Tuesday 2 June 2020


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Yep, it seems that as some wag has remarked, New Zealand has now become 'Cindy's Kindy'. It seems we tots qualified for admission quite some time ago: it was in his '70s classic Passionless People that we Kiwis were characterised by Gordon McLauchlan as 'smiling zombies'. By 2012 he said we'd graduated to being 'frowning zombies' - but zombies all the same.

True to the dictum "Never let a good crisis go to waste", socialist governments around the world have hijacked Covid as a Trojan horse for repressive legislation to expand their powers. Here in New Zealand where an outdoor, sports-mad lifestyle and an abundance of good food provides natural antibodies for seasonal flu bugs - meaning Kiwis were never going to be stricken - we zombies have fallen for Ardern's 'kind' brand of manipulation hook, line and sinker.

For anyone willing to look at the shamdemic of Covid-19, there are so many facts that tell the true story, and it goes something like this:

Knowing what we know today about COVID-19’s Infection Fatality Rate, asymmetric impact by age and medical condition, non-transmissibility by asymptomatic people and in outdoor settings, near-zero fatality rate for children, and the basic understanding of viruses through Farr’s law, locking down society was a bone-headed policy decision so devastating to society that historians may judge it as the all-time worst decision ever made.

Worse, as these facts have become available, many policy-makers haven’t shifted their positions, despite the fact that every hour under any stage of lockdown has a domino-effect of devastation to society. Meanwhile, the media—with a few notable exceptions—are oddly silent on all the good news.

But an unexpected group of heroes across the political landscape—many of them doctors and scientists—have emerged to tell the truth, despite facing extreme criticism and censorship from an angry mob desperate to continue fighting an imaginary war.
My goal is to engage in known facts. You, the reader, can decide if all of these facts, when you put them together, equate to the story above.

Fact #1: The Infection Fatality Rate for COVID-19 is somewhere between 0.07-0.20%, in line with seasonal flu

The Infection fatality Rate math of ANY new virus ALWAYS declines over time as more data becomes available, as any virologist could tell you. In the early days of COVID-19 where we only had data from China, there was a fear that the IFR could be as high as 3.4%, which would indeed be cataclysmic.
On April 17th, the first study was published from Stanford researchers that should have ended all lockdowns immediately, as the scientists reported that their research “implies that the infection is much more widespread than indicated by the number of confirmed cases” and pegged the IFR between 0.12-0.2%. The researchers also speculated that the final IFR, as more data emerged, would likely “be lower.” For context, seasonal flu has an IFR of 0.1%. Smallpox? 30%.
As the first study to peg the IFR, the Stanford study came under withering criticism, prompting the lead researcher, Dr. John Ioannidis (reported among others on this blog at the beginning of lockdown) to note,
“There’s some sort of mob mentality here operating that they just insist that this has to be the end of the world, and it has to be that the sky is falling. It’s attacking studies with data based on speculation and science fiction. But dismissing real data in favor of mathematical speculation is mind-boggling.”
Like all good science, the Stamford data on IFR has now been replicated so many times that our own (US) Centers for Disease Control came out this week to announce that their ‘best estimate’ showed an IFR below 0.3%. In this article on the CDC’s new data, they also highlighted how the cascading declines in IFR has removed all the fears of doomsday:
That "best estimate" scenario also assumes that 35 per cent of infections are asymptomatic, meaning the total number of infections is more than 50 percent larger than the number of symptomatic cases. It therefore implies that the IFR is between 0.2 percent and 0.3 percent.

By contrast, the projections that the CDC made in March, which predicted that as many as 1.7 million Americans could die from COVID-19 without intervention, assumed an IFR of 0.8 percent. Around the same time, researchers at Imperial College produced a worst-case scenario in which 2.2 million Americans died, based on an IFR of 0.9 percent.
If you’re still unconvinced that the IFR of COVID-19 is roughly in line with a bad flu season, the most comprehensive analysis I have seen comes from Oxford University, who recently stated:
“Taking account of historical experience, trends in the data, increased number of infections in the population at largest, and potential impact of misclassification of deaths gives a presumed estimate for the COVID-19 IFR somewhere between 0.1% and 0.41%.”
Finally, just last week, Stanford’s Dr. Ioannidis published a meta-analysis (because so many IFR studies have been done around the world in April and early May) where he analyzed TWELVE separate IFR studies and his conclusion is so good, I’ll just leave you with it:
The infection fatality rate (IFR), the probability of dying for a person who is infected, is one of the most critical and most contested features of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

The expected total mortality burden of COVID-19 is directly related to the IFR. Moreover, justification for various non-pharmacological public health interventions depends crucially on the IFR. Some aggressive interventions that potentially induce also more pronounced collateral harms may be considered appropriate, if IFR is high.

