enforcement of federal laws protecting the conscience rights of health care workers who do not want to participate in abortions.
Oh, and while New Zealand's Catholic bishops went right along with Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's declaration that churches were 'non-essential' (while abortions remained 'essential') in the US back on May 22 Trump declared churches "essential", telling state governors, "Reopen the churches, or I'll reopen them for you".

"Let's remember what this area looked like the night before," said Fox News. "You see the President standing in front of those boarded-up windows at St John's (historic church) when smoke was pouring out of there" not long before. 

"It was a moment where he wanted to make it clear that the nation needed to retake that area from the violence it saw the night before."

A bystander said, "What was effective was his calm and defiant manner of reclaiming what the looters tried to destroy. The female bishop who spoke out showed no appreciation for his desire to defend and protect her and her church. Personally I liked the determined and defiant, frankly courageous walk there."

Yes, Archbishop Gregory's condemnation of Trump would strike a chord with NZ's bishops. 
  • +Gregory did nothing during his tenure as Archbishop of Atlanta to stop a pro-LGBT parish from promoting and hosting a booth at the Atlanta 'Pride Parade'. 
  • He personally invited pro-gay priest Father James Martin SJ to give a speech at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception titled "Showing Welcome and Respect to LGBT Catholics" in 2018.
  • He's made statements suggesting support for Catholics living in adultery receiving Communion
  • He's said Mass and given a homily in 2014/15 for Fortunate Families, a pro-homosexual dissident group, at the chancery of the Atlanta archdiocese
  • As president of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops he appointed a pro-abortion attorney to the USCCB's National Review Board who has donated to the pro-abortion lobby EMILY's List, pro-abortion politicians John Kerry and Hillary Clinton
  • He offered a funeral Mass for a pro-abortion journalist at which Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi delivered a eulogy from the lectern in the sanctuary of the Cathedral of St Matthew the Apostle.
  • In his homily +Gregory praised the journalist, Cokie Roberts, as an 'extraordinary professional servant of the truth'.  
The American Life League is calling on US Catholic bishops to enforce Canon Law 915 against sacrilege.  
(Can.  915: Those ... obstinately persevering in manifest grave sin are not to be admitted to holy communion.)
Thank God, New Zealand doesn't have any John Kerrys or Joe Bidens - but do our bishops believe that everyone who received Holy Communion on Sunday was innocent of manifest grave sin - after all those weeks the bishops deprived the faithful of the sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation)?
The American Life League (ALL) calls bishops who fail to enforce Canon Law 915 'feckless' and intends this (northern) summer to roll out a 'Deadly Dozen' list of pro-abortion 'Catholic' public figures, each of whom the ALL say "is permitted by their bishop to lead the Catholic faithful astray with their mixed messages". 
ALL is "tired of watching the Catholic faith abused and manipulated". ALL asks us to "Remember, we live in dangerous times where we have to be courageous in the face of evil.

American Life League would thank President Trump -- a man who is not Catholic -- for being faithful to the teachings of Pope Saint John Paul the Great and promoting a culture of life.

Contrast Trump's leadership against the anti-Catholic and heretical views of  
Abortion Joe Biden who is nothing more than a pillar for the culture of death.

New Zealand's bishops should reconsider and decide whose side they're on. 
"He that is not with me, is against me: and he that gathereth not with me, scattereth" (Mt 12:30).

Post script: 
"Grace and Peace are always with you, in Jesus Christ, our only Lord. 
"Although I am no longer among you in Washington D.C. as Apostolic Nuncio, I feel particularly united to all of you in this time of so grave moral and physical trials with which you are afflicted, and I wish to send you the sentiments of my deepest affection in Christ.
Unfortunately, the Catholic Church is led by many false pastors. Over the past twenty years, your Diocese of Washington, in particular and now for the third time, has been and continues to be deeply afflicted and wounded by false shepherds whose way of life is full of lies, deceits, lust and corruption. Wherever they have been, they were a cause of serious scandal for various local Churches, for your entire country and for the whole Church.
Do not follow them, as they lead you to perdition. They are mercenaries. They teach and practice falsehoods and corruption!
Follow with perseverance the teachings and examples of the holy pastors and priests who are among you.
Mary, Mother of the Church, Mother of Mercy, pray and intercede for us with your Son Jesus Christ, so that He may have mercy on all us sinners.
I bless you with all my heart.

+ Carlo Maria ViganĂ², Archbishop


  1. Teresa Coles says:
    You have really done your homework Julia...great.

    Philippa O'Neill says:

    Wow Julia... you outdid even yourself. The hypocrisy makes one rather sick to the stomach does it not?

  2. Re"New Zealand's bishops should reconsider and decide whose side they're on" Thank goodness not all NZ priests are like all of the NZ bishops. I wasn’t looking forward to when Masses started again at St Joseph’s Dannevirke last Friday because of the Communion only in the hand stance. The few parishioners present at the Friday Mass meant us celebrating in the side chapel, so I was preparing for a spiritual Communion only.

    When all the others had received Communion from the lay minister standing in for the celebrant because of his physical difficulty, I was surprised when the lay minister came over to me and gave me Communion on the tongue! She explained later that the celebrant had no objection to that; it was up to me how I received he had told her.

    Not so at Sunday Mass. It was the same celebrant and lay minister at that Mass, but the lay minister advised me beforehand that our parish priest, Father Vince Onesi, had told her he had no objection to me receiving on the tongue but I must receive after Mass. The celebrant obliged me after Mass.

    On that note, I intend contacting the papal nuncio about the discriminatory action associated with how I had to receive after Mass and also about the ongoing discrimination by some NZ priests and bishops as regards Communion in the hand only.

    The lay minister came to see me afterwards, by the way, telling me that the whole process with me had been a complete waste of time, because during the Communion distribution three other people approached her to receive on the tongue – and she obliged.

    Communion on the tongue hasn’t been problem thereafter this week with this same celebrant and lay minister.

  3. The prevalence of false shepherds means you go to mass but don't trust those who perform the ceremony. I plan to go back today,sign in, sanitise and quietly stay in my pew at communion time. I may have to become a Eucharistic tourist. Any Underground tip-offs are welcome to be mailed or emailed to me by arrangement. These are dire times needing drastic measures. We may be able to kick up online only so long.

  4. The wider world is not totally unaware that Ms Ardern is not universally admired, and that she has her enigmatic side, for all her 'mother of the nation'mana. To say the least.
