Wednesday 22 June 2022


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Not relevant to the story, just relevant to Public Enemy No 1

"Why are we still firing nurses over the Covid jab?" Heather du Plessis-Allan can't work it out and neither can most of the people who've recently waited eight hours at ED.

Good, normal people struggle to get their heads around the enormity of evil confronting them in New Zealand now. 

The reality is that Jacinda Ardern wants chaos and killing. She's working for Satan. Satan's running the show and we're being culled like stupid, helpless sheep.   

Du Plessis-Allan tells it like it is, at face value: 

We have a shortage of 4000 nurses.

We have a report that a woman died in Middlemore emergency department of a brain bleed last Wednesday morning because there was an 8 hour wait to see a doctor.

Brain bleeds are known to be induced by the very same vaccine which nurses have had enough of (like, two jabs already). "Severe thrombocytopenia and antibodies to PF4 make a diagnosis of vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) likely"

We have surgeries delayed another month in Wellington hospital because there aren’t enough nurses to cope.

Palmerston North Hospital is so short-staffed it’s being described as unsafe.

Like all our hospitals, it's been unsafe for their littlest patients since the '70s. The only place in New Zealand which is now more unsafe for a baby is its mother's womb. 

Christchurch Hospital’s general team has never before cared for so many people at once.   

Which tells you that it's not just the shortage of nurses, it's the plethora of patients. Just wait: we're going to get sicker and sicker.                 

We are paying South Auckland GPs $1400 an hour to take pressure off Middlemore.

And the vax-happy sleepwalkers will likely tell you that the pressure on hospitals is due to all those selfish people who wouldn't take the jab, when the truth is that the pressure comes not just from a shortage of nurses but from a plethora of vaccine-injured individuals who have no idea why they're sick, and unless the ones who die have an autopsy no one else will have any idea either.  

And we’re still standing these nurses down from their work.

And by the way, we’re not talking about anti-vaxxers. We’re talking about nurses who’ve had two jabs but simply don’t want to get a third. So what? About a million Kiwis did exactly the same thing: got two jabs, skipped the third.

Nice to know there are a million Kiwis with that much common sense, at least. But not enough. Just watch as the sheep are herded in for a fourth jab, announced yesterday.

Minister of Sick Andrew Little, Public Enemy No 2 

As I say, we have a shortage of 4000 nurses and we’ve stood down another 518 for the booster.

If you go into hospital tonight with a brain bleed, do you want a nurse?  Or do you only want a nurse who’s been boosted?

If you say you want only a boosted nurse, are you then prepared to take a chance with your life and wait 8 hours so you can see a boosted nurse?

What I’m really surprised to hear is that the nurses’ union - the NZNO supports this.

Heather, it's not surprising. The entire health establishment, not just in New Zealand but around the world, is controlled by the WHO - who Trump snubbed and Biden rejoined. That tells you all you need to know, really. 

Their members do not want to work alongside nurses who haven’t had the booster.

Diddums. The 'health' (sickness) industry, like the teaching profession, academia and the media, is socialist. 'Health professionals' drink in Ardern's propaganda and bring it up again like the bile that it is.

And yet look at how many medical staff haven’t had the flu jab: 46 percent.

That figures. Medical staff know something about medicine, right? Perhaps they realise this isn't a vaccine at all, but an untested gene-altering serum. And some don't just have the good memory they need to pass their exams, they have a brain as well. 

This is so crazy that I can’t quite get my head around it: that we would rather delay operations and leave people living in pain without a hip replacement and we would rather make it even harder for our hospitals to cope right now than let nurses stay at work just because they wouldn’t get a third jab. Crazy.

It's actually not crazy. It makes perfect sense. Our hospitals started going bonkers the moment they started killing their smallest, most innocent patients by abortion. The global elite and the Freemasons who trained Jacinda Ardern want to reduce the world's population in order to make the planet a nicer place for them to live in, and they employ any and all means at their disposal. And we should realise that Satan, who hates life and happiness, is using our hospitals, the global elite and the Freemasons as Luciferian tools of destruction. 


It's only God and His Blessed Mother, Our Lady Help of Christians, who can save us from extermination.  

Coronation of the Virgin
El Greco

Our Lady Help of Christians, pray for us


  1. Not to mention the man dead on his door step because the ambulance took 6 hours to get to him. He had chest pain.
    It defies belief that willing and capable nurses and midwives are being denied work because of the useless jab. And NZNO supporting it is insane.

  2. Couldn't agree more Julia, this is most frustrating!
