Wednesday, 5 February 2025


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Unless the Coalition Govt wakes up from its Woke Global wet dream

 Let's not tear our hair out just yet, people. Even when National asks for advice on 'hate crime' legislation which could never work. Even when they gave away $15 million New Zealand doesn't have, on climate change which is nonexistent. And nearly $30 million to UNRWA for Hamas' little helpers in Gaza. Even when our corrupt socialist judiciary say you must learn Maori tikanga before you can sell real estate or clean people's teeth. Even when Te Pati Maori are thrilled to bits at ACT's leader being deplatformed at Waitangi.  

Who can possibly tell anyone's motivation for anything? You can't.  We exercise our judgment on others' deeds but not on why they did those deeds. A government's first duty is to protect its own people. Giving people preferential treatment because of the colour of their skin is not Christian. That's all Catholicism 101 but Catholics don't know it because the NZ Bishops don't teach Church doctrine, they teach 'social justice'.

Meanwhile US President Trump is dismantling USAID and the Africans applaud him. And he's defunding UNRWA. And Planned Parenthood. And the Paris Accord - like India, Russia and China, whose products are still selling like hot cakes and so would New Zealand's. David Seymour's suggesting the next election be fought over the globalists' Paris Accord. It can be done. 



Despite canning unworkable and incredibly unpopular 'hate speech' laws at the beginning of their term, the National Minister of Justice, Paul Goldsmith, has instructed the Law Commission to prepare advice on creating 'hate crime' laws in New Zealand. Yesterday, they released the consultation document.


It baffles me as to why this Government would pursue such a fool's errand. 


You likely don't need me to tell you, the inherent weakness of 'hate speech' laws is also found in 'hate crime' laws: it's impossible to objectively decide what 'hate' means. 


Put simply, there is no logical reason to support ‘hate crime’ laws, but reject ‘hate speech’ laws. They both come from the same faulty assumption that the government can simply make ‘hate’ illegal.


When Canada passed C-250, a ‘hate crime’ law in the mid-2000s, the bill’s sponsor MP Svend Robinson argued that it did not go far enough as it did not include ‘hate speech.’ Subsequent laws in Canada have fulfilled Robinson’s wish.


Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia have each shown the folly of trying to address division in this way. 


Scotland, the land of Braveheart


If this Government accepts advice to create ‘hate crime’ laws, ‘hate speech’ laws will be passed within the next five years, and NZ Police will be mandated to suppress ‘wrong speech'. 


Together, tens of thousands of Kiwis pushed back against the Government trying to outlaw 'hate' previously. Up against a majority Government (the first in a generation), we defeated laws that would have been a death knell for free speech in New Zealand. 


And that's exactly what we have to do again.  



If we don't win this one, the implications for tomorrow are clear. Just look at what 'hate crime' laws have done in Canada, what non-criminal 'hate' incidents have done in the UK, and how the Government has regulated online speech in Australia.


We have stood in their way to accomplish the same in New Zealand; let's do it again.

What actually makes a ‘hate crime’ different to other crimes? 


Being ‘tough on hate’ certainly makes us feel like we’re achieving something. Laws usually act to some degree as deterrents for criminal behaviour. But as I told Whena Owen from Q+A, ‘hate crime’ is unavoidably subjective.


For instance, was the attack on a Treaty of Waitangi display at Te Papa Museum in 2023 a ‘hate crime’?


When pro-Palestinian protestors threw red paint on an MP's office, was that a 'hate crime'?


What about a car doing burnouts on the rainbow crossing on K-Road? 


If you feel inclined to brand one a ‘hate crime’ but not the other, this ought to be reason for caution.


John Key signed us up. Then took off.


Without some broad agreement as a society on what we deem ‘hateful’, we’re treading on shaky ground. Who gets to call it?

Calling it is the business of the Catholic Church, but what we have in New Zealand instead of the Catholic Church is the post-conciliar, Novus Ordo Synodal Bergoglian sect. The Church still exists as it always will, but only in pockets of traditional Catholicism, here and there, where the Traditional Latin Catholic Mass is celebrated. The Mystical Spouse of Christ is no longer fronted by the socialist NZ Conference of Catholic Bishops.  

In NZ law, intent – what someone seeks to do – and motive – why they do it – are already central factors in determining guilt and sentencing. Though not always easy to prove, these two factors can be reasonably demonstrated to a court.

 But figuring out which crimes we call hateful is impossible in reality. Some acts may well seem obvious – fire bombing a synagogue or viciously assaulting a man because of his skin colour might easily fit the bill. But beyond these sorts of cases, things get tricky.



We can be against crime that is hateful, yet still against ‘hate crimes’ laws that will only give a big stick to those who want to beat, not just criminal activity, but wrong-thought.


Aside from the obvious use of the word ‘hate’, which elicits a strong emotional response from the public, there is no evidence that ‘hate crime’ laws have reduced the sort of offences they were designed to address. Laws of this kind in the UK has been a prime example of this failure.


