Saturday 25 June 2022


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not entirely relevant to the post but mental illness is a charitable construction 

Today, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Roe vs Wade was overturned. And every other year, in the US, this will be celebrated on the Birth of St John the Baptist, whose famous leap of recognition of Christ is scriptural proof of the humanity of babies in the womb. What an impetus to faith! What encouragement to those who persevere in prayer!

Deo gratias.

That whitewashed sepulchre of a Catholic, US President Joe Biden, said it was "a sad day ... Roe is on the ballot this fall." Our very own P M Jacinda Ardern, architect of the ALA, was "incredibly upset".

Diddums. We are incredibly upset too. Incredibly upset that you've got away scot-free with murdering thousands of babies and ruining the lives of countless Kiwi mothers and families since you introduced the Abortion Law Act into our Parliament in March 2020. No wonder New Zealand has gone to the pack so fast. 

"People are absolutely entitled to have deeply held convictions on this issue. But those personal beliefs should never rob another from making their own decisions," (Ardern) said.

These are not 'personal beliefs'. This is the law - of God and the State. Murder is a crime which "cries to heaven for vengeance"..

"To see that principle now lost in the United States feels like a loss for women everywhere. When there are so many issues to tackle, so many challenges that face women and girls, we need progress, not to fight the same fights and move backwards."

Most if not all of these issues, dear Prime Minister, are caused by abortion and the other three sins that cry to heaven for vengeance, and God's vengeance is what this country is experiencing now, under your atheistic, Marxist leadership.

We can only pray - and sacrifice! - that Biden, Ardern and their foolish fellow travellers may be enlightened. These baby-killing sodomy-sympathisers are up against it: Justice Clarence Thomas (a true Catholic, six years in seminary halted by upfront, stated racism) gives notice that the Supreme Court should revisit the 'right' to same-sex intimacy and gay marriage.

Justice Clarence Thomas: "I am decidedly and unapologetically Catholic"

Friends, the show's not over till the fat lady sings! This gives us defenders of real Catholicism much courage to continue; it is the big, big win for Christ the King and those who love Him that we need to teach us that prayers are answered, that in the cause of right, when we pursue the Divine Will in prayer, perseverance pays. The faithful who sacrifice for the fulfilment of God's will are especially rewarded, sacrifice being so highly effective for saving souls.

That down-to-earth doyenne of conservative Catholic bloggers, Ann Barnhardt (formerly an expert in cash cattle marketing and cash market arbitrage!) has this to say about the Solemnity Americans celebrate today in the best way ever yet, with the banishment of R v W to the rubbish bin of history:

Specifically today I am reminded of the fact that science has now confirmed that in all of the Eucharistic miracles which have been confirmed as genuine and involved a Consecrated Host turning fleshy, the Flesh in every instance, upon testing, is from a human male, blood type AB, and the flesh is ENDOCARDIUM, that is, INTERIOR HEART WALL.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus is not a syrupy platitude. It is a physical reality, and moreover, it is a physical reality present at every valid Mass.  The Eucharist literally, physically IS the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  

 The Gradual of the Mass for the Feast of The Sacred Heart is from Psalm 24: 8-9

“The Lord is sweet and righteous: therefore He will give a Law to sinners in the way. He will guide the mild in judgment: He will teach the meek His ways.” 

  1. He tells us that He loves us. Over and over and over again. And, He is, without question, the most hated thing in the universe. Men and demons hate God precisely because God loves them.
  2. He tells us what pleases Him, what He wants from us, both in terms of worship, and in terms of The Law, namely: Love Him above all else, Love our neighbors for love of Him, and spread the Gospel to all men and nations.
  3. He tells us what hurts Him.  These are the “Thou shalt nots”….Looking at this list, it is no surprise whatsoever that Antipope Bergoglio and the infiltrators ... despise solemn, reverent, God-centered liturgy; they rail against The Law and “Lovers of the Law”; and they rail against proselytization.  Antipope Bergoglio has called proselytization “solemn nonsense”, has told people explicitly NOT to convert and enter the One True Church, and has compared The Great Commission to islamic jihad.  Finally, everything Antipope Bergoglio and his toadies have done to date has had as its goal the disregarding or overriding of The Law.  He is at war with the Rule of Law – GOD’S LAW.  Marriage, confession, reception of Holy Communion, holy orders is coming next, and on and on.

    If this does not constitute being at war with God, then I have no idea what does.

    And yet, Christ, all-knowing, all-understanding, and pure, infinite love for each and every person, told us exactly how we can hurt Him, because if He didn’t tell us how we can hurt Him, neither would we know, by definition, how to Love Him.

    And clearly, to Him it was and is worth it.

    This is why The Law and the Sacred Heart of Jesus are inextricably connected. 

    Hate one, and you hate the other. Period.

    Be assured of my prayers. I hope this helps.''

    St John the Baptist
    El Greco

  4. St John the Baptist, on your feast day, please pray for us


  1. Simon O'connor MP was publically castigated by Chris Luxon for supporting the US Supreme Court decision. National have always loved having it both ways. ACT have been very honest. Claimed to be pro choice and backed the Supreme Court ruling.


    1. I say:
      I apologise. I noted that anomaly and meant to check ACT out but it slipped what I laughingly refer to as my mind.
