Monday, 3 February 2025


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Benedict XV Klaus Schwab, WEF
"The coming of a world state is longed for by all the worst, most distorted elements. It would banish all national loyalties. No acknowledgement would be made of the authority of a father over his children, or of God over human society. If these ideas are put into practice, there will inevitably follow a reign of unheard-of terror.” Pope Benedict XV, “Bonum Sane” (1920).

So one century on, "these ideas" are indeed being put into practice, and by none other than the man millions of Catholics - cardinals, bishops, priests and lay people - still call 'Pope Francis', whom the "worst, most distorted elements" want to see running the New World Church. But for all sorts of reasons Jorge Mario Bergoglio is in fact an antipope, and more and more faithful priests are finding the courage to say so. Five so far, all in Italy. Another called Bergoglio 'anti-Christ' and his congregation clapped.

More and more lay people will follow these white martyr priests into the light of truth. Vide the clamorous applause on this page to America's President Donald Trump's defunding of the US Bishops' 'Catholic' Charities Foundation, and their near-unanimous refusal to bail out those venal prelates. Watch how Trump's cleansing of America's Democrat Augean Stables plays out as faithful Catholics desert the post-conciliar, Novus Ordo, Synodal Bergoglian sect to return to the Mystical Body of Christ.


Father Natale Santonocito has joined the ranks of priests punished for doubting that Francis is Pope. They include Father Giorgio Maria Faré, Father Fr. Fernando Cornet, and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò.


Father Natale Santonocito has been  excommunicated just for telling the truth, namely, that Bergoglio is not the legitimate pope, but an antipope, because of the clearly documented impeded see of Benedict XVI.


In Italy there has been carnage among priests who offer themselves to the sacrifice of being excommunicated or reduced to the lay state so that they may pierce the mafia-like wall of silence that dominates the mainstream.



Fr Santonocito


In 2024, before Fr. Santonocito’s punishment, it was the turn of the esteemed Carmelite theologian Father Giorgio Maria Faré. He was preceded by Fr. Fernando Cornet, the author of the volume Habemus antipapam? Both these priests had argued that there is a Bergoglio antipapacy. All the priests were sanctioned without being challenged on the merits of the issue. 


On December 8, Fr. Natale, a 61-year-old priest from the diocese of Palestrina, near Rome, posted on his social channel a rather succinct statement, conveying the message by listing a few objective truths:

In just 12 minutes, Father Natale outlined the main canonical reasons concerning the non-abdication of Benedict XVI and the consequent invalidity of Francis’ election.


After talking about the patent falsifications in the original Latin version (they changed commissum into commisso) and in foreign languages (in German the munus-Amt swapped places with the ministerium-Dienst), Fr. Natale dealt with the substantive error (Pope Benedict’s failure to renounce the munus), specifying that Bergoglio’s heresies are just an obvious consequence of both not being the legitimate Pope and not having the Petrine munus, the divine investiture that assures the Vicar of Christ of the special assistance of the Holy Spirit. (Could someone please make Bishop Strickland understand this?)



The pagans are bemused by this


Benedict XVI, with that famous “resignation” of Feb 11 2013, had retraced the footsteps of Him, whose Vicar he was: with his Declaratio, Benedict said, “Some of you will betray me.” Then Cardinal Sodano also gave the famous “kiss” at the end of the declaration; Benedict was dethroned, confined, and exiled as stated in Canon 412 on the totally impeded see.


He decided to call himself “pope emeritus,” an entirely new formula for which we have also given an explanation through pictures. It is nothing more than a euphemism for “impeded pope.”


Bishop Gaenswein, whom Benedict placed under the seal of papal secrecy, as he himself admitted during a conference in Sabbioneta, has been trying for years to make us understand in every way the reality, as in this famous speech at Lumsa University:


So now could he excommunicate Fr Marko Rupnik???

