Wednesday 1 June 2022


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+Bergoglio wields a wrecking ball

" 'The Catholic Church is the One True Church and everyone else is not." That's what I grew up with and it's nonsense." 

Brother Dr Kevin Dobbyn FMS was speaking yesterday at Palmerston North cathedral on "Being Catholic in the 21st Century".

Brother Kevin makes that sound easy as pie. Brother Kevin has been  sent to the PN Diocese apparently to ensure we all stay on the freemasonic rails we've travelled since the '70s and '80s in "the spirit of Vatican II", perhaps because the Traditional Latin Massgoers in the diocese who are supposed to be dead won't lie down.

So why should we be Catholic at all? Because to be Catholic, says Brother Kevin, "is to participate in God's dream, to be fully human". But, Brother Kevin, we're also called to be fully divine.

To be a Catholic in every century has been, and is, the greatest privilege on earth - that of belonging to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. That's what we profess in the Nicene Creed we recite every Sunday. "The One" means exactly what it states, that none of the Churches of the Protestant Deformation is or can be that "One"and if Brother Kevin believes otherwise, he is professing the heresy of indifferentism.

"Jesus engaged with the world," said Brother Kevin. And so did this meeting - almost entirely.  We had a glimpse of the spiritual dimension when someone plaintively asked, "What about repentance?" but it disappeared when Brother Kevin said he would call us to attention when we were getting away from his topics; there was no point in being there, he said, if we weren't willing to learn. 

The PN Diocese had "a very good reputation in the '70s and '80s for theological formation and a strong tradition of Vatican II", said Brother Kevin, and he wouldn't "accept people going against where we're going". 

We did pray the Hail Mary - but at Brother Kevin's direction we prayed not for "us sinners", but for "us lovers". We heard that the opposite of faith is certainty, like the Scribes and Pharisees had certainty, because "the Church is a Church of confusion. It's always been like that." 

It wasn't certainty that Christ complained of in the Scribes and Pharisees, but hypocrisy. Brother Kevin is not that old. He may not remember the Church of certainty enjoyed by Catholics before Vatican II, and still.enjoyed by Latin Massgoers.

Yes, unlike the Church of 2000 years AD, that of the 21st century is a Church of confusion which primarily arose in the 1960s and has increased exponentially under the ambiguous (at best) pontificate of +Jorge Mario Bergoglio - whose latest, surely deliberate demo of demolition is naming as cardinal one Bishop Robert McElroy, who's very recently climbed into clergy like Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone for opposing Holy Communion for US Senator Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi is a very public sinner for her singleminded devotion to the child sacrifice of abortion who as such could fairly be described as handmaid to Satan. What a snub to +Cordileone (who should have said no to Nancy ten years ago, but that's the N O effect for you) and a facer to all faithful, unconfused Catholics (largely Latin Massgoers) who believe and practise the Fifth Commandment! 

Bishop (now Cardinal) Robert McElroy talks about "lived reality of men and women and children and families" 

Brother Kevin's meeting ascended to the spiritual plane again with the source and summit of our faith - the Most Holy Eucharist - when Brother Kevin was asked if the Mass were in fact the unbloody re-enactment of the Sacrifice of Calvary, but came down with a crash when he paused, then replied that he "wouldn't put it that way". Asked how, if it's true that the Mass is the most powerful agent for conversion in the world, it could really be preferable to attend a liturgy of the Word rather than Mass (as recommended by a certain NZ bishop), Brother Kevin demurred. 

"Being Catholic in the 21st Century" is for Brother Kevin Dobbyn, and presumably the other Marists who he says have been invited to Palmerston North, a matter of engaging in false ecumenism with other Churches (any or all other Churches), with the world and "the Spirit of Vatican II" - in spite of its fruits: plummeting Mass counts, no homegrown priestly vocations and desertion by the laity in droves. 

The session was certainly imbued with the spirit of Bishop Peter Cullinane and his patron, Cardinal John Dew. The latter's refusal to face the facts of "Being Catholic in the 21st Century" by shutting down the only growing expression of our faith, with its young families and new priests - the Traditional Latin Mass - begs the question of whether this tragic situation is in fact what the hierarchy wants? To obliterate all differences between Catholicism and the Churches of the Protestant Deformation and remake them into a New World Church for the New World Order (headed,if he can get the job done quick enough, before he dies as he must, by +Bergoglio)? 

It's highly significant that the cancelled Latin Mass community of St Columba's, Ashhurst, outnumbered Novus Ordo Massgoers at this meeting. For Brother Kevin that must been somewhat depressing. But he was large-minded enough to allow one of those who +Bergoglio says "do the work of the devil" - a blogger - in the door (after a third party reminded him that it was a public meeting) and even kindly brought her the glass of water she needed. And yes, he's a real brother to that NZ icon, Dave Dobbyn.

But oh, how one longs for this diocese and the NZ Bishops' Conference to fight their way out of the fog of "the spirit of Vatican II", and take flight with the Holy Spirit, Whose Descent we await this coming Sunday! To discover through the Mass, the Rosary and Adoration the faith in "Christ the Lord, King of all the Universe; of all in Heaven, on Earth, and Beneath ... All in All".* which seems lost.

