Tuesday, 18 February 2025


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NZ Herald hit piece wrongly identifies, posts pix of a minor

20 million viewers shared 'Bishop' Brian Tamaki's Man-Up haka confronting sodomites in Auckland last Saturday. 20 million. But it's probably fair to say that the real bishops, of New Zealand's Catholic Church, intensely dislike him. Most Novus Ordo Catholics do too. 

Partly because they read the Herald and watch TvOne Spews, who were apoplectic over Tamaki's men enter a public library to protect children from grooming by a 'Drag King' (actually a 'Queen' who's cut her breasts off). And also because Catholic churches are closing while 20 million viewers bask in Christian truth opposing satanic sodomy. (All right, yes, foreigners do love the haka  - even though Maori would do it now for the opening of an envelope.) 

"Why is this page always so doom and gloom?" you might ask. Because horrible truths have to be faced. Sodomites are prancing round Ponsonby simply because Catholicism has been emasculated by the post-Vat II, Novus Ordo, synodal "cabal of Freemasonic-Marxist-homosexualists who hate God and are actively trying to destroy His Church from the inside out". So says American Catholic commentator Ann Barnhardt. And the whole world knows she's darn tootin' right. 

'Catholic' cabalist cardinals Cupich and McCarrick 

Ann Barnhardt lets rip:

Truth and beauty are both constitutive qualities of God. Things that are true are true BECAUSE they are congruent with or of God. One plus one equals two not because your teachers said so, or because centuries ago a bunch of really smart Greek guys took a vote and decided that was how it was going to be.


No. One plus one equals two because mathematical truth, as a subset of all truth, is contained in God Himself, and it is thus extant within His creation, and beyond that is a way for us to see and know Him. “The heavens shew forth the glory of God, and the firmament declareth the work of His hands.”


But what happens when the truth is actually ugly? Does it lose the beauty intrinsic to truth? Should ugly truths be suppressed? Should painful truths be hidden, or even denied?




Goodness gracious this is so important. Please pay good attention to this.


Ugly haka opposes ugly sex


When the truth is ugly, it must STILL be declared. Boldly. Loudly. Persistently. Failure to declare ugly truths is itself an act of dishonesty, a bearing of false witness, and it makes impossible any attempt to push through the superficial ugliness and get to the pure, holy beauty beyond.


If you refuse to declare ugly truths, then progress (in the good sense of the word) is halted. Everything stops and the only direction that has any freedom for movement is BACKWARD, away from truth, and thus away from God Himself.


Ugly: Antipope Francis and Jesuit James Martin


Guys, this dynamic is EVERYWHERE around us today, and it is why civilization is going to implode any day now. No one will declare any ugly truths, and thus we have hit the wall as a civilization.



The Catholic Church has been massively infiltrated by a cabal of Freemasonic-Marxist-homosexualists who hate God and are actively trying to destroy His Church from the inside out.


James Martin SJ proves Bergoglio approves of blessing b*****y



In excess of 90% of ethnic Catholics in the west have stopped attending Mass in the last 50 years since the Freemasonic-Marxist-homosexualists destroyed the Mass and began preaching Marxism, tolerance of infanticide and sexual deviancy. Anyone who says otherwise is simply a liar. They are bearing false witness, no matter what their motivation.


The entire global economy and financial system are massive, mathematically impossible Ponzi scheme and debt bubble that can never, ever be repaid with “money”. The economy WILL collapse, there will be war, and there will be a settlement of debt via landmass reallocation and blood. At the top of this list of mathematically impossible and unfixable Ponziconomies is the former United States of America. FORMER.


Democracy or representative democracy beyond the local level simply does not work. Stupid people should have say over their own lives and households, but stupid people should NOT have a say or vote over any system that affects other people.


Stupid synodalists, stupid synod 


The ugly truth here is that there are within the human population spectrums of intelligence, practical ability, management skill, psychological fitness and moral fitness. The higher the level of governance, the more of these qualities leaders must possess, and a leader or leaders at the highest level should possess ALL of these qualities in abundance.


