Monday 10 April 2023


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Switzerland says "No" to you know whats

There's a certain word guaranteed to get bloggers into trouble with a certain organisation which has a habit of putting said bloggers into a certain institution which prevents said bloggers from using any words at all. 
So this post will avoid that certain word by referring to it as "you know what". 

Switzerland has stopped the Covid you know whats: all you know what recommendations have been withdrawn. Doctors can administer the controversial you know whats only in individual cases under certain conditions - but then bear the risk of liability for you know what damage. When will countries like Germany and Austria follow the Swiss example?

New Zealand is throwing the you know what at all-comers for nix. Even 5 year-old "tamariki" - and also Pakeha, Chinese, Indian and Philippino, all sorts of other defenceless little children, too. And pregnant women. They'd you know what pregnant men too, if they could.

How can this be? Switzerland, a non-aligned nation (not in NATO, EU, or BRICS) is generally considered the global hub of the pharmaceutical industry and this announcement by the Swiss Government is clear recognition that objective scientific analysis of the risk/benefit ratio of COVID you know whats does not justify you know what in any cohort. 

The Swiss position is that physicians may prescribe, but will need to carry the risk of liability in the case of adverse events - the exact opposite position of the US HHS (Department of Health) position. 

This clearly demonstrates that this issue has become politicized in the USA, and that the objectivity of HHS decision making has been compromised. This decision is based in part on the widespread natural immunity which has developed in Switzerland, something which was long denied by the US Government, US corporate media and US information technology (social media) companies and their NGO surrogates.

The you know what is possible for people who are particularly at risk if the attending physician considers it to be medically indicated in the respective epidemiological situation in the individual case, a temporarily increased protection against serious illness is to be expected and the last you know what dose at least 6 months ago.

However, no you know what recommendation for risk patients is explicitly given here.

Compensation by the federal government to injured persons for you know what damage can only be considered for you know whats if they were officially recommended or ordered (see Art. 64 EpG).

However, the federal government only steps in if the damage is not covered by the you know what manufacturer, the person doing the you know what-ing or an insurance company. The you know what-er - i.e. generally the doctor – can be held liable if he has breached his duty of care. In this context, it is pointed out that the same rules regarding patient information apply to the Covid you know what as to all other you know whats.

The fact is, however, that very few doctors are likely to have informed their patients correctly about all the risks and side effects and the limited effectiveness of the Covid you know whats.

Drugs kill brain cells. Specifically, the drugs that the FDA and CDC call safe and effective “you know whats” which deliver SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein into your body. 

This is your brain on C-19 you know whats: an image shows a fried egg.

German study: Spike proteins from viruses and you know whats cause brain cells to die (redacted)

By Heinz Steiner

08 April 2023

A recently published German study indicates that the spike proteins from Covid-19 and the Covid you know whats cause brain cell death. Repeated you know whats seem to be counterproductive in this respect. This can result in permanent brain damage.

How dangerous are the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins really? In view of more and more critical study results, the question arises as to whether the ongoing injections with the gene syringes, which also contain these spike proteins, are not just incredibly dangerous. This is also shown by the BioRxIV pre-print study SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation in the Skull-MeningesBrain Axis: Potential Implications for Long-Term Neurological Complications in post-COVID-19, which examines the effects of these proteins on the brain. It says:

Our results showed accumulation of spike protein in the cranial medulla, meninges and brain parenchyma. Injection of the spike protein alone resulted in cell death in the brain, indicating a direct effect on brain tissue. We observed the presence of spike protein in the skulls of deceased individuals long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that spike protein persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms.


Of all the SARS-CoV-2 virus proteins, only the spike protein was detected in the brain parenchyma. "This suggests that the spike protein might have a long lifespan in the body. This notion is supported by the observation that spike protein can be detected on patients' immune cells for more than a year after infection - a recently published preprint suggests that spike protein can be detected in plasma samples up to 12 months after of the diagnosis persists.” And further: "Injection of Spike protein induced a wide range of proteomic changes in the cranial cord, meninges and brain, including proteins associated with coronavirus disease, the complement and coagulation cascades, neutrophilic degranulation, the formation of NETs and the PI3K-AKT signaling pathway, demonstrating the immunogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the absence of other viral components."


This work proves that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV2 and Covid-19 mRNA you know what enters the skull marrow, meninges and brain parenchyma. The spike protein also breaks through the blood-brain barrier. Spike protein alone causes cell death in the brain, activates complement and coagulation pathways leading to blood clots, mini-infarcts and cerebral hemorrhage, causes inflammation and local changes associated with neurodegeneration (dementia, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's).

The repeated administration of such spike proteins via the experimental gene syringes can be compared to multiple corona infections in terms of contamination of the human body with these spike proteins. But the more often such spike proteins are administered, the greater the potential health problems - in this case also in the human brain. We are talking about irreparable damage here, because the brain cells no longer regenerate.

Excluding the Un-you know what-ed (let's call them lepers for short)

A study in 21 countries examined discriminatory attitudes that COVID-you know what-ed persons held against the lepers. Exclusionary attitudes toward the lepers were 2.5 times higher than toward Middle Eastern immigrants. The level of antipathy was higher toward the lepers than toward ex-convicts, atheists, or mentally ill persons, and about the same as toward drug addicts

In the US study, respondents were also asked about restricting publicly recognized rights. There was significant support for restricting lepers’ freedom of movement, place of residence, freedom of speech, and access to unemployment and welfare benefits (Nature 1/26/23). 

We lepers thank God for sending His Son to die the most horrible death ever invented and to rise again - but not until after he had spent three years teaching His Good News, forgiving sins, doing miracles and healing the sick, especially lepers. And we pray for his miraculous healing of mind, body and soul for all, especially for all who are not lepers.  

The Supper at Emmaus (Caravaggio)

Risen Lord, your disciples knew you then "at the breaking of the bread". May your disciples who live in sadness and fear know you now in the Eucharist 


  1. The evidence keeps mounting that natural Covid immunity is the key, the vaccine is at best marginally effective, and dangerous as well.

    For 2 years the government held the nation to ransom by amping up the fear, and promoting themselves as saviours, with their lockdowns, vaccine, and mandates. They used our tax dollars to play us for idiots. The 'experts' (Bloomfield, Baker, Wiles) never challenged the government. Our bishops played the government's game all the way. When the government's Covid credibility ran out, they pulled the climate change rabbit out of the hat again.

    We are all poorer for all the experience, but are we any the wiser?

  2. Charles Kuipers11 April 2023 at 14:50

    I am wondering when Bloomfield, Ardern and Hipkins will face investigation and charges for malfeasance and wrongful death here? They have blood on their hands.

    1. Never unless New Zealand breaks out of the "Two major party" duopoly that dominates politics here.

      Labour and National, along with the current minors, have no reason to try and hold them to account as in 6-9 years when the shoe is on the other foot they will get the same.

      Only by voting for parties currently outside of parliament will any possibility of change come.

  3. This is the absolute truth.

  4. Terry Oloughlin11 April 2023 at 17:53

    Because the truth will ruin them all.

  5. You would have to be the craziest person I have seen on Facebook. A privileged white woman who denies Covid , has weird views about the church and very few followers Get a life !
