Wednesday 12 April 2023


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The fall of New Zealand civilisation, illustrated 

This commentary on Posie Parker in NZ and genital mutilation in Somalia are hardly bedtime stories. Each is horrifying in actuality and implication - and they are closely related.

Like it or not, transgender will be an election issue. Here it's called an iceberg whose "tiny shiny tip" was exposed by the Posie Parker incident - but it's only a portion of the iceberg that threatens to topple and drown New Zealanders' way of life, our civilisation which every day grows less civil, more violent.

And NZ's Catholic bishops aren't even up to rearranging the chairs on the deck. Instead they have delivered up our youth to Satan just as the "men of Israel" delivered Jesus to Pilate, denying the Magisterium of the Church on homosexuality by conniving at Rainbow lies and the trans lunacy

Look at poor silly PM Hipkins (above), oblivious to trans man Shaneel Lal, the Government's New Zealander of the Year, instigator of the Posie Parker bedlam, standing at his shoulder, tongue stuck out in a gesture of contempt.  It's a metaphor for our unaware, sleep-walking, zombie Kiwi culture as a prey for Satan.

Posie Parker’s recent visit to New Zealand revealed the tiny shiny tip of an iceberg, a shift that has been weirdly invisible due to one of the main tenets of the trans faith – No Debate.

As any public servant knows, it is impossible for a government or lobby group to be as seamlessly coordinated as would be needed to pull off the almost complete infection of our public institutions, and an unknown quantity of the public, with trans ideology. There are conspiracy theories on both sides because that’s what happens when you suppress evidence and debate. But gender identity has been so successful because it is a powerfully held belief, not a network, and its most devoted followers are families who have got on the trans train.

It's so successful, it's such a powerfully held belief because it's inspired by Satan. It's demonic.

Parents will do anything for their children including tipping the scales without compunction wherever an opportunity arises. This particular group of parents are so open-minded that their brains have fallen out and they are hellbent on reshaping our society to create a better place for their children, because that’s what parents do. They are everywhere. Unfortunately the rest of us have to circle the drain with them thanks to the centrifugal force of their faith, and their often unscrupulous willingness to use their influence in the cause of trans wherever they can.

Their faith, unconscious or otherwise, is in Satan. Psychologists are now a "priestly caste" because the real priests, ordained by the Catholic Church to be alter Christi (other Christs) have been deluded and derailed by the post-conciliar apostasy. 

When a member of our priestly caste of psychologists first tells a parent that – yays! – you have a trans child, they point you to the advice of InsideOut, which reads like a soothing evangelical tract. The author of their helpful resource Stormclouds and Rainbows, Julia de Bres, told Stuff last year in its uncritical cut-and-paste story:

“ …parents are led by a child’s needs and seek to foster their individuality. Every transgender child’s journey is different, and parents soon learn the best person to show them the way is standing right beside them. As [one] parent says: ‘I’m totally OK with not understanding everything. I don’t need to understand my son’s transness, I just need to trust my child and support him.’”

This is an invitation to parents to turn off their critical thinking and not bother with pesky old due diligence when it comes to something as momentously bizarre as a teenage sex change. The resource positions children as wise guides, old souls who know the way, and above all it positions the exploration of the Self as a holy pilgrimage. These hormone-raddled teens are the experts in their own lived experience, and lived experience trumps all other sources of knowledge here at the dark ending of Western civilization, when the Enlightenment is silly oppressive old hat. It's enough to make you feel positively apocalyptic.

That's because it is positively apocalyptic. And the Enlightenment was in fact the Darkening. It was the herald of separation of Church and State, the dethronement of Our Lord and God Jesus Christ. Where Christ is not, the devil gains entry.

Many parents just throw in the towel and say okay, sometimes because they are out of their depth or coerced, but some become true believers. They are proud to surrender and once again this needs to be emphasised – they are everywhere.

The day before Parker’s event was overwhelmed by the blue-haired zombie horde, Newsroom Pro editor Jonathan Milne publicly declared a conflict of interest on gender identity in the form of “a family member very close to me” in an article that questioned Parker’s right to enter the country. Trans is shaping up to be an election issue, however comically Chris Hipkins may try to avoid it, and Milne is the editor of one of our most influential political news sources.

In anyone else the inability to define a woman might have been hilarious - but in a Prime Minister, a condemnation of the man and the people who elected him as zombies.

(Milne) should be recused from editorial or commissioning decisions on this subject and they should be given to someone who does not have skin in the game. This should be happening across all our media, we rely on them to hold our government to account. In recent years we have seen experimental medical treatments offered to children and adolescents,

... especially the Covid "treatments" which are especially dangerous for young men  

... relationships and sexuality guidelines brought into our schools that claim sex is not binary, and men like Kate Weatherly winning races, prizes and sports advancement at the expense of biological women without a peep of questioning from the media (and yes the women did complain, and no they were not listened to).
Lurking beneath New Zealanders’ famously laid-back tolerance is a contempt for people who make bad choices – why not leave these wackos to it? Not my problem - but the iceberg has hoved into view. We all drown together when we allow the followers of this new religion to not only ruin children’s lives, but to undermine our shared reality.


