Sunday 23 April 2023


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It's worth posting this story just for this pic (somewhat incriminating)

 So the monstrous McCarrick has been brought to justice. At last.

If this evil man, defrocked as cardinal by his chum Pope Francis for soliciting penitents during confession, has to face the music, it gives us hope that the wicked perpetrators of the Covid-19 hoax - who didn't merely solicit, but mandated - will suffer a similar fate.

We know they will eventually, at their particular judgment by God Almighty, but a natural thirst for justice demands that all the politicians and health 'experts' now tiptoeing away from the scene of the crime, as our friends and acquaintances drop like flies and excess deaths from the effects of that needle mount horrifically, are seen to be punished.

According to an April 16 statement from the Wisconsin Department of Justice:

Attorney General Josh Kaul and Walworth County District Attorney Zeke Wiedenfeld today announced that defrocked former cardinal Theodore McCarrick, age 92, has been charged with one count of Fourth-Degree Sexual Assault for an incident that occurred in April of 1977.

The charge in this case stems from a report made to the Attorney General’s Clergy and Faith Leader Abuse initiative. The complaint alleges that McCarrick engaged in repeated sexual abuse of the victim over time, including the charged incident that involved the alleged fondling of the victim’s genitals while staying as a guest at a Geneva Lake residence.

The alleged victim is James Grein, who in the last several years has been interviewed by various media outlets, including The New York Times and The Washington Post.

It’s noteworthy – but not being reported by most media outlets at present – that the unnamed accomplice of McCarrick during the alleged incident was Cardinal Joseph Bernardin, who died in 1996. Grein said in a 2019 interview with Catholic commentator Michael Voris that both McCarrick and Bernardin participated in the sexual assault.


Bernardin (l) prays for a boy's recovery, 1995. Pic by Pulitzer prize-winning photographer John H White

Chicago's Cardinal Joseph Bernardin is described by Church Militant as a homosexual predator satanist with a career-long record of allegations of rape and sodomy with demonic overtones who somehow eluded justice until his death in 1996. He is still lauded by his homosexual-friendly successor, Cardinal Blase Cupich, whose latest and perhaps most egregious misdeed is to ban Our Eucharistic Lord from the windy city stage of the USCCB's States-wide pilgrimage promoting Eucharistic Adoration. It would seem that Chicago is a clerical example of demonic possession.

In 2020 I wrote about my minor role in exposing McCarrick. My name is mentioned 17 times in the Vatican’s 449-page ‘Report on the Holy See's Institutional Knowledge and Decision-Making Related to Former Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick (1930 to 2017).’ (See pages 234 to 244 and 280 to 283.)

McCarrick, who was one of the most powerful and politically-connected prelates in the U.S., was defrocked in 2019 by Pope Francis after being found “guilty of solicitation during the Sacrament of Confession and sins against the Sixth Commandment with minors and adults, with the aggravating factor of the abuse of power.”

The allegations against McCarrick reportedly “have come from 14 victims who were minors at the time and at least five adults, including clergy and seminarians.”

The information I wrote about beginning in 2005 pertained to McCarrick’s coercively sharing a bed with seminarians he favored, which constituted an abuse of power. It was, I came to find out, an open secret among several people in the Church and in the mainstream media. However, it wasn’t until the Archdiocese of New York substantiated an allegation made against McCarrick of the sexual abuse of a minor that the dominoes began to fall, so to speak.

I need to emphasize that we should thank the male victim – whose identity I don’t know – who came forward to the archdiocese in 2017 with enough evidence that his allegation was believed. This was not a given. The archdiocese’s review board could have easily dismissed the victim’s allegation as lacking credibility or sufficient evidence due to McCarrick being held in high esteem by various Church officials and politicians for so long. (I can’t help but wonder if this has occurred in the Archdiocese of Chicago, even in recent times. But I digress…)


Founder of Legionaries of Christ Marcial Maciel, accused of abusing his own son, is blessed by Pope John Paul II


At any rate, I’m glad McCarrick is now facing the music before his passing – more so than the late moral monster Marcial Maciel.

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  1. How did McCarrick and Bernardin get away with such degenerate behaviour for decades? They must have had immense power within the Church.

    Why did Pope Benedict only sideline McCarrick? Why didn't Benedict laicize him or put him in a Vatican prison cell? Did Benedict not have the will, or was McCarrick just too powerful? Surely the latter.

    Why did Pope Francis reverse the sidelining of McCarrick and put him right back in the front line of the Church, even though Archbishop Vigano and surely many others would have told him McCarrick was a pedo monster? Was McCarrick too powerful, or was Pope Francis sympathetic, or too close to him? Any or all of these possibilities seem likely.

    When you look at the sickening secret deal McCarrick (and Pope Francis!) made with the Chinese Communists it seems impossible to believe it wasnt a win-win for both sides. So what was the win for the Vatican? How many pieces of silver?.

    But at last the civil authorities are taking action against McCarrick. But why has it taken them so long?

    The stench of all this is just too strong.

  2. We can only hope.

  3. And pray. Specially pray the Mass, specially the Traditional Latin Mass. St Padre Pio said the world can more easily survive without the sun than without the Mass.

  4. This is only one person the transgender is the new way for kids to be touched what everyone doing about that nothing.

    1. Well I'm trying. On the blog.

    2. Well said I left the Catholic Church because of this heart breaking that this generation of kids in the west won’t even get a chance to know true stability family life.

  5. While I cling to the Catholic Church as my Mother, in the sure and certain hope that this pope and his cabal of Modernist apostates will pass into history. In Christo Rege!

    1. well I hope that I loved being raised Catholic but them not standing up for the bible turn me away but if they changed there ways and stand up for god I have no problem with going back.

    2. I agree inasmuch as the Novus Ordo threw out just about all the bible texts in the Traditional Latin Mass and dumbed-down the rest, with the Modernists' intended result that Novus Ordo priests never preach on the bible. But you should hear how SSPX priests, who celebrate the Traditional Latin Mass, preach on the bible! And see all the families with children and babies at their Masses!

  6. I left religion but not God.

    1. You can't leave the Church which is the Body of Christ without leaving Its Head, Who is God.
