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Is Prime Minister Luxon just a bald Ardern? |
As if the horrible example of batshit Britain gone bonkers or the October 7 atrocities were not enough ... New Zealand's smarmy PM Christopher Luxon and his Minister of Police Mark Mitchell today were, incredibly, celebrating Ramadan. It's a 'holy month', they said. They wished us all a 'blessed Ramadan'.
'Blessed'? As if God could bless an ideology which promotes rape, murder, genital mutilation of women, sodomising boys (but not adults), beheadings and Sharia law. Ramadan, we're told, is the time for Muslims to learn to control themselves. Judging by their behaviour in Britain, Muslims are very slow learners.
All protestations to the contrary, New Zealand is no longer a Christian country. In fact it leads the world in paganism, with Te Pati Maori, Kapa Haka (costing NZ $48 million) and the Coalition Government's enthusiasm for LGBTQ+ cementing this dubious honour in place. With even NZ Police now busy indoctrinating children, New Zealand looks likely to emulate the US where nearly one in 10 now identify as 'queer'.
National and Luxon are pandering for votes. Hands up, all you Kiwis who bitterly regret giving them yours.
Nearly one in 10 Americans now identify as LGBTQ+, according to Gallup — almost double the percentage recorded just four years ago.
In 2020, 5.6% percent of U.S. adults identified as LGBTQ+ on the Gallup survey, and today, 9.3% of adults in the U.S. identify as part of the community. That number represents a one-point bump from just a year ago, and a staggering increase from the 3.5% first registered in Gallup’s inaugural 2012 poll measuring the size of the LGBTQ+ community.
The rise in Americans openly identifying as LGBTQ+ is largely due to an uptick in people who identify as bisexual, especially among Generation Z, according to Gallup’s breakdowns of the data.
More than one in five Gen Z adults (23.1%) now identify as LGBTQ+, per Gallup, followed by about 14% of millennials. Older generations, including Gen X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Generation, all identify as LGBTQ+ at rates of 5% or below, tapering off to only 1.8% for those born in or before 1945.
Of the 900 people surveyed who identified as LGBTQ+, more than half — 56% — indicated that they were bisexual. In fact, more than half of both Gen Z (59%) and millennial (52%) queer people identified as bisexual. These numbers are consistent with past polling that has shown that bisexual people are an “invisible majority” within the queer community.
The percentage of trans U.S. adults has also increased when compared with the survey’s 2024 results. In last year’s poll, fewer than one percent (0.9%) of American adults identified as trans, while this year, 1.3% of respondents self-identified as such. Likewise, last year, 11.8% of the LGBTQ+ population identified as trans, while this year that percentage was recorded at approximately 14%.
The poll notes that LGBTQ+ identification has a strong correlation with being a woman, being politically liberal, and living in an urban area. For example, 21% of liberals, compared to 3% of conservatives, identified as queer or trans, while, overall, 10% of women identify as part of the community compared to 6% of men.
Gallup based its results on interviews with more than 14,000 U.S. adults. Respondents were asked to identify as straight, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or something else, and are allowed to indicate multiple identities when responding.
As the percentage of Americans who identify as LGBTQ+ rises, the statistic inches closer to a famous and controversial claim based on the work of human sexuality researcher Alfred Kinsey in the 1940s. Kinsey estimated that about one in 10 Americans were predominantly homosexual — a figure that was colloquially flattened over the years to become the oft-repeated claim that 10% of the population is gay.
Kinsey of course was long ago outed as a liar. "Kinsey was a pederast who enjoyed the company of adolescent boys well into his college years. Under the guise of "research," he produced professional sex films in the attic of his home using his staff and their families as the cast. A committed atheist, he allowed no Christians or Jews on his staff. His books made no attempt to hide his "grand scheme" to steer society away from its traditional moral standards to one predicated on "free love." "
The results of Gallup’s poll suggests a population increasingly likely to be at odds with the Trump administration’s anti-LGBTQ+ policies, which include a January executive order making it the official position of the U.S. government that there are only two genders defined at birth. That memo is part of a recent conservative efforts to deny and regulate the existence of trans people nationwide. In 2024, a record number of bills aimed at limiting trans freedoms, including access to gender-affirming health care, were introduced in state legislatures.
Kiwis need to stop deflecting from the reality of the hideous behaviours of false religions that don't serve people and families but actually promote sinister & sexual violence in the name of thier idea of God. These false religious delusions must not be accepted into our political sphere creating enablers of the corruption (especially targeted at sexualizing our kiwi kids) and globalist agendas that crooked self serving politicians use to line thier own personal pockets with tax payer dollars.
