Monday 1 June 2020


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"Oh no. That's dreadful. I didn't know."

Parishioners I spoke to yesterday, Pentecost Sunday, after the first Sunday Mass in Holy Trinity Parish CHB since before The Lockdown, had no idea of what the Abortion Legislation Act introduced into New Zealand law on the Vigil of the Annunciation, March 24 - yes, that's right, just before The Lockdown.

The reasons for that, I suggest, is that our liberal-lady-leftist media were just as keen as Jacinda Ardern and Andrew 'little by' Little to embed this horrific law deep within the NZ consciousness before we wake up like so many Rip van Winkels after Lockdown (whenever that might be) - and are almost as  committed to Ardern's propaganda machine.

So that Holy Trinity CHB parishioners and thousands of voters, even those who are Catholic in name at least, do not know that this law means:

  • a woman can now have the baby in the womb killed right up to full term if the 'abortion provider' (in Christian terminology that means the professional babykiller) 'reasonably believes the abortion is clinically appropriate in all the circumstances', which in practice means for any reason whatsoever
  • a baby born alive after a botched abortion is not entitled to any medical care; the babykiller can just leave it to die, just as scores of babies have been left to die in Victoria, Australia - which provided the Ardern Government with its model
  • girls at school and women at home can have abortion by courier post
  • It's not just doctors who can kill unborn babies now: going by the new definition of 'health practitioners', so can radiographers, psychologists, dietitians, and speech and language therapists, as well as alternative practitioners like chiropractors, osteopaths and medical herbalists - any one of nearly 100,000 people, in fact; and the range of people involved continues to expand as the boundaries of what is considered ‘health care’ expand, and as increased specialisation leads to one type of health care becoming two or more types of practice - (
  • babies being killed at later than 20 weeks' gestation are not entitled to pain relief - even though babies are proven in some studies to feel pain at 8 weeks, and even though the same baby if undergoing surgery in utero would be given anaesthetics; in other words, pain relief is for  wanted babies, not otherwise 
  • and - this is surely height of Green Party absurdity - is that although 'health practitioners' aren't required to give pain relief to babies, the Animal Welfare Act requires vets to give pain relief when aborting calves
  • a girl or woman has no protection against being forced by a family member or boyfriend/partner into killing her child 
  • a girl or woman need not be given any mental health support before or after her child is killed
  • a girl or woman won't be advised of the physical and psychological effects of abortion
  • she doesn't have to give informed consent to the killing of her child
  • a teenager who must be assessed by health practitioners before being given a couple of paracetemol can get same to kill her child, no questions asked 
  • a 13 year-old's baby can be killed without her parents' - the baby's grandparents' - knowledge; not just without their consent but without them even knowing  
  • the Ministry of 'Health' aka the Ministry of Sick should lie to such a teenager or any woman, should tell her 'abortion is safer than continuing a pregnancy'
  • if a teenager or woman decides she'd rather have a boy than a girl (or vice versa) than what she's carrying, she can delete the unwanted option
  • if she finds she has a baby with Down syndrome  - or any other disability - on the way, she can have it killed up to full term
  • health practitioners who refuse to do abortions now have to violate their conscience by telling women which 'health practitioners' are willing to do so
  • a health practitioner's employer may sack a conscientious objector to this law
  • Midwives can now prescribe lethal drugs to kill unborn babies in medical abortions and to pull their little bodies apart violently in surgical abortions without pain relief.
I didn't go into all the above chapter-and-verse for those parishioners after Mass yesterday morning. I just gave them the lowdown on the first two bullet points.

Then I asked them (separately), "Do you think Jacinda Ardern is doing a good job?" And what do you think they said?

"Oh, yes!"

Jacinda Ardern Neve Gayford Pictures, Photos & Images - Zimbio
Ardern with her own baby, Neve

Ardern deceived the nation about the time limit for babies diagnosed in utero with disabilities. In 2017 when pressured by Saving Downs she promised she would not increase that time limit. She did increase it.

Ardern deceived the nation about parental notification. She is recorded as stating that if she were a parent she would want to know if her child was considering an abortion. But she voted against parental notification.

She has motorway signs all over the country telling us to BE KIND. STAY SAFE. SAVE LIVES. 

Brainwashing 101. More deception.

What is 'kind' about killing defenceless, innocent babies in the womb? And don't tell me she's being kind to their mothers. She's not. She's making a rod for their backs. And those mothers, greatly to be helped in every way as they are, are not defenceless and innocent, as their children are. 

What is 'safe' about procuring abortions en masse for the women of New Zealand? Is it 'safe' for the babies, who will be killed at their own mothers' behest? Is it 'safe' for the mothers, who by agreeing to murder their own children invite all kinds of physical, mental and spiritual harm?

And just how does this latter-day slaughter of the innocents 'save lives'? Huh?

More than 90% of public submissions on the bill were opposed to it.
Nearly 95% of those who opposed it were not allowed to speak to the Abortion Legislation Committee.

But such is the fear of 'pandemic' that has been whipped up by this socialist regime and its minions in the media in the interests of gaining control and maintaining control over a gullible, mindless public, Ardern looks dangerously like getting away with this murder and mayhem scot-free. 

Mainly because the moment this legislation was enacted, the Catholic Church closed its churches and cancelled public Masses. 

New Zealand's Bishops have blood on their hands; the blood of God's little ones that cries out to heaven for vengeance.

Because, as Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen states:

"The Mass is the greatest event in the history of mankind: the only Holy Act which keeps the wrath of God from a sinful world because it holds the Cross between heaven and earth, thus rewewing that decisive moment when our sad and tragic humanity journeyed suddenly for to the fullness of supernatural life."
The Contentious Case of Fulton Sheen's Corpse – Catholic World Report
Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen


  1. Adelie Reid says:

    I agree is the most horrendous evil that has befallen our nation and all in the guise in kindndess.. this bill does not protect our women.

    Stella McLeod says:

    The abortion bill was passed on 18th March and two days later on 20th March Masses were cancelled. The abortion bill was signed into law on 25th March,the day before the lockdown, in time to become “essential healthcare” but of course other elective surgery was cancelled.

    I say:

    The bill's enactment on the Vigil of the Annunciation, March 24, as noted in my post, is a truly frightful insult to God.

  2. i call our Prime Minister THE FAR EAST OF ARDERN Cp The play by Shakespeare AS YOU DISLIKE IT. I also call her JACINDA THE MERCIFUL.
    The sarcasm is not detected. I have yet to find any joy in the gentleman with a Catholic background who may survive to contest the general election with her. Much apocalyptic may occur by then.

  3. Yes agree. Absolutely shocking all round. The bishops for one need to step up to the plate and deliver. I wish at times they would just throw caution to the winds. That's what happened at the first Pentecost with the apostles.