Eli Rubashkyn - as a trans man he lies because he himself is a lie

It isn’t groovy and brave to believe in 72 different genders, it is untethered from reality. Gender identity ideology is dismantling Reason itself. We need to stop tiptoeing around people who claim exclusive rights to knowledge and opinions through their lived experience, stop “being kind”. They should not be in the driver’s seat going anywhere.

Otherwise we'll find ourselves in the same awful plight as Somalia - and the US (see following story). 

Due diligence, objective reasoning, objective truth – these are not fads to be discarded when the fashion moves on, they are the treasures of the Enlightenment and the basis of our greatest achievements,

... the basis of our greatest achievements is of course the Christian, Catholic culture (in spite of the Enlightenment) and had Christendom survived we would not be threatened now by this looming, frightful iceberg of insanity, lies and ultimately revolution, civil war or Communism.

... the inheritance of all of us no matter where we come from or how we identify. And honour, simple decency, honest compassion are the values we should show our children, not soothing lies and immersive fantasies. We are not supposed to follow them, we are supposed to guide them. But how can we do that if we don’t even know what men and women are any more? Our children are lost in a hall of mirrors and they will hate us for it. (Redacted.)

I'm afraid it's not just children but adults (as Citizen Science him/herself acknowledges in the role of parents who worship at the altar of trans and sacrifice their children upon it).  Science is a pseudonym (


“I was pinned down on a gravel road by my grandmother and another man. A second man had a knife. There was no sedation." 

Read this appalling story and see the parallels between the United States and New Zealand. 

Shukri Abdirahman, Somalian-born US citizen, recalls the attempt in Somalia at her genital mutilation.  

“I kicked and screamed. I threw him off balance and his knife went sideways, into my genital area. The mutilation wasn’t successful, but I was grievously wounded."

Abdirahman is an American patriot. She risked her life in the US Army for the country she loves. She's now a veteran and a single mother. Her children’s father, also a military veteran, was lost to PTSD. 

Two years into an illegitimate presidency and even deeper into a globalist power grab, this American has a simple message for her countrymen and women: “Wake up.”

Abdirahman's father, a Minister of Agriculture in Somalia, was murdered by the Mohamed Siad Barre regime. After escaping from her homeland Abdirahman and her family spent years in a refugee camp in Kenya before being granted asylum in the US.

Running for Congress in 2022, one of her tweets about the so-called “election” was mocked by the Fake News Media for truth-telling about the FBI’s having thrown the previous “election,” in 2020, for the Democrats. The Fake News Media said nothing about the coup the FBI and CIA ran against Donald Trump, on Hillary Clinton’s behalf, beginning in 2016.

“My dad resigned as Minister of Agriculture in Somalia right when I was born ... to get away to America. He took five of my siblings and my Mom with him but the Somali government refused to issue me and my little brother passports.

"One night in October 1988our house was raided by the red hat forces. "I recall my mother’s screams waking us kids up.”

“They Erased God”

“I can’t fully explain that night. It’s something I memory-holed. But I will never forget the terror. No one came out in our neighborhood to even dare see what all the screams were about. Two days later my dad was buried.”

“Most Americans can’t relate to my sense of urgency. But I cannot relate to their complacency. They have no education in history, intentionally so. So they have no idea of how civilizations collapse. But I have seen one civilization fall, and now I am seeing another.

“Americans ... erased God. All logical Americans should feel grave concern for the future of our nation. Here in Minnesota, the schools have pushed God so far out. Parents have no rights anymore, not even to know whether their children are ‘transitioning’ from gender to gender.”

Mohamed Siad Barre’s henchmen raped women and girls. Joe Biden’s henchmen are performing, and encouraging, sex-change operations on elementary schoolers.

Beginning 2024, Minnesota will require public school “teachers” to support transgender ideology in order to get a “teaching” licence. Muslims are the only ones in Minnesota that I see loudly fighting the child-sexualization agenda. Christians and Jews don’t want to join us. They are afraid of being cast aside, of being denounced as ‘nationalists’.”

“I and other Muslim parents have been called ‘Nazis’ for speaking up. A school board member called me a ‘Nazi’ for opposing the sexualization of our young ones. ”

Several states in America  are “transgender sanctuaries,” where children may be castrated and otherwise genitally mutilated as their “teachers” encourage them in gender ideology.

Somali children with Shukri Abdirahman (bottom right)

“What happened in Somalia is happening here in the USA. The so-called elites are dividing us. Half the country is brainwashed by the godless Left. They believe that we are the enemy. The FBI, the DOJ, and other government agencies committed crimes for the Left. The government is completely corrupt.

Sounds like New Zealand?  

“And in the face of this, the mosques have gone silent. The religious leaders of other faiths are also standing by and watching it happen.

Sounds like New Zealand? 

"The mosques were dead quiet as Somalia was overrun by a tyrant. Barre built gallows on a hilltop so he could watch his opponents dangle at the end of a rope. The imams uttered not a word.