Conversely, the same measures may fall short of acceptable risk-benefit thresholds, if the IFR is low…Interestingly, despite their differences in design, execution, and analysis, most studies provide IFR point estimates that are within a relatively narrow range. Seven of the 12 inferred IFRs are in the range 0.07 to 0.20 (corrected IFR of 0.06 to 0.16) which are similar to IFR values of seasonal influenza. Three values are modestly higher (corrected IFR of 0.25-0.40 in Gangelt, Geneva, and Wuhan) and two are modestly lower than this range (corrected IFR of 0.02-0.03 in Kobe and Oise).https://jbhandleyblog.com/home/lockdownlunacy?fbclid=IwAR2w1VJ2Ydwd_iVbEsFJVu92f68IQ4pkJGwRjRfpePUuL1gWKB_F76W6IOk
New Zealand's PM Jacinda Ardern turned away from cafe under ...
PM Jacinda Ardern

Here in New Zealand on the 'News' Prime Minister Ardern looked like she'd been spitting tacks at the 4500 Black Lives Matter-type protestors who so naughtily ignored the pathetic anti-'social distancing' regulations in Auckland and Wellington yesterday.

Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters, Act leader David Seymour and microbiologist Dr Siouxsie Wiles all got upset about it too - 'the risk of spreading Covid-19'!!!! Poor Dr Wiles tweeted that she was 'absolutely gutted'. I think I got a glimpse of new National leader Todd Muller tut-tutting, too. 

There she was, the PM, with the whole nation in a strangle-hold and loving it, and now a crowd of 'frowning zombies' have forced her to relax her grip.

She's caved in to mob rule - which will lead to anarchy here as we're seeing it in the US and which I predicted at the beginning of The Lockdown.

"They are blind, and leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit" (Mt 15:14).


  1. Sharon Crooks says:
    The prodigal son also noticed that animals were treated better than humans. Thankfully he repented and experienced the mercy of his father. Hope JaSINda follows suit and repents whilst there is still time.

  2. Get a crisis, use it to raise public anxiety, take control of the narrative, then you have control of the population. Ardern has given us a master class in this political black art.

    If you don’t have a crisis, make one. The so-called climate crisis is a prime example.

    If you have a crisis and the scientific evidence starts to show it isn’t likely such a big crisis, suppress the good news. The way the government and the compliant media are suppressing the news that the current Covid-19 strain is almost certainly no worse than most flu strains is a prime example.

    If the public wake up to this fact then Ardern’s elimination strategy will be shown to be almost certainly an incredibly expensive mistake.

    People who have a strong Catholic faith do not need to be so anxious or compliant. I wish our church leaders could figure that out (in saying this I am not including those few church leaders with strong faith who have seized the opportunity to provide positive and Christ-like leadership during this time).

  3. Bruce Tichbon says:

    Get a crisis, use it to raise public anxiety, take control of the narrative, then you have control of the population. Ardern has given us a master class in this political black art.
    If you don’t have a crisis, make one. The so-called climate crisis is a prime example.
    If you have a crisis and the scientific evidence starts to show it isn’t such a big crisis, suppress the good news. The way the government and the compliant media are suppressing the news that the current Covid-19 strain is almost certainly no worse than most flu strains is a prime example.
    If the public wake up to this fact then Ardern’s elimination strategy will be shown to be almost certainly an incredibly expensive mistake.
    People who have a strong Catholic faith do not need to be so anxious or compliant. I wish our church leaders could figure that out (in saying this I am not including those few church leaders with strong faith who have seized the opportunity to provide positive and Christ-like leadership during this time).

    1. Requisite daily reading this gutsy blog, like that sharp-wit
      Frank Walker aka Canon 212. Compulsive, actually.

  4. I believe it may be Helen Clark in reality, who's giving the 'master class' here. Ardern seems to me to be putting her motor-mouth and free-masonic degree in comms at Clark's service.
    The New York Times are a prime example of the compliant media, describing Ardern as 'compassionate' and quoting her: “Please be strong, be kind and united against Covid-19.”
    Brainwashing 101.

  5. I have lobbied with my parish priest for congregational discussion on church closure, saying that Catholic blogs indicate a dissatisfaction with clerical and hierarchical performance that may shock the hitherto uninformed.
    I have as yet received no reply.
