So New Zealand's now signed up to the Green New Scam Net Zero nonsense that will drive our farmers to the wall and cost the country up to $24 BILLION. While Trump who calls it a hoax seems to have God on his side, dodging bullets and fixing global warming with massive snowfalls in Florida and the 'Gulf of America'. Oops sorry, since the earth stopped warming in the 2000s it's called climate change, to keep Carbon $Taxes coming. And it's not even as if it'll do anything to reduce the dreaded emissions.
While the US Dept of Ag is scrubbing climate change and the Trump withdraws from the Paris Climate Accord, New Zealand which depends on agriculture licks the globalist boots with enough taxpayer dollars to pay for a dozen Dunedin hospitals. And there's Luxon throwing millions we don't have at that little crook Kelenskyy. Te Pati Maori complains about debate deterioration in the circus they and the Greens have made of Parliament and say caring more for children's safety than their ancestry is 'abhorrent' while the Greens complain about complaints made about migrants while wanting to kill off our native unborn.
Which bring to mind the NZ Catholic Bishops Conference. While New Zealand 'doctors' and 'nurses' legally murder the unborn by the thousand the bishops busy themselves with yet another new lectionary - in a Church which must not change because the truth cannot change. And Luxon V for Very Ltd simply replaces our homegrown citizens with aliens.
Luxon talks about 'human-induced climate change'. We're talking about human-induced divine retribution.
NB: Greens co-leader Chloe Swarbrick (top l), unmasked |
A decision announced late Thursday night by the Climate Change Minister is nothing short of economic sabotage. In terms of our kids and grandkids enjoying first-world living standards, it's quite literally worse than any decision taken by Jacinda Ardern or James Shaw.
It took everyone by surprise. My heart sank.
I appreciate that reasonable minds can differ on the urgency of climate change – but I think you'll agree that sacrificing New Zealand's economy for no material effect in emissions is the ultimate own goal.
In short the Government has just locked in the Ardern/Shaw anti-farming legacy, and signed New Zealand up for a brand new (2035) commitment that will see thousands of dollars for every man, woman, and child sent overseas for climate credits.
In 2021 James Shaw and Jacinda Ardern signed New Zealand up to a climate change/emissions target of a net reduction in emissions of 50 percent (compared to 2005) by 2030.
At the time, no meaningful economic analysis, public consultation, or debate occurred.
In fact, the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment voiced their concerns saying “we are concerned that insufficient analysis has been undertaken to understand the fiscal and social impacts” of a 45 percent reduction target, let alone the 50 percent that Ardern and Shaw secretly agreed...
The politicians just took this decision because, in their gut, they just felt it was the right thing to do.
And what caused particular angst was that the targets NZ signed up to include agricultural emissions (i.e. methane, or cow farts). Short of culling cows (and tanking New Zealand's largest export industry), those emissions are impossible to avoid.
No other developed country faces the same problem. Because of our small population and disproportionate reliance on agriculture, New Zealand's emissions makeup is more akin to a developing country, which, under the UN Paris Agreement, doesn't have to cut emissions in the same way as we have signed up to.
Even if we could cut agricultural emissions, it would be pointless in terms of improving global warming: New Zealand's agricultural sector is the most emissions-efficient in the world. Any calories/meat/milk-powder New Zealand doesn't produce will be done elsewhere, and likely result in an overall increase in emissions.
These were the points made by the 'groundswell' farming protests, Federated Farmers, and even the National Party when they were in opposition!
To put the 50 percent net reduction target into perspective, half of New Zealand's emissions relate to agriculture!
So that leaves non-agricultural emissions.
Thanks to Covid, in 2020 New Zealand shut down most of the economy to lockdown for months. Despite the Covid shutdown, official data† shows that emissions declined by only three percent that year!
"So what's it all about, Alfie?" |
So the idea New Zealand can or will get to a 50 percent reduction by 2030 is absolutely fanciful. To hit the 2030 target emissions would have to fall by five percent per year!
Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee (Rembrandt van Rijn) |