Today, the world is literally being run by people who are mentally and functionally retarded, with many of them being sociopaths, psychopaths or at the very least Diabolical Narcissists. The current political order will never, ever, ever fix any of this. Anyone who promulgates hope in “elections” is bearing false witness, no matter what their motivation.


Islam is an evil totalitarian political system from the deepest, blackest pit of hell, masquerading as a faux-religion. It was consciously set up that way, and must be exterminated from the face of the earth without remorse in order to save the souls trapped inside of it and to prevent any more people from being victimized and destroyed by it. Period. Anyone who says anything else is bearing false witness, no matter what their motivation.


These are just four macro examples. I could go on and on and on. Now, an interesting question for YOU. Why are you here? Why do you read me? Why are you all so attracted to my jeremiads? My stock and trade rhetorically is basically talking about horrific, ugly truths that no one else will talk about.


'Tragedy': NZ Herald used scorn quotes for ACT's opinion of discharge without conviction for the trans activist who did this at the Posy Parker rally


Why are you attracted to that? Why do I get all of these emails and hand-written letters describing me as “a breath of fresh air” and the JOY people experience from reading my essays and watching my videos about horrifically ugly truths?


Because ladies and gentlemen, TRUTH is BEAUTIFUL. Even when it reveals something so ugly that you can barely stand to look at it.


[Including and perhaps most especially the substantial error of the Holy Father (Benedict XVI - ed) in the context of a juridical act – attempted resignation – that  resulted in a catastrophic Antipapacy that has and continues to scandalize human souls unto eternal damnation and enable the erection of the Freemasonic-Luciferian Antichurch. -AB ’22]



If you haven’t figured it out yet, the ultimate manifestation of this is Christ Crucified. This is why we have crucifixes – not just crosses but crucifixes with Christ nailed to the Cross. The crucifix is the most beautiful image in the world, because it reveals the most beautiful truth in the world by first making us push through horrific ugliness.


The horrific ugliness is God Incarnate, perfect and sinless, whipped until He is skinned and nailed naked to a tree BECAUSE WE PUT HIM THERE BY OUR SINS. How can this possibly be beautiful? Because it is the complete expression and manifestation of God’s love for man.


When man asks, “Is there a God and does He care about me?” the only way to fully answer that question is by showing him an image that is so horrific that it makes us wince and look away.


But then we look back. And look. And look. And look. Because what we are looking at is TRUTH, and truth is beautiful, but only so long as we don’t try to “clean it up” or make it “easier to swallow”. When you try to make ugly truths either more palatable, or even try to obscure them all together, you are embracing a lie.


God died a horrific death for your sins and thus your sins CAN be forgiven because first you ARE a sinner, and your sins are HORRIFIC – but you have to have the antecedent before the corollary: you have to have the CROSS before you can get to the Resurrection.


The Catholic Church HAS been massively infiltrated and suffered a massive destructive catastrophe in the last 50 years at the hands of Freemasonic-Marxist-sodomites. [A blaspheming, heretic antipope has usurped and is squatting upon the See of Peter and is wreaking destruction and scandalizing souls unto eternal damnation on a scale never before seen, or even thought possible.] 


Until this is acknowledged and acted upon with holy, virile intransigence, there will be nothing but continued erosion and destruction. The global economy is going to collapse. The United States of America no longer exists. Beating dead horses is insane. Nothing will happen until civilization seeks a new horse. A major war is going to have to be fought to purge the earth of islam and save the people of good will trapped within it. Islam is a cancer, and cancers must either be cut out, or they will kill you.


Denial of ugly truths only leads to more and more ugliness. Denial of ugly truths is exactly what satan wants. Satan wants humanity to believe that there is no sin, there is no hell, everything is just fine in the Church and there is no problem – especially with sodomite priests and lesbian nuns, one plus one equals seven or thirty-four or whatever you want it to equal, government can solve all of our problems – not that there is anything wrong to begin with, infinite amounts of free stuff can be distributed and theft can be executed by oligarchs ad infinitum with zero consequences, and if we will all just hold hands and have a group hug we can all get along and coexist.