ReplyDeleteWhat the fuck is this bulls*t.. $48million when where load of sh*t.. who were the politicians and handlers that received that whole $48 million.. audit please for every dollars spent.. I guarantee.. many an invisible corrupt institute milked that money before it reached any Kapa Haka ..why this year we see this figure $48 million…ELON MUSK send in your computer wiz big balls to find that $48 million
ReplyDeleteGod's chosen people
ReplyDeletelook at britain to see how bad it is
ReplyDeleteWhat is this page? A hate page like really?
Megan Graham could you specify the 'hate' in this post, please?
ReplyDeleteFree Palastine
Now, there's hate.
ReplyDeleteTraitors of our country
ReplyDeleteIt's like a cancer slowly creeping through countries and taking over, President Magafi said we won't use bombs we will populate countries and take over, Europe is getting that way now.
DeleteGeorge Topham yes. In the vacuum created by the abrogation of its mission by Bergoglio's Vatican, and the consequent attrition of population in the West, Muslims out-breed so-called Christians and unprincipled pollies pander for their votes. The threat of Islam is as real now as in the days of the Crusades but Vatican II has drained the Holy Catholic Church of her militancy, as it was designed to do. Only the prayers and sacrifice of the remnant that remains, in the traditional Catholic movement, can save the world now.
ReplyDeleteMy my how times have changed.
Not satisfied with England they had to come here and ruin paradise by making it just like over there.
Well stop b*tching
You got what you wanted. B*gger off back there if you don't like it.
As for Tangata Maaori, we will carry on our way, Kapa Haka or not because our way is not just, not your way, it's a better way to exist.
We proved that by exercising Manaakitanga/caring and sharing and then we were sh*t on.
Well now you can wallow in your self pity or coexist with us without you selfcentredness😊🤙🏽
Jasper Smith it's always instructive to note the number of asterisks needed to publish a comment such as yours on the blog. Are obscenities an exercise of Manaakitanga/caring and sharing?
ReplyDeleteNZ s gone to hell in a hand cart , weak lilly livered PM is pandering to minority groups, get him gone National before he is taken out
ReplyDeleteGod is not mocked - they will not hold their seats for long
ReplyDeleteVoted national all my voting life .. not any more
ReplyDeleteThey are seriously deranged. Sadly the average kiwi have no idea or don’t care as long as they are all right 🤦♀️
ReplyDeleteThis government never started this trend, the last one did.
Leanne Barrett hence the image above of Ardern/Luxon.
DeleteLeanne Barrett but they are continuing on with it
DeleteDean Penrose everyone is letting them. Why don’t we have a sit in at parliament like the msoris do when something bothers them?
DeleteLeanne Barrett we aren't Maori, we wouldn't be allowed 😉
Leanne Barrett And we're too busy earning our living.
ReplyDeleteI voted National for the first time ever as i was so disappointed and disgusted with how Ardern and her lot destroyed this country. Sadly Luxon and co are no better. We are doomed ☹
DeleteThe reality is that if we are too dumb as a nation to save our own country then we didn’t deserve to have a country in the first place and we are going to find that out reeeal f***in soon….
DeleteRod Sharp I don’t think that we are dumb. I think that we are too trusting of our politicians that they actually care and they don’t.
We need to take back our country and get rid of these traitors
DeleteLynne Hammond people didn’t learn from 2008-16 that John key really got the ball rolling for the Iwi elites, for hate & division, for mass migration, giving the coastline to maori, climate change & selling off state asset’s and basically lying about all of it.
So to me, the fact people couldn’t remember that national did any of those that makes them dumb.
Now Luxon is here to finish Nz off as much as he can. Next election will be huge. A vote for nats or labour or any far left party will be a dagger for this countries immediate future.
DeleteLynne Hammond you don’t really know what they are like when you vote them in though - time tells- as it is doing. With Luxon promoting Ramadan etc
DeleteLynne Hammond i know. And that attitude will be our downfall
ReplyDeleteWas a life time National voter and supporter but now no longer. Only an Act/NZFirst coalition are worthy of voting for now.
ReplyDeleteI'm pagan what's wrong with that we are actually more tolerant than any of your religions
Karina Glover tolerance is not a Christian virtue. Charity, justice, mercy, prudence, honesty - These are Christian virtues. Tolerating grave evil within society is itself a serious form of evil Tolerance of abortion above all else, as an attack on the fundamental right to life, is the most serious example of tolerance as a vice, and a major contributor to the mess we've made of Godzone.
