Wednesday 15 June 2022


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Bergoglio and Roche tell the Traditional Latin Mass to f.... off

"The time has come, the Walrus said," to talk of just one thing - of leaving the Novus Ordo. 

With antipope Bergoglio's Traditionis Custodes (TC) the Traditional Latin Mass was jettisoned from the Barque of Peter and with it, into the drink, most of sacred Tradition. And Bishop Roche's Responsa ad dubia is intended to ensure the Mass of Ages sinks without trace.

It's time, friends, to decide if we stay in Bergoglio's faux church with its heretical, jab-happy hierarchy, its Lavender Mafia and complaisant clergy, or strive to retrieve from the flotsam "the most beautiful thing this side of heaven" and all that is holy about the One, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

"The Novus Ordo regime is the devil, clothed in vestments. laughing at Christ crucified and at His Mother at the foot of the cross. Those who are still in the pews at Newchurch "masses" sink deeper into this blasphemy with each passing day" - Jason Morgan, writing in the Remnant, May 15.

But leaving those pews at Newchurch "masses" may well mean leaving one's family there to "sink deeper into this blasphemy with each passing day". 

World's leading expert Dr Peter McCullough (r) says the Vatican must answer for deaths by vax 

Some of us have become used to separation from our families at the Novus Ordo Mass, being egregiously banished to separate celebrations for our refusal to accept a so-called vaccine, forced on Catholics as 'an act of love' by a so-called pope, a vaccine which is really a deadly gene serum, because it was manufactured with the unsolicited assistance of murdered babies. But "Blessed shall you be when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake (Lk 6:22).

And now we now confront this new agony, also prophesied by Christ: 

"The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against his father, the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother, the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law"(Lk 12:53). Mothers in law are all very well, and even children, but leaving behind in the NO pews a spouse who is spiritually blind or falsely obedient to an antipope is something else. Jesus doesn't tell us that husband shall be divided against wife, or vice versa. Does this mean He didn't intend that to happen? Would that never be His will?  

It's a rhetorical question which for obvious reasons no Novus Ordo priest would answer. This verse, in this context, is not one that NO priests would choose to comment on in their Sunday 'homilies': confrontation doesn't lend itself to cosy,confidential chats. Generally speaking, the texts of the Latin Mass missal don't do that - which is why at a Latin Mass you get a true sermon - but at the Novus Ordo the word of God has been bowdlerised, which makes for conversational-style 'homilies'.


The burning question, for those who take the agonising decision to shake the Novus Ordo dust off their sandals, is, where to go? To a traditional order of priests such as the FSSP (Priestly Fraternity of St Peter, Auckland) or the FSSR (Sons of the Most Holy Redeemer, Christchurch) - neither of which is represented in Wellington Archdiocese, whose overlord Cardinal John Atcherley Dew has, for reasons best known to himself, chosen to cancel the flourishing Latin Mass community of St Columba's, Ashhurst. The only alternative in the Land of Mordor therefore, is the Society of St Pius X. 

The SSPX have been in bad odour ever since its saintly founder, Archbishop Lefebvre, was excommunicated for illegally appointing bishops in the wake of Vatican II, but don't let your bishop or PP or busybodies (not even Cardinal Raymond Burke) tell you not to go there. 

Yes, their sacraments are illicit. The SSPX still doesn't enjoy full canonical status in the Church, in spite of Pope Benedict - the true pope - working to achieve that goal throughout his pontificate and being very close to it when - funnily enough - he 'resigned', thus enabling the illegal election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio. And when it's heretics the like of Bergoglio and Co who are running the show, how much respect should we have for their judgment of the SSPX as 'illicit'? They may say SSPX sacraments are illicit - but they can't deny that they are valid. Their leadership is no longer under excommunication and the Church (that's the Novus Ordo Church itself, mind you) has always refrained from declaring the entire SSPX to be in a state of schism.

So, the relevant Canon (844.2) tells us: 

Whenever necessity requires it or true spiritual advantage suggests it, and provided that danger of error or of indifferentism is avoided, the Christian faithful for whom it is physically or morally impossible to approach a Catholic minister are permitted to receive the sacraments of penance, Eucharist, and anointing of the sick from non-Catholic ministers in whose Churches these sacraments are valid.  (Emphases added.)