The Truth is beautiful, no matter how ugly it appears on the surface, it must first be shouted from the mountaintops in order to have ANY HOPE of pushing through to the other side, which is nothing less than God Himself. (Redacted.)  https://www.barnhardt.biz



  1. they stole our buildings, they are not the Church


  2. Lord, have mercy on your faithful followers. Protect us from men like Martin.


  3. The evil is within 🐺


  4. Just another distraction, BT is controlled opposition.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. https://www.facebook.com/hayden.smith2.5815255/posts/pfbid04m4UY7Py8GfhY8miWHoESdtqQjgJDVdgBaRyfTotjKd8ATAJ1yGaMGsArtP3hAtvl?__cft__[0]=AZU82aaWCRvV2rCKizfcjPhfSoyDgysVgNLTk8F93y4PPkuxEoHxVd4fqOodHxay7z5vXH9bVi54G9xr9cDkIEIBBaDft9j3C9pY01scarseqcuD59_Iu4lSG4zfKa1zRAKU8icS9IBeo4vBZvdV02M80FtxOfZFHspeWfbSI9-XVA&__tn__=R]-R


  7. Drag queens in front of young kids is not ok.

    1. Bryan Jensen I wonder who and why parents take their kids along to this?


    2. Noel Henderson trillionaires have been massively funding transgender ideology for at least 2 decades. Read https://juliadufresne.blogspot.com/.../push-hard-against...
      . the whole post. Parents have been perverted. .


    3. Rachel Freedom He really wants to be PM lol ... it sux that no one else is making a stand against LGBTQ + ...


  8. Drag Queens /Kings in public is not OK.
    Keep limited to night clubs or the bedroom.
    Not so long ago sodomy was an arrestable offence.


  9. Good on him for standing up for his beliefs


  10. Good fight to be fighting .
    Hats off to all the Brothers and the ever supportive Sisters for standing strong in the face of those that seek out the innocent .


  11. Good man, putting himself out there


  12. They are brain washing our children and starting ay an early age as well.
    Children will think all this stuff is the norm.

    1. Paul Ireland children will take them as role models


  13. Isn't he allowed an opinion other than the narrative the herald wants to force upon us?

    1. William M Scott the Herald is owned by globalists pushing depopulation.


  14. How dare this sort of bullshit is allowed to poison our children in schools and how it was ever allowed to do so in the 1st place. Absolutely Disgraceful and it needs to STOP.


  15. welldone woke crap needs to stop


  16. Intimidation by the Herald and I’m sure the judges will side with the woke. Financial Persecution coming to a place near you sadly.


  17. The only church out on the streets trying to make a diffrence.


  18. Well good on him. Drag queens need to stay away from our children. Councils should never of allowed this to happen in their libraries, parents with any decency wouldn’t allow their children to go to such things , so there would be no need for protest.


  19. you need to address the real issue with this, you and others/society in general has created the Pride movement, you empowered them with your attitude of allowing diversity, in fact you encouraged them to 'come out', be who you want to be...we will accept you...you created a monster...so it is you/others and society that needs to fix this...


    1. Kevin Tinker exactly, who passed the Bills and the Act?...who put those people in charge?


  20. how can you come up with 20 million viewers ?


    1. Rick Murray
      Its the world wide web and they all want panel work done.


    2. Rick Murray probably because it's on hundreds of pages over several platforms including streaming providers.


    3. Pim Zegerman come on WHO would waste their time


    4. Rick Murray it may not be a waste of time to some who want to learn and regain life quality , it helps to bring awareness

    5. Michelle Marshall18 February 2025 at 13:32

      Rick Murray my cousin in New Jersey shared the video with me, I hadn't even seen it until then, also Billboard Chris has shared it on X and he has a huge following. It has gone global that's what happens in this modern world.


    6. Rick Murray there's 500mil in USA


    7. Viv Hamlin this came from a country with 5 million people wow & most here ignore this crap


  21. Brian Tamaki and Destiny Church are the ONLY "Church" leaders speaking up and standing up for what is right and good in NZ - ALL the other 'Churches" are Far-Left and Woke and moved away from preaching the gospel! Brian Tamaki (and Destiny Church) was the ONLY leader speaking up and standing up for our Freedoms and Rights under the terror regime of Vacinda and her brown-shirted nazis! All kudos to Brian Tamaki and Destiny Church!

