Black Lives Matter/Antifa rioting over the death of the black criminal George Floyd bring the US to the brink of revolution; shots ringing out in a quiet suburban Auckland street this morning, taking the life of an unarmed policeman; thousands marching in protest against 'racism' and for 'black trans lives' in Auckland and Wellington last weekend: all raise the grim spectre of communism and the prospect that New Zealand, no more than the US, will escape the fate prophesied by the Blessed Virgin Mary to one of the seers of Fatima in Portugal.
In a 1946 interview with American historian and author William Thomas Walsh, Sister Lucia stated the BVM had revealed to her that if the popes continued to ignore Her requests for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, the errors of Communism would spread throughout the entire world.
"Does that mean the United States of America too?" asked Walsh. "Yes," Sr Lucia replied. And if it means the US, it means Aotearoa/New Zealand too.
In the US, revolution is fomented in the interests of overturning the Western, Christian civilisation symbolised (for all his absurdities and infidelities) by the greatest pro-life president in US history, Donald Trump. In opposing Trump, Planned Parenthood (aka Formula One Falsehood) states that "this is literally a life-or-death election." They're not kidding. Life=Trump; Death=Joe Biden, the phony Catholic running on abortion, homosexualism and transgenderism.
It's not hard to translate that into New Zealand terms. The grim statistic released here on Tuesday was that last year nearly one in five babies conceived in NZ was killed by abortion, a rate not much changed since 2012. Teenage pregnancies ending in death fell dropped by two-thirds. But before pro-lifers congratulate themselves remember Pharmac now funds the long-lasting 'reversible' contraceptive Jadelle.
However, the good fight is far from over, with the news on Thursday that a petition for a referendum on the appalling Abortion Legislation Act has already gathered over 40,000 signatures.
That took just three months, since the Vigil of the Annunciation (how's that for an in-your-face, gratuitous insult to Almighty God!) when NZ's Parliament gave birth to one of the world's most evil abortion laws - and it seems still to be a deep, dark secret.
No Mass-going Catholic I've asked yet had heard that babies can now be aborted up till birth without anaesthetics and left to die unaided by the 'health professionals' paid by you, the taxpayer, to kill them. In other words, New Zealand has legalised infanticide. And no one seems to know.
The reason, I suggest, is that our liberal-lady-lefty media, who operate as so many cogs in the Ardern propaganda machine, were just as keen as the PM and Andrew 'Chicken' Little to embed the Abortion Legislation Act deep within Kiwi consciousness before we wake up like so many Rip van Winkels after Lockdown - whenever that might be.
you were told four small babies were going to be killed at a certain location
on a certain day, what would you do? Call the police? What if the police were
to tell you they couldn't stop the killings? Wouldn't you go to the place of
execution, to try to save those babies' lives?
So why are so few Catholics and Christians standing outside our hospitals on the days they kill very small babies - the unborn? Why so few that at Hastings the vigil is now kept only once a month now, instead of every killing day (Thursday)?
Today on the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the Offertory prayer of the Mass (Extraordinary Form) Our Lord says:
"My Heart hath expected reproach and misery: and I looked for one that would grieve together with Me, but there was none: and for one that would comfort Me, and I found none."
Our Lord grieves over every baby legally killed in this country and the world over. We may ignore them but God does not; He looks for those who will comfort Him, and finds very few.
So in case you, like thousands of voters, don't know yet what the Abortion Legislation Act means:
- a woman can now have the
baby in her womb killed right up to full term if the 'abortion
provider' (in Christian terminology that means the professional
babykiller) 'reasonably believes the abortion is clinically appropriate in
all the circumstances' - which in practice means for any reason whatsoever
- a baby born alive after a
botched abortion is not entitled to any medical care; the babykiller can
just leave it to die as scores of babies are in Victoria,
Australia, which provided the Ardern Government with its model
- girls at school and women at
home can have an abortion by courier post
- It's not just doctors who
can kill unborn babies now: the Act specifies 'health practitioners',
which includes radiographers, psychologists, dietitians and speech
and language therapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and medical herbalists
- any one of nearly 100,000 people; and the range of
people involved continues to expand as the boundaries of what is
considered ‘health care’ expand, and as increased specialisation leads to one type of health care
becoming two or more types of practice - (
- babies being killed at later
than 20 weeks' gestation are not entitled to pain relief - even though they're
proven by some studies to feel pain at 8 weeks and even though babies
having surgery in utero are given anaesthetics; in other words, pain
relief is just for wanted babies
- and that's in spite of the
fact that the Animal Welfare Act requires vets to give pain relief when
aborting calves
- a girl or woman is given no
protection against being forced into abortion by family or the baby's
- no mental health support is
required, before or after her child is killed
- she won't be advised of the
physical and psychological effects of abortion
- so most likely she will not
be giving informed consent
- a teenager can't be given
paracetemol without professional assessment but she can require a 'health
practitioner' to kill her child, no questions asked
- a 13 year-old's baby can be
killed without her parents' (the baby's grandparents') knowledge; not just
without their consent, but without them even knowing
- the Ministry of 'Health'
will inform her that 'abortion is safer than continuing a pregnancy' -
which is a lie
- if she'd rather have a boy
than a girl (or vice versa) than the child she's carrying, she can delete
the unwanted option
- if she's told her baby has
Down syndrome - or any disability - she can have it killed up to
full term, even though the diagnosis might be incorrect
- health practitioners who
will not perform abortions are required to violate their conscience by
referring patients to 'health practitioners' who will
- conscientious objectors risk
losing their employment
- Midwives can prescribe
lethal drugs to kill babies in medical abortions, and pull them apart
violently in surgical abortions, with no pain relief.