"Necessity requires it" - need we go any further? The necessity requiring it is the salvation of our souls. Can't get more necessary than that.

"True spiritual advantage suggests it" - one has only to attend an SSPX Mass (which you could do licitly any Sunday, if you attend an NO Mass as well) to realise the spiritual advantage gained from the reverence of the liturgy and the vastly superior content, spiritually and theologically, of the sermon. 

"Danger of error or of indifferentism" is avoided by learning and understanding - insofar as that's possible, considering the obfuscation and confusion surrounding this issue - the status of the SSPX and their sacraments: that is, that attending an SSPX Mass is not the same thing as attending a Catholic Mass; and that the status of the SSPX in the Church is "irregular".

"It is ... morally impossible to approach a Catholic minister" - i.e. it's morally impossible to attend a Novus Ordo Mass without risking one's faith and belief in the Real Presence by the casual atmosphere, the cavalier treatment of the Most Holy Eucharist, by embarrassing abuses which suggest that Mass and/or Eucharist may be invalid, and even profanation of Our Lord by the very real possibility of treading on His sacred Body in fragments of the Host fallen to the floor.

Celebrating the Novus Ordo 
also self-explanatory

In his letter of presentation of his motu proprio (TC), Bergoglio is uncompromising:

"I am compelled to revoke the faculty granted by my predecessors." Compelled by whom? Who gives him authority to revoke that faculty? Not the world's bishops, at any rate; they were not consulted. This is hardly his celebrated 'synodal' approach. But cheer up, friends: Bergoglio clearly implies here that if he's 'compelled' to revoke his predecessors' faculty, then future popes may similarly feel 'compelled' to revoke his.

In TC Bergoglio goes on to say: "I take the firm decision to abrogate all the norms, instructions, concessions and habits prior to the present motu proprio. ..."I take the decision to suspend the faculty granted by my predecessors." Not much wriggle room here, but there's even less in the CDW's response (which by the way had Francis' blessing - for what that's worth).

Bishop Roche and his CDW now consider the Mass to be the "sharing in the one Bread broken" (sounds like that ditty they're so fond of at Palmerston North cathedral); "the memorial of the Lord's Passover"; to attend Mass means "to participate at the Eucharistic table".

So going by Bishop Roche et al, Our Lord's cruel Passion and Death on Calvary is now consigned to the rubbish bin of history. Forget about Mary standing beneath the cross, Her Immaculate Heart pierced by the lance as truly as Her Son's. The Novus Ordo Mass is now all about enjoying a community meal. Forget the Novus Ordo, friends! That Mass is so different, it's a different religion. 

Bishop Roche and his friends in Rome want us to see Holy Mass as "the constant search for ecclesial communion ...preserving the gift of ecclesial communion by walking together " ..."to safeguard communion". Novus Ordo Catholics may as well go around the corner to join the Anglicans (as of course they already do, on occasion). It's all about blending. Obliterating differences - centuries of doctrine, of dogma, of truth - in the interests of a false ecumenism which has long since replaced any thirst for souls, for conversion to the one true faith, in the Catholic Church, as Jesus Christ instructed His disciples before ascending into heaven. It's all about blending into an amorphous mass suitable for renaming as the globalists' One World Church, with Jorge Bergoglio at its head.

Gone, with TC and the response to the bishops, are the four traditional purposes of the Mass: 

1) To render Him the honour due to Him, and in this respect the Mass is latreutical;

2) To thank Him for His benefits, and in this respect the sacrifice is Eucharistic;

3) To appease Him, to give Him satisfaction for our sins, to relieve the souls in purgatory, and in this respect the Mass i propitiatory'

4) To obtain all the graces that are necessary for us, and from this point of view the Mass is impetratory


The CDW has the gall to claim that the Reformed Mass is the "testimony of an unchanged faith". One dares to claim, actually, that the CDW is lying in its teeth. 

