Monday, 10 February 2025


To comment please open your gmail account or use my email address FB Messenger or X (Twitter). This post will likely attract Protestant rants - which will not be given house room.


US President Donald Trump has pulled the plug on the Deep State Swamp, which while it drains also incidentally reveals the Deep Church. The Bergoglian sect's complicity with illegal immigration, trafficking of hundreds of thousands of missing children, the health totalitarianism and progressive globalism of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum are now exposed, like Christ in His Passion, to "the rude and scoffing gaze" of the world's multitude.

Papal pretender Bergoglio (stage name "Pope Francis") and his faux, Ape church are not to be confused with the Catholic Church. Their difference is made painfully clear by Francis' ruthless excommunication and cancellation of those pitifully few prelates who've defended the true faith.

Professor Stefano Fontana, director of the Cardinal Van Thuan International Observatory on the Social Doctrine of the Church, points to the evidence of skulduggery  glaringly obvious to the faithful for YEARS. The cuddling up to Klaus, the gender and climate ideology, Communion for public heretics Biden and Pelosi, desertion of MILLIONS of infants in the womb, forcing priests to submit to a fake vaccine. And more ...

The true Church needs to pray for Trump's protection. This is getting VERY interesting.


Just a fortnight into the Trump presidency and the damage wrought by the Pope and the Vatican allying too closely with Democrat-run globalism on a variety of moral issues is becoming clear, the head of an Italian Church think tank has said.


In a Jan. 29 commentary entitled “Trump and the Vatican: War in Progress,” Professor Stefano Fontana wrote that early policy decisions of the Trump administration have exposed the extent to which the Vatican’s close alignment with a progressive globalist agenda has caused “great damage” by weakening her voice on a number of serious moral issues.


Fontana is director of the Cardinal Van Thuan International Observatory on the Social Doctrine of the Church, a research organisation founded in 2003 that emphasises fidelity to the Church’s established social teaching. Bishop Giampaolo Crepaldi, a former Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, helped found the observatory and is a regular contributor.




Describing globalism as a “totalitarian” and “elitist post-democratic system,” Fontana said it has brought together a wide range of powerful institutions managed by the US Democratic Party and including big tech, media corporations, academia, “philanthropic” institutions, governments, international agencies and European Union leaders. Some of the key issues it promoted were unlimited immigration, gender ideology, and a radical green agenda.


The existence of this system, he said, has now been confirmed by the fact that many of its partners are changing direction on some policies in the wake of Trump’s return to power. At the same time, Fontana believes the new Trump administration has “opened the doors to a counter system.”


As for the Church’s role, he believes there are “many reasons” to argue that her leaders have “contributed to that totalitarian system,” and he pointed out “many convergences” such as the objectives of the Biden administration, the World Economic Forum, the European Commission and the WHO “just to name a few of the clique.”

Significantly, he wrote that the Catholic Church’s leaders have failed to free the Church from this “dominant ideological power” and “from the meshes of a system.” At the same time, he said they failed to support those bishops who were willing to resist it by, for example, denying Holy Communion to pro-abortion Catholic politicians such as Present Biden or Nancy Pelosi.


Instead, he said, the Vatican sent “messages of support and good wishes” to Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, arguing that the WEF “could do a lot for the common good.” Fontana pointed out what he sees as a discrepancy between serving the common good and advocating uncontrolled immigration, “health totalitarianism” during the COVID pandemic, and pushing the climate ideology that “lacks scientific foundations and brings poverty to the working masses.”


The Vatican Bank ( Institutes for the Works of Religion, IOR)


“All this and more demonstrates a line of obsequiousness to the current system of social control,” Fontana wrote, adding that the policies that the Church has supported, “either by proposing them itself or by remaining silent about their negative aspects, have caused great damage.”


Fontana singled out, as further examples of this complicity, the Church’s weak voice when it comes to abortion and gender ideology. “Her voice has become feeble and almost absent, preferring to intervene on immigrants and the environment,” he wrote. “In the meantime, however, the global liberal system extended the right [to abortion] to birth, enshrining it in the Constitution as in France, declaring it a human right as in the European Parliament, and many countries legalising the distribution of abortion pills by mail.”


“When, thanks to the appointments made by Trump in his first term, the Supreme Court abolished the previous legislation as unconstitutional and gave competence in the matter back to the States, the Vatican simply took note,” Fontana wrote. “Now Trump is freeing the pro-lifers who are imprisoned, but the Church had not mobilized any protest in their defense. Not a word has been heard.”


He added that no bishop has expressed regret for having closed churches and shrines in obedience to the WHO during the pandemic, “of having supported the self-interested lies of paid virologists,” and of having forced priests of his diocese to take the vaccine. 


Furthermore, Fontana noted that Pope Francis has not corrected his slogan that to be vaccinated against Covid was “an act of love,” and added that, to him, actions and statements from the Church regarding gender ideology show the Church is “unwilling to fight any battle on the subject.”


“Homosexuality is now accepted as something natural — ‘God loves us as we are,’” he wrote, quoting recent words from Pope Francis to a transgender person and citing Fiducia Supplicans that allows for non-liturgical blessings of same-sex couples.



Fontana also noted the Church’s “legal recognition of homosexual couples” which had hitherto been forbidden, and Cardinal Blase Cupich saying he is in favor adoption by same-sex couples.


In sum, Fontana said the Church’s alignment with these policies of globalism has resulted in damage to society, economic crises, social tensions, and a weakening of the Church’s teaching on key moral issues.


Saint Scholastica, Virgin, please pray for the Church


  1. You know that Trump was the sand pit bully, bullshiter and loudmouth in his childhood don't you?
    Do you think he's had a personality change then?

    1. Greg Rasmusen no. I think he's grown up. As you do. I hope and pray he's still growing up. A life-long process one hopes, it's called converting to Christ.


  2. About time too. Thank-you President Trump for opening this can of worms. There will be a lot of people writhing around in fear. Gotcha!


  3. Quite right, even the "Holier than thou" have to pay when they Dance with the Devil


  4. Want to know whether the Vatican Bank practices usury?


    1. Ty Chan not that I know of. Of course in its present state of corruption it well might, but would hardly call it usury. And it's important to distinguish between the Catholic Church and the Vatican Bank. The latter, like the Vatican State, belongs to the Church as its tool for money management. The Bank could be destroyed while leaving the Church whole, entire and complete.