Recently we published here on LSN the document that explains how the Declaratio was actually a “decisio,” a juridical decree that can be issued by the Pope for the most serious crimes against the faith. With that judgment, Benedict XVI excommunicated and put into schism the “handful of cardinals responsible for the misdeed,” that is, the authors of the 2013 coup d’état, including Bergoglio.

(T)he Declaratio of Benedict XVI dated 11 February 2013 was released, at that time, by Vatican sources in an artfully manipulated way, both in the original Latin and in its translations, to be given out to the people as the Pope’s determinative act of abdication.

In actual fact, it was completely different. It was a declaratory judgement, that is, a criminal decree [1] that the Pontiff issues for the three major crimes against the faith: heresy, apostasy, and schism.


A petition signed by 1,852 faithful was delivered to Bishop Parmeggiani so that he would withdraw the suspension a divinis imposed on Father Natale immediately after his public statement. The signatories demanded that either the priest be challenged on the merits of the allegations, or  that the sanction against him be lifted.


Instead Parmeggiani punished Father Natale by misapplying canon laws n.751 and n.1364, which excommunicate those who refuse to submit to the Supreme Pontiff. However, Bergoglio is not the Supreme Pontiff, as is evident from the combination of the articles 76 and 77 of the apostolic constitution Universi Dominici Gregis.


If Pope Benedict’s renunciation was not made in compliance with Canon 332.2, the subsequent election was null and void, without any intervening declaration in this regard.

However, a copy of the petition to Bishop Parmeggiani had been sent, along with the others, to the Secretariat of State, and the return receipt of the document sent to Cardinal Pietro Parolin has been received.


Now those in the Secretariat of State can no longer say they do not know the truth. The next legitimate pope will one day also deal with Bishop Parmeggiani, who excommunicated a priest-martyr who told the truth to defend the Church.




The situation is terrible: the canonical reality is explosively obvious. It would take only a couple of minutes to have the antipope arrested according to Canon 1375 (usurpation of ecclesiastical office), and yet the truth is being kept under wraps not only by Bergoglians, but also by traditionalist hierarchies who prefer to speak of a “heretical Pope Francis” (horribly offending the Holy Spirit) than to break the bank and purify the Church for good, as Pope Benedict envisioned.


This is the typical vice of that clerical church that always tries to avoid scandal at all costs. We have seen with the sexual abuse cases how useful this strategy of “truncate and sooth, sooth and truncate” can be.


Still, some cardinals are beginning to understand. Cardinal Robert Sarah, to whom we sent a 5,000-signature petition a few weeks ago, responded in a recent interview to the arrogant question of the journalist Riccardo Cascioli, asking what he would reply to those “emotionalists who say that there is no Pope” in an interesting way.


Cardinal Sarah used a complex system of periphrasis precisely to avoid saying that “there is a Pope, and he is Francis.” He did not even mention him. Instead, he called for remaining united with the Church—which is what we who want to get rid of the usurping antipope by following the norms of canon law do. We witnessed something different with Cardinal Raymond Burke, whose secretariat deleted the study on the decisio without even reading it. 


Meanwhile, while the pre-2013 cardinals hesitate to fulfill their duty, the one enshrined in Article 3 of the UDG, i.e., the duty to enforce at all costs the rights of the Apostolic See, on the battlefield of this latest, eschatological anti-papal war, these brave little priests continue to fall as cannon fodder, doing their duty by giving their lives for their flock of souls.



  1. I’m not sure exactly how I feel about Pope Francis; he is definitely not my favorite, but I am happy Trump defunded Catholic Charities. I wonder about the bishops’ motives; are they really concerned about settling the illegals, or they worried about losing the millions of dollars paid to them as an NGO? If their motives are pure, why have they not made a huge protest about the many thousands of children smuggled over the border and who have since disappeared? ( sex trafficking?) No money in that. Difficult to understand them at all.

    1. Carol Derry the US Bishops have lost the faith and so has Francis - if he ever had it. He certainly doesn't have, and never had, the papacy. At last the faithful are waking up to the truth of the matter, led by these white martyr priests whohave laid down their lives for Christ.