    1. Kelson Hyslop it's to the everlasting shame of the Catholic Bishops that they've deserted their post and handed it over to a fake.


  22. But it's OK for the Trans nutters to attack a visitor to nz at a free speech event ...the world has gone mad..

    1. Steve Hammond because as Solzhenitsyn said, "the world has forgotten God".


  23. Julia de Fresne excellent outlined the situation!!!

  24. Liz de Vere
    Am with Brian Tamaki on this issue - stop these trans reading to our little children - why pick on them if not for grooming to normalise transgenderism and pedophilia. They could read to prisoners, old people - yeah right. And stop this silly parading with its debauchery, humping and Look at Me carryon,costing (was it) $47k to Auckland ratepayers! Fund their own festivals. I dislike the over used haka, but I’d contribute to more if it would stop that Dance of the Degenerates in poofy heels showing off to influence the young and confused.
    Am with Brian Tamaki on this issue - stop these trans reading to our little children - why pick on them if not for grooming to normalise transgenderism and pedophilia. They could read to prisoners, old people - yeah right. And stop this silly parading with its debauchery, humping and Look at Me carryon,costing (was it) $47k to Auckland ratepayers! Fund their own festivals. I dislike the over used haka, but I’d contribute to more if it would stop that Dance of the Degenerates in poofy heels showing off to influence the young and confused.


  25. He will be ostracized and will lose his job Watch this space All because he is a Christian This is the second era of Christian persecution


  26. I disagree. The Pride Parades originally were a celebration of the signing of the Bill giving the GLB community equal rights as the heterosexuals enjoyed under the Law The GLB community 'voice' has been hijacked by trans extremists. This gender identity ideology and the normalizing of pedophilia/sexual grooming of children is being pushed by governments who are eager to fall in step behind Klauss Schwab's grand plan via WEF Inc (the company he founded) for a global reset ...from independent sovereign nations to one ruling global corporation ie WEF Inc at the helm.


    1. Shelley Williams I agree with you re the globalists' role: see https://juliadufresne.blogspot.com/.../push-hard-against...
      But the Bill giving GLB 'equal rights' was the thin end of the wedge -the trans thing followed as surely as night follows day.
      No one has a 'right' to disobey the commandments of the God Who created them, the commandments which are perfect common sense given us for the protection of mankind. It's the failure of the Church to proclaim these commandments, and uphold them, which has resulted in this frightful mass delusion and insanity.


  27. The guy who stood up to protect our children is A1 +.... If everyone did this .. all men especially.. our children would be safer and cherished. Good on Destiny Church for being for Gods little children.


  28. They took out religious education
    Then bring in this garbage
    So if had to choose
    Which would you choose
    Think about this carefully
    A society will no rules and regulations will self destruct


  29. Tamaki and the rabble that were violent are no better than the Nazi Brownshirts - there is a very strong similarity. I hope they are charged.


    1. Robyn Broughton the police gave permission for a 3 minute haka


    2. Robyn Broughton as were the crazed trannies and deluded supporters who acted like Nazi at the Let Women Speak rally


    3. Rochelle Hodge good you can see the equivalence, both were wrong.


    4. Jenny Whyte equivalence perhaps. Equation absolutely not.


    5. Robyn Broughton they can't be charged as there is the media footage and the real footage. The Man Up crew did not do anything illegal. However, the other people were the ones fighting and spitting.
      In the same way, the Posie Parker incident was reported as well. It was not the Let Woman Speak who were violent.
      Have a look at some real footage, don't believe everything that is reported


  30. That's exactly part of why they are doing it,they get paid for it,they use to be prostitutes on k rd most of these Transvestites.
    And now they have them in libraries I feel un easy about having men in wigs and full on makeup,dressed like woman enticing young children to be brain washed.
    Disgusting & immoral it's so wrong!!