In fact, evidence increasingly suggests that such laws have actually been counter-productive in combatting the kinds of extremism they were supposed to address.


Preserving an open society where thought and speech are free, and everyone is held accountable under the same rules - that is the best path to fighting hate. Jonathan Ayling, Free Speech Union



St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr, pray for us 



  1. Benjamin A Pence5 February 2025 at 13:25

    We fit the entire bill. Trump pulled us out. Biden put us back in and them Trump reversed course. Would love to stuff all our wasted tax dollars square down Biden’s throat.


  2. Never (responding to 'Labour Landslide 2026' image)


  3. Hippy boy here with his SHE Devil mistress Jacinda destroyed the economy, the work force, gave away $billions and destroyed the middle class. Labour was the mother of hate crimes and fake climate change and weaponisation of racism. TPM caught the hate bug and are loving it and running with it.


  4. You stupid little clown, your days are over, no one likes you anymore.


  5. Luxon has to go, but never again should that little trans thing rule New Zealand.

  6. Replies

    1. Wayne Harrison a very dangerous one


  7. MAD IF people vote for liebour or national etc , the tag team globalists.

    1. Plankville Brent Curtis5 February 2025 at 14:12

      Angus Craig
      I wish the voting majority would realise this.


    2. Plankville Brent Curtis so do I


  8. would not know what real work is

    1. Leonidas Coszwel5 February 2025 at 14:14

      Rob Halliday or a woman


  9. They cheated in the 2020 election. Don’t think they won’t try it again.

  10. Plankville Brent Curtis5 February 2025 at 14:16

    WEF government needs to go.


  11. Someone can't spell ACT...


  12. Never never never.


  13. Extremely disappointed in the National Party but would NEVER VOTE LABOUR, so its probably time for someone else who?? Who knows


  14. At Adern's shoulder right through the lies and deceit. That's your legacy Mr Hipkins


  15. The power lies with you & I.


  16. You should be in jail for mass murder and treason in 2026, along with the rest of the w e f puppets.


  17. Who in there right mind would ever again trust this dirt bag.


  18. Covid 19....remember that......


  19. You're going to jail..


  20. Yea right
    We will hunt the unvaxinated down..
    Chippy words
    That man will always be remembered and reminded of that
    Just shows the nature of him
    Can't be trusted

  21. Again, a well put together post today. Toyally support. Cheers.


  22. Bravo Julia 🌹


  23. Hope Not. We are still suffering, Chippi's inept corrupt divisive lying splurging Liebour regime, who left us with 'Liebour's cost of living crisis inflation theft crime recession" Legacy. Yes, Liebour left NZ in serious trouble, sabotaging the NZ gas industry, knocking businesses out, putting over 101,000 more working age Kiwi's on welfare by 31.12.23 and lumbering NZ with massive debt, Climax Change commitments, likely to cost us $24B to $32B, which we need to send offshore to Africa or some place like that. So tighten your belt, sell the car, buy a push bike and plant your veges, instead of voting for the LiebourGremTPM cretins.


  24. If there is a land slide let's hope this guy rides his crazy assumption poster down it.
    Lest we forget
    Labour pushed racial division forward
    Labour loves the gangs
    Labour skewed the media with bribes
    Labour kept Auckland locked down
    Labour spent like there was no tomorrow
    Labour closed Marsden point and imported dirty coal from wherever
    The roads went to pot because Labour convinced so many that cycles were the future
    Labour caused chaos with speed limits , the road toll did not drop as a result.
    Labour is openly Communist
    Labour had ministers in the job that collectively have less brain power than Sarbrick
    Labour put no rent lovers into motels
    A good thing they did was send Malevelent Mallard off shore


  25. lest we forget Mahoota and co tried to force legislation through that would allow Moari to have a say on rate payers assests ...3 waters
    Mahoota also awarded contracts and jobs to family .

    1. Exactly and has never been taken to court over it.

  26. Charity starts at home...Here's 25 initiatives to discuss...
    1) Pull out of all climate accords but monitor our climate and pragmatic sustainable climate goals;
    2) Withdraw from WHO.
    3) Give notice of concern to the UN.
    4) All business with the Gates Foundation and the WEF banned.
    5) All funding of Paris climate accord, Ukraine, the Gates Foundation and the
    Hillary Clinton Foundation and the likes banned.
    6) Forge closer economic relations with our past ally Russia.
    7 )Banks and businesses would be breaking the law to refuse cash.
    8 ) All funding based on race or sovernty to cease:
    9), The Immigration departments immigration selection policy would be overhauled and tightened.
    10) 1080 banned and the EPI priorities reset for a heathier future.
    11) Fluoride in water banned immediately.
    12) Safer substitutes to Chlorine in water pursued with a goal of elimination all chemicals in drinking water.