"Jesus is here! He is here! Do not abandon Him!" St Manuel Garcia, who died as a bishop in 1940 in his native Spain, had a passion for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament conceived early in his priestly life and according to Victoria Schneider's The Bishop of the Abandoned Tabernacle he will help you to receive Holy Communion more fervently and to love Jesus more deeply in Eucharistic Adoration. A saintly bishop to ask to intercede for another one here in Palmerston North Diocese.

As an aside: 

Modern liturgists (like +Cullinane and Brother Kevin - ed) would adhere to a certain ritual reverence for the Scriptures and the assembly, but we would not accept a “substantial” presence in the physicality of the Lectionary, Gospel Book, or the physical gathering of the faithful.

No Real Presence on the altar as Mass begins:

Consequently, on the grounds of the sign value, it is more in keeping with the nature of the celebration that, through reservation of the sacrament in the tabernacle, Christ not be present eucharistically from the beginning on the altar where Mass is celebrated. That presence is the effect of the consecration and should appear as such. [Eucharisticum Mysterium 55]

A reminder that hosts in the tabernacle are for the sick and for others who must receive outside of Mass. No mention is made of having a “convenient” supply for distribution at Mass:

7. The consecrated hosts are to be frequently renewed and reserved in a ciborium or other vessel, in a number sufficient for the communion of the sick and of others outside Mass.[ GIRM 285, 292]

With some difficulty in some locations, security issues can impede #8 somewhat:

8. Pastors should see that churches and public oratories where, in conformity with the law, the holy eucharist is reserved, are open every day (and not just when Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says - ed) for at least several hours, at a convenient time, so that the faithful may easily pray in the presence of the blessed sacrament.[Eucharisticum Mysterium

Catholics have an absolutely urgent need in New Zealand - and around the world - to become familiar with their Lord and Saviour, really and truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar: those who've been pressured or deluded into taking the Pfizer shot or any other so-called vaccine could very well find themselves really and truly present with their Lord and Saviour in eternity before very long. Below is a link to a list of 150 patients compiled by a group of concerned New Zealand doctors who believe their untimely demise to be due to the agent that was supposed to prevent those deaths. 

If you made it this far in one sitting, you deserve a stiff drink. There are over 300 more cases like this, though predominantly featuring older people, including very obvious death clusters in some rest homes following V campaigns e.g. Parkwood Lodge Care Centre in Waikanae, Summerset in Nelson, Rowena Jackson in Invercargill, and Beattie Home in Otorohanga, with some insiders alleging suppression of the epidemic of post-injection deaths.

Medsafe managers, public health officials, politicians etc. all seem to have no clue that the deaths profiled here are not your everyday occurrences, but are a major ‘signal’ that is screaming blue murder. Some doctors immersed in their communities their whole lives do know something is wrong, and a few are shouting out. We are NOT crying wolf.

We believe the actual toll is greater than the database contains. Based on multiple different methods, it appears that 1 death per 2300 doses is a rational and reasonable number, and could get us to 2021’s 2000 excess deaths.  amith,Aaa 


St Mother Teresa

St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta teaches, “The time you spend with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the best time you will spend on earth. Each moment that you spend with Jesus will deepen your union with Him and make your soul everlastingly more glorious and beautiful in Heaven, and will help bring about everlasting peace on earth.”

*From "Praying the Latin Mass and the Passion" by Sharon Crooks PhD of the St Columba's Latin Mass community.


  1. It was, in fact, the height of arrogance for this brother to change the words of the Hail Mary. I suggest he read Homiletic and Pastoral Review to learn about sin.

  2. The church is never 'confused.' :People are confused including people who wear clerical garb.

    1. I say:
      Yes, of course you're right. The priests and people are horribly confused but the Church as the Body of Christ is indefectible.

  3. Pope Paul Vl wrote Mysteriam Fidei. An excellent starting point for what it means to be Catholic. No need for Creation Spirituality.

  4. Are we sinners or are we lovers ?Even if the most sublime Insight were to come whilst praying the Rosary, It would not compel me to change the words of the Hail Mary.In good contemplative teaching, one may retain the insight & to a degree, one may discover it anew amidst the words of the prayer. The first half of the Hail Mary is pure Gospel, the second half is the prayer of the Church. As St John said at the end of his Gospel, one doesn't alter, add to or take away from one word of the Gospel. I suggest the same applies to the heartfelt prayer of the Church. Roman.

  5. Seems sin a thing of the past apart from sinful structures.

  6. It was not the good Brother's place to tinker with the Hail Mary.Jesus came for sinners. Br Dobbyn is almost tinkering with sacred scripture and Christ's mission.

  7. That's the problem. They sit there tinkering and tinkering and tinkering. Why teach solid beautiful Catholicism when they can tinker?

  8. It's Aryanism again. Best we learn the Athanasian Creed to defend our position.
