Saturday 8 April 2023


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 "Hey, Frank, you took over Congregations, suspended priests, decapitated the Order of Malta and the Franciscans of The Immaculate, ignored Cardinals... Where the heck is your mercy?" (Anti-Pope Francis posters in local dialect, Rome.)

Pope Francis has now informed the Church of which he is titular head that “Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that one culture is superior to others or that it is legitimate to employ ways of coercing others.” Joint Statement of the Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development on the “Doctrine of Discovery” (

So the Christian culture is not "superior to others". REALLY? The Son of God died crucified on a Cross and commanded His followers to establish a culture which is divine, and so not just superior to others but incomparable. 

And if it's never legitimate "to employ ways of coercing others", why did Francis coerce that culture which is the Catholic Church, worldwide, into taking a noxious so-called vaccine tainted with the blood of unborn infants, and instituting medical apartheid by separating the clean (vaxxed) from the unclean (faithful Catholics who resisted coercion)?  

Nowhere in this Vatican document (Joint Statement of the Dicasteries for Culture and Education and for Promoting Integral Human Development on the "Doctrine of Discovery", what a pompous mouthful) is there mention of the Great Commission by which Christ repeatedly instructed the apostles and their successors to teach and disciple not one but all nations. 

Francis has made that unfashionable. He apologises all over the place for the warrant he was given by Christ Himself.

And Jesus coming, spoke to them, saying: All power is given to me in heaven and in earth.  Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world (Mt 28: 18-20).

Clearly Christ Himself commanded His followers to be religious colonisers. Yes, being human they were often venal and even brutal. But that's beside the point, which is that they offered pagan peoples (let's not be nancies about this) eternal life. THEY OFFERED TO SAVE THEIR SOULS. That's what it's all about, isn't it? 

Francis and his conciliar sect seem irremediably worldly, their horizons limited to this life only. Isn't eternal salvation a teensy bit more important that preserving a pagan way of life, be it ever so romantically beautiful (which at least in the case of Maori, it wasn't)? 

On Holy Saturday the Church mourns for the Lord Who is innocent, who has been slain for us. He is slain again in our day by faithless shepherds who "whet their tongues like a sword; they prepare bitter words like arrows; they strike the just in secret; 

"On a sudden they shoot at him heedlessly; firmly they determine on their evil schemes;

"They remark, how well they laid their snares and say, Who will see them?

"Thus they plot their evil doings; they fail in their secret scheming.

"Man assumeth haughty airs, but God will arise above him" (Ps 63). 

Francis tries to do himself out of a job and condemns himself out of his own mouth at one and the same time. What CEO of any corporation would stand up and tell his competitors that his product is not superior to theirs? His company would surely move promptly to replace him with someone who would ensure their product led the market. 

But punch-drunk Catholics, reeling in disbelief from the blows delivered to their Body Corporate by its head, the pope, realise that matter is not in their hands. So Francis continues to streamline his product, to make it indistinguishable from its rivals while maintaining his position as CEO in the knowledge that his brand has the best name recognition globally bar none. 

In time this bad pope will sell his product, the Conciliar Church, the Novus Ordo Church, to the highest bidder: Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum.  

And - who knows? Herr Schwab just might award a seat on the board to his most promising protege, the one who just quit her recent position after meeting the WEF's targets to an astonishing standard and in the expectation of receiving, from the people she victimised, the highest possible accolade for her achievements: the wait-for-it, bound-to-be Dame Jacinda Ardern.

The Lamentation of Christ (Peter Paul Rubens)

O all ye that pass by the way, attend and see if there be any sorrow like to My sorrow

- Vespers, Holy Saturday 


  1. Space flight, Opera, medical technology, the microchip. These white people are shocking. Give all back to Tanga Whenua. Let our chuches be demoloished for social housing.

  2. Our NZ Catholic bishops agree with the Pope on these issues.

    NZ Catholic bishops welcome Vatican’s rejection of “Doctrine of Discovery

    The Pope and our bishops put wokeness before the teachings of Christ himself. They are not Christian, nor Catholic. They have forfeited their authority to lead us on such issues. We owe them no obedience in this. They do not represent those who are faithful to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

    And because of the failed leadership of our Pope and bishops, the grab has begun.

    Taranaki Whānui eye St Mary of the Angels

    It's not the huge financial assets of the Church that count. Destroying the faith and destroying eternal salvation are the real objectives.
