Thursday 20 April 2023


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Justin Trudeau with host Brooke Lynn Hytes, (get it? ) swinging by the "werkroom" on the upcoming series "Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs. the World." 

 The world is gripped by demonic possession, amply demonstrated (above) by Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the first world leader to visit "Canada's Drag Race: Canada vs the World", a series with spinoffs in  Australia, Sweden, Mexico and the United Kingdom.

In Calgary Pastor Artur Pawlowski's son Nathaniel could face massive fines and jail for preaching Bible verses outside a drag queen story time on Saturday - a violation, according to Calgary police, of a new city bylaw banning such protests. Like father, like son: Artur Pawlowski made headlines the world over in 2021 and 2022 for breaking COVID rules banning worship.  

Trudeau is a confidant of New Zealand's late unlamented PM Jacinda Ardern, both having received training from the World Economic Forum's Klaus Schwab, who many would describe as the devil incarnate -and the devil incarnate himself does have demons under him who execute his plans.

Father Chad Ripperger, American Catholic priest, theologian, philosopher, and exorcist, explains:

Baal is the Demon of impurity. His intention is to get cultures to succumb to impurity, largely through fornication. Once this sets in the purpose of the conjugal act (children) is lost. Sex is then just for pleasure. Men and women are delivered up to their lusts. 

The Demon of Asmodeus is the demon of homosexuality in men. 

The Demon of Leviathan is the demon of homosexuality, of the masculine kind, in women. 

The Demon of Lilith is the seductive form of homosexuality in women. 

The fifth Demon is Baphomet, the Demon of Child Sacrifice in abortion.

Fr Ripperger states that all cultures are pushed in this direction; historically this is always the progression. Fornication leads to contraception which leads to homosexuality and then to abortion.

New Zealand’s legalisation of divorce, same-sex marriage and abortion have delivered the nation into the grip of the top five demons under Satan. Demonic possession was made abundantly clear by the violence at Posie Parker's event at Albert Park Auckland and the mob hysteria evidenced the following day in Wellington by thousands thwarted of their opportunity to throw tomato juice and assault old women, likewise. 

It's only surprising that New Zealand isn't competing with Australia and the other crazed countries listed above for the dubious honour of winning this international "drag race".


The son of pastor Artur Pawlowski could be facing massive fines and possible jail time after he preached Bible verses outside a drag queen story time held at a public library over the weekend, which Calgary police said violates a new city bylaw banning such protests. 

On Saturday, Nathaniel Pawlowski, whose father Artur made headlines the world over in 2021 and 2022 for going against COVID health rules banning worship, was detained and ticketed by Calgary Police Service (CPS) because he was preaching too “close” to the drag event.  

Pawlowski told Fox News that he was outside the event, which was held at a Calgary Public library, “just to preach, read the Bible and just speak.” 

Video of the incident on Saturday was posted on his father Artur’s Rumble account and shows Pawlowski along with his friend Deklan Friesen speaking to a crowd outside the library. 


Nathaniel Pawlowski gets booked for preaching

He was moved away by Calgary police officers, who then issued him tickets. He was told he had violated a city bylaw. 

As noted by Pawlowski, there were counter-protesters outside the library, who looked to be in support of transgender ideology, but despite them interrupting his preaching, they were not ticketed. 

Just as the trans enthusiasts punching old women at Albert Park were not ticketed.   

In June 2022, Calgary City Council, under left-leaning Mayor Jyoti Gondek, amended the city’s harassment bylaws to “specifically prohibit insulting or demeaning behavior, including unwanted sexual advances, or harassing anyone on the basis of age, race, sexual orientation, disability, gender, gender identity or gender expression, among others.” 

Calgary City Council went further still and last month passed a new “Safe and Inclusive Access Bylaw” that disallows “specified protests” both inside and outside all city-owned and affiliated public buildings. Gondek put her full support behind the buffer zone bylaw. 

The bylaw means pastors or concerned parents protesting pro-LGBT events at public buildings will be barred from getting within 100 meters of any such location.

Pawlowski noted that his ticket has no penalty listed yet, as police must “review the evidence on me and that they will be stopping by my home to issue charges.”  

His ticket does have a mandatory court appearance date. Each charge under Calgary’s bylaw carries a maximum fine of up to $10,000.  

Pawlowski observed as per the Fox News report, that he asked the police officers if they would also be enforcing “the same law on to the other side with the Antifa protesters.” 

“He assured me (they would),” said Pawlowski, adding that he “waited” the “entire time until they left, and nobody was served a ticket except for myself and my friend for preaching, reading the Bible and holding a prayer vigil.” 

According to Pawlowski, his preaching focussed on “morality, biblical standards, sexual immorality and how this radical gender ideology has gone too far.” 

He also claimed that another video of the incident appears to show a police officer saying that “Yeah,” they were just issuing tickets to “just those who (Gondek) opposes.” 

Calgary’s new bylaw came about after Christian pastor Derek Reimer of Mission 7 Ministries was jailed on charges relating to protesting drag queen story times at public libraries.  

He spent Easter in jail and is awaiting a court hearing after being arrested a third time.  

LifeSiteNews reported that Reimer in late February was forcibly removed from a Calgary public library for protesting a drag queen story time at which he preached that “homosexuality is a sin.” 

A few weeks ago, Canadian dad Chris Elston was violently assaulted by radical transgender activists in Vancouver for protesting gender ideology targeting kids. 

Two weeks ago the far-left New Democratic Party (NDP) of Ontario, which is the province’s official opposition, introduced a bill that would in effect ban anyone from protesting within 100 meters of drag queen story times or other “2SLGBTQI+” designated events. 

Pastor Artur Pawlowski's son detained in Calgary for preaching against drag show targeting kids - LifeSite (

Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern shared the same WEF training, and Christopher Hipkins - while not being able to define a woman (or anything else) and so not quite making the cut for the Klaus Schwab pep talks - is still manipulated by the same forces. 

So with Satan and his generals running the show on behalf of Hipkins and the Labour/Greens/Maori caucus, we can confidently expect similar legislation in New Zealand "any time soon".

St Michael the Archangel Vanquishing Satan (Raphael)

St Michael the Archangel, pray for New Zealand  



  1. He does look like his mother in this photo of the pair. Although she looks a bit more like a man than he does.

  2. Its not demonic its woke and fight it

  3. So what is the demon affecting pedarist priests? Ripperger does not say. He is a clericalist of the first order who lacks credibility.

  4. Trudeau a closet gay perhaps or leaning in that direction?

  5. He's a sicko!
    The sooner that man goes under ground the better the world will be.
    The political rhetoric that spews out his mouth is sickening.


  6. NZ has equally draconian legislation in place as Canada, the NZ ‘Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act 2022’. It's just waiting for some gay activist to take a test case against some good Christian quoting so-called 'anti gay' lines from the Bible. Wham, the Christian will be fined or go to jail. The legislation is like a loaded gun pointed at the head of every Bible quoting Christian.

    And the NZ Catholic bishops seem to support the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Act 2022. Watch this space!
