Friday, 14 February 2025


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At a small-town Catholic church in the Diocese of Palmerston North, New Zealand this week, a funeral Mass was held for an elderly gentleman whose next-of-kin was unknown. The only hint of Catholicism in the order of service was the name of the church and the priest, and three readings instead of only one. Otherwise it was Protestant.

The recessional and two of the three songs were written by Protestants and the exception (Strong and Constant) may as well have been. The Apostle to the Gentiles was referred to as "Paul". Father gave a eulogy, not a homily, and was designated as "Minister". 

This was not the fault of the good people who gave their time and talents "In Loving Memory" of the deceased. It's the fault of the post-Vatican II, Synodal Ape church prophesied in the '60s by Venerable Fulton Sheen. 

The 'People of God' have been led by the nose, misinformed and misled by the heresiach Jorge Bergoglio (stage name Pope Francis). But it's slowly dawning on people that he's a  globalist plant to replace the Mystical Body of Christ with a church designed to depopulate the planet. And they say the CIA has his successor lined up. Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández.

Lightning strikes St Peter's Basilica on the night of Benedict XVI's 'resignation'


February 11 was the 12th anniversary of Pope Benedict announcing that he would half-quit the “ministry of the active governance of the Church”, fleeing for fear of the wolves, exactly as he had alluded to days after he was elected Pope in April 2005. The tweet below from Deacon Nick Donnelly hits harder now that the CIA/USAID color revolution apparatus has been publicly exposed.


We now know that the CIA has been heavily involved in the infiltration and usurpation of the Vatican, with money being laundered to the Antichurch through USAID. And yes, I agree that unless the Bergoglian Antipapacy is called out, the CIA has the “successor” lined up. Why would they NOT?


Bergoglio with Obama

What I now think Joseph Ratzinger was forced to resign by Obama/CIA Bergoglio was the globalist/Deep State operative prepared since at least 2005 The 2013 Conclave was rigged by cardinal operatives on the inside The objective was to make the Vatican/worldwide hierarchy an agency of the globalist/Deep State agenda This was just one part of the plan in preparation for the 2020 COVID bioweapon attack on the global population. The globalist/Deep State has chosen the replacement for Bergoglio

And Donnelly says it's Fernandez.  

Full text of the tweet:

What I now think

Joseph Ratzinger was forced to resign by Obama/CIA
Bergoglio was the globalist/Deep State operative prepared since at least 2005
The 2013 Conclave was rigged by cardinal operatives on the inside
The objective was to make the Vatican/worldwide hierarchy an agency of the globalist/Deep State agenda
This was just one part of the plan in preparation for the 2020 COVID bioweapon attack on the global population.
The globalist/Deep State has chosen the replacement for Bergoglio




Lightning demolished the halo, keys and blessing hand of a statue of St. Peter in Argentina on December 17, Bergoglio's birthday, the day before the publication of Fiducia Supplicans


“Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”



St. Peter’s Square

Sunday, 24 April 2005






A resignation made out of grave fear that is inflicted unjustly or out of malice, substantial error, or simony is invalid by the law itself. -Canon 188


The Pope is bound to Canon Law insomuch as Canon Law is derived from DIVINE AND NATURAL LAW.  All three provisions of Canon 188 are derived from Divine and/or Natural Law.


The demonic Paul VI Audience Hall, the Vatican

Okay, just off the top of my head here, Coercion would be against the Fifth Commandment if it involved any threats of violence of death.  It would also be against the Seventh Commandment as a form of stealing; stealing of the Office itself, and possibly stealing of a man’s right to his reputation if threats of detraction are involved (aka blackmail of the guilty).  If the coercion is in the form of blackmailing of the innocent, this would be against the Eighth Commandment because it would be bearing false witness.


Substantial Error:  Can the Pope make 2+2=5?  No.  Can the Pope make any number that is not 1 equal to 1?  Can the Pope make 2 = 1?  Of course not.  This is a clear breaking of the Natural Law, of which arithmetic and logic are subsets. There is only one living Pope at a time. The Papacy is an elected MONarchy established by Christ Himself, not a “collegial, synodal shared ministry.”