DeleteThere is only one true religion - Catholicism - but it's a mistake to conflate any 'religion' with those who claim to practise it.
DeleteJulia du Fresne hmmm, judging by your list I conclude the pope is not christian.
John Argent you conclude correctly. No, he's not Christian. Protestants will tell you that. And he's not the pope either.
ReplyDeleteThey didnt get my vote and they wont get it next time either
ReplyDeleteYou forgot the poor goats
ReplyDeleteWill never vote National again end times ministry
DeleteDon Simpson never say never ... but atm, I share your sentiments, never been so disappointed in a National Government ... only thing good about it, it's not Liebour/cindy/hipkiss, but it's getting bloody hard to tell the difference 🤔
ReplyDeleteHe/ they didn’t get my vote. And I was previously a paid up party member for years.
ReplyDeleteWhat the f**k is really going on.
ReplyDeleteSadly most voters think there are only two parties Labour and National and if don’t like one then you vote the other. Where Act and New Zealand First still hold to some core values that made us the great country are or should that be were
ReplyDeletewhat are your views on the fact that of the over 60,000 killed by the IDF in gaza that 70% were women and children ?
ReplyDeleteYep….people all over New Zealand think they voted for National, ACT & NZ First……but in reality they just voted for a continuation of Labour & Jacinda Ardern…….
……..and that’s exactly what we have right now…….
……..and every minute that Trump is President in America……Luxon looks more & more like a gutless Left Wing clown.
"You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions, not words, that matter."
~ Nicholas Sparks.
ReplyDeleteIt’s not a holy month
ReplyDeleteBlue or Red we keep moving towards the destruction of our country ..
ReplyDeleteA🙄sad future.
ReplyDeleteCouldnt be happier that NZ isnt a christian country. We dont need that cult behavior here
ReplyDeletePerfectly splendid
ReplyDeleteI did not National.
Because they suppory Maori Apartheid through Co-Governance
ReplyDeleteHE would rather pander to minorities than stand up for those who have been here for generations. Nothing to do with religion, it's about division.
ReplyDeleteLabour-Greens just as bad. We need a new party like Alfred Ngaros NewZeal to put NZ back on track.
ReplyDeleteThe NZ voters are very slow learners too. For 50 plus years I have watched the political circus every 4 years & watched promises broken.
What astounds me is even after the public get sick of one gang, they vote for the other criminal gang & expect things to change.
The definition of insanity?
We deserve to get more of the same but worse..
We need ONE new party that we can all get behind. One only so there is no confusion
DeleteChristine Thorburn get rid of MMP i reckon thats how all these losers get in like the TPM
Yep both votes will be Act next time
DeleteNever got my votes, my 2 ticks ✅ ✅ went to Dave, same again next election 😉😎
ReplyDeleteI have act one of my votes last time now it’s going to be both. I’m over this bullshit and lies from Labour and National just to get elected.
ReplyDeleteI will NEVER VOTE NATIONAL.........In my opinion they are an utter disgrace to New Zealand now......Luxon has gotta go, asap.
ReplyDeleteI thought Luxflake was a Christian??
DeleteCarol Eivers he is supposedly a Mormon. I doubt that they would have anything to do with this lying dishonest prick.
ReplyDeleteLuxon is what ever suits his agenda of the day , he’s a crock
ReplyDeleteNz going to hell with thanks to the bald mug in the picture.
ReplyDeleteNever will the current scum in the beehive get my vote .. evil is what it is
ReplyDeleteLabour and National are owned by the WEF.
We need a Trump here
DeleteNo thanks.
ReplyDeleteI didn't give National my vote this time nor the previous one. But had done since 1974ish.
DeleteI didnt vote for him thank God I don' t have him on my conscience
DeleteHow true lying luxon got in on his political campaign and he has back tracked on everything he said. Not only backtracked but has supported and fed the $$$$ to every cause he proposed to change. He's a gutless wimpy liar. Time for Seymour to take control id vote for it
ReplyDeleteHow about a shout out to us Catholics for a blessed Lent on Ash Wednesday this week ?
ReplyDeletedidnt vote nats used mine elsewhere (strong nats area)
Yes. I have to agree that Luxon is just a bald Ardern. I'm voting two votes for ACT next time and will do so until I die or something more realistic presents itself. NZ is turning into a bloody mess .