Tuesday 18 April 2023


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"Go directly to heaven." Any Catholic in a state of grace who attends Divine Mercy devotions and has received Holy Communion and then happens to die that day is home free. All punishment due to sin is wiped.

So why don't Catholics take up this offer of a lifetime - an eternal lifetime? Because they don't believe in purgatory - that most unpleasant place where even if without any serious sin they're almost certain to be detained for some time - because our bishops have utterly failed to evangelise the laity. 

The bishops don't teach doctrine on purgatory - or on marriage either, with the result that 75% of American Catholics now support same-sex marriage and it's probably pretty much the same with Kiwi Catholics. They've abandoned belief in Church teaching. 


And funnily enough, Catholics worldwide are clamouring for better homilies. Homilies with meat, meaning doctrine.https://cathnews.co.nz/2023/04/17/we-want-better-homilies/ 

But these starving, uneducated, faithless Catholics are not the sort who in the United States have attracted the attention of the FBI in a Sting operation to identify "extremists" in the Church.

No. The American FBI, agents of a stealth socialist Government, seeks to undermine the Catholic Church by infiltrating and weaponizing its most Catholic - many would say its only true Catholic - member: the traditional Latin Mass community. Satan isn't one to waste time. It's the Eucharist he hates above all and he targets the Latin Mass as the true bastion of Our Eucharistic Lord Jesus Christ.  

A cat-and-mouse game is underway between the House Judiciary Committee and the FBI over the bureau's apparent attempts to infiltrate Catholic churches.
"The Committee on the Judiciary is conducting oversight of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) handling of domestic violent extremism investigations against Catholic Americans and its effect on protected First Amendment activity," wrote House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, to FBI director Christopher Wray.

In January, the FBI's Richmond field office generated a "domain perspective" document titled "Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities."

In February, Jordan requested information from the FBI connected to that document. The FBI failed to respond, forcing the Committee to send a second request on March 20. The FBI replied on March 23 with an 18-page letter the Committee deemed "substandard and partial," preventing the Committee from conducting a proper analysis of the situation.

'Chilling' Conduct

In a tweet on Monday, Jordan stated: "We now know the FBI, relying on information derived from at least one undercover employee, sought to use local religious organizations as 'new avenues for tripwire and source development. Chilling," he concluded.

An example of the FBI's chilling conduct: "In addition to [redaction], engage in outreach to the leadership of other [Society of St. Pius X] chapels in the FBI Richmond [area of responsibility] to sensitize these congregations to the warning signs of radicalization and to enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires."

The "domain perspective" in the Richmond area further included an outreach plan to "mainline Catholic parishes" and local "diocesan leadership," referencing a wish "to sensitize the congregation to the warning signs of radicalization and enlist their assistance to serve as suspicious activity tripwires."

Responses to the FBI's Conduct

In February, Richmond's bishop, Barry Knestout, stated in a press release

The leaked document should be troubling and offensive to all communities of faith, as well as all Americans. … If evidence of extremism exists, it should be rooted out, but not at the expense of religious freedom. A preference for traditional forms of worship and holding closely to the Church's teachings on marriage, family, human sexuality, and the dignity of the human person does not equate with extremism.

Knestout also thanked the Virginia Attorney General, Jason Miyares for a letter demanding the FBI "immediately and unequivocally order agency personnel not to target Americans based on their religious beliefs and practices," and "produce publicly all materials relating to the memorandum and its production." The letter adds that "the document includes an appendix with a list of Catholic 'hate groups' that was assembled by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), apparently without any independent vetting from the FBI."

In a press release, Miyares clarified the SPLC report in question is "widely discredited."

Breitbart recently asked Traditional Latin Mass attendee Fred Simon what his message to the FBI would be for considering TLM goers extremists and possibly placing spies in churches.

"C'mon. Welcome," he said. "Join the Latin Mass. Come see what it's about."

"Don't listen to the Southern Poverty Law Center," Simon added. "Come for yourself; see what it's about. Then perform your own judgment. Think for yourself."

Chilling Parallel

In Miyares' press release, the attorney general declared: "The leaked memo from our state capital's FBI office is unacceptable, unconstitutional, and un-American."

"Frankly, it's what I would expect from Communist Cuba," he added.

It is a well-known tactic of communist and socialist systems to infiltrate and dominate religious institutions or eradicate them altogether. For example, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics established by the Bolsheviks in 1922 led a fierce campaign of confiscating religious property, harassing believers and teaching atheism in schools. 

In 1976, Albania banned religion altogether. Article 37 of the 1976 Albanian Constitution stated: "The State recognizes no religion, and supports atheistic propaganda in order to implant a scientific materialistic world outlook in the people." The country's 1977 penal code called for a 3–10 year prison sentence for "religious propaganda and the production, distribution, or storage of religious literature."

A 2023 draft version of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) rules governing religion stipulates that a religious venue can keep its operating license only if it "supports the leadership of the CCP, supports the socialist system, carries out an in-depth implementation of Xi Jinping thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, abides by the Constitution, laws, regulations, rules and relevant provisions of the management of religious affairs, practices the core values of socialism, adheres to the direction of Sinicization of religion."

The House Judiciary underscores what, perhaps, is the most chilling aspect of the FBI's attempts to infiltrate Catholic churches: "Whistleblowers have advised that the FBI distributed this document to field offices across the country."https://www.churchmilitant.com/news/article/fbi-infiltrating-catholic-churches

That FBI report that got leaked showing the FBI targeting Catholics, and the bureau's weird yet revealing response to it was leaked from the Richmond field office and posted on the site UncoverDC by former special agent and whistleblower, Kyle Seraphin, himself a Catholic. This dossier is only the latest in a series of steps by the FBI to harass and intimidate conservatives — especially Christians and, in particular, Catholics.