LGBTQ' champion 'Jimmy' Martin SJ with Bergoglio 


Any resignation proffered with the intention of retaining even a nanoparticle of the Papacy, as Pope Benedict repeatedly said he was attempting to do, is invalid by the law itself, specifically the Substantial Error clause of Canon 188.


Simony: To accept a bribe or payoff in exchange for attempting to resign the Papacy would be not merely the coveting of money, but is even more so a sin of IRRELIGION, a sin against the FIRST COMMANDMENT itself because it is the buying and selling of a spiritual thing, namely, in this case, the exercise of an ecclesiastical jurisdiction – the Papacy itself.




Now here is the $64,000 question:

Do you honestly believe that the Pope has the ability to ABROGATE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS and/or THE NATURAL LAW?


If the Law is derivative of GOD HIMSELF, being perfect good, truth and justice, and Jesus Christ EXPLICITLY bound Himself to the Law when He gave Peter the Keys, saying:

And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven. And whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven


Does it make any sense whatsoever that the Pope can override the very ESSENCE of God Himself, namely truth, goodness, justice and RATIONALITY? That the Pope can do that which even God Himself cannot and would not do given that God is pure goodness, truth, love and justice?


If so, then what EXACTLY is the stable base upon which EVERYTHING exists? How can Peter be The Rock if Peter is NOT anchored to The Divine and Natural Laws, which is to say to Christ Himself?  If you take away the Earth (God Himself, the Rational Logos) what, exactly is the Rock (Peter) going to sit upon that The Church is then subsequently built upon?


 If the Divine Law is mutable and overridable, and even the Natural Law can be casually tossed aside (any positive integer greater than 1 can equal 1 if it suits the Pope’s error), then how can God be rational?  Is the first verse of St. John’s Gospel, proclaimed at the conclusion of almost every Tridentine Mass, in error?  Is Christ NOT the Word, the LOGOS??


Like I said, this all sounds very, very suspiciously like the islamic political system and its irrational, pure will tyrannical satanic fake deity crap.  Red flag much??  Maybe worth a rethink?


The Pope is absolutely bound by Canon Law insomuch as a given point of Canon Law is simply a derivative recapitulation of Divine or Natural Law, which Canon 188 is in every particular.


To argue otherwise (if you can even call it that) is madness, and of the Enemy.


The fact that Pope Benedict has been dead for 773 days, or ANY amount of elapsed time, makes absolutely no difference with regards to the importance of publicly acknowledging the situation. TRUTH HAS NO EXPIRATION DATE.


The statement that could end the Bergoglian Antipapacy has not changed a single iota with the death of Pope Benedict, because his earthly presence is not required to adjudicate the validity of the juridical act of the putative resignation that he proffered in February 2013. Only his words and deeds in February 2013 are legally germane, and we have a thorough record of that. So, we keep up the good fight to have the TRUTH publicly acknowledged. Let it ALL come out.




Significant Canonical irregularities have been identified with regards to the putative resignation proffered by Pope Benedict XVI in February of 2013. Pending further investigation, a state of emergency suspense is hereby declared.”

I hope this helps.

Love therefore is the fulfilling of the Law.

Plenitudo ergo legis est dilectio


Benedict XVI attempts his resignation

 Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for the soul of Benedict XVI and for the Church 


  1. The infiltration is complete. With Marxists cavorting in the Vatican there is a huge destruction going on. Regular Priests say little but Bishops are feeling the monetary pinch now that Biden’s unauthorized illegal money dump has been exposed and eliminated.


  2. So the CIA again what a crap Conspiracy Theory.
    Cripes you’ll believe anything.


  3. Deep state Vatican church.


  4. Of God's I know nothing; of human treachery I know a little, and of mens many failings I observe with deep sadness.

    1. You do know something of God, because He gives every soul an innate awareness of right and wrong, which you possess.


  5. What a freak!

  6. Julia, regarding the rot in the Church, you may wish to read (or repost) this article:

    Feel free to post or delete this comment.