It's because Bergoglio and his cronies insist that unity is now the be-all and end-all of the Mass that they insist on just the one single form for celebrating it. They ask that "the liturgical books promulgated by the Holy Pontiffs Paul VI and John Paul II be recognised as the unique expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite", by which they mean to say any other form such as the 1962 missal is prohibited, and to ram their point home they repeat it four times. It is a complete abrogation of Pope Benedict XVI's Summorum Pontificum. 

And after all this, they assert that such restrictions are not intended to "marginalise the faithful who are rooted in the previous form of celebration. Pull the other one! To what lengths would they go then, if they really intended to marginalise the faithful? They talk about "the liturgical reform dictated by Vatican Council II. 'Dictated' doesn't sound quite like the lovey-dovey, anything-goes 'Spirit of Vatican II' we've all come to abhor, now does it?

One more thing: we the faithful are to celebrate Mass with the priest. That is to say, we lay people no longer just "attend" Mass; we celebrate it. Just what all those religious sisters of a certain age and other assorted feminists were dying to hear. No longer, it seems, is the priest the only one who can celebrate Mass. Does that mean that we lay people too, even women, can now act in persona Christi

But apparently it's Vatican II's Sacrosanctum Concilium that is responsible for all these innovations. It seems that if we thought we'd seen the last of Vat2 inventions, we were wrong. Not that you'd know it from Sacrosantctum Concilium, which talks about other rites as well as the Roman rite, and so acknowledges the existence of several rites in the Church - and wishes to preserve them, saying "The Holy Council declares that Holy Mother Church considers all legitimately recognised rites to be equal in right and dignity. She wishes to .... favour them in every way."

And again, and above all: "The Church ... does not wish, even in the liturgy, to impose the rigid form of a single wording." It seems that Vatican II would accuse Bergoglio himself of the very crime he imputes to traditional Catholics: rigidity! How can he and his minions quote Vatican II in support of their very own brand of rigidity? Did they even read Sacrosanctum Concilium - especially the bit that says "The use of the Latin language, except by special right, shall be preserved in the Latin rites."

We may conclude that Antipope Bergoglio is the new Pilate, condemning Christ our Saviour to be crucified once more, and Bishop Roche and the CDW are the new soldiers driving in new nails. It's time for us lay faithful to leave the mindless throng of Novus Ordo-ites, to keep our Most Holy Mother company at the foot of the cross. Isn't that where we belong, praying for those in the hierarchy who condemn the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and its Saving Victim, and praying for one another, for the virtues of discernment, courage, faith and fortitude we need to save our souls and save the Traditional Latin Mass?

We should remember that we must save our own soul first: if we don't save our own, we won't save any others'. We need to remember that "An unjust law is no law at all" (Ss Augustine, Thomas Aquinas) and that the law which states the SSPX is unlawful may itself well be unlawful. We need to pray for sight for the spiritually blind, and for our obedience to God, not man. Traditionis Custodes and the note of CDW are contrary to both the 'divine good' and the 'common good' and so according to St Thomas they "do not oblige in conscience. Remember that, friends, and bruit it abroad. 

To accompany Christ and His Mother in this Passion we must attend the Latin Rite Mass whenever we possibly can, even when it's hard yards - driving at least as many as we would to get to a fancy restaurant or a big game - and make spiritual Communions daily when we can't. 

We are at war, my friends. Bergoglio's TC was a brutal attack on the Traditional Latin Mass because it is virtually all that remains of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church he intends to demolish, and Roche's note was a second salvo, even more savage than the first. We must defend the Tridentine Mass as an expression of God's will, manifested in the Council of Trent which "by definitively fixing the canons of the rite, raised an impassable barrier against any heresy that might undermine the integrity of the mystery of the Holy Mass" - Brief critical examination of the new ordo missae by Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci. 

We must spring to the defence of God and His Holy Mass, arming ourselves - every day but especially when we can't attend the liturgy - with the Most Holy Rosary, which after the Mass itself is our most potent weapon, praying first for our persecutors and enemies, antipope Bergoglio and the CDW, but also for the priests who will continue to pray the Latin Mass, reminding ourselves that Our Lady, Queen of the Universe, Queen of the Divine Will, is all-powerful. We need to meditate on the martyrs, especially the Vendeeans who fought for the Faith against the French Revolution.