  2. Don't forget Ladatio Si, as the centrality of their new born government religion, lies in the Green Inquisition. Give them all the credit they are due. Watermelon 🍉 Republics, all for a Watermelon 🍉 Empire. Short course? All the Robin Hood movies you can put your hands on. When government and religion colude and reduce the 1st Amendment to trivial matters. Interpretations over 200 years have ruined a lot.

    1. Gary Kruse no, the faithful will not forget Laudato Si and neither will God Almighty


  3. Trust God.. Satan is much smarter than you are.. You are called to honor and follow our Pope.


    1. Steve Gyles if only we had a pope to follow! Did you actually read the post? We are all called to use our reason as God intended, to discern right and wrong by prayer and research and act accordingly. As these faithful white martyr priests have done.


  4. Klaus Schwab, leader of the 3rd Reich.

    1. Kevin Boyd indeed. That image contrasts good and evil.


  5. Watermelon empire is “green” on the outside and “red” on the inside…many have fallen for this deception.


  6. Not only that but in the Geopolitical realm we have active Kabbalists leading the charge to the AI system of the beast... While "Catholics" cheerlead 😏
    Not only that but in the Geopolitical realm we have active Kabbalists leading the charge to the AI system of the beast... While "Catholics" cheerlead 😏


  7. Klaus Third Riech remnant......thinks he is the 'master race'......


  8. The sad looking face of Klaus Slob son of an SS Nazi who is intent on undemocratic unelected world dominationwith the WEF,

  9. Christopher Fidoe4 February 2025 at 13:51

    Looks like an older version of Luxon?


  10. Soros looks like a gargoyle

    1. Karen Latimer slip of the tongue? You mean Schwab?

  11. Adilson Betarelli4 February 2025 at 13:55

    Maria pisará na cabeça desta besta…

  12. Adilson Betarelli4 February 2025 at 13:56

    Maria will step on this beast's head...


  13. Julia du Fresne what scares me to the core is that I can only imagine that this is how Luther felt. I don't think he thought he was giving up salvation.. If all the great Cardinals broke away from Pope Francis and it looked like they were right, we'd still be obligated to follow Francis ...Scares the shit out of me.


    1. Steve Gyles are you adhering to the Universal Peaceful Acceptance of Francis thesis? But that MUST proceed from a LAWFUL CONCLAVE. Legality is the REQUIRED ANTECEDENT to UPA. The conclave that elected Bergoglio was unlawful. Read Ann Barnhardt.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


    3. Julia du Fresne I don't know. I read recently that if you don't follow the Pope you fall into heresy much like any Protestant unable to receive the Sacraments.

    4. Clarissa Kasprzak5 February 2025 at 14:01

      Steve Gyles absolutely my fear!


    5. Steve Gyles does that make sense to you? Isn't it logically following an heretical pope that would lead you into heresy? St. Cyprian says that heretics and schismatics are outside of the Church.
      St. Augustine says “neither heretics nor schismatics belong to the Catholic Church”.
      Pius XII comments in his encyclical Mystici Corporis that “schism, heresy, or apostasy are such of their very nature that they sever a man from the Body of the Church.”
      St. Paul writes that “a man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid” (Tit. 3:10).
      Our Lord said of erring brethren that when all attempts at improving them remain unsuccessful, they are to be cast out of the Church (Mt. 18:15–17)..
      What the faithful must do is pray fervently for Francis and his bishops, and adhere to the Magisterium of the Church. We must not follow a heretic; we must learn what Holy Mother Church teaches and follow her.


    6. Julia du Fresne I pray daily for Our Lady to put her mantle around us and to keep us safe from it all.


    7. Steve Gyles yes. As long as we pray to her she will protect us from all real harm.. Pray daily also for the cleansing of the Church.


  14. This mongral needs karma


  15. Who he actually is: The false Prophet!!!!!


  16. He WANTS to be the "HIGH PRIEST " of the One World Religion