  7. That is why people go to the SSPX or find a traditional group.
    I believe Palmerston North has one.?

    1. Marion Wall, you're right! Not quite PN but in Ashhurst, only a quarter of a mile away, the Traditional Latin Mass is offered every Sunday at 12.30 pm with the Rosary prayed beforehand, often in Latin. Fr Peter Brockhill, PP at Marton, hears confessions afterwards.
      Otherwise there's St Anthony's SSPX Gonville, Whanganui (confessions during Mass) and every third Sunday the SSPX say Mass at a vineyard halfway betweed Hastings and Napier, at 3.30 pm with confession beforehand. Spread the word, please. This is what Catholics starved of the true faith need so much.

    2. Marion Wall you're right! Not quite PN but in Ashhurst, only a quarter of a mile away, the Traditional Latin Mass is offered every Sunday at 12.30 pm with the Rosary prayed beforehand, often in Latin. Fr Peter Brockhill, PP at Marton, hears confessions afterwards.
      Otherwise there's St Anthony's SSPX Gonville, Whanganui, 3 Masses every Sunday (confessions heard during), and every third Sunday the SSPX say Mass at a vineyard halfway betweed Hastings and Napier, at 3.30 pm with confession beforehand. Spread the word, please.
      This is what Catholics starved of the true faith need so much.


  8. Pray that a good and Holy Pope succeeds him eventually


  9. That is sad. Maybe his kids were not Catholic, though? Or he chose the songs he felt were best, not thinking they were not Catholic.


    1. Jen St Clair even sadder, he had no children, no family at all and the songs were chosen by the P P and organist. That's their funeral play-list.


  10. They have been doing that since VII


  11. The novus ordo church is not catholic. I’m glad you finally see that. Don’t attend it.

  12. Michael Dennis I haven't attended the N O for 2 - 3 years. It's very hard for my N O husband and son.


  13. His head is Like a pumpkin

  14. Diane Blaney Tobias18 February 2025 at 20:21

    The novus ordo church under Bergoglio is not the actual Catholic Church.
    Sede vacante is true Catholicism. We have not had a true Vicar since 1958 which is why evil is not being corrected.

  15. Mary Kay Henrikson Lowe18 February 2025 at 20:22

    Deep state signal

  16. Anthony De Lorenzo
    Regarding anti-pope Jorge; you say "'s slowly dawning upon people that he's a Globalist...". Why is it "slowly"??? Bergoglio had long ago openly and publicly embraced the World Economic Forum and its program! He gave his imprimatur to their - and the World Health Organization's - promotion of the insane Covid-19 lockdowns that saw church doors shuttered, Masses halted and people left to die in isolation without the sacraments. The anti-pope shamelessly shilled for both Globalism and Big Pharma when he stated that it was a "Christian duty" and an "act of love" for every Catholic to receive the dangerous, experimental MRNA gene therapy (it is not a vaccine since it contains no Covid antigens). Every step of the way - from mass migration and open borders to his cultural Marxism to his promotion of a one world religion stripped of their differences to his backing of neo-Liberal politics - Jorge has not even tried to hide his identity as a devout Globalist. In addition to the fact that Globalism converges perfectly with his Modernist worldview. That's the theological Modernism which Pope Pius X called "the synthesis of all heresies."

    1. Anthony De Lorenzo but people are agonizingly slow to realise it.

    2. Anthony De Lorenzo18 February 2025 at 23:15

      Julia du Fresne You are absolutely correct. I was asking the question rhetorically... because it's so frustrating that people in our Church didn't resist him so much sooner. And that liberal Catholics actually applaud a man who abandons the true gospel for a secular, noo-Liberal, Woke program while setting up a counterfeit Church.

  17. or
    Never been easier to choose sides…
    Many Protestants joining the traditional faith.
    Wake up, modern Frankencatholics!


  18. Palmerston North has been pummelled by Vatican Ii for a long time. Hopeless bishops.

    1. Rhys Goodey don't I know it! However, the new Bishop, John Adams, is doing all he can to overcome the frightful Masonic influence of the previous incumbent, chiefly in allowing the Traditional Latin Mass once more, at St Columba's Ashhurst, every Sunday.