Today we celebrate St Vitus, martyred for refusing to sacrifice to gods. We are all called to be saints and in this fight for God and His Holy Church, who knows? we may be called also to be martyrs.

We beseech Thee, O Lord, through the intercession of Thy holy martyr St Vitus, grant to Thy Church not to be worldly-minded but advance in that humility which is pleasing to Thee; that despising what is evil, she may exercise with unfeigned charity the things which are right - Collect, Memorial of St Vitus.

Martyrdom of St Vitus

We acknowledge and are grateful to Yves de Lassus and the Remnant for his article Traditionis Custodes: A Declaration of War (May 15) .


  1. O dear. Where do I start. At worse, the SSPX is an irregular community. There is much worse going on in the novus ordo. Look at what Luther did. The novus ordo is almost a complete copy cat. Read, Catholics, read. I couldn't get anyone in CUF to read apart from Cuf literature. That was pre Internet. If you don't like reading, view YouTube and trad talks on there. The trads are getting vocations. One day there will be full recognition from a strong Pope.

  2. CUF was a dangerous diversion from the truth. Wouldn't touch the Tridentine Mass. Their leadership played 'follow the leader' and turned Pope JP II into a pop idol.

  3. Anon:
    No its not the time to quit the Novus Ordo Church - its time to stand up and fix it. Look to our faith in Jesus Christ. Does He want us to abandon His Church, to succumb to the crazy activities of the small group of women and men who think they are running His Church? The crazies who think they are in control are vulnerable, they explode at the first sign of opposition. If you even attempt to engage them in balanced debate on their extreme agenda, they melt down. It wont take much to topple them, and thus rescue the Church.

    Running off to SSPX is one solution. It does all of us good to go there occasionally to see what real Catholicism is like. But our real duty is to Christ and His one true Church, descended from St Peter all the way to, dare I say it, Pope Francis. SSPX is a lifeboat, only to be used if satan actually sinks the ship.


  4. I say:
    I agree: we can and should stand up and fix the Novus Ordo, while at the same time receiving the spiritual sustenance we need for the battle at the Traditional Latin Mass which is the legitimate liturgical expression of the Catholic Church - if we have access - while transferring our financial support from the Novus Ordo to TLM communities.
    Our Lord certainly does not want us to abandon His Church. The TLM communities are of His Church and far more so now than the Novus Ordo. The SSPX (for those who can't attend the FSSP or FSSR) is, I believe, spiritually and morally, in and of the Church; it's only the evil politicking of modernists which has so far prevented their full recognition. Lending the SSPX our support will hasten the day when that will come.
    By no means do we back off from vigorous engagement with the 'crazies' - who, we should remember, have the laissez-faire support of the supine masses and so should be fought, tooth and nail. As you say, at the SSPX (and the TLM communities generally) we see what real Catholicism is, and the Mass of Ages which of course also descends from St Peter and genuinely far more so than the NO, will sustain us in the battle.
    Faithful Catholics in the Land of Mordor will be welcomed into the SSPX lifeboat and then get back on board the Barque of Peter when the time comes, as it surely will - because satan has no power to sink it.

  5. Do not think the faithful or what is left of them, can save the novus ordo...unless strong directives come from Rome about its rubrics. Would these be followed?

  6. Rosary and stations of the cross sustained isolated Japanese Catholics. God bless Fr Smith SM and Fr Cummins CSSR, early trad priests who assisted us as well as Fr Cecil Crocker SM. ALL LONG DEAD.

    1. Fr Crocker was a friend of my father's, highly esteemed for his sermons. As far as I know he never said the Novus Ordo. He celebrated the Tridentine Mass in his home with a handful of local parishioners who never attended the Novus Ordo either. Sadly, my father wasn't one of them.

    2. Interesting as I only knew the name and did not know much abt him except that he worked in Sydney as a priest for a while.

  7. Prayers plse for Bishop Roddy Wright a Catholic Bishop from Scotland who broke the vow of celibacy. Was sent to NZ and died in Napier perhaps bcoz it is close to Kopua Monestary.

  8. Quite a few years ago. Died of liver cancer. No mention of his funeral.