  27. 13) Sustainable organic food NZ logo established with strict criteria for meeting the optional organic standard, with the aim of becoming the safest food producer on the planet.
    14) All Pharmac drugs and potions sold in NZ to contain full detailed disclosure of adverse effects and concerning drugs banned if reasonable alternatives exist.
    15) mRNA vaccines banned.
    16) Pandemic responses must be science based and not unreasonably breach rights contained in the Bill of rights or unreasonably discriminate.
    17) WINZ tasked to locate all rough sleepers (and similar) and provide assistance of the necessities of life
    18) The ACC Act simplified and the Corporation made more accountable to the injured.
    19) Legislation formed surrounding the use of Govt surveillance to protect privacy.
    20) Higher standards for trespass orders to prevent use as convenient weapons
    21) The removal of the intended weapons register which police requested years ago to abandon and is the wrong approach to firearm safety.
    22) Pota potties allowed in campers, and van hiring companies must not surcharge for the use of onboard toilets must be built into the fee & not refundable if not used.
    23) District & regional Councils and Govt entities controlling public land tasked with at least doubling freedom or token charge camping sites including in geographically preferred locations
    24) Enquiries into all District & regional Councils salaries and efficiencies, and public release .


  28. What an idiot he is .You need a Trump in NZ to sort the rubbish out .Any one that votes for Labour is a Traitor to NZ.Full Left Woke on the System Repo
    Take a look at America best ever. No men in Womans Toilets 2 Genders only back to Nature.

  29. Ah Julia du Fresne numbers? UNRWA annual contrib is $1M.... Also what is your reference for the $15B figure for climate change? Thanks


  30. Steven Senn Fifteen million would never have been if those terrorists hadn’t massacred and kidnapped Israelis on 7 October. Don’t have sympathy for the devil.
    NZ has enough of its own problems to deal with.


    1. Steven Senn since 7th October, NZ has paid $29.5 million in aid to Gaza and the West Bank, broken down as follows:
      🔹$14.5 million – World Food Programme (WFP)
      🔹$5 million – International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
      🔹$8 million – UNICEF
      🔹$2 million – United Nations 2720 Mechanism for Gaza


  31. There's a clear warning about voting liebor. Just look at the UK, only 6 months in, its like the country has been taken over by an enemy state.


  32. Stop playing the victim card
    The Maori tiksnga course is only 1.5 hour
    We need to respect and honour the indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand
    We have had everything our way
    Our culture Our language
    This is about sheeer arrogance and disrespect
    The thought of having to do a short course
    You might learn something
    Just stop using the false victim card
    I have zero sympathy for the arrogant real estate agent
    She wasn't asked to speak te Reo
    She wasn't asked to do a years long course
    Spoiled entitled brat's


    1. that did make me lose my lunch. he.he.

    2. Julia du Fresne
      Will Moyle it's the principle of treating one race differently from any other that is so mistaken and dangerous. Maori are not indigenous to New Zealand; they emigrated from their native islands by canoe just as pakeha ancestors emigrated. IIf real estate agents are required to learn tikanga Maori, why should they not also be required to learn Chinese customs, or Asian?
      I have often thought that spending one day in a brown skin would alter Pakeha consciousness, but that's impossible. What is entirely possible, although now counter-cultural - and a guarantee of peace of mind and eternal life - is to live by the Christian principle, as all created by God as His children and equally loved by Him.


  33. If ACT was not so pro-death, they would def have my vote!


    1. Karen Raglan the pro death is the very least of this countries problems !! Adern had full term abortions remember

    2. Karen Mackey te right to life, which is denied by abortion and euthanasia (promoted by ACT,) is the foundational pillar of a civilised society. Remove the right to life and watch society crumble. As it is in New Zealand as we speak.

  34. Sharon Edinborough7 February 2025 at 12:53

    Will there be a 'next election?' And if so, will all NZ be able to vote?


  35. New Zealand - once a great country. Now being dictated to by woke, PC and racist wankers.


  36. Not after it comes out where all the taxpayers monies went under labour greens. As is happening in US.
    3 million for playing whale music to sick kauri trees?

  37. Selwyn R Stevens7 February 2025 at 14:46

    Chippy could be in jail by 2026.

    1. Frankie Bullen Top contributor Selwyn R Stevens we can only hope7 February 2025 at 20:52

      Selwyn R Stevens we can only hope

    2. Selwyn R Stevens7 February 2025 at 20:53

      Frankie Bullen He has a ten year sentence already confirmed, along with Bloomfield & Andrew Little.


  38. None of the current pollies will be around in 2026. Nz is insolvent. Going, going, goners.


  39. Imagine if people voted labour in again. I mean I know National is bad. Luxon is completely spineless and such a globalist lackey - but hipkins is a liar, a manipulator, and he would give TMP everything, just for his day in the sun.
    He would completely sell NZ out.
    Seymour at least has courage and believes in equality. He's even looking better than Winnie these days - who sold Israel out, in favour for the demons that live next door and committed such vile acts of horror.
    Boy do we need a Trump. I'm sure we have one somewhere - but at the moment - all those conservative party leaders are more interested in drowning each other, than they are in actually fighting against the real enemies.