And in further particular, Latin Massgoing Catholics. 

A report released early on in Biden's administration, claimed the greatest threat to America's security is homegrown terrorism — domestic terrorists and extremists — which is shorthand for White Christian nationalists, which is a dog whistle to label anyone with conservative political views (which often includes Christians) as enemies of the State. Well, certainly in view of the increasing reality that the "State" under Biden is anti-God, anti-religion and so forth, conservatives in a sense are enemies of the State — that State.

This report is trying unsuccessfully to draw a line, a connection, between "white supremacy" (whatever that is) and faithful Catholics. The source used for all this insanity is the discredited SPLC, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is nothing more than a fundraising group for liberal hate.
This document essentially labeling faithful Catholics as what amounts to potential terror threats didn't stay within the confines of the Richmond office but got injected into the lifeblood of the FBI across the nation.
Joe Biden stood on a stage in front of Independence Hall lit like the fires of Hell or a Nuremberg rally and verbally attacked half of Americans because they hold conservative views.

His FBI sends SWAT teams to private homes raiding families because of their pro-life work, and we are supposed to believe this report is just a mistake of someone not following proper policy? That's just the point: This all looks like it is the policy, and any reasonable person would conclude nothing other than this. Don't expect any of this to go away. It's pretty clear by now what's going on.

The American FBI is deeply corrupt and works for an evil government. And what do you know, our very own rubbish rag the Marists' Cathnews is climbing into traditional Catholics too, deploying the familiar fear and smear tactic of guilt by association.  

In December 2019, an active-duty soldier was arrested at Linton Military Camp.

It has been reported that the soldier, who is still awaiting court martial and has name suppression, was a member of multiple far-right groups, including the white nationalist organisation Action Zealandia.

He is facing numerous charges that include espionage.

Less widely reported is that a few months prior to his arrest, the newsletter of a parish in Palmerston North lists him as receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Sam Brittenden, who was arrested in relation to a threat to Al Noor Masjid in Christchurch in 2020, in the lead up to the first anniversary of the 2019 massacre, had also been a member of Action Zealandia. 

In 2021 Brittenden became involved with the Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer (FSSR), before falling out with them and travelling to Ireland to join a fringe sect led by an excommunicated priest.


Consecrating the Host - FSSR


Brittenden fell out with the FSSR. They didn't get along. Understandably. 

When he became involved with the FSSR, Sam Brittenden took the name John Capistrano, after a saint who led a crusade against Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Belgrade in 1456.

In a thread of quotes on a traditional Catholic web forum Brittenden frequently posted to, he shared one from Saint Bernard of Clairvaux preaching during the Second Crusade: ‘Fly then to arms; let a holy rage animate you in the fight, and let the Christian world resound with these words of the prophet.

Cursed be he who does not stain his sword with blood.’

Men from the alt-right looking to become practising Catholics tend to seek out the most traditionalist orders that reject the reforms of the Second Vatican Council.

"Alt-right" meaning white supremacists. Downright nasty people, so they gravitate (according to Cathnews) to "traditionalist orders that reject the reforms of the Second Vatican Council". Guilt by association.  

Earlier this year in the United States, an FBI document, “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” was leaked.

The document states that the FBI believes racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists will likely become more interested in “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” within the next 12 to 24 months, in the lead up to the next US presidential election.

The FBI planned to find sources within traditionalist groups to report on individuals seeking to use social media sites or places of worship as facilitation platforms to promote violence.

You will not fail to notice how Cathnews paints a sympathetic picture of the FBI as jolly decent sorts who are protecting Americans from "radical-traditionalist Catholic" idealogues (who very likely want to blow up synagogues). You see where Cathnews' political sympathies lie.  

As we have seen, New Zealand is not immune to this phenomenon.

In addition to Brittenden and the arrested soldier, four men identified as traditionalist Catholics attended a recent rally in Auckland wearing garb associated with the alt-right movement.

Identified by whom, may we ask? By themselves, perhaps? 

A young man presenting at a parish and wanting to adopt the name of a crusader should trigger a response within Catholic communities — not one of rejection, but an opportunity for deradicalisation.

A crusader! A horrid Doctrine of Discovery person! Deradicalise him immediately. A straitjacket and a needle might be needed. 

The supposedly Catholic worldview these men are acquiring largely through online spaces (like this one, we suppose - ed) is out of step with the teachings of the modern Church, and their engagement with parishes is perhaps an opportunity to start them on a better path.

The teachings of the modern Church are anything but Catholic, as we see from the response to the Divine Mercy devotion and the 75% of American Catholics who approve of same-sex 'marriage'. 

Let's face it, Traditional Latin Mass Catholics might as well expedite matters by identifying themselves like the Jews had to, in Nazi Germany. But instead of a yellow star on their sleeve they could choose to be emblazoned instead with the emblem of the Vendeeans, the counter-French revolutionaries: the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us


  1. The FBI attacks traditional Catholics from without by spying on them, looking for the dirt. Pope Francis attacks traditional Catholics from within by trying to get bishops to shut down the Latin Mass. Are the Pope and the FBI coordinated by chance, or do they coordinate deliberately?

  2. Prefer the FBI to the TFP.

  3. Donald McLenaghen20 April 2023 at 23:02

    The Catholic Church has dug its own very large hole.

  4. Umm aren't there domestic terrorists committing mass shootings like several times a day in America?

    1. So the FBI lumps Latin Mass Catholics in with the shooters.