Saturday June 20, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at Hastings
Hospital, Voice for Life will commemorate the 406 babies who lost their lives
there before birth in 2019.
406 white-painted crosses adorned with 406 'feathers' of the Matuku bird (said to be a symbol of mourning for Maori), will be displayed outside the abortion clinic where pro-lifers offer sidewalk advocacy for women going in for an abortion.
In Hastings the prolife witness happens every first Thursday. Michelle Kaufmann, Communication Director for Family Life International, has called for more men and women to witness to God's love and mercy outside abortion clinics nationwide.
Don't worry, it's not that hard. 'Newbies' will always be accompanied by veteran pro-life workers who have the words and practical information to help these stressed women. There's very little abuse, but if you happen to cop it, remember what Jesus tells us: Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake (Mt 5:11).
Your presence will save lives (33 known at Hastings so far). Your presence tells the abortionists they're doing wrong. The very sight of you standing there will cause many women to change their mind and keep their baby.
More than
90% of public submissions on the horrendous Abortion Legislation Bill opposed
it. Nearly
95% were not allowed to speak to the Abortion Legislation Committee. The Select
Committee was stacked with pro-abortionists.
But such
is the fear of 'pandemic' whipped up by Ardern's socialist regime and its media
minions in the interests of gaining and maintaining control over a gullible,
mindless public, the Labour Coalition looks dangerously like getting away with
this murder and mayhem scot-free, to coast to re-election in September on
a 'second wave'.
Of course we wouldn't dream of telling you how to vote, but as defenders of the right to life you'd naturally want to know the voting record of National's new leader and deputy.
Muller opposes euthanasia and voted against the Abortion Legislation Bill. He's
Deputy-leader Nikki Kaye is another story. She supported the Abortion
Legislation Bill and opposed care for babies 'born alive'; she opposed a ban on
sex-selective abortions, a ban on disability abortions, a ban on late-term
abortions, a ban on pain provision in late-term abortions, and opposed a
'freedom of conscience' amendment. In other words, National's Nikki Kaye is the
worst possible news for the unborn.
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Nikki Kaye cuddles up to Hillary Clinton |
It's the usual political party ploy of balancing a 'conservative' leader with a 'liberal' deputy (or vice versa). National obviously believes they wouldn't have a bolter's show of winning in September without a babykiller on board.
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Todd Muller and the Make Ardern Go Away cap |
It's not as if things are any better overseas. The gangrene of legal abortion
permeates what's left of our Western civilisation:
- 'Black Lives Matter/Antifa', a Communist front, has brought the US to the brink of the Communist revolution predicted by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Sr Lucia of Fatima
- All Black Lives Matter donations, in the States at least, go to bankroll the Democrats' presidential campaign to oust Trump and replace him with phony Catholic Joe Biden, who's campaigning on abortion, homosexualism and transgenderism
- African Americans make up 13
percent of the US population but nearly 40 percent of abortions. In New
York City more African American babies are aborted than born
- Planned Parenthood has pledged $45M to back pro-abortion
Democratic candidates in the US 2020 election campaign
- PP traffics in aborted baby parts (charged a biospecimen company nearly $25,000 for fetal tissue and maternal blood samples in 2012)
- In opposing Donald
Trump, PP says 'this is literally a life-or-death election'. They're not
- And not forgetting the UK,
where the abortion rate is much worse than NZ and thousands of dead babies
have been incinerated to heat hospitals.
"In all of these turmoils, a weakened Christianity is becoming further eroded, as we can now witness it with our own eyes, where an archbishop rebukes the U.S. President for visiting a Catholic shrine and a priest (Fr James Martin SJ - wouldn't you know it ) hopes that George Floyd intercedes for us already from heaven, independently of his own moral life here on earth.
"We might also remember here Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganĂ²'s new open letter to President Donald Trump, in which he writes: “We will also discover that the riots in these days were provoked by those who, seeing that the virus is inevitably fading and that the social alarm of the pandemic is waning, necessarily have had to provoke civil disturbances, because they would be followed by repression which, although legitimate, could be condemned as an unjustified aggression against the population.
"The same thing is also happening in Europe, in perfect synchrony. It is quite clear that the use of street protests is instrumental to the purposes of those who would like to see someone elected in the upcoming presidential elections who embodies the goals of the deep state and who expresses those goals faithfully and with conviction.
"It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom: Solve et Coagula, as the Masonic adage teaches.”
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"Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death."
Jodie Nelson says:
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, I spoke to James (Bedingfield) after the Unborn Remembrance day and apparently they are meeting still every Thursday but doing a bigger group once a month at the start of the month which they do something different, like last month they did the pink and blue clothing, just to change things up a bit. I think the pink and blue theme is happening this July's bigger group gathering too.
I say:
ReplyDeleteThanks for that, Jodie. And I hear that Fr Marcus Francis of Hastings Parish, who offered the closing prayer at the Unborn Remembrance Day, will be attending the Vigil - and maybe the newly-ordained Father Trung, too. Best possible news for the Prayer Vigil/Prolife Outreach. Where our priests go, our people follow.
As Kate Cormack of VFL National Executive commented: "Tell Father to wear his collar!" Go Father Francis!
Dawn Bedingfield says:
ReplyDeleteThere are a few standing there between 10 and 12 every Thursday and the bigger group once a month. We've covered every Thursday for 9 years but it's so hard to find younger women to help out. We've got to the point where we can't cover all shifts adequately.
Did you meet my wife at the Remembrance gathering, Ms du Fresne ?
ReplyDeleteNo I'm sorry, I didn't meet anyone: I stayed only until all the crosses were up, then had to drive home again for a rare visit from a son who lives in Wellington.