“And now in America the Left is worse than Barre. Not only are they using the law and the state to attack their enemies, they are also killing children with abortion and corrupting them with gender ideology and drag queens. And again the mosques, and even the synagogues and churches, are silent.”

But our PM Hipkins isn't concerned about drag queens reading stories to little children. 

“The Somali government was politically corrupt. But the American elites are intentionally corrupting the entire culture. That is something new to me.”

She speaks of the Frankfurt School, the latter-day Marxists who made it their business to destroy culture when the original Marxist revolution failed. But not even the Frankfurt School was in favor of transgenderism and sodomite “marriage”. The American elites have managed to outdo even the Cultural Marxists in depravity.

“Female genital mutilation is done by some Muslims to prevent sexual pleasure. The transgenderists at American public schools are mutilating kids for their own sexual gratification. And drag queens and other deviants are grooming our children so that our children will be part of the predators’ sick sexual practices.”

“I was pinned down on a gravel road by my grandmother and another man. A second man had a knife. There was no sedation. He looked afraid to be caught.

 The genital mutilation which American “teachers” are pushing on our children is a way to ensure that our children’s virginity, their purity of body and heart, is stolen from them as early as the children can be taken to a classroom free of their parents’ oversight.

“Satan,” Shu says, “has taken over the American education system.”

“My son fell at school and had an ‘ouchy’. He asked God to help him to be strong. His teacher  later called him over. ‘The next time you have an ouchy, don’t say “God”,’ the teacher said.

“The same teacher gave my son a ‘purple rainbow’ for his birthday. At five, my son knew what a ‘gay’ is. He knows that two men or two women can be ‘married’. There is already a cross-dresser at his school. Among his classmates. A little boy who dresses like a little girl and is allowed to use the little girls’ restroom.”

Somali parents are getting out of America as the culture goes to seed. “Somalis are leaving for a sane society. “Those with money have already left for Kenya or the Middle East, to a sane society where there are no cross-dressing kindergarteners or gender-pushing kindergarten teachers. Where little kids are not forbidden to say ‘God’. Where teachers are not going to arrange with ‘doctors’ to mutilate your children.

Even Kenya, even the Middle East, will eventually fall victim to "the errors of Satan"; the Blessed Virgin Mary revealed that to one of the seers of Fatima, Sister Lucy (Lucia). 

“Somalis are capitalists. We’re entrepreneurs. We don’t want welfare. We want to start businesses, to work. 

“Biden is an unelected tyrant. We do not have to pretend that he is the president. So many are covering over the truth with convenient lies. But I will not.

... "My son was being treated for the coronavirus - why did he need a vaccine? And there was no way I was going to touch that thing made from the cells of aborted children. I refused.

“The doctor wouldn’t relent. The patient advocate and Child Protective Services all called me. They then descended on the hospital room. They were pressuring me to have myself and my son and other children vaccinated.

“I called my imam.

If a NZ Catholic called their priest in similar circumstances, what would be his response, when Pope Francis instructed us all to take "that thing" as "an act of love"? 

I had my own patient advocate come into the room. And then I told the doctor and the Child Protective Services person and the hospital’s ‘patient advocate’ to sit and listen to a lecture from my side. They eventually backed down.

“I blame the Republicans and the Democrats for what has happened to America. Republicans help the Democrats—it’s a uniparty. The Left are blatantly about hate, cheating, abortion. The Republicans make a show of opposing the Democrats, but in the end they play along.

Sounds eerily like New Zealand? 

“We have no good options in politics. And nowhere to go.

 We stand and fight. Because the fight is right now, and right here.”

“Still I cannot wake up American conservatives. They are living in la-la land. They think it can’t happen here. But it is. Right now. Trump will be jailed. Then his supporters. It’s already happening.

“A united people under God is the only way to resuscitate our country. A divided people under tyranny will be its death.

“The Siad Barre regime, the regime of the dictator that killed my dad, deliberately pitted the people against one other, playing to tribal factionalism.

“In the end, it was exactly like it is now in America. The people were divided and weaponized against each other.

“One day, it all blew up into a civil war.

We have a criminal administration propped up by a lying press and a debauched, predatory elite. Either we stand up now and say enough is enough, or we lose our freedoms forever.

She must be talking about New Zealand. 

“And if that happens, if America slips into civil war like Somalia once did, there will be blood in the streets like no one has ever seen. There will be no mercy.

“I pray for America. Everyone must pray for America too.

As we must all pray for New Zealand. 

“But I will keep fighting. Truly, I fear tyranny more than death. I fear God more than man.”

The Miraculous Catch of Fish (Raphael)

You denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you

- Lesson, Wednesday in Easter Week 


  1. Re ‘Beginning 2024, Minnesota will require public school “teachers” to support transgender ideology in order to get a “teaching” licence’ has implications that would be a worry for us all. Where does it all end? Next it could be a range of licences available only if you support: abortion, euthanasia, ending of free speech, etc. Surely those in authority must strive to avoid situations that could possibly lead us to civil war.

  2. With the police and armed forces politicised to do this Government's bidding, and with law-abiding citizens stripped of their fire-arms, civil war is not looking winnable by us.