  31. God bless those Maori men!


  32. Will the Cardinals ever speak out about these sins?
    If not, what are they hiding?


  33. I think Tamaki is the ONLY leader showing some courage, along with his Church. I applaud them all. The Bible says we are to abhor evil. Hate it. Despise it. Stand against it. NO WHERE does it say the church must go easy on evil.
    Good on Brian for taking a stand against this evil


  34. Yes, you nailed it. The freemasons and their insidious tentacles need to be cut off and trampled on! We are no longer mindless slaves to the establishment! We are now awake, which means we know without a doubt that God wins!!!

  35. Ivan Tchernegovski18 February 2025 at 23:21

    Well Gerorge soros has had the gravy train stopped due to Trump shutting down USAID which was the ngo shop front for cia and others ,it had a bigger budget than it's bigger brother CIA ,funding sex changes in sth America, experiments on sex changes on monkies ,millions of condoms to the taliban


  36. This has aired on the American news as of yesterday, I was reading the comments of Americans, they want to learn the haka, to go and protest. I told them to find the haka on utube 🤣🤣


  37. GREAT post.


  38. It was a private ticketed event that you all stormed creating fear in the children that you claim to want to protect .how's bout dealing with the charged pedophile in your ministry Mr Tamaki


    1. Judith O'donnell thats a lie. The had bought tickets so were entitled entry, the issue was the warped minded deviants unlawfully tried to block their lawful paid for entry.


    2. Ryan Carnation omg assuming they pedophiles is what's wrong when the ones accusing have NO EVIDENCE OF THE ACT .There are more pedophiles hiding churches asking Jesus to forgive their actions once a week on a Sunday to continue molestation of children and the government paying for drag queen costumes cmon get a grip because there's a parade bet titles on bikes wouldn't bother you sexualizing everything is sick but you pentecostal evangalic cult Christians of Brian Tamaki seem to enjoy it why cant you all just accept that pedophiles are in every status : culture :walk of life and stop judging the collective for the actions of the few

    3. Judith O'donnell O spare us the bigotry.


    4. Julia du Fresne so me expressing my belief or opinion on Christians pedophiles is bigotry but those expressing opinions or beliefs about Drag queens is justified?? Not bigotry??

    5. Judith O'donnell no expressing a belief that drag queens are immoral is not bigotry. Bigotry is not reasonable and objections to drag queens are entirely reasonable, because they are based on truth.


  39. Julia du Fresne oh so I imagined I was molested by a church member because church members don't do that it is lie ? Only drag queens do that stuff it's proven to be true hahahahahaha 😂 for christ sake how many drag queens have been charged And convicted in NZ of child molestation and grooming in last 50 years then how many church members have been charged and convicted heard of plenty of church members but not ONE drag queen .STOP REFUSING TO LOOK IN YOUR OWN YARDS

    Top contributor
    Julia du Fresne oh so I imagined I was molested by a church member because church members don't do that it is lie ? Only drag queens do that stuff it's proven to be true hahahahahaha 😂 for christ sake how many drag queens have been charged And convicted in NZ of child molestation and grooming in last 50 years then how many church members have been charged and convicted heard of plenty of church members but not ONE drag queen .STOP REFUSING TO LOOK IN YOUR OWN YARDS

    1. Judith O'donnell I'm deeply sorry that you were molested. It's not surprising that you think as you do.
      But as you'd see if you cast an eye over my previous posts, I've expended much time and energy condemning sex abuse in the Bergoglian sect which is attempting to destroy the Catholic Church from the inside.
      It's highly unlikely that parents who'd allow their children anywhere near drag queens/kings would complain about any conseqent molestation and even less likely that NZ's woke police and corrupt judiciary would prosecute and convict.
      Whereas of course Christians and especially Catholics are the prime target. But "blessed are the persecuted" - and conversely, anyone who takes the name of Christ in vain as you did must repent or be condemned.

    2. Julia du Fresne well since religion is confused in its own right I don't feel the need to worry about condemnation

    3. Judith O'donnell nothing confused about the only real religion, which is the Catholic religion. It's as clear and simple in essence as God Himself